def worker(file_handle: click.utils.LazyFile, queue: Queue) -> None: """Write YAML to a file in an incremental manner. This implementation doesn't use `pyyaml` package and composes YAML manually as string due to the following reasons: - It is much faster. The string-based approach gives only ~2.5% time overhead when `yaml.CDumper` has ~11.2%; - Implementation complexity. We have a quite simple format where all values are strings and it is much simpler to implement it with string composition rather than with adjusting `yaml.Serializer` to emit explicit types. Another point is that with `pyyaml` we need to emit events and handle some low-level details like providing tags, anchors to have incremental writing, with strings it is much simpler. """ current_id = 1 stream = def format_header_values(values: List[str]) -> str: return "\n".join(f" - '{v}'" for v in values) def format_headers(headers: Dict[str, List[str]]) -> str: return "\n".join(f" {name}:\n{format_header_values(values)}" for name, values in headers.items()) while True: item = queue.get() if isinstance(item, Initialize): stream.write(f"""command: '{get_command_representation()}' recorded_with: 'Schemathesis {constants.__version__}' http_interactions:""") elif isinstance(item, Process): for interaction in item.interactions: stream.write(f"""\n- id: '{current_id}' status: '{item.status}' seed: '{item.seed}' elapsed: '{interaction.response.elapsed}' recorded_at: '{interaction.recorded_at}' request: uri: '{interaction.request.uri}' method: '{interaction.request.method}' headers: {format_headers(interaction.request.headers)} body: encoding: 'utf-8' base64_string: '{interaction.request.body}' response: status: code: '{interaction.response.status_code}' message: '{interaction.response.message}' headers: {format_headers(interaction.response.headers)} body: encoding: '{interaction.response.encoding}' base64_string: '{interaction.response.body}' http_version: '{interaction.response.http_version}'""") current_id += 1 else: break file_handle.close()
def main( image_directory: str, diff_file: click.utils.LazyFile, show_plot: bool, smoothing_option: str, ): print("Computing diffs...") file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(image_directory, "*.jpg")) diffs = calculate_diffs(file_list) if diff_file is not None: print(f"Writing diffs to {}") for diff in diffs: diff_file.write(f"{diff}\n") else: print(f"Diffs are {np.array(diffs)}") if show_plot: smoothed_diffs = smooth_values(diffs, SmoothingOption[smoothing_option]) plt.plot(diffs) plt.plot(smoothed_diffs)