class APIClientTestCase(TestCase):
    A Test case for the API Client.

    def setUp(self):

        class TempHotel(AbstractResource):
            def __str__(self):
                return "hotel"

        self.client = APIClient()
        self.test_hotel = TempHotel()

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_do_request(self, manual_url=None):
        """Test a request directly"""
        url = self.client.construct_resource_url(self.test_hotel, action="list") or manual_url
        response = self.client.request(url)
        self.assertEqual(response.status, 200)

    def test_resource_locator_creation(self):
        """Test that URL construction works properly"""
        url = self.client.construct_resource_url(self.test_hotel, action="list")
    def __init__(self, account='', login='', password=''):
        self.Account, self.Login, self.Password = account, login, password

        self._client = APIClient()
        self._data = str()

        self._AccessId = str()
        self._SecretKey = str()
def test_password_auth(email, password):
    with session_scope() as db_session:
        create_account(db_session, email, password)

    start_time = time.time()

    # Check that the account exists
    while time.time() - start_time < TEST_MAX_DURATION_SECS:
        client = APIClient.from_email(email)[0]
        if client is not None:

    if client is None:
        assert False, "Account namespace should have been created"

    # Now, compute how much time it takes to start syncing the account
    start_time = time.time()
    got_messages = False
    while time.time() - start_time < TEST_MAX_DURATION_SECS:
        messages = client.get_messages()
        if len(messages) != 0:
            got_messages = True
    assert got_messages, "Messages should have been found"

    print "test_password_auth %s %f" % (email, time.time() - start_time)

    # remove the account
    with session_scope() as db_session:
        # remove_account(db_session, email)
class AbstractBaseResourceTestCase(TestCase):
    A Test case for the Abstract Base Resource

    def setUp(self):
        self.client = APIClient()
        self.hotel = Hotel()

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_not_implemented(self):
        """Test that when a Resource class has not implemented methods, the right exceptions are raised."""
        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.hotel.create)
        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.hotel.delete)
        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.hotel.update)

    def test_not_allowed(self):
        """Test that when a Resource class does not allow certain operations, proper Exceptions are raised."""
        hotel = Hotel()
        hotel.allow_create = False
        hotel.allow_delete = False
        hotel.allow_update = False

        self.assertRaises(ResourceMethodNotAllowed, hotel.create)
        self.assertRaises(ResourceMethodNotAllowed, hotel.delete)
        self.assertRaises(ResourceMethodNotAllowed, hotel.update)

    def test_construct_resource_request_url(self):
        url = self.hotel.construct_resource_request_url("list")
        response = self.client.request(url)
        self.assertEqual(response.status, 200)
    def setUp(self):

        class TempHotel(AbstractResource):
            def __str__(self):
                return "hotel"

        self.client = APIClient()
        self.test_hotel = TempHotel()
    def __init__(self, client_id, username="", password="", token="", code=""):
        self._ClientId = client_id
        self._Username = username
        self._Password = password
        self._Token = token
        self._Code = code

        self._client = APIClient()
        self._client.UserAgent = self._UserAgent
        self._data = ""
    def sign_in(self):

        self.user = self.userLineEdit.text()
        self.pw = self.passwordLineEdit.text()

        self.conn = APIClient(user=self.user, pw=self.pw)

        if self.rememberMeCheckBox.isChecked():
            self.config.set_login_info(self.user, self.pw)

        resp = self.conn.get_my_capabilities()

        if resp.code != 200:
            # Catch the error specified by the API..

            tree = ElementTree.fromstring(resp.read())

            elt_err = tree.find(r"./erreur")
            if elt_err.text:
                msg = elt_err.text
                # Error returned by the server (all other cases)..
                msg = str(resp)

            # Then display the error in a message box..
            return QMessageBox.warning(self, r"Warning", msg)

        tree = ElementTree.fromstring(resp.read())

        # On connection success, get user's capability informations..

        elt_extract = tree.find(r"./cle_api_rfu/extraction_rfu")
        if elt_extract.text == r"oui":
            self.conn.extract = True

        elt_extract_lim = tree.find(r"./cle_api_rfu/extraction_rfu_limite")
        if elt_extract_lim.text is not None:
            self.conn.extract_lim = int(elt_extract_lim.text)

        elt_update = tree.find(r"./cle_api_rfu/mise_a_jour_rfu")
        if elt_update.text == r"oui":
            self.conn.update = True

        # Then..

async def run(parameters):
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    clients = {}
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=loop) as session:
        for region in parameters["regions"]:
            clients[region] = APIClient(region, session, parameters["key"],
        # Await until ctrl+c
        while not lissandra.exiting:
            await asyncio.sleep(1)

        # Exiting, shutdown nicely
        for client in clients.values():
            client.exiting = True
        for client in clients.values():
            await client.shutdown.wait()
文件: base.py 项目: 0xcd03/inbox
    def f():
        for email, password in passwords:
            with session_scope() as db_session:
                create_account(db_session, email, password)

            client = None
            ns = None
            start_time = time.time()
            while time.time() - start_time < TEST_MAX_DURATION_SECS:
                client, ns = APIClient.from_email(email)
                if client is not None:

            assert client, ("Creating account from password file"
                            " should have been faster")
            format_test_result("namespace_creation_time", ns["provider"],
                               email, start_time)

            # wait a little time for the sync to start. It's necessary
            # because a lot of tests rely on stuff setup at the beginning
            # of the sync (for example, a folder hierarchy).
            start_time = time.time()
            sync_started = False
            while time.time() - start_time < TEST_MAX_DURATION_SECS:
                msgs = client.get_messages()
                if len(msgs) > 0:
                    sync_started = True

            assert sync_started, ("The initial sync should have started")

            data = {"email": ns["email_address"], "provider": ns["provider"]}
            start_time = time.time()
            fn(client, data)
            format_test_result(fn.__name__, ns["provider"],

            with session_scope() as db_session:
                # delete account
class GeoFoncierAPILogin(QDialog, gui_dlg_login):

    closed = pyqtSignal()
    opened = pyqtSignal()

    def __init__(self, parent=None):

        super(GeoFoncierAPILogin, self).__init__(parent)

        self.config = Configuration()
        self.conn = None

        if self.config.user and self.config.pw:


    def closeEvent(self, event):


    def sign_in(self):

        self.user = self.userLineEdit.text()
        self.pw = self.passwordLineEdit.text()

        self.conn = APIClient(user=self.user, pw=self.pw)

        if self.rememberMeCheckBox.isChecked():
            self.config.set_login_info(self.user, self.pw)

        resp = self.conn.get_my_capabilities()

        if resp.code != 200:
            # Catch the error specified by the API..

            tree = ElementTree.fromstring(resp.read())

            elt_err = tree.find(r"./erreur")
            if elt_err.text:
                msg = elt_err.text
                # Error returned by the server (all other cases)..
                msg = str(resp)

            # Then display the error in a message box..
            return QMessageBox.warning(self, r"Warning", msg)

        tree = ElementTree.fromstring(resp.read())

        # On connection success, get user's capability informations..

        elt_extract = tree.find(r"./cle_api_rfu/extraction_rfu")
        if elt_extract.text == r"oui":
            self.conn.extract = True

        elt_extract_lim = tree.find(r"./cle_api_rfu/extraction_rfu_limite")
        if elt_extract_lim.text is not None:
            self.conn.extract_lim = int(elt_extract_lim.text)

        elt_update = tree.find(r"./cle_api_rfu/mise_a_jour_rfu")
        if elt_update.text == r"oui":
            self.conn.update = True

        # Then..

 def __init__(self, symbol=None, **kwargs):
     APIClient.__init__(self, symbol, **kwargs)
     self.tech_methods = {'RSI': self.get_rsi, 'WR': self.get_willr, 'SMA': self.get_sma, 'EMA': self.get_ema, 'WMA': self.get_wma, 'STOCH': self.get_stoch, 'ADX': self.get_adx, 'ROC': self.get_roc, 'CCI': self.get_cci, 'TRIX': self.get_trix, 'MACD': self.get_macd, 'DX': self.get_dx}
class Megaplan(object):
    debug = False

    HOST = '{account}.megaplan.ru/'
    SIGNATURE = '{method}\n{md5content}\n{contenttype}\n{date}\n{host}{uri}'

    _CommonApi = 'BumsCommonApiV01/'
    _ProjectApi = 'BumsProjectApiV01/'
    _StaffApi = 'BumsStaffApiV01/'
    _TaskApi = 'BumsTaskApiV01/'
    _TimeApi = 'BumsTimeApiV01/'
    _TradeApi = 'BumsTradeApiV01/'

    AUTHORIZE = _CommonApi + 'User/'
    COMMENT = _CommonApi + 'Comment/'
    DEAL = _TradeApi + 'Deal/'
    DEPARTMENT = _StaffApi + 'Department/'
    EMPLOYEE = _StaffApi + 'Employee/'
    EVENT = _TimeApi + 'Event/'
    FAVORITE = _CommonApi + 'Favorite/'
    INFORMER = _CommonApi + 'Informer/'
    PROJECT = _ProjectApi + 'Project/'
    SEARCH = _CommonApi + 'Search/'
    SEVERITY = _TaskApi + 'Severity/'
    TASK = _TaskApi + 'Task/'
    TODOLIST = _TimeApi + 'TodoList/'

    code = 'utf-8'

    _FolderType = (
    _StatusType = (
    _ActionType = (
    _SubjectType = (
    _OrderType = (

    def Account(self):
        return self._Account

    def Account(self, account):
        self._Account = account
        self._host = self.HOST.format(account=account)
        self._MPQuery = 'https://{host}{uri}'.format(host=self._host,

    def Login(self):
        return self._Login

    def Login(self, login):
        self._Login = login

    def Password(self):
        return self._Password

    def Password(self, password):
        self._Password = password

    def __init__(self, account='', login='', password=''):
        self.Account, self.Login, self.Password = account, login, password

        self._client = APIClient()
        self._data = str()

        self._AccessId = str()
        self._SecretKey = str()

    def _TimeAsRfc822(self, dt):
        return formatdate(
            mktime_tz(parsedate_tz(dt.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S'))))

    def _GetResponseObject(f):
        def wrapper(self):
            obj = JSON2Obj(self._data)
            if 'error' == obj.status['code']:
                if 'message' in obj.status:
                    raise Exception(obj.status['message'])
            return f(self, obj)

        return wrapper

    def _AuthorizeHandle(self, obj):
        self._AccessId = obj.data['AccessId']
        self._SecretKey = obj.data['SecretKey']

        if self.debug:
            self._MPQuery = 'http://{host}'.format(host=self._host) + '{uri}'

    def _Authorize(self):
        uri = self.AUTHORIZE + 'authorize.api'
        md5pass = md5.new(self.Password).hexdigest()
        params = {'Login': self.Login, 'Password': md5pass}
        self._data = \
            self._client.Request(self._MPQuery.format(uri=uri), params)

    def _Auth(f):
        def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if (self._AccessId == '') or (self._SecretKey == ''):
            return f(self, *args, **kwargs)

        return wrapper

    def _GetSignature(self, method, uri, params={}):
        self._rfcdate = self._TimeAsRfc822(datetime.now())
        self._md5content = ''
        contenttype = ''
        if 'POST' == method:
            self._md5content = md5.new(urlencode(params)).hexdigest()
            contenttype = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        sign = {
            'method': method,
            'md5content': self._md5content,
            'contenttype': contenttype,
            'date': self._rfcdate,
            'host': self._host,
            'uri': uri
        q = self.SIGNATURE.format(**sign)
        h = hmac.HMAC(self._SecretKey.encode(self.code), q, sha1)
        return base64.encodestring(h.hexdigest()).strip()

    def _GetHeaders(self, uri, params={}):
        method = 'GET'
        if params:
            method = 'POST'
        signature = self._GetSignature(method, uri, params)
        header = {
            'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; ru; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7',
            'Accept-Language': 'ru,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3',
            'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate',
            'Accept-Charset': 'utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7',
            'Keep-Alive': '300',
            'Connection': 'keep-alive',
            'Date': self._rfcdate,
            'X-Authorization': '{0}:{1}'.format(self._AccessId, signature)
        if method == 'GET':
            header['Accept'] = 'application/json'
        elif method == 'POST':
            header['Content-MD5'] = self._md5content
        return header

    def _ResponseHandle(self, obj):
        return obj

    def _GetData(self, uri, params={}):
        headers = self._GetHeaders(uri, params)
        self._data = self._client.Request(self._MPQuery.format(uri=uri),
        if self._client.Status in (400, 401, 403, 404, 500):
            raise ClientError('{0} {1}'.format(self._client.Status,
        return self._ResponseHandle()

    def GetData(self):
        return self._data

    def Tasks(self,
            Folder='all': string = ('incoming' (входящие),
                'responsible' (ответственный), 'executor' (соисполнитель),
                'owner' (исходящие), 'auditor' (аудируемые),
                'all' (все)) # Папка
            Status='any': string = ('actual' (актуальные),
                'inprocess' (в процессе), 'new' (новые),
                'overdue' (просроченные), 'done' (условно завершенные),
                'delayed' (отложенные), 'completed' (завершенные),
                'failed' (проваленные), 'any' (любые)) # Статус
            FavoritesOnly=0: integer = (0, 1) # Только избранное
            Search='': string = 'любая строка' # Строка поиска
                Id: integer # ID задачи
                Name: string # Название
                Status: string # Статус
                Deadline: datetime # Дедлайн
                Owner: object(Id, Name) # Постановщик (сотрудник)
                Responsible: object(Id, Name) # Ответственный (сотрудник)
                Severity: object(Id, Name) # Важность
                SuperTask: object(Id, Name) # Надзадача
                Project: object(Id, Name) # Проект
                Favorite: integer # В избранном
                TimeCreated: datetime # Время создания
        if (Folder not in self._FolderType) or (Status
                                                not in self._StatusType):
            raise AttributeError('Invalid parameter value')

        uri = '{0}list.api?Folder={1}&Status={2}&FavoritesOnly={3}&Search={4}'
        uri = uri.format(self.TASK, Folder, Status, int(FavoritesOnly), Search)
        return self._GetData(uri)

    def TaskCard(self, Id):
            Id: integer # ID задачи. Обязательный параметр
                Id: integer # ID задачи
                Name: string # Название
                Statement: string # Суть задачи
                Status: string # Статус
                Deadline: datetime # Дедлайн
                DeadlineType: string # Тип дедлайна
                Owner: object (Id, Name) # Постановщик (сотрудник)
                Responsible: object (Id, Name) # Ответственный (сотрудник)
                Executors: array<object> (Id, Name) # Соисполнители (сотрудники)
                Auditors: array<object> (Id, Name) # Аудиторы (сотрудники)
                Severity: object (Id, Name) # Важность
                SuperTask: object (Id, Name) # Надзадача
                Project: object (Id, Name) # Проект
                SubTasks: array<object>(Id, Name, Owner, Responsible, Deadline,
                    Favorite (версия 2011.02+)) # Подзадачи
                Favorite: integer # В избранном
                TimeCreated: datetime # Время создания
                Customer: object(Id, Name, Status, Type) # Заказчик
                    (код, название, статус, тип)
        uri = '{0}card.api?Id={1}'.format(self.TASK, Id)
        return self._GetData(uri)

    def TaskCreate(self, **kwargs):
                Model[Name]: string # Название
                Model[Deadline]: datetime # Дедлайн (дата со временем)
                Model[DeadlineDate]: date # Дедлайн (только дата)
                Model[DeadlineType]: string # Тип дедлайна
                Model[Responsible]: integer # Код ответственного
                Model[Executors]: array<integer> # Коды соисполнителей
                Model[Auditors]: array<integer> # Коды аудиторов
                Model[Severity]: integer # Код важности
                Model[SuperTask]: string # Код надзадачи (если число) или
                    код проекта (если строка в формате ‘p<код проекта>’
                Model[Customer]: integer # Код заказчика
                Model[IsGroup]: integer = (0, 1) # Массовая задача
                    (каждому соисполнителю будет создана своя задача)
                Model[Statement]: string # Суть задачи
            Id: integer # ID задачи
            Name: string # Название задачи
        uri = '{0}create.api'.format(self.TASK)
        return self._GetData(uri, kwargs)

    def TaskEdit(self, Id, **kwargs):
            Id: integer # ID задачи. Обязательный параметр
                Model[Name]: string # Название
                Model[Deadline]: datetime # Дедлайн (дата со временем)
                Model[DeadlineDate]: date # Дедлайн (только дата)
                Model[DeadlineType]: string # Тип дедлайна
                Model[Owner]: integer # Код постановщика
                Model[Responsible]: integer # Код ответственного
                Model[Executors]: array<integer> # Коды соисполнителей
                Model[Auditors]: array<integer> # Коды аудиторов
                Model[Severity]: integer # Код важности
                Model[SuperTask]: string # Код надзадачи (если число) или
                    код проекта (если строка в формате ‘p<код проекта>’
                Model[Customer]: integer # Код заказчика
                Model[Statement]: string # Суть задачи
        uri = '{0}edit.api'.format(self.TASK)
        kwargs['Id'] = str(Id)
        self._GetData(uri, kwargs)

    def TaskAction(self, Id, Action):
            Id: integer # ID задачи. Обязательный параметр
            Action: string = ('act_accept_task' (принять задачу),
                'act_reject_task' (отклонить задачу),
                'act_accept_work' (принять работу),
                'act_reject_work' (отклонить работу),
                'act_done' (завершить задачу), 'act_pause' (поставить на паузу),
                'act_resume' (возобновить задачу), 'act_cancel' (снять задачу),
                'act_expire' (провалить задачу),
                'act_renew' (возобновить задачу))
        if (Action not in self._ActionType):
            raise AttributeError('Invalid parameter value')

        uri = '{0}action.api'.format(self.TASK)
        params = {'Id': str(Id), 'Action': Action}
        return self._GetData(uri, params)

    def TaskAvailableActions(self, Id):
            Id: integer # ID задачи. Обязательный параметр
            actions: array

        act_accept_task - исполнитель принимает задачу
        act_reject_task - исполнитель отклоняет задачу
        act_accept_work - постановщик принимает выполненную задачу
        act_reject_work - постановщик отклоняет выполненную задачу
        act_done - исполнитель заканчивает работу, задача условно завершена
        act_pause - временно приостановить выполнение задачи
        act_resume - продолжить выполнение приостановленной задачи
        act_cancel - отменить задачу
        act_expire - провалить задачу
        act_renew - принять ранее отклоненную задачу
        uri = '{0}availableActions.api?Id={1}'.format(self.TASK, Id)
        return self._GetData(uri)

    def TaskMarkAsFavorite(self, Id, Value=True):
            Id: integer # ID задачи. Обязательный параметр
            Value: integer = (1 (пометить как избранное),
                0 (убрать из избранного))
        if Value:
            self.FavoriteAdd('task', Id)
            self.FavoriteRemove('task', Id)

    def Projects(self,
            Folder='all': string = ('incoming' (входящие),
                'responsible' (ответственный), 'executor' (соисполнитель),
                'owner' (исходящие), 'auditor' (аудируемые),
                'all' (все)) # Папка
            Status='any': string = ('actual' (актуальные), 'inprocess' (в процессе),
                'new' (новые), 'overdue' (просроченные),
                'done' (условно завершенные), 'delayed' (отложенные),
                'completed' (завершенные), 'failed' (проваленные),
                'any' (любые)) # Статус
            FavoritesOnly=0: integer = (0, 1) # Только избранное
            Search='': string = 'любая строка' # Строка поиска
                Id: integer # ID проекта
                Name: string # Название
                Status: string # Статус
                Deadline: datetime # Дедлайн
                Owner: object(Id, Name) # Владелец (сотрудник)
                Responsible: object(Id, Name) # Менеджер (сотрудник)
                Severity: object(Id, Name) # Важность
                SuperProject: object(Id, Name) # Надпроект
                Favorite: integer # В избранном
                TimeCreated: datetime # Время создания
        if (Folder not in self._FolderType) or (Status
                                                not in self._StatusType):
            raise AttributeError('Invalid parameter value')

        uri = '{0}list.api?Folder={1}&Status={2}&FavoritesOnly={3}&Search={4}'
        uri = uri.format(self.PROJECT, Folder, Status, int(FavoritesOnly),
        return self._GetData(uri)

    def ProjectCard(self, Id):
            Id: integer # ID проекта. Обязательный параметр
                Id: integer # ID проекта
                Name: string # Название
                Statement: string # Описание проекта
                Status: string # Статус
                Deadline: datetime # Дедлайн
                DeadlineType: string # Тип дедлайна
                Owner: object(Id, Name) # Создатель (сотрудник)
                Responsible: object(Id, Name) # Менеджер (сотрудник)
                Executors: array<object> (Id, Name) # Команда проекта
                Auditors: array<object> (Id, Name) # Аудиторы (сотрудники)
                Severity: object(Id, Name) # Важность
                SuperProject: object(Id, Name) # Надпроект
                SubProjects: array<object>(Id, Name, Owner, Responsible,
                    Deadline, Favorite (версия 2011.02+)) # Подпроекты
                Tasks: array<object> (Id, Name, Owner, Responsible, Deadline,
                    Favorite (версия 2011.02+)) # Задачи проекта
                TimeCreated: datetime # Время создания
                Customer: object(Id, Name, Status, Type) # Заказчик
                    (код, название, статус, тип)
        uri = '{0}card.api?Id={1}'.format(self.PROJECT, Id)
        return self._GetData(uri)

    def ProjectCreate(self, **kwargs):
                Model[Name]: string # Название
                Model[Deadline]: datetime # Дедлайн (дата со временем)
                Model[DeadlineDate]: date # Дедлайн (только дата)
                Model[DeadlineType]: string # Тип дедлайна
                Model[Responsible]: integer # Код менеджера
                Model[Executors]: array<integer> # Коды участников проекта
                Model[Auditors]: array<integer> # Коды аудиторов
                Model[Severity]: integer # Код важности
                Model[SuperProject]: integer # Код надпроекта
                Model[Customer]: integer # Код заказчика
                Model[Statement]: string # Описание проекта
            Id: integer # ID проекта
            Name: string # Название проекта

        У сотрудника может не быть прав на создание проекта. В этом случае команда вернет 403-ю ошибку и
        следующий ответ:
            "message":"You can not create projects"
        Таким образом, эту команду можно использовать не только для создания проекта,
        но и для проверки наличия прав на создание проекта
        (например, чтобы решить, показывать в приложении кнопку "Создать проект" или нет).
        uri = '{0}create.api'.format(self.PROJECT)
        return self._GetData(uri, kwargs)

    def ProjectEdit(self, Id, **kwargs):
            Id: integer # ID проекта. Обязательный параметр
                Model[Name]: string # Название
                Model[Deadline]: datetime # Дедлайн (дата со временем)
                Model[DeadlineDate]: date # Дедлайн (только дата)
                Model[DeadlineType]: string # Тип дедлайна
                Model[Owner]: integer # Код постановщика
                Model[Responsible]: integer # Код менеджера
                Model[Executors]: array<integer> # Коды участников проекта
                Model[Auditors]: array<integer> # Коды аудиторов
                Model[Severity]: integer # Код важности
                Model[SuperProject]: integer # Код надпроекта
                Model[Customer]: integer # Код заказчика
                Model[Statement]: string # Описание проекта
        uri = '{0}edit.api'.format(self.PROJECT)
        kwargs['Id'] = str(Id)
        self._GetData(uri, kwargs)

    def ProjectAction(self, Id, Action):
            Id: integer # ID проекта. Обязательный параметр
            Action: string = ('act_accept_work' (принять работу),
                'act_reject_work' (отклонить работу),
                'act_done' (завершить проект), 'act_pause' (поставить на паузу),
                'act_resume' (возобновить проект), 'act_cancel' (снять проект),
                'act_expire' (провалить проект),
                'act_renew' (возобновить проект))
        if (Action not in self._ActionType):
            raise AttributeError('Invalid parameter value')

        uri = '{0}action.api'.format(self.PROJECT)
        params = {'Id': str(Id), 'Action': Action}
        return self._GetData(uri, params)

    def ProjectAvailableActions(self, Id):
            Id: integer # ID проекта. Обязательный параметр
            actions: array

            act_accept_work - постановщик принимает выполненный проект
            act_reject_work - постановщик отклоняет выполненный проект
            act_done - исполнитель заканчивает работу, проект условно завершен
            act_pause - временно приостановить выполнение проекта
            act_resume - продолжить выполнение приостановленного проекта
            act_cancel - отменить проект
            act_expire - провалить проект
            act_renew - открыть проект заново
        uri = '{0}availableActions.api?Id={1}'.format(self.PROJECT, Id)
        return self._GetData(uri)

    def ProjectMarkAsFavorite(self, Id, Value=True):
            Id: integer # ID проекта. Обязательный параметр
            Value: integer = (1 (пометить как избранное),
                0 (убрать из избранного))
        if Value:
            self.FavoriteAdd('project', Id)
            self.FavoriteRemove('project', Id)

    def Severities(self):
            Id: integer # ID важности
            Name: string # Название
        uri = '{0}list.api'.format(self.SEVERITY)
        return self._GetData(uri)

    def Employees(self, Department=0, OrderBy='name', OrderDir='asc'):
            Department=0: integer # Id отдела
            OrderBy='name': string = ('name', 'department',
                'position') # Параметр для сортировки
            OrderDir='asc': string = ('asc', 'desc') # Направление сортировки
                Id: integer # ID сотрудника
                Name: string # Полное имя
                LastName: string # Фамилия
                FirstName: string # Имя
                MiddleName: string # Отчество
                Position: object(Id, Name) # Должность
                Department: object(Id, Name) # Отдел
                Phones: array # Телефоны
                Email: string # E-mail
                Status: object(Id, Name) # Статус
                TimeCreated: datetime # Время создания
        uri = '{0}list.api?Department={1}&OrderBy={2}&OrderDir={3}'
        uri = uri.format(self.EMPLOYEE, Department, OrderBy, OrderDir)
        return self._GetData(uri)

    def EmployeeCard(self, Id):
            Id: integer # ID сотрудника
                Id: integer # ID сотрудника
                Name: string # Полное имя
                LastName: string # Фамилия
                FirstName: string # Имя
                MiddleName: string # Отчество
                Gender: string # Пол
                Position: object(Id, Name) # Должность
                Department: object(Id, Name) # Отдел
                Birthday: date # Дата рождения
                HideMyBirthday: boolean # Скрывать дату рождения
                Age: integer # Возраст
                Phones: array # Телефоны
                Email: string # E-mail
                Icq: string # ICQ
                Skype: string # Skype
                Jabber: string # Jabber
                Address: object(Id, City, Street, House) # Адрес
                Behaviour: string # График работы
                Inn: string # ИНН
                PassportData: string # Паспортные данные
                AboutMe: string # О себе
                ChiefsWithoutMe: array<object>(Id, Name) # Начальники
                SubordinatesWithoutMe: array<object>(Id, Name) # Подчиненные
                Coordinators: array<object>(Id, Name) # Координаторы
                Status: object(Id, Name) # Статус
                AppearanceDay: date # Дата принятия на работу
                FireDay: date # Дата увольнения
                TimeCreated: datetime # Время создания
                Avatar: string # Адрес аватара сотрудника
                Photo: string # Адрес большого фото сотрудника
        uri = '{0}card.api?Id={1}'.format(self.EMPLOYEE, Id)
        return self._GetData(uri)

    def EmployeeCreate(self, **kwargs):
                Model[LastName]: string # Фамилия
                Model[FirstName]: string # Имя
                Model[MiddleName]: string # Отчество
                Model[Gender]: string = ('male', 'femail') # Пол
                Model[Position]: string # Должность. Обязательный параметр
                Model[Birthday]: date # Дата рождения
                Model[HideMyBirthday]: boolean # Скрывать дату рождения
                Model[Email]: string # E-mail
                Model[Icq]: string # ICQ
                Model[Skype]: string # Skype
                Model[Jabber]: string # Jabber
                Model[Behaviour]: string # График работы
                Model[PassportData]: string # Паспортные данные
                Model[Inn]: string # ИНН
                Model[AboutMe]: string # О себе
                Model[Status]: string = ('in-office', 'out-of-office') # Статус
                Model[AppearanceDay]: date # Дата принятия на работу
                Address[City]: string # Город
                Address[Street]: string # Улица
                Address[House]: string # Дом
            Id: integer # ID сотрудника
            Name: string # Имя сотрудника
        uri = '{0}create.api'.format(self.EMPLOYEE)
        return self._GetData(uri, kwargs)

    def EmployeeEdit(self, Id, **kwargs):
            Id: integer # ID сотрудника. Обязательный параметр
                Model[LastName]: string # Фамилия
                Model[FirstName]: string # Имя
                Model[MiddleName]: string # Отчество
                Model[Gender]: string = ('male', 'femail') # Пол
                Model[Position]: string # Должность
                Model[Birthday]: date # Дата рождения
                Model[HideMyBirthday]: boolean # Скрывать дату рождения
                Model[Email]: string # E-mail
                Model[Icq]: string # ICQ
                Model[Skype]: string # Skype
                Model[Jabber]: string # Jabber
                Model[Behaviour]: string # График работы
                Model[PassportData]: string # Паспортные данные
                Model[Inn]: string # ИНН
                Model[AboutMe]: string # О себе
                Model[Status]: string = ('in-office', 'out-of-office') # Статус
                Model[AppearanceDay]: date # Дата принятия на работу
                Address[City]: string # Город
                Address[Street]: string # Улица
                Address[House]: string # Дом
        uri = '{0}edit.api'.format(self.EMPLOYEE)
        kwargs['Id'] = str(Id)
        self._GetData(uri, kwargs)

    def EmployeeAvailableActions(self, Id):
            Id: integer # ID сотрудника. Обязательный параметр
            actions: array

            act_can_fire - уволить
            act_edit - редактировать
        uri = '{0}availableActions.api?Id={1}'.format(self.EMPLOYEE, Id)
        return self._GetData(uri)

    def Departments(self):
                Id: integer # ID отдела
                Name: string # Название отдела
                Head: object(Id, Name) # Начальник отдела
                Employees: array<object(Id, Name)> # Список сотрудников отдела
                EmployeesCount: integer # Количество сотрудников в отделе
        uri = '{0}list.api'.format(self.DEPARTMENT)
        return self._GetData(uri)

    def Comments(self, SubjectType, SubjectId, Order='asc'):
            SubjectType: string = ('task' (задача),
                'project' (проект)) # Тип комментируемого объекта
            SubjectId: integer # ID комментируемого объекта
            Order='asc': string = ('asc' (по возрастанию), 'desc' (по убыванию))
                # Направление сортировки по дате (по умолчанию asc)
                Id: integer # ID комментария
                Text: string # Текст комментария
                Work: integer # Кол-во потраченных минут, которое приплюсовано
                    к комментируемому объекту (задаче или проекту)
                WorkDate: date # Дата, на которую списаны потраченные часы
                TimeCreated: datetime # Время создания
                Author: object(Id, Name) # Автор комментария (сотрудник)
                Avatar: string # Адрес аватара автора
        if (SubjectType not in self._SubjectType) or \
            (Order not in self._OrderType):
            raise AttributeError('Invalid parameter value')

        uri = '{0}list.api?SubjectType={1}&SubjectId={2}&Order={3}'
        uri = uri.format(self.COMMENT, SubjectType, SubjectId, Order)
        return self._GetData(uri)

    def CommentCreate(self, SubjectType, SubjectId, **kwargs):
            SubjectType: string = ('task' (задача),
                'project' (проект)) # Тип комментируемого объекта
            SubjectId: integer # ID комментируемого объекта
                Model[Text]: string # Текст комментария
                Model[Work]: integer # Кол-во потраченных часов, которое
                    приплюсуется к комментируемому объекту (задача или проект)
                Model[WorkDate]: date # Дата, на которую списывать
                    потраченные часы
                Model[Attaches]: array # Приложенный файл,
                    должен передаваться POST-запросом
                Model[Attaches][Content]: string # Данные(контент файла),
                    закодированные с использованием MIME base64
                Model[Attaches][Name]: string # Имя файла (будет фигурировать
                    при выводе комментария)

            Id: integer # ID комментария
            Text: string # Текст комментария
            Work: integer # Кол-во потраченных минут, которое приплюсуется
                к комментируемому объекту (задача или проект)
            WorkDate: date # Дата, на которую списывать потраченные часы
            TimeCreated: datetime # Время создания
        if SubjectType not in self._SubjectType:
            raise AttributeError('Invalid parameter value')

        uri = '{0}create.api'.format(self.COMMENT)
        kwargs['SubjectId'] = str(SubjectId)
        kwargs['SubjectType'] = SubjectType
        return self._GetData(uri, kwargs)

    def Favorites(self):
                Tasks: array # Список задач, см. структуру в "Список задач"
                Projects: array # Список проектов,
                    см. структуру в "Список проектов"
        uri = '{0}list.api'.format(self.FAVORITE)
        return self._GetData(uri)

    def FavoriteAdd(self, SubjectType, SubjectId):
            SubjectType: string = ('task' (задача),
                'project' (проект)) # Тип объекта
            SubjectId: integer # ID объекта
        if SubjectType not in self._SubjectType:
            raise AttributeError('Invalid parameter value')

        uri = '{0}add.api'.format(self.FAVORITE)
        params = {'SubjectId': str(SubjectId), 'SubjectType': SubjectType}
        self._GetData(uri, params)

    def FavoriteRemove(self, SubjectType, SubjectId):
            SubjectType: string = ('task' (задача),
                'project' (проект)) # Тип объекта
            SubjectId: integer # ID объекта
        if SubjectType not in self._SubjectType:
            raise AttributeError('Invalid parameter value')

        uri = '{0}remove.api'.format(self.FAVORITE)
        params = {'SubjectId': str(SubjectId), 'SubjectType': SubjectType}
        self._GetData(uri, params)

    def Search(self, qs):
            qs: string # Текст для поиска
            # Если параметр qs не указан либо пустой, то будет возвращена ошибка
            # "Empty query". Если же, результатов соответствующих запросу
            # не найдено, то в выходных данных будет возвращена ошибка
            # "No results".
            Employees: array # Список сотрудников,
                см. структуру в "Список сотрудников"
            Tasks: array # Список задач, см. структуру в "Список задач"
            Projects: array # Список проектов, см. структуру в "Список проектов"
        uri = '{0}quick.api'.format(self.SEARCH)
        params = {'qs': qs}
        return self._GetData(uri, params)

    def Notifications(self):
                Id: integer # ID уведомления
                Subject: object(Id,Name,Type) # Предмет уведомления
                    (см. пояснение ниже)
                Content: string или object(Subject,Text,Author) # Содержимое
                    уведомления (см. пояснение ниже)
                TimeCreated: datetime # Время создания уведомления

            # см. http://wiki.megaplan.ru/API_notifications

        Subject - это модель данных, с которой связано уведомление
            (задача, проект, сотрудник или комментарий). Если, например,
            уведомление о том, что поставлена задача, то в Subject будет
            идентификатор задачи. Subject содержит следующие аттрибуты:
                Id - идентификатор модели
                Name - название модели
                Type - тип модели (task/project/employee/comment).
        Структура Content зависит от типа Subject. Для всех типов, кроме
            комментариев, это простой текст уведомления. В случае
            с комментариями Content содержит следующие аттрибуты:
                Subject - предмет комментирования (задача или проект)
                    с вложенной структурой, аналогичной Subject
                    в самом уведомлении
                Text - текст комментария
                Author - автор комментария (Id и Name)
        uri = '{0}notifications.api'.format(self.INFORMER)
        return self._GetData(uri)

    def NotificationDeactivate(self, Id):
            Id: integer # ID уведомления. Обязательный параметр
        uri = '{0}deactivateNotification.api'.format(self.INFORMER)
        params = {'Id': str(Id)}
        self._GetData(uri, params)

    def Approvals(self):
            Tasks: array # Список задач, см. структуру в "Список задач"
            Projects: array # Список проектов, см. структуру в "Список проектов"
        uri = '{0}approvals.api'.format(self.INFORMER)
        return self._GetData(uri)

    def TodoLists(self):
            Id: integer # Id списка дел
            Name: string # Название списка дел
            TodoCount: integer # Количество незавершенных дел в списке
        uri = '{0}list.api'.format(self.TODOLIST)
        return self._GetData(uri)

    def TodoListCreate(self, Name):
            Name: string # Название списка дел
            Id: integer # Id созданного списка
        uri = '{0}create.api'.format(self.TODOLIST)
        params = {'Name': Name}
        return self._GetData(uri, params)

    def TodoListEdit(self, Id, Name):
            Id: integer # Id списка дел
            Name: string # Новое имя списка
            Id: integer # Id измененного списка
        uri = '{0}edit.api'.format(self.TODOLIST)
        params = {'Id': Id, 'Name': Name}
        return self._GetData(uri, params)

    def TodoListDelete(self, Id):
            Id: integer # Id списка дел
            Id: integer # Id удаленного списка
        uri = '{0}delete.api'.format(self.TODOLIST)
        params = {'Id': Id}
        return self._GetData(uri, params)

    def Events(self):
            Id: integer # Id события
            Name: string # Название события
            TimeCreated: datetime # Дата и время создания
            StartTime: datetime# Начало события
            Duration: integer # Продолжительность события
            IsPersonal: boolean # Личное дело?
            EventCategory: string # Категория события
            Participants: array # Список участников
            Contractors: array # Список контрагентов
            HasTodo: boolean # Имеет дела?
            HasCommunication: boolean # Имеет коммуникации?
        uri = '{0}list.api'.format(self.EVENT)
        return self._GetData(uri)

    def FromOnlineStoreCreate(self, CommerceInfo):
            CommerceInfo: string # Данные в формате CommerceML 2.
            Deals: array # Идентификаторы сделок, созданные в системе
        uri = '{0}createFromOnlineStore.api'.format(self.DEAL)
        params = {'CommerceInfo': CommerceInfo}
        return self._GetData(uri, params)
class Metrika(object):
    Class for the API of Yandex Metrika

    HOST = "https://api-metrika.yandex.ru/"
    OAUTH_TOKEN = "https://oauth.yandex.ru/token"

    _COUNTERS = "counters"
    _COUNTER = "counter/%d"
    _GOALS = _COUNTER + "/goals"
    _GOAL = _COUNTER + "/goal/%d"
    _FILTERS = _COUNTER + "/filters"
    _FILTER = _COUNTER + "/filter/%d"
    _OPERATIONS = _COUNTER + "/operations"
    _OPERATION = _COUNTER + "/operation/%d"
    _GRANTS = _COUNTER + "/grants"
    _GRANT = _COUNTER + "/grant/%s"
    _DELEGATES = "delegates"
    _DELEGATE = "delegate/%s"
    _ACCOUNTS = "accounts"
    _ACCOUNT = "account/%s"

    _STAT = "stat"

    _STAT_TRAFFIC = _STAT + "/traffic"

    _STAT_SOURCES = _STAT + "/sources"

    _STAT_CONTENT = _STAT + "/content"

    _STAT_GEO = _STAT + "/geo"

    _STAT_DEMOGRAPHY = _STAT + "/demography"

    _STAT_TECH = _STAT + "/tech"
    _STAT_TECH_BROWSERS = _STAT_TECH + "/browsers"
    _STAT_TECH_OS = _STAT_TECH + "/os"
    _STAT_TECH_DISPLAY = _STAT_TECH + "/display"
    _STAT_TECH_MOBILE = _STAT_TECH + "/mobile"
    _STAT_TECH_FLASH = _STAT_TECH + "/flash"
    _STAT_TECH_SILVERLIGHT = _STAT_TECH + "/silverlight"
    _STAT_TECH_DOTNET = _STAT_TECH + "/dotnet"
    _STAT_TECH_JAVA = _STAT_TECH + "/java"
    _STAT_TECH_COOKIES = _STAT_TECH + "/cookies"
    _STAT_TECH_JAVASCRIPT = _STAT_TECH + "/javascript"

    _UserAgent = "yametrikapy"

    def UserAgent(self):
        return self._UserAgent

    def UserAgent(self, user_agent):
        self._UserAgent = user_agent

    def __init__(self, client_id, username="", password="", token="", code=""):
        self._ClientId = client_id
        self._Username = username
        self._Password = password
        self._Token = token
        self._Code = code

        self._client = APIClient()
        self._client.UserAgent = self._UserAgent
        self._data = ""

    def _GetResponseObject(f):

        def wrapper(self):
            obj = JSON2Obj(self._data)
            if hasattr(obj, "errors"):
                raise APIException("\n".join([error["text"] for error in obj.errors]))
            if hasattr(obj, "error"):
                raise APIException(obj.error)
            return f(self, obj)

        return wrapper

    def _AuthorizeHandle(self, obj):
        if hasattr(obj, "access_token"):
            self._Token = obj.access_token

    def _Authorize(self):
        params = {"grant_type": "authorization_code" if self._Code else "password", "client_id": self._ClientId}
        if self._Code:
            params["code"] = self._Code
            params["username"] = self._Username
            params["password"] = self._Password
        self._data = self._client.request("POST", self.OAUTH_TOKEN, params=params)

    def _Auth(f):
        def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if not self._Token:
            return f(self, *args, **kwargs)

        return wrapper

    def _GetHeaders(self):
        header = {
            "User-Agent": self._UserAgent,
            "Accept": "application/x-yametrika+json",
            "Accept-Language": "ru,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3",
            "Accept-Encoding": "gzip,deflate",
            "Accept-Charset": "utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7",
            "Keep-Alive": "300",
            "Connection": "keep-alive",
            "Authorization": "OAuth %s" % self._Token,
        return header

    def _ResponseHandle(self, obj):
        return obj

    def _GetData(self, method, uri, params={}):
        headers = self._GetHeaders()
        self._data = self._client.request(method, uri, params=params, headers=headers)
        if self._client.Status == 400:
            raise BadRequestError("%d %s" % (self._client.Status, "Check your request"))
        if self._client.Status == 401:
            raise UnauthorizedError("%d: %s" % (self._client.Status, "Check your token"))
        if self._client.Status == 403:
            raise ForbiddenError("%d: %s" % (self._client.Status, "Check your access rigths to object"))
        if self._client.Status == 404:
            raise NotFoundError("%d: %s" % (self._client.Status, "Resource not found"))
        if self._client.Status == 405:
            allowed = self._client.GetHeader("Allowed")
            raise MethodNotAllowedError("%d: %s\nUse %s" % (self._client.Status, "Method not allowed", allowed))
        return self._ResponseHandle()

    def _GetURI(self, methodname, params=""):
        uri = "%s%s.json" % (self.HOST, methodname)
        if params:
            uri += "?%s" % params
        return uri

    def GetData(self):
        return self._data

    def _get_all_pages(attr_data, *attrs):
        def wrapper(f):
            def func(self, *args, **kwargs):
                obj = f(self, *args, **kwargs)
                result = BaseClass()
                setattr(result, attr_data, [])
                attr = getattr(result, attr_data)
                attr.extend(getattr(obj, attr_data))

                if attrs:
                    for a in attrs:
                        if hasattr(obj, a):
                            setattr(result, a, getattr(obj, a))

                while hasattr(obj, "links") and "next" in obj.links:
                    obj = self._GetData("GET", obj.links["next"])
                    attr.extend(getattr(obj, attr_data))

                return result

            return func

        return wrapper

    # Counters

    def GetCounterList(self, type="", permission="", ulogin="", field=""):
        """ Returns a list of existing counters available to the user
        uri = self._GetURI(self._COUNTERS)
        params = {"type": type, "permission": permission, "ulogin": ulogin, "field": field}
        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    def GetCounter(self, id, field=""):
        """ Returns information about the specified counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._COUNTER % id)
        params = {"field": field}
        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    def AddCounter(self, name, site, **kwargs):
        """ Creates a counter with the specified parameters
        uri = self._GetURI(self._COUNTERS)
        kwargs["name"] = name
        kwargs["site"] = site
        params = {"counter": kwargs}
        return self._GetData("POST", uri, json.dumps(params))

    def EditCounter(self, id, **kwargs):
        """ Modifies the data for the specified counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._COUNTER % id)
        params = {"counter": kwargs}
        return self._GetData("PUT", uri, json.dumps(params))

    def DeleteCounter(self, id):
        """ Removes the specified counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._COUNTER % id)
        return self._GetData("DELETE", uri)

    def CheckCounter(self, id):
        """ Check counter
        uri = "%s/check" % self._COUNTER
        uri = self._GetURI(uri % id)
        return self._GetData("GET", uri)

    # Goals

    def GetCounterGoalList(self, id):
        """ Returns information about the goals of counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._GOALS % id)
        return self._GetData("GET", uri)

    def GetCounterGoal(self, id, goal_id):
        """ Returns information about the specified goal of counter.
        uri = self._GetURI(self._GOAL % (id, goal_id))
        return self._GetData("GET", uri)

    def AddCounterGoal(self, id, name, type, depth, conditions=[], flag=""):
        """ Creates the goal of counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._GOALS % id)
        params = {"goal": {"name": name, "type": type, "depth": depth, "flag": flag, "conditions": conditions}}
        return self._GetData("POST", uri, json.dumps(params))

    def EditCounterGoal(self, id, goal_id, name, type, depth, conditions=[], flag=""):
        """ Changes the settings specified goal of counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._GOAL % (id, goal_id))
        params = {"goal": {"name": name, "type": type, "depth": depth, "conditions": conditions, "flag": flag}}
        return self._GetData("PUT", uri, json.dumps(params))

    def DeleteCounterGoal(self, id, goal_id):
        """ Removes the goal of counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._GOAL % (id, goal_id))
        return self._GetData("DELETE", uri)

    # Filters

    def GetCounterFilterList(self, id):
        """ Returns information about the filter of counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._FILTERS % id)
        return self._GetData("GET", uri)

    def GetCounterFilter(self, id, filter_id):
        """ Returns information about the specified filter of counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._FILTER % (id, filter_id))
        return self._GetData("GET", uri)

    def AddCounterFilter(self, id, action, attr, type, value, status):
        """ Creates a filter of counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._FILTERS % id)
        params = {"filter": {"action": action, "attr": attr, "type": type, "value": value, "status": status}}
        return self._GetData("POST", uri, json.dumps(params))

    def EditCounterFilter(self, id, filter_id, action, attr, type, value, status):
        """ Modifies the configuration of the specified filter of counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._FILTER % (id, filter_id))
        params = {"filter": {"action": action, "attr": attr, "type": type, "value": value, "status": status}}
        return self._GetData("PUT", uri, json.dumps(params))

    def DeleteCounterFilter(self, id, filter_id):
        """ Removes the filter of counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._FILTER % (id, filter_id))
        return self._GetData("DELETE", uri)

    # Operations

    def GetCounterOperationList(self, id):
        """ Returns information about the operations of counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._OPERATIONS % id)
        return self._GetData("GET", uri)

    def GetCounterOperation(self, id, operation_id):
        """ Returns information about the specified operation of counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._OPERATION % (id, operation_id))
        return self._GetData("GET", uri)

    def AddCounterOperation(self, id, action, attr, value, status):
        """ Create an operation for counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._OPERATIONS % id)
        params = {"operation": {"action": action, "attr": attr, "value": value, "status": status}}
        return self._GetData("POST", uri, json.dumps(params))

    def EditCounterOperation(self, id, operation_id, action, attr, value, status):
        """ Modifies the configuration of the specified operation of counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._OPERATION % (id, operation_id))
        params = {"operation": {"action": action, "attr": attr, "value": value, "status": status}}
        return self._GetData("PUT", uri, json.dumps(params))

    def DeleteCounterOperation(self, id, operation_id):
        """ Removes an operation of counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._OPERATION % (id, operation_id))
        return self._GetData("DELETE", uri)

    # Grants

    def GetCounterGrantList(self, id):
        """ Returns information about the permissions to manage the counter and
        uri = self._GetURI(self._GRANTS % id)
        return self._GetData("GET", uri)

    def GetCounterGrant(self, id, user_login):
        """ Returns information about a specific permit to control the counter
            and statistics
        uri = self._GetURI(self._GRANT % (id, user_login))
        return self._GetData("GET", uri)

    def AddCounterGrant(self, id, user_login, perm, comment=""):
        """ Creates a permission to manage the counter and statistics
        uri = self._GetURI(self._GRANTS % id)
        params = {"grant": {"perm": perm, "user_login": user_login, "comment": comment}}
        return self._GetData("POST", uri, json.dumps(params))

    def EditCounterGrant(self, id, user_login, perm, comment="", comment_remove=0):
        """ Modifies the configuration of the specified permission to manage
            the counter and statistics
        uri = self._GetURI(self._GRANT % (id, user_login))
        params = {"grant": {"perm": perm, "comment": comment, "comment_remove": comment_remove}}
        return self._GetData("PUT", uri, json.dumps(params))

    def DeleteCounterGrant(self, id, user_login):
        """ Removes the permissions to manage the counter and statistics
        uri = self._GetURI(self._GRANT % (id, user_login))
        return self._GetData("DELETE", uri)

    # Delegates

    def GetDelegates(self):
        """ Returns list of delegates who have been granted full access to
            the account of the current user
        uri = self._GetURI(self._DELEGATES)
        return self._GetData("GET", uri)

    def AddDelegate(self, user_login, comment=""):
        """ Modifies the list of delegates for the current user account
        uri = self._GetURI(self._DELEGATES)
        params = {"delegate": {"user_login": user_login, "comment": comment}}
        return self._GetData("POST", uri, json.dumps(params))

    def EditDelegates(self, delegates):
        """ Adds a user login in the list of delegates for the current account
        uri = self._GetURI(self._DELEGATES)
        params = {"delegates": delegates}
        return self._GetData("PUT", uri, json.dumps(params))

    def DeleteDelegate(self, user_login):
        """ Removes the user's login from the list of delegates for the
            current account
        uri = self._GetURI(self._DELEGATE % user_login)
        return self._GetData("DELETE", uri)

    # Accounts

    def GetAccounts(self):
        """ Returns a list of accounts, the delegate of which is the
            current user
        uri = self._GetURI(self._ACCOUNTS)
        return self._GetData("GET", uri)

    def EditAccounts(self, accounts):
        """ Modifies the list of accounts whose delegate is the current user.
            Account list is updated in accordance with the list of usernames
            input structure.
            ! If the input structure does not specify a login user delegated by
            the current user, full access to the this user account will be
            ! If the input structure of the specified user's login,
            not included in the current list of accounts, full access to the
            account of this user NOT available.
        uri = self._GetURI(self._ACCOUNTS)
        params = {"accounts": accounts}
        return self._GetData("PUT", uri, json.dumps(params))

    def DeleteAccount(self, user_login):
        """ Removes the user's login from the list of accounts, which are
            delegate is the current user.
            ! When you delete a user name from the list of accounts full
            access to your account will be revoked.
        uri = self._GetURI(self._ACCOUNT % user_login)
        return self._GetData("DELETE", uri)

    # Statistics

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals")
    def GetStatTrafficSummary(self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", group="day", per_page=100):
        """ Returns data about traffic of site
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_TRAFFIC_SUMMARY)
        params = {"id": id, "date1": date1, "date2": date2, "group": group, "per_page": str(per_page)}
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = str(goal_id)

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    def GetStatTrafficDeepness(self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2=""):
        """ Returns data on the number of pages viewed and time visitors
            spent on the site
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_TRAFFIC_DEEPNESS)
        params = {"id": id, "date1": date1, "date2": date2}
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id
        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    def GetStatTrafficHourly(self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2=""):
        """ Returns data on the distribution of traffic on the site by
            time of day, for each hourly of period
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_TRAFFIC_HOURLY)
        params = {"id": id, "date1": date1, "date2": date2}
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id
        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals")
    def GetStatTrafficLoad(self, id, date1="", date2="", group="day", per_page=100):
        """ Returns the maximum number of requests (alarms counter) per second
            and the maximum number of online visitors each day selected
            time period
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_TRAFFIC_LOAD)
        params = {"id": id, "date1": date1, "date2": date2, "group": group, "per_page": per_page}

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    def GetStatSourcesSummary(self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", sort="visits", reverse=1):
        """ Returns the conversion data from all sources on the site,
            where installed the specified counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_SOURCES_SUMMARY)
        params = {"id": id, "date1": date1, "date2": date2, "sort": sort, "reverse": reverse}
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id
        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals")
    def GetStatSourcesSites(
        self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns the conversion data from other sites on the web site,
            where installed the specified counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_SOURCES_SITES)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals")
    def GetStatSourcesSearchEngines(
        self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns the conversion data from the search engine's website,
            where installed the specified counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_SOURCES_SEARCH_ENGINES)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals")
    def GetStatSourcesPhrases(
        self, id, goal_id=None, se_id=None, date1="", date2="", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns information about the search phrases that visitors find
            link to the site with installed a counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_SOURCES_PHRASES)

        params = {"id": id, "date1": date1, "date2": date2, "sort": sort, "reverse": reverse}
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id
        if not se_id is None:
            params["se_id"] = se_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals")
    def GetStatSourcesMarketing(
        self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns the conversion data from the advertising system on the site,
            where installed the specified counter
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_SOURCES_MARKETING)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals")
    def GetStatSourcesDirectSummary(
        self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns record of advertising campaigns Yandex.Direct, ad which
            visitors to a site
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_SOURCES_DIRECT_SUMMARY)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals")
    def GetStatSourcesDirectPlatforms(
        self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns a report on areas with which the transition through
            advertisements on the advertiser's site
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_SOURCES_DIRECT_PLATFORMS)
        params = {"id": id, "date1": date1, "date2": date2, "per_page": per_page, "sort": sort, "reverse": reverse}
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals")
    def GetStatSourcesDirectRegions(
        self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns information about membership of visitors who clicked on the
            site through advertisements to a particular geographical region
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_SOURCES_DIRECT_REGIONS)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    def GetStatSourcesTags(
        self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns information about visits to a site on the links, which
            contain any of the four most frequently used tags: utm, openstat,
            from, glcid
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_SOURCES_TAGS)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    def GetStatContentPopular(
        self, id, mirror_id="", date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns attendance rating web pages in descending order of display
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_CONTENT_POPULAR)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "mirror_id": mirror_id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    def GetStatContentEntrance(
        """ Returns information about entry points to the site
            (the first pages of visits)
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_CONTENT_ENTRANCE)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "mirror_id": mirror_id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    def GetStatContentExit(
        self, id, mirror_id="", date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns information about exits from the site
            (the last pages of visits)
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_CONTENT_EXIT)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "mirror_id": mirror_id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals")
    def GetStatContentTitles(self, id, date1="", date2="", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1):
        """ Returns the rating of attendance page of the site showing their
            titles (from the tag title)
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_CONTENT_TITLES)
        params = {"id": id, "date1": date1, "date2": date2, "per_page": per_page, "sort": sort, "reverse": reverse}

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    def GetStatContentUrlParam(
        self, id, date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns data about the parameters mentioned Metrika in the URL
            visited site pages
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_CONTENT_URL_PARAM)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    def GetStatContentUserVars(
        self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns information about the user parameters, passed through
            the counter code
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_CONTENT_USER_VARS)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    def GetStatContentECommerce(
        self, id, goal_id, date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns information about ordering from an online store,
            passed through the counter code
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_CONTENT_ECOMMERCE)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "goal_id": goal_id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals")
    def GetStatGeo(
        self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns information about users belonging to the geographical
            regions. List of regions can be grouped by regions, countries and
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_GEO)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    def GetStatDemographyAgeGender(self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2=""):
        """ Returns the data separately by sex and age of visitors
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_DEMOGRAPHY_AGE_GENDER)
        params = {"id": id, "date1": date1, "date2": date2}
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    def GetStatDemographyStructure(self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2=""):
        """ Returns merged data by sex and age
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_DEMOGRAPHY_STRUCTURE)
        params = {"id": id, "date1": date1, "date2": date2}
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals")
    def GetStatTechBrowsers(
        self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns data about the visitor's browser
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_TECH_BROWSERS)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals")
    def GetStatTechOs(
        self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns data about the operating systems of visitors
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_TECH_OS)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals", "data_group")
    def GetStatTechDisplay(
        self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns data on the display resolution of site visitors
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_TECH_DISPLAY)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals", "data_group")
    def GetStatTechMobile(
        self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns data about visitors who come to the site from mobile devices
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_TECH_MOBILE)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals")
    def GetStatTechFlash(
        self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns data about the versions of Flash-plugin on visitors'
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_TECH_FLASH)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals")
    def GetStatTechSilverlight(
        self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns data on the distribution of different versions of plugin
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_TECH_SILVERLIGHT)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    @_get_all_pages("data", "totals")
    def GetStatTechDotNet(
        self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", table_mode="plain", per_page=100, sort="visits", reverse=1
        """ Returns version information .NET framework on visitors' computers
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_TECH_DOTNET)
        params = {
            "id": id,
            "date1": date1,
            "date2": date2,
            "table_mode": table_mode,
            "per_page": per_page,
            "sort": sort,
            "reverse": reverse,
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    def GetStatTechJava(self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", sort="visits", reverse=1):
        """ Returns data on the availability of the Java platform
            on visitors' computers
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_TECH_JAVA)
        params = {"id": id, "date1": date1, "date2": date2, "sort": sort, "reverse": reverse}
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id

        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    def GetStatTechCookies(self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", sort="visits", reverse=1):
        """ Returns data about visits visitors with disabled Cookies
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_TECH_COOKIES)
        params = {"id": id, "date1": date1, "date2": date2, "sort": sort, "reverse": reverse}
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id
        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)

    def GetStatTechJavascript(self, id, goal_id=None, date1="", date2="", sort="visits", reverse=1):
        """ Returns data about visits visitors with disabled JavaScript
        uri = self._GetURI(self._STAT_TECH_JAVASCRIPT)
        params = {"id": id, "date1": date1, "date2": date2, "sort": sort, "reverse": reverse}
        if not goal_id is None:
            params["goal_id"] = goal_id
        return self._GetData("GET", uri, params)
 def __init__(self, key_file=None, cert_file=None):
     self._client = APIClient(key_file, cert_file)
     self._client.UserAgent = self._UserAgent
     self._data = ''
class Direct(object):
    _VersionAPI = 4
    HOST = 'https://soap.direct.yandex.ru/json-api/v4/'
    Locale = 'en'
    _UserAgent = 'yadirectpy'

    def UserAgent(self):
        return self._UserAgent

    def UserAgent(self, user_agent):
        self._UserAgent = user_agent

    def VersionAPI(self):
        return self._VersionAPI

    def VersionAPI(self, version_api):
        self._VersionAPI = version_api
        self.HOST = 'https://soap.direct.yandex.ru/json-api/v%d/' % version_api

    def __init__(self, key_file=None, cert_file=None):
        self._client = APIClient(key_file, cert_file)
        self._client.UserAgent = self._UserAgent
        self._data = ''

    def _GetResponseObject(f):
        def wrapper(self):
            obj = JSON2Obj(self._data)
            if hasattr(obj, 'error_code'):
                raise APIException(obj.error_code, obj.error_str,
            return f(self, obj)

        return wrapper

    def _GetHeaders(self):
        header = {
            'User-Agent': self._UserAgent,
            'Accept': 'application/json',
            'Accept-Language': 'ru,en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3',
            'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate',
            'Accept-Charset': 'utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7',
            'Keep-Alive': '300',
            'Connection': 'keep-alive'
        return header

    def _ResponseHandle(self, obj):
        return obj

    def _GetData(self, method, uri, params={}):
        headers = self._GetHeaders()
        self._data = self._client.Request(method,
        return self._ResponseHandle()

    def GetData(self):
        return self._data

    def _GetParams(self, method, params):
        return {'method': method, 'param': params, 'locale': self.Locale}

    def _Method(self, **kwargs):
        if kwargs.get('params'):
            params = self._GetParams(self.method, kwargs['params'])
            params = self._GetParams(self.method, kwargs)
        return self._GetData('POST', self.HOST,
                             json.dumps(params, ensure_ascii=False))

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        self.method = attr
        return self._Method
 def setUp(self):
     self.client = APIClient()
     self.hotel = Hotel()