def info(input, verbose, pyformat, **kwargs):
    Provides info about the input. Requires valid input.
    if not input:
        input = '-'
    with click.open_file(input, mode='rb') as f:
        # root = xml_utils.load(f)
        tree = ET.parse(f)
        root = tree.getroot()
        d = {}
        d.update({'xml': xml_utils.element_info(root)})

        rf_metrics = {
            'suites': xml_utils.count_elements(tree, xpath='//suite'),
            'tests': xml_utils.count_elements(tree, xpath='//test'),
            'messages': xml_utils.count_elements(tree, xpath='//msg')
        d.update({'robot': rf_metrics})

        if verbose:
            d['_object'] = {
                'type': type(root),
                # 'repr': repr(root),
                # 'vars': sorted(vars(root)),
                # 'dir': sorted(dir(root)),
                'members': sorted(varsdict(root).keys())
        # click.echo(d)
        # click.echo(sorted(d.items()))
        if pyformat:
            s = pformat(d)
            s = json.dumps(d, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
def elements(input, verbose, pretty, **kwargs):
    Prints information about each element (i.e. tag) in the input. Requires valid input.


        $ echo '<a><b><c/></b><b><d><e/></d><d/></b></a>' | python -mclifunzone.xmltool elements | tail -n 1

        $ echo '<a><b><c/></b><b><d><e/></d><d/></b></a>' | python -mclifunzone.xmltool elements | head -n 1
    if not input:
        input = '-'
    with click.open_file(input, mode='rb') as f:
        tree = ET.parse(f)
        root = tree.getroot()
        tag = None  # 'div' or whatever
        items = root.iter(tag=tag) if tag else root.iter()
        # items = [i for i in items]
        items = [xml_utils.element_info(i, tree=tree) for i in items]
        if not verbose:
            # remove 'noise' from the data output to make it more understandable/readable/concise
            # items = [dict_utils.map_values(i, lambda v: '' if v == '\n' else v) for i in items]
            items = [dict_utils.remove_if(i, lambda k, v: v == '\n', output=True) for i in items]
            items = [dict_utils.remove_if(i, lambda k, v: v == '', output=True) for i in items]
            items = [dict_utils.remove_if(i, lambda k, v: v is None, output=True) for i in items]
            items = [dict_utils.remove_if(i, lambda k, v: v == [], output=True) for i in items]
            items = [dict_utils.remove_if(i, lambda k, v: v == {}, output=True) for i in items]
            # items = [dict_utils.filter_none_values(i) for i in items]
            # items = [dict_utils.filter_empty_values(i) for i in items]
        if pretty:
            output = json.dumps(items, indent=4)
            lines = [json.dumps(i, indent=None, separators=(',', ':')) for i in items]
            for line in lines: