 def test_validation_switzerland30(self):
     """Validation for Switzerland: two combinations of Lit and Pop,
         checking Pearson correlation coefficient and RMSF"""
     rho = lp.admin1_validation('CHE', ['LitPop', 'Lit5'], [[1, 1], [5, 0]],\
                                 res_arcsec=30, check_plot=False)[0]
     self.assertTrue(np.int(round(rho[0] * 1e12)) == 945416798729)
     self.assertTrue(np.int(round(rho[-1] * 1e12)) == 3246081648798)
income_groups = list()
for cntry in countries:
    income_groups.append(income_group(cntry, 2016)[1])

if compute_validation:
    """computation of normalized Gross Regional Product nGRP, skill metrics,
    and make scatter plots"""
    rho = dict()
    adm0 = dict()
    adm1 = dict()
    # loop over countries, computing nGRP and skill
    for i in countries_sel:
        print('*** ' + countries[i] + ' *** ')
        start_time_c = time.time()
        rho[countries[i]], adm0[countries[i]], adm1[countries[i]] =\
            lp.admin1_validation(countries[i], methods, exponents_list, \
                                 res_arcsec=resolution, check_plot=False)

        plt.figure()  # Scatter plot per country
        lit3_scatter = plt.scatter(adm1[countries[i]]['Lit3'], \
                                   adm0[countries[i]]['Lit3'], c=colors3[0], marker='^')
        pop_scatter = plt.scatter(adm1[countries[i]]['Pop'], \
                                  adm0[countries[i]]['Pop'], c=colors3[1])
        litpop_scatter = plt.scatter(adm1[countries[i]]['LitPop'], \
                                     adm0[countries[i]]['LitPop'], c=colors3[2])
        plt.plot([0, np.max([plt.gca().get_xlim()[1], plt.gca().get_ylim()[1]])],
                 [0, np.max([plt.gca().get_xlim()[1], plt.gca().get_ylim()[1]])],\
                 ls="--", c=".3")

        plt.legend((litpop_scatter, lit3_scatter, pop_scatter),\
                   (r'$LitPop$', r'$Lit^3$', r'$Pop$',))
        plt.xlabel('Reference nGRP')