def preprocessing_t1w(bids_directory, caps_directory, tsv, working_directory=None): """ This preprocessing pipeline includes globally three steps: 1) N4 bias correction (performed with ANTS). 2) Linear registration to MNI (MNI icbm152 nlinear sym template) (performed with ANTS) - RegistrationSynQuick. 3) Cropping the background (in order to save computational power). 4) Histogram-based intensity normalization. This is a custom function performed by the binary ImageMath included with ANTS. Parameters ---------- bids_directory: str Folder with BIDS structure. caps_directory: str Folder where CAPS structure will be stored. working_directory: str Folder containing a temporary space to save intermediate results. """ from os.path import dirname, join, abspath, split, exists from os import pardir, makedirs from pathlib import Path from clinica.utils.inputs import check_bids_folder from clinica.utils.participant import get_subject_session_list from clinica.utils.filemanip import get_subject_id from clinica.utils.exceptions import ClinicaBIDSError, ClinicaException from clinica.utils.inputs import clinica_file_reader from clinica.utils.input_files import T1W_NII from clinica.utils.check_dependency import check_ants from import fetch_file from import RemoteFileStructure import nipype.pipeline.engine as npe import nipype.interfaces.utility as nutil from nipype.interfaces import ants check_ants() check_bids_folder(bids_directory) input_dir = abspath(bids_directory) caps_directory = abspath(caps_directory) is_bids_dir = True base_dir = abspath(working_directory) home = str(Path.home()) cache_clinicadl = join(home, '.cache', 'clinicadl', 'ressources', 'masks') url_aramis = '' FILE1 = RemoteFileStructure( filename='ref_cropped_template.nii.gz', url=url_aramis, checksum= '67e1e7861805a8fd35f7fcf2bdf9d2a39d7bcb2fd5a201016c4d2acdd715f5b3') FILE2 = RemoteFileStructure( filename='mni_icbm152_t1_tal_nlin_sym_09c.nii', url=url_aramis, checksum= '93359ab97c1c027376397612a9b6c30e95406c15bf8695bd4a8efcb2064eaa34') if not (exists(cache_clinicadl)): makedirs(cache_clinicadl) ref_template = join(cache_clinicadl, FILE2.filename) ref_crop = join(cache_clinicadl, FILE1.filename) if not (exists(ref_template)): try: ref_template = fetch_file(FILE2, cache_clinicadl) except IOError as err: print( 'Unable to download required template (mni_icbm152) for processing:', err) if not (exists(ref_crop)): try: ref_crop = fetch_file(FILE1, cache_clinicadl) except IOError as err: print( 'Unable to download required template (ref_crop) for processing:', err) sessions, subjects = get_subject_session_list(input_dir, tsv, is_bids_dir, False, base_dir) # Use hash instead of parameters for iterables folder names # Otherwise path will be too long and generate OSError from nipype import config cfg = dict(execution={'parameterize_dirs': False}) config.update_config(cfg) # Inputs from anat/ folder # ======================== # T1w file: try: t1w_files = clinica_file_reader(subjects, sessions, bids_directory, T1W_NII) except ClinicaException as e: err = 'Clinica faced error(s) while trying to read files in your CAPS directory.\n' + str( e) raise ClinicaBIDSError(err) def get_input_fields(): """"Specify the list of possible inputs of this pipelines. Returns: A list of (string) input fields name. """ return ['t1w'] read_node = npe.Node( name="ReadingFiles", iterables=[ ('t1w', t1w_files), ], synchronize=True, interface=nutil.IdentityInterface(fields=get_input_fields())) image_id_node = npe.Node(interface=nutil.Function( input_names=['bids_or_caps_file'], output_names=['image_id'], function=get_subject_id), name='ImageID') # The core (processing) nodes # 1. N4biascorrection by ANTS. It uses nipype interface. n4biascorrection = npe.Node(name='n4biascorrection', interface=ants.N4BiasFieldCorrection( dimension=3, save_bias=True, bspline_fitting_distance=600)) # 2. `RegistrationSynQuick` by *ANTS*. It uses nipype interface. ants_registration_node = npe.Node(name='antsRegistrationSynQuick', interface=ants.RegistrationSynQuick()) ants_registration_node.inputs.fixed_image = ref_template ants_registration_node.inputs.transform_type = 'a' ants_registration_node.inputs.dimension = 3 # 3. Crop image (using nifti). It uses custom interface, from utils file from .T1_linear_utils import crop_nifti cropnifti = npe.Node(name='cropnifti', interface=nutil.Function( function=crop_nifti, input_names=['input_img', 'ref_crop'], output_names=['output_img', 'crop_template'])) cropnifti.inputs.ref_crop = ref_crop # ********* Deprecrecated ********** # # ** This step was not used in the final version ** # # 4. Histogram-based intensity normalization. This is a custom function # performed by the binary `ImageMath` included with *ANTS*. # from .T1_linear_utils import ants_histogram_intensity_normalization # # # histogram-based intensity normalization # intensitynorm = npe.Node( # name='intensitynormalization', # interface=nutil.Function( # input_names=['image_dimension', 'crop_template', 'input_img'], # output_names=['output_img'], # function=ants_histogram_intensity_normalization # ) # ) # intensitynorm.inputs.image_dimension = 3 # DataSink and the output node from .T1_linear_utils import (container_from_filename, get_data_datasink) # Create node to write selected files into the CAPS from import DataSink get_ids = npe.Node(interface=nutil.Function( input_names=['image_id'], output_names=['image_id_out', 'subst_ls'], function=get_data_datasink), name="GetIDs") # Find container path from t1w filename # ===================================== container_path = npe.Node(nutil.Function( input_names=['bids_or_caps_filename'], output_names=['container'], function=container_from_filename), name='ContainerPath') write_node = npe.Node(name="WriteCaps", interface=DataSink()) write_node.inputs.base_directory = caps_directory write_node.inputs.parameterization = False # Connectiong the workflow from clinica.utils.nipype import fix_join wf = npe.Workflow(name='t1_linear_dl', base_dir=working_directory) wf.connect([ (read_node, image_id_node, [('t1w', 'bids_or_caps_file')]), (read_node, container_path, [('t1w', 'bids_or_caps_filename')]), (image_id_node, ants_registration_node, [('image_id', 'output_prefix') ]), (read_node, n4biascorrection, [("t1w", "input_image")]), (n4biascorrection, ants_registration_node, [('output_image', 'moving_image')]), (ants_registration_node, cropnifti, [('warped_image', 'input_img')]), (ants_registration_node, write_node, [('out_matrix', '@affine_mat')]), # Connect to DataSink (container_path, write_node, [(('container', fix_join, 't1_linear'), 'container')]), (image_id_node, get_ids, [('image_id', 'image_id')]), (get_ids, write_node, [('image_id_out', '@image_id')]), (get_ids, write_node, [('subst_ls', 'substitutions')]), # (get_ids, write_node, [('regexp_subst_ls', 'regexp_substitutions')]), (n4biascorrection, write_node, [('output_image', '@outfile_corr')]), (ants_registration_node, write_node, [('warped_image', '@outfile_reg') ]), (cropnifti, write_node, [('output_img', '@outfile_crop')]), ]) return wf
def quality_check(caps_dir, tsv_path, output_path, threshold=0.5, batch_size=1, num_workers=0, gpu=True): if splitext(output_path)[1] != ".tsv": raise ValueError("Please provide an output path to a tsv file") # Fecth QC model root = dirname(abspath(join(abspath(__file__), pardir))) path_to_model = join(root, 'resources', 'models') url_aramis = '' FILE1 = RemoteFileStructure( filename='resnet18.pth.tar', url=url_aramis, checksum= 'a97a781be3820b06424fe891ec405c78b87ad51a27b6b81614dbdb996ce60104') model_file = join(path_to_model, FILE1.filename) if not (exists(model_file)): try: model_file = fetch_file(FILE1, path_to_model) except IOError as err: print('Unable to download required model for QC process:', err) # Load QC model model = resnet_qc_18() model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_file)) model.eval() if gpu: model.cuda() # Load DataFrame df = pd.read_csv(tsv_path, sep='\t') if ('session_id' not in list( df.columns.values)) or ('participant_id' not in list( df.columns.values)): raise Exception( "the data file is not in the correct format." "Columns should include ['participant_id', 'session_id']") dataset = QCDataset(caps_dir, df) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, num_workers=num_workers, batch_size=batch_size, pin_memory=True) columns = ['participant_id', 'session_id', 'pass_probability', 'pass'] qc_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1) for data in dataloader: inputs = data['image'] if gpu: inputs = inputs.cuda() outputs = softmax.forward(model(inputs)) for idx, sub in enumerate(data['participant_id']): pass_probability = outputs[idx, 1].item() row = [[ sub, data['session_id'][idx], pass_probability, pass_probability > threshold ]] row_df = pd.DataFrame(row, columns=columns) qc_df = qc_df.append(row_df) qc_df.sort_values("pass_probability", ascending=False, inplace=True) qc_df.to_csv(output_path, sep='\t', index=False)
def generate_trivial_dataset(caps_dir, tsv_path, output_dir, n_subjects, preprocessing="linear", mask_path=None, atrophy_percent=60): """ Generates a fully separable dataset. Generates a dataset, based on the images of the CAPS directory, where a half of the image is processed using a mask to oclude a specific region. This procedure creates a dataset fully separable (images with half-right processed and image with half-left processed) Args: caps_dir: (str) path to the CAPS directory. tsv_path: (str) path to tsv file of list of subjects/sessions. output_dir: (str) folder containing the synthetic dataset in CAPS format. n_subjects: (int) number of subjects in each class of the synthetic dataset. preprocessing: (str) preprocessing performed. Must be in ['linear', 'extensive']. mask_path: (str) path to the extracted masks to generate the two labels. atrophy_percent: (float) percentage of atrophy applied. Returns: Folder structure where images are stored in CAPS format. Raises: """ # Read DataFrame data_df = pd.read_csv(tsv_path, sep='\t') data_df = baseline_df(data_df, "None") root = dirname(abspath(join(abspath(__file__), pardir, pardir))) path_to_masks = join(root, 'resources', 'masks') url_aramis = '' FILE1 = RemoteFileStructure(filename='AAL2.tar.gz', url=url_aramis, checksum='89427970921674792481bffd2de095c8fbf49509d615e7e09e4bc6f0e0564471' ) AAL2_masks_path = join(path_to_masks, FILE1.filename) if n_subjects > len(data_df): raise ValueError("The number of subjects %i cannot be higher than the number of subjects in the baseline " "DataFrame extracted from %s" % (n_subjects, tsv_path)) if mask_path is None: if not exists(join(path_to_masks, 'AAL2')): try: print('Try to download AAL2 masks') mask_path_tar = fetch_file(FILE1, path_to_masks) tar_file = print('File: ' + mask_path_tar) try: tar_file.extractall(path_to_masks) tar_file.close() mask_path = join(path_to_masks, 'AAL2') except RuntimeError: print('Unable to extract donwloaded files') except IOError as err: print('Unable to download required templates:', err) raise ValueError('''Unable to download masks, please donwload them manually at and provide a valid path.''') else: mask_path = join(path_to_masks, 'AAL2') # Output tsv file columns = ['participant_id', 'session_id', 'diagnosis', 'age', 'sex'] output_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) diagnosis_list = ["AD", "CN"] for i in range(2 * n_subjects): data_idx = i // 2 label = i % 2 participant_id = data_df.loc[data_idx, "participant_id"] session_id = data_df.loc[data_idx, "session_id"] filename = 'sub-TRIV%i' % i + FILENAME_TYPE['cropped'] + '.nii.gz' path_image = join(output_dir, 'subjects', 'sub-TRIV%i' % i, 'ses-M00', 't1_linear') if not exists(path_image): makedirs(path_image) image_path = find_image_path(caps_dir, participant_id, session_id, preprocessing) image_nii = nib.load(image_path) image = image_nii.get_data() atlas_to_mask = nib.load(join(mask_path, 'mask-%i.nii' % (label + 1))).get_data() # Create atrophied image trivial_image = im_loss_roi_gaussian_distribution(image, atlas_to_mask, atrophy_percent) trivial_image_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(trivial_image, affine=image_nii.affine) trivial_image_nii.to_filename(join(path_image, filename)) # Append row to output tsv row = ['sub-TRIV%i' % i, 'ses-M00', diagnosis_list[label], 60, 'F'] row_df = pd.DataFrame([row], columns=columns) output_df = output_df.append(row_df) output_df.to_csv(join(output_dir, 'data.tsv'), sep='\t', index=False)