    def do_storage(self, args, arguments):

             storage run
             storage clean
             storage monitor [--storage=SERVICES] [--status=all | --status=STATUS] [--output=output] [--clear]
             storage create dir DIRECTORY [--storage=SERVICE] [--parallel=N] [--run]
             storage get SOURCE DESTINATION [--recursive] [--storage=SERVICE] [--parallel=N] [--run]
             storage put SOURCE DESTINATION [--recursive] [--storage=SERVICE] [--parallel=N] [--run]
             storage list [--storage=SERVICE] [SOURCE] [--recursive] [--parallel=N] [--output=OUTPUT] [--dryrun] [--run]
             storage delete SOURCE [--storage=SERVICE] [--parallel=N] [--dryrun] [--run]
             storage search  DIRECTORY FILENAME [--recursive] [--storage=SERVICE] [--parallel=N] [--output=OUTPUT] [--run]
             storage sync SOURCE DESTINATION [--name=NAME] [--async] [--storage=SERVICE]
             storage sync status [--name=NAME] [--storage=SERVICE]
             storage config list [--output=OUTPUT]
             storage copy --source=SOURCE:SOURCE_FILE_DIR --target=TARGET:TARGET_FILE_DIR [--run]
             storage cc --source=SOURCE:SOURCE_FILE_DIR --target=TARGET:TARGET_FILE_DIR

           This command does some useful things.

             SOURCE        SOURCE can be a directory or file
             DESTINATION   DESTINATION can be a directory or file
             DIRECTORY     DIRECTORY refers to a folder on the cloud service
             SOURCE:SOURCE_FILE_DIR source provider name: file or directory name
             TARGET:SOURCE_FILE_DIR destination provider name

             --storage=SERVICE  specify the cloud service name like aws or
                                azure or box or google

             commands used to upload, download, list files on different
             cloud storage services.

             storage run
                Execute the actions in database that are in waiting status.

           > storage monitor [--storage=SERVICE]
           >                 [--status=all | --status=STATUS]
           >                 [--output=output]
           >                 [--clear]
                Monitor the actions in database and refresh every 5 seconds.

           > storage put SOURCE DESTINATION [--recursive] [--storage=SERVICE]
           >                               [--parallel=N]
               Uploads the file specified in the filename to specified
               cloud from the SOURCEDIR.

           > storage get SOURCE DESTINATION [--recursive] [--storage=SERVICE]
           >                               [--parallel=N]
               Downloads the file specified in the filename from the
               specified cloud to the DESTDIR.

             storage delete SOURCE [--parallel=N] [--dryrun]
                Deletes the file specified in the filename from the
                specified cloud.

           > storage list [SOURCE] [--recursive] [--parallel=N]
           >             [--output=OUTPUT] [--dryrun]
               lists all the files from the container name specified on
               the specified cloud.

             storage create dir DIRECTORY [--storage=SERVICE] [--parallel=N]
               creates a folder with the directory name specified on the
               specified cloud.

           > storage search DIRECTORY FILENAME [--recursive]
           >                                  [--storage=SERVICE]
           >                                  [--parallel=N]
           >                                  [--output=OUTPUT]
               searches for the source in all the folders on the specified

             sync SOURCE DESTINATION
               puts the content of source to the destination.
                If --recursive is specified this is done recursively from
                   the source
                If --async is specified, this is done asynchronously
                If a name is specified, the process can also be monitored
                   with the status command by name.
                If the name is not specified all date is monitored.

             sync status
               The status for the asynchronous sync can be seen with this

             config list
               Lists the configures storage services in the yaml file

             storage copy SOURCE DESTINATION
               Copies files from source storage to destination storage.
               The syntax of SOURCE and DESTINATION is:
               SOURCE - awss3:source.txt
               DESTINATION - azure:target.txt

           Description of the copy command:

                Command enables to Copy files between different cloud service
                providers, list and delete them. This command accepts `aws` ,
                `google` and `local` as the SOURCE and TARGET provider.

                cms storage copy --source=SERVICE:SOURCE --target=DEST:TARGET

                    Command copies files or directories from Source provider to
                    Target Provider.

                cms storage slist --source=SERVICE:SOURCE
                    Command lists all the files present in SOURCE provider's in
                    the given SOURCE_FILE_DIR location This command accepts
                    `aws` or `google` as the SOURCE provider

                cms storage sdelete --source=SERVICE:SOURCE
                    Command deletes the file or directory from the SOURCE
                    provider's SOURCE_FILE_DIR location

            >    cms storage_service copy --source=local:test1.txt
            >                             --target=aws:uploadtest1.txt
                cms storage_service list --source=google:test
                cms storage_service delete --source=aws:uploadtest1.txt

                cms storage put test_file1.txt aws_test_file1.txt
                cms storage put ./recur_dir recur_dir_aws/ --recursive
                cms storage put ./recur_dir recur_dir_aws/

                cms storage get aws_test_file1.txt aws_file1.txt
                cms storage get recur_dir_aws from_aws_dir
                cms storage get recur_dir_aws from_aws_dir --recursive

                cms storage list
                cms storage list --recursive
                cms storage list aws:recur_dir_aws --recursively

                cms storage delete aws:aws_test_file1.txt

                cms storage search recur_dir_aws recur_file1.txt

              set storage=aws
              storage put SOURCE DESTINATION --recursive

              is the same as
              storage --storage=aws put SOURCE DESTINATION --recursive

              storage copy aws:source.txt oracle:target.txt

        # arguments.CONTAINER = arguments["--container"]

        map_parameters(arguments, "dryrun", "recursive", "storage", "source",
                       "target", "parallel")

        source = arguments.source
        target = arguments.target
        variables = Variables()

        parallelism = arguments.parallel or 1

        arguments.storage = Parameter.expand(arguments.storage
                                             or variables['storage'])
        run_immediately = arguments['--run']

        if arguments.monitor:
            provider = Provider(arguments.storage[0], parallelism=parallelism)
            status = arguments['--status'] or "all"
            output = arguments['--output'] or "table"
            result = provider.monitor(status=status, output=output)
        elif arguments.clean:
            provider = Provider(arguments.storage[0], parallelism=parallelism)
            result = provider.clean()
        elif arguments.run:
            provider = Provider(arguments.storage[0], parallelism=parallelism)
            result = provider.run()
        elif arguments['get']:
            provider = Provider(arguments.storage[0], parallelism=parallelism)

            result = provider.get(arguments.SOURCE, arguments.DESTINATION,
            if run_immediately:

        elif arguments.put:
            provider = Provider(arguments.storage[0], parallelism=parallelism)

            result = provider.put(arguments.SOURCE, arguments.DESTINATION,
            if run_immediately:

        elif arguments.create and arguments.dir:
            provider = Provider(arguments.storage[0], parallelism=parallelism)

            result = provider.create_dir(arguments.DIRECTORY)
            if run_immediately:

        elif arguments.list:
            storage list SOURCE [--parallel=N]
            if variables['storage']:
                default_source = f"{variables['storage']}:/"
                default_source = "local:/"
            sources = arguments.SOURCE or default_source
            if not ":" in sources:
                sources = f"{variables['storage']}:{sources}"
            sources = Parameter.expand(sources)

            deletes = []
            for source in sources:
                storage, entry = Parameter.separate(source)

                storage = storage or source or "local"
                deletes.append((storage, entry))

            _sources = ', '.join(sources)

            for delete in deletes:
                service, entry = delete
                if arguments.dryrun:
                    print(f"Dryrun: list {service}:{entry}")
                    provider = Provider(service=service,
                    provider.list(name=entry, recursive=arguments.recursive)

            if run_immediately:
            return ""

        elif arguments.delete:
            storage delete SOURCE [--parallel=N]
            if variables['storage']:
                default_source = f"{variables['storage']}:/"
                default_source = "local:/"
            sources = arguments.SOURCE or default_source
            if not ":" in sources:
                sources = f"{variables['storage']}:{sources}"
            sources = Parameter.expand(sources)

            deletes = []
            for source in sources:
                storage, entry = Parameter.separate(source)

                storage = storage or source or "local"
                deletes.append((storage, entry))

            _sources = ', '.join(sources)

            answer = yn_choice(f"Would you like to delete {_sources}?",

            if answer:

                for delete in deletes:
                    service, entry = delete
                    if arguments.dryrun:
                        print(f"Dryrun: delete {service}:{entry}")
                        provider = Provider(service=service,

                Console.error("Deletion canceled")

            if run_immediately:
            return ""

        elif arguments.search:

            for storage in arguments.storage:
                provider = Provider(storage, parallelism=parallelism)

                provider.search(arguments.DIRECTORY, arguments.FILENAME,
            if run_immediately:

        elif arguments.rsync:
            # TODO: implement
            raise NotImplementedError

        elif arguments['cc']:
            scloud, sfileDir = source.split(":", 1) or None
            tcloud, tfileDir = target.split(":", 1) or None
            print(f" Copying from Source {scloud} : {sfileDir} to Target  "
                  f" {tcloud} : {tfileDir}")

            cloudName = ["aws", "google"]
            if scloud in cloudName:
                provider = Provider(service=scloud, parallelism=parallelism)
                provider.copyFiles(scloud, sfileDir, tcloud, tfileDir)
                print("Not Implemented")

            return ""
        elif arguments.copy:
            scloud, sbucket = arguments['--source'].split(":", 1) or None
            tcloud, tbucket = arguments['--target'].split(":", 1) or None
            if scloud == "aws" or scloud == "google":
                provider = Provider(service=scloud, parallelism=parallelism)
                provider.copy(scloud, tcloud, sbucket, tbucket)
                provider = Provider(service=tcloud, parallelism=parallelism)
                provider.copy(arguments['--source'], arguments['--target'],
                if run_immediately:
        return ""
    def do_storage(self, args, arguments):

             storage create dir DIRECTORY [--storage=SERVICE] [--parallel=N]
             storage get SOURCE DESTINATION [--recursive] [--storage=SERVICE] [--parallel=N]
             storage put SOURCE DESTINATION [--recursive] [--storage=SERVICE] [--parallel=N]
             storage list [SOURCE] [--recursive] [--parallel=N] [--output=OUTPUT] [--dryrun]
             storage delete SOURCE [--parallel=N] [--dryrun]
             storage search  DIRECTORY FILENAME [--recursive] [--storage=SERVICE] [--parallel=N] [--output=OUTPUT]
             storage sync SOURCE DESTINATION [--name=NAME] [--async] [--storage=SERVICE]
             storage sync status [--name=NAME] [--storage=SERVICE]
             storage config list [--output=OUTPUT]
             storage [--parallel=N] copy SOURCE DESTINATION [--recursive]
             storage copy --source=SOURCE:SOURCE_FILE_DIR --target=TARGET:TARGET_FILE_DIR

           This command does some useful things.

             SOURCE        SOURCE can be a directory or file
             DESTINATION   DESTINATION can be a directory or file
             DIRECTORY     DIRECTORY refers to a folder on the cloud service
             SOURCE:SOURCE_FILE_DIR   source provider name: file or directory name
             TARGET:SOURCE_FILE_DIR   destination provider name

             --storage=SERVICE  specify the cloud service name like aws or
                                azure or box or google

             commands used to upload, download, list files on different
             cloud storage services.

             storage put [options..]
               Uploads the file specified in the filename to specified
               cloud from the SOURCEDIR.

             storage get [options..]
               Downloads the file specified in the filename from the
               specified cloud to the DESTDIR.

             storage delete [options..]
                Deletes the file specified in the filename from the
                specified cloud.

             storage list [options..]
               lists all the files from the container name specified on
               the specified cloud.

             storage create dir [options..]
               creates a folder with the directory name specified on the
               specified cloud.

             storage search [options..]
               searches for the source in all the folders on the specified

             sync SOURCE DESTINATION
               puts the content of source to the destination.
                If --recursive is specified this is done recursively from
                   the source
                If --async is specified, this is done asynchronously
                If a name is specified, the process can also be monitored
                   with the status command by name.
                If the name is not specified all date is monitored.

             sync status
               The status for the asynchronous sync can be seen with this

             config list
               Lists the configures storage services in the yaml file

             storage copy SOURCE DESTINATION
               Copies files from source storage to destination storage.
               The syntax of SOURCE and DESTINATION is:
               SOURCE - awss3:source.txt
               DESTINATION - azure:target.txt

           Description of the copy command:

                Command enables to Copy files between different cloud service
                providers, list and delete them. This command accepts `aws` ,
                `google` and `local` as the SOURCE and TARGET provider.

                cms storage copy --source=SERVICE:SOURCE --target=DEST:TARGET

                    Command copies files or directories from Source provider to
                    Target Provider.

                cms storage slist --source=SERVICE:SOURCE
                    Command lists all the files present in SOURCE provider's in
                    the given SOURCE_FILE_DIR location This command accepts
                    `aws` or `google` as the SOURCE provider

                cms storage sdelete --source=SERVICE:SOURCE
                    Command deletes the file or directory from the SOURCE
                    provider's SOURCE_FILE_DIR location

                cms storage_service copy --source=local:test1.txt --target=aws:uploadtest1.txt
                cms storage_service list --source=google:test
                cms storage_service delete --source=aws:uploadtest1.txt

              set storage=azureblob
              storage put SOURCE DESTINATION --recursive

              is the same as
              storage --storage=azureblob put SOURCE DESTINATION --recursive

              storage copy azure:source.txt oracle:target.txt

        # arguments.CONTAINER = arguments["--container"]

        map_parameters(arguments, "dryrun", "recursive", "storage", "source",

        source = arguments.source
        target = arguments.target
        variables = Variables()


        arguments.storage = Parameter.expand(arguments.storage)

        if arguments["get"]:
            provider = Provider(arguments.storage[0])

            result = provider.get(arguments.SOURCE, arguments.DESTINATION,

        elif arguments.put:
            provider = Provider(arguments.storage[0])

            result = provider.put(arguments.SOURCE, arguments.DESTINATION,

        elif arguments.create and arguments.dir:
            provider = Provider(arguments.storage[0])

            result = provider.create_dir(arguments.DIRECTORY)

        elif arguments.list:
            storage list SOURCE [--parallel=N]
            sources = arguments.SOURCE or variables["storage"] or 'local:.'
            sources = Parameter.expand(sources)

            deletes = []
            for source in sources:
                storage, entry = Parameter.separate(source)

                storage = storage or "local"
                deletes.append((storage, entry))

            _sources = ', '.join(sources)

            for delete in deletes:
                service, entry = delete
                if arguments.dryrun:
                    print(f"Dryrun: list {service}:{entry}")
                    provider = Provider(service=service)

            return ""

        elif arguments.delete:
            storage delete SOURCE [--parallel=N]
            sources = arguments.SOURCE or variables["storage"] or 'local:.'
            sources = Parameter.expand(sources)

            deletes = []
            for source in sources:
                storage, entry = Parameter.separate(source)

                storage = storage or "local"
                deletes.append((storage, entry))

            _sources = ', '.join(sources)

            answer = yn_choice(f"Would you like to delete {_sources}?",

            if answer:

                for delete in deletes:
                    service, entry = delete
                    if arguments.dryrun:
                        print(f"Dryrun: delete {service}:{entry}")
                        provider = Provider(service=service)

                Console.error("Deletion canceled")

            return ""

        elif arguments.search:

            for storage in arguments.storage:
                provider = Provider(storage)

                provider.search(arguments.DIRECTORY, arguments.FILENAME,

        elif arguments.rsync:
            # TODO: implement
            raise NotImplementedError

        elif arguments.copy:
            VERBOSE(f"COPY: Executing Copy command from {arguments.SOURCE} to "
                    f"{arguments.DESTINATION} providers")
            print(f"DEBUG storage.py: INITIALIZE with {arguments.storage[0]} "

            provider = Provider(arguments.storage[0])

            result = provider.copy(arguments.SOURCE, arguments.DESTINATION,

        elif arguments.copy:
            scloud, sbucket = source.split(":", 1) or None
            tcloud, tbucket = target.split(":", 1) or None
            # print(scloud + " " + tcloud + " " + sbucket + " " + tbucket)

            if scloud == "aws" or scloud == "google":
                provider = Provider(service=scloud)
                provider.copy(scloud, tcloud, sbucket, tbucket)
            elif (scloud == "local"
                  and tcloud == "aws") or (scloud == "local"
                                           and tcloud == "google"):
                provider = Provider(service=tcloud)
                provider.copy(scloud, tcloud, sbucket, tbucket)
                print("Not Implemented")

        return ""