if len(configProfileName) == 0: configProfileName = "config" # We need at least these vars if len(hostname) == 0: print help sys.exit() # Parse arguments if __name__ == "__main__": handleArguments(sys.argv[1:]) # Init our classes c = cloudstackops.CloudStackOps(DEBUG, DRYRUN) ssh = cloudstackopsssh.CloudStackOpsSSH(DEBUG, DRYRUN) c.ssh = ssh x = xenserver.xenserver() c.xenserver = x if DEBUG == 1: print "Warning: Debug mode is enabled!" if DRYRUN == 1: print "Warning: dry-run mode is enabled, not running any commands!" # make credentials file known to our class c.configProfileName = configProfileName # Init the CloudStack API c.initCloudStackAPI()
# Print help if required options not provided if len(configProfileName) == 0 or len(zone) == 0: print help exit(1) ## MAIN ## # Parse arguments if __name__ == "__main__": handle_arguments(sys.argv[1:]) # Init our classes c = cloudstackops.CloudStackOps(DEBUG, DRYRUN, FORCE) cs = cloudstackopsssh.CloudStackOpsSSH() # make credentials file known to our class c.configProfileName = configProfileName # Init the CloudStack API c.initCloudStackAPI() if DEBUG == 1: print "DEBUG: API address: " + c.apiurl print "DEBUG: ApiKey: " + c.apikey print "DEBUG: SecretKey: " + c.secretkey # Check cloudstack IDs if DEBUG == 1: print "DEBUG: Checking CloudStack IDs of provided input.."