def _next_file_gen(self, root): """Generator for next file element in the document. Args: root: root element of the XML tree. Yields: GCSFileStat for the next file. """ for e in root.getiterator(common._T_CONTENTS): st_ctime, size, etag, key = None, None, None, None for child in e.getiterator('*'): if child.tag == common._T_LAST_MODIFIED: st_ctime = common.dt_str_to_posix(child.text) elif child.tag == common._T_ETAG: etag = child.text elif child.tag == common._T_SIZE: size = child.text elif child.tag == common._T_KEY: key = child.text yield common.GCSFileStat(self._path + '/' + key, size, etag, st_ctime) e.clear() yield None
def testDatetimeConversion(self): dt_str = '2013-04-12T00:22:27.000Z' self.assertEqual(dt_str, common.posix_to_dt_str(common.dt_str_to_posix(dt_str)))
def testDatetimeConversion(self): dt_str = '2013-04-12T00:22:27.000Z' self.assertEqual( dt_str, common.posix_to_dt_str(common.dt_str_to_posix(dt_str)))