def test_image_fidelity():
    point = (142195, 64376, 3130)
    cv = CloudVolume('gs://seunglab-test/sharded')
    img = cv.download_point(point, mip=0, size=128)

    N_labels = np.unique(img).shape[0]

    assert N_labels == 144
from cloudvolume import CloudVolume, view

# 1. Initialize a CloudVolume object which will know how to read from this dataset layer.
cv = CloudVolume(
    progress=True,  # shows progress bar
    cache=True,  # cache to disk to avoid repeated downloads
    # parallel=True, # uncomment to try parallel download!

# 2. Download context around the point in the Neuroglancer link above
#    into a numpy array.
# argument one is the (x,y,z) coordinate from neuroglancer
# mip=resolution level (smaller mips are higher resolution, highest is 0)
# size is in voxels
img = cv.download_point((5188, 9096, 1198), mip=0, size=(512, 512, 64))

# 3. Visualize the image!
# Open your browser to https://localhost:8080 to view
# Press ctrl-C to continue script execution.

# 4. When you're done experimenting, clean up the space we used on disk.
from cloudvolume import CloudVolume, view

# 1. Initialize a CloudVolume object which will know how to read from this dataset layer.
cv = CloudVolume(
    progress=True,  # shows progress bar
    cache=True,  # cache to disk to avoid repeated downloads
    # parallel=True, # uncomment to try parallel download!

# 2. Download context around the point in the Neuroglancer link above
#    into a numpy array.
# argument one is the (x,y,z) coordinate from neuroglancer
# mip=resolution level (smaller mips are higher resolution, highest is 0)
# size is in voxels
img = cv.download_point((2054, 1227, 1131), mip=1, size=(500, 500, 500))

# 3. Visualize the image!
# Open your browser to https://localhost:8080 to view
# Press ctrl-C to continue script execution.

# 4. When you're done experimenting, clean up the space we used on disk.