def test_posting(data_to_resp): url = "" path = "posting_realty_20200624.html" listing_type = "apa" response = data_to_resp(url, path, listing_type="apa") now = datetime.utcnow() with patch("clscraper.spiders.posting.datetime") as mock_datetime: mock_datetime.utcnow.return_value = now spider = PostingSpider() item = next(spider.parse(response)) PostgresPipeline().process_item(item, spider) PostgresPipeline().process_item(item, spider) PostgresPipeline().process_item(item, spider) PostgresPipeline().process_item(item, spider) with session_scope() as session: assert max(session.query([0] == 4
def test_posting_revision(): from datetime import datetime from clscraper.models import Posting, PostingRevision with session_scope() as session: kwargs = dict( title="Testing", url="Testing", partial_scrape=True, datetime_scraped=datetime.utcnow(), listing_type="apa", ) posting = Posting(id=1, **kwargs) one = PostingRevision(id=1,, **kwargs) two = PostingRevision( + 1,, **kwargs) session.add(posting) session.flush() session.add(one) session.add(two) session.flush() assert == 1 assert == 2
def parse(self, response: HtmlResponse): """Parse function that scrapes HousingListing items from craigslist list pages. Gets inserted into the db with partial_scrape=True. Then the posting spider will pull that list of paritial scrapes and fill out the rest of the posting. """ listings = [] # go through each listing row and build a list of listing items for result in response.css(".result-row"): #get num bedrooms and floor area from housing div rooms = None floor_area = None floor_area_units = None housing = result.css(".result-meta .housing::text").get() if housing: housing = [val.strip() for val in housing.split("-")] for value in housing: if re.match(r"[0-9]+br", value): rooms = int(value.replace("br", "")) elif value.endswith("ft"): floor_area = value.replace("ft", "") floor_area_units = "ft" elif value.endswith("m"): floor_area = value.replace("m", "") floor_area_units = "m" if floor_area: floor_area = int(floor_area) location = HousingListing.location_str_to_dict(result.css(".result-hood::text").get()) if location: location = location.strip() # location looks like `(Vancouver)`. lets remove the parens location = location[1:] if location[0] == "(" else location location = location[:-1] if location[-1] == ")" else location currency = None for line in response.text.split("\n"): match = re.match(r'.*areaCountry = "(.*)".*', line) if match: country = if country.startswith("CA"): currency = "CAD" elif country.startswith("US"): currency = "USD" price = result.css(".result-meta > .result-price::text").get() match = re.match(r".?([0-9]+).?", price) price = int( listing = HousingListing( id=int(result.css(".result-title").attrib["data-id"]), url=result.css(".result-title").attrib["href"], title=result.css(".result-title::text").get(), price=price, price_currency=currency, bedrooms=rooms, floor_area=floor_area, floor_area_units=floor_area_units, location=[location], datetime_scraped=datetime.utcnow(), partial_scrape=True, listing_type=self.listing_type ) listings.append(listing) # take the list of scraped items and compare them to the database for stored values ids = [listing["id"] for listing in listings] with session_scope() as session: ids = [row[0] for row in session.query(] for listing in listings: if listing["id"] not in ids: yield listing else: logging.debug(f"Found an already scraped listing id={listing['id']}") # we pass along number of pages to scrape by using meta, if meta is not defined if "number_of_pages_to_scrape" in response.meta: number_of_pages_to_scrape = response.meta.get("number_of_pages_to_scrape", None) else: number_of_pages_to_scrape = self.number_of_pages_to_scrape # if we configured it, scrape X pages next_anchor = response.css("") if (number_of_pages_to_scrape or number_of_pages_to_scrape == -1) and next_anchor: url = urljoin(response.url, next_anchor.attrib["href"]) yield Request(url, meta=dict( number_of_pages_to_scrape=number_of_pages_to_scrape-1 if number_of_pages_to_scrape != -1 else number_of_pages_to_scrape ))
def test_connection(): with session_scope() as session: assert list(session.execute("select 1"))[0][0] == 1
def start_requests(self): with session_scope() as session: for posting in session.query(Posting).filter(Posting.partial_scrape).all(): yield scrapy.Request(posting.url, meta=dict( listing_type=posting.listing_type ))