    def __init__(self, constants=None, syllabifier=None,
                 optional_transform: bool = False, *args, **kwargs)->None:
        :param constants: None or a class that implements ScansionConstants
        :param syllabifier: None or a class that implements Syllabifier methods
        :param optional_tranform: boolean, whether or not to apply aggresive verse transformations.
        :param kwargs:
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.constants = ScansionConstants() if constants is None else constants
        self.syllabifier = Syllabifier() if syllabifier is None else syllabifier
        self.remove_punct_map = string_utils.remove_punctuation_dict()
        self.punctuation_substitutions = string_utils.punctuation_for_spaces_dict()
        self.metrical_validator = MetricalValidator(self.constants)
        self.formatter = ScansionFormatter(self.constants)
        self.optional_transform = optional_transform
        self.inverted_amphibrach_re = re.compile(
        self.syllable_matcher = re.compile(r"[{}]".format(self.constants.VOWELS +
                                                          self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS +
                                                          self.constants.LIQUIDS +
        self.SPONDAIC_PENTAMETER = self.constants.SPONDEE + self.constants.SPONDEE + \
                                   self.constants.STRESSED + self.constants.DACTYL + \
                                   self.constants.DACTYL + self.constants.OPTIONAL_ENDING

        self.DACTYLIC_PENTAMETER = self.constants.DACTYL + self.constants.DACTYL + \
                                   self.constants.STRESSED + self.constants.DACTYL + \
                                   self.constants.DACTYL + self.constants.OPTIONAL_ENDING
    def __init__(self,
                 optional_transform: bool = False,
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.constants = constants
        self.remove_punct_map = StringUtils.remove_punctuation_dict()
        self.punctuation_substitutions = StringUtils.punctuation_for_spaces_dict(
        self.metrical_validator = MetricalValidator(constants)
        self.formatter = ScansionFormatter(constants)
        self.syllabifier = syllabifier
        self.optional_transform = optional_transform
        self.inverted_amphibrach_re = re.compile(r"{}\s*{}\s*{}".format(
            self.constants.STRESSED, self.constants.UNSTRESSED,
        self.syllable_matcher = re.compile(
            r"[{}]".format(self.constants.VOWELS +
                           self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS +
                           self.constants.LIQUIDS + self.constants.MUTES))
        self.SPONDAIC_PENTAMETER = self.constants.SPONDEE + self.constants.SPONDEE + \
                                   self.constants.STRESSED + self.constants.DACTYL + \
                                   self.constants.DACTYL + self.constants.OPTIONAL_ENDING

        self.DACTYLIC_PENTAMETER = self.constants.DACTYL + self.constants.DACTYL + \
                                   self.constants.STRESSED + self.constants.DACTYL + \
                                   self.constants.DACTYL + self.constants.OPTIONAL_ENDING
    def __init__(self, constants=ScansionConstants(), syllabifier=Syllabifier(),
                 optional_transform: bool = False, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.constants = constants
        self.remove_punct_map = string_utils.remove_punctuation_dict()
        self.punctuation_substitutions = string_utils.punctuation_for_spaces_dict()
        self.metrical_validator = MetricalValidator(constants)
        self.formatter = ScansionFormatter(constants)
        self.syllabifier = syllabifier
        self.optional_transform = optional_transform
        self.inverted_amphibrach_re = re.compile(
        self.syllable_matcher = re.compile(r"[{}]".format(self.constants.VOWELS +
                                                          self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS +
                                                          self.constants.LIQUIDS +
        self.SPONDAIC_PENTAMETER = self.constants.SPONDEE + self.constants.SPONDEE + \
                                   self.constants.STRESSED + self.constants.DACTYL + \
                                   self.constants.DACTYL + self.constants.OPTIONAL_ENDING

        self.DACTYLIC_PENTAMETER = self.constants.DACTYL + self.constants.DACTYL + \
                                   self.constants.STRESSED + self.constants.DACTYL + \
                                   self.constants.DACTYL + self.constants.OPTIONAL_ENDING
 def __init__(self,
     super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.constants = constants
     self.remove_punct_map = string_utils.remove_punctuation_dict()
     self.punctuation_substitutions = string_utils.punctuation_for_spaces_dict(
     self.metrical_validator = MetricalValidator(constants)
     self.formatter = ScansionFormatter(constants)
     self.syllabifier = syllabifier
     self.inverted_amphibrach_re = re.compile(r"{}\s*{}\s*{}".format(
         self.constants.STRESSED, self.constants.UNSTRESSED,
     self.syllable_matcher = re.compile(
         r"[{}]".format(self.constants.VOWELS +
                        self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS +
                        self.constants.LIQUIDS + self.constants.MUTES))
     self.optional_transform = optional_tranform
 def __init__(self, constants=None, syllabifier=None, **kwargs):
     :param constants: None or a class that implements ScansionConstants
     :param syllabifier: None or a class that implements Syllabifier methods
     :param kwargs:
     self.constants = ScansionConstants(
     ) if constants is None else constants
     self.syllabifier = Syllabifier(
     ) if syllabifier is None else syllabifier
     self.remove_punct_map = string_utils.remove_punctuation_dict()
     self.punctuation_substitutions = string_utils.punctuation_for_spaces_dict(
     self.metrical_validator = MetricalValidator(self.constants)
     self.formatter = ScansionFormatter(self.constants)
     self.inverted_amphibrach_re = re.compile(r"{}\s*{}\s*{}".format(
         self.constants.STRESSED, self.constants.UNSTRESSED,
     self.syllable_matcher = re.compile(
         r"[{}]".format(self.constants.VOWELS +
                        self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS +
                        self.constants.LIQUIDS + self.constants.MUTES))
class HexameterScanner(VerseScanner):
    """The scansion symbols used can be configured by passing a suitable constants class to
    the constructor."""

    def __init__(self, constants=ScansionConstants(), syllabifier=Syllabifier(),
                 optional_transform=False, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.constants = constants
        self.remove_punct_map = string_utils.remove_punctuation_dict()
        self.punctuation_substitutions = string_utils.punctuation_for_spaces_dict()
        self.metrical_validator = MetricalValidator(constants)
        self.formatter = ScansionFormatter(constants)
        self.syllabifier = syllabifier
        self.inverted_amphibrach_re = re.compile(
        self.syllable_matcher = re.compile(r"[{}]".format(self.constants.VOWELS +
                                                          self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS +
                                                          self.constants.LIQUIDS +
        self.optional_transform = optional_transform

    def scan(self, original_line: str, optional_transform: bool = False,
             dactyl_smoothing: bool = False) -> Verse:
        Scan a line of Latin hexameter and produce a scansion pattern, and other data.

        :param original_line: the original line of Latin verse
        :param optional_transform: whether or not to perform i to j transform for syllabification
        :param dactyl_smoothing: whether or not to perform dactyl smoothing
        :return: a Verse object

        >>> scanner = HexameterScanner()
        >>> print(scanner.scan("impulerit. Tantaene animis caelestibus irae?"))
        Verse(original='impulerit. Tantaene animis caelestibus irae?', scansion='-  U U -    -   -   U U -    - -  U U  -  - ', meter='hexameter', valid=True, syllable_count=15, accented='īmpulerīt. Tāntaene animīs caelēstibus īrae?', scansion_notes=['Valid by positional stresses.'], syllables = ['īm', 'pu', 'le', 'rīt', 'Tān', 'taen', 'a', 'ni', 'mīs', 'cae', 'lēs', 'ti', 'bus', 'i', 'rae'])
        >>> print(scanner.scan(
        ... "Arma virumque cano, Troiae qui prīmus ab ōrīs").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -  U  U -   U  U -    -  -   -   - U  U  - -
        >>> # some hexameters need the optional transformations:
        >>> optional_transform_scanner = HexameterScanner(optional_transform=True)
        >>> print(optional_transform_scanner.scan(
        ... "Ītaliam, fāto profugus, Lāvīniaque vēnit").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        - -  -    - -   U U -    - -  U  U  - U
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().scan(
        ... "lītora, multum ille et terrīs iactātus et alto").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        - U U   -     -    -   -  -   -  - U  U  -  U
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().scan(
        ... "vī superum saevae memorem Iūnōnis ob īram;").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -  U U -    -  -  U U -   - - U  U  - U
        >>> # handle multiple elisions
        >>> print(scanner.scan("monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens, cui lumen ademptum").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -        -  -      -  -     -  -      -  - U  U -   U
        >>> # if we have 17 syllables, create a chain of all dactyls
        >>> print(scanner.scan("quadrupedante putrem sonitu quatit ungula campum"
        ... ).scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -  U U -  U  U  -   U U -   U U  -  U U  -  U
        >>> # if we have 13 syllables exactly, we'll create a spondaic hexameter
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().scan(
        ... "illi inter sese multa vi bracchia tollunt").scansion)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -    -  -   - -  -  -  -   -   UU  -  -
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().scan(
        ... "dat latus; insequitur cumulo praeruptus aquae mons").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -   U U   -  U  U -   U U -    - -  U  U   -  -
        >>> print(optional_transform_scanner.scan(
        ... "Non quivis videt inmodulata poëmata iudex").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -    - -   U U  -  U U - U  U- U U  - -
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().scan(
        ... "certabant urbem Romam Remoramne vocarent").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -  - -   -  -   - -   U U -  U  U - -
        >>> # advanced smoothing is available via keyword flags: dactyl_smoothing
        >>> # print(HexameterScanner().scan(
        #... "his verbis: 'o gnata, tibi sunt ante ferendae",
        #... dactyl_smoothing=True).scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        #-   -  -    -   - U   U -  -   -  U  U -   -
        verse = Verse(original_line, meter='hexameter')
        # replace punctuation with spaces
        line = original_line.translate(self.punctuation_substitutions)
        # conservative i to j
        line = self.transform_i_to_j(line)
        working_line = self.elide_all(line)
        working_line = self.accent_by_position(working_line)
        syllables = self.syllabifier.syllabify(working_line)
        if optional_transform:
            working_line = self.transform_i_to_j_optional(line)
            working_line = self.elide_all(working_line)
            working_line = self.accent_by_position(working_line)
            syllables = self.syllabifier.syllabify(working_line)
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["optional i to j"]]
        verse.working_line = working_line
        verse.syllable_count = self.syllabifier.get_syllable_count(syllables)
        verse.syllables = syllables
        if verse.syllable_count < 12:
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["< 12"]]
            return verse
        stresses = self.flag_dipthongs(syllables)
        syllables_wspaces = string_utils.to_syllables_with_trailing_spaces(working_line, syllables)
        offset_map = self.calc_offset(syllables_wspaces)
        for idx, syl in enumerate(syllables):
            for accented in self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS:
                if accented in syl:
        # first syllable is always long in hexameter
        # second to last syllable is always long
        stresses.append(verse.syllable_count - 2)

        verse.scansion = self.produce_scansion(stresses,
                                               syllables_wspaces, offset_map)
        if len(string_utils.stress_positions(self.constants.STRESSED, verse.scansion)) != \
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["invalid syllables"]]
            return verse

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(verse.scansion):
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["positionally"]]
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        # identify some obvious and probably choices based on number of syllables
        if verse.syllable_count == 17:  # produce all dactyls
            candidate = self.produce_scansion(
                syllables_wspaces, offset_map)
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["17"]]
            if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(candidate):
                return self.assign_candidate(verse, candidate)
        if verse.syllable_count == 12:  # create all spondee hexameter
            candidate = self.produce_scansion(list(range(12)), syllables_wspaces, offset_map)
            if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(verse.scansion):
                verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["12"]]
                return self.assign_candidate(verse, candidate)
        if verse.syllable_count == 13:  # create spondee hexameter with a dactyl at 5th foot
            known_unaccents = [9, 10]
            last_syllable_accented = False
            for vowel in self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS:
                if vowel in verse.syllables[12]:
                    last_syllable_accented = True
            if not last_syllable_accented:
            if set(known_unaccents) - set(stresses) != len(known_unaccents):
                verse.scansion = self.produce_scansion([x for x in range(13)
                                                        if x not in known_unaccents],
                                                       syllables_wspaces, offset_map)
                verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["5th dactyl"]]
                if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(verse.scansion):
                    return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)
        if verse.syllable_count > 17:
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["> 17"]]
            return verse

        smoothed = self.correct_inverted_amphibrachs(verse.scansion)
        if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["inverted"]]
            verse.scansion = smoothed
            stresses += string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, smoothed)

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(verse.scansion):
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        smoothed = self.correct_first_two_dactyls(verse.scansion)
        if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["invalid start"]]
            verse.scansion = smoothed
            stresses += string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, smoothed)

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(verse.scansion):
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        smoothed = self.correct_invalid_fifth_foot(verse.scansion)
        if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["invalid 5th"]]
            verse.scansion = smoothed
            stresses += string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, smoothed)

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(verse.scansion):
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        feet = self.metrical_validator.hexameter_feet(verse.scansion.replace(" ", ""))
        if feet:
            #  Normal good citizens are unwelcome in the house of hexameter
            invalid_feet_in_hexameter = [self.constants.IAMB, self.constants.TROCHEE]
            current_foot = 0
            ending = feet.pop()  # don't process the ending, a possible trochee, add it back after
            scanned_line = ""
            for foot in feet:
                if foot.replace(" ", "") in invalid_feet_in_hexameter:
                    scanned_line = self.invalid_foot_to_spondee(feet, foot, current_foot)
                    scanned_line = scanned_line + ending
                current_foot += 1
            smoothed = self.produce_scansion(stresses +
                                                 self.constants.STRESSED, scanned_line),
                                             syllables_wspaces, offset_map)

            if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(smoothed):
                verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["invalid foot"]]
                return self.assign_candidate(verse, smoothed)

        # need to do this again, since the scansion has changed
        smoothed = self.correct_inverted_amphibrachs(verse.scansion)
        if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["inverted"]]
            verse.scansion = smoothed
            stresses += string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, smoothed)

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(verse.scansion):
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        candidates = self.metrical_validator.closest_hexameter_patterns(verse.scansion)
        if candidates is not None:
            if len(candidates) == 1 \
                    and len(verse.scansion.replace(" ", "")) == len(candidates[0]) \
                    and len(string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, candidates[0])) == 1:
                tmp_scansion = self.produce_scansion(
                    string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, candidates[0]),
                    syllables_wspaces, offset_map)
                if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(tmp_scansion):
                    verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["closest match"]]
                    return self.assign_candidate(verse, tmp_scansion)

        # need to do this again, since the scansion has changed
        smoothed = self.correct_inverted_amphibrachs(smoothed)
        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(smoothed):
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["inverted"]]
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, smoothed)

        if dactyl_smoothing:
            smoothed = self.correct_dactyl_chain(smoothed)
            if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
                verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["dactyl smoothing"]]
                verse.scansion = smoothed
            if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(verse.scansion):
                return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        # if the line doesn't scan "as is", if may scan if the optional i to j transformations
        # are made, so here we set them and try again.
        if self.optional_transform and not verse.valid:
            return self.scan(original_line, optional_transform=True, dactyl_smoothing=True)
        return verse

    def correct_invalid_fifth_foot(self, scansion: str) -> str:
        The 'inverted amphibrach': stressed_unstressed_stressed syllable pattern is invalid
        in hexameters, so here we coerce it to stressed when it occurs at the end of a line

        :param scansion: the scansion pattern
        :return corrected scansion: the corrected scansion pattern

        >>> print(HexameterScanner().correct_invalid_fifth_foot(
        ... " -   - -   U U  -  U U U -  - U U U  - x")) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -   - -   U U  -  U U U -  - - U U  - x
        scansion_wo_spaces = scansion.replace(" ", "")[:-1] + self.constants.OPTIONAL_ENDING
        if scansion_wo_spaces.endswith(self.constants.DACTYL +
                                       self.constants.IAMB +
            matches = list(re.compile
            (start, end) = matches[len(matches) - 1].span()
            unstressed_idx = scansion.index(self.constants.UNSTRESSED, start)
            new_line = scansion[:unstressed_idx] + self.constants.STRESSED \
                       + scansion[unstressed_idx + 1:]
            return new_line
        return scansion

    def invalid_foot_to_spondee(self, feet: list, foot: str, idx: int) -> str:
        In hexameters, a single foot that is a  unstressed_stressed syllable pattern is often
        just a double spondee, so here we coerce it to stressed.

        :param feet: list of string representations of meterical feet
        :param foot: the bad foot to correct
        :param idx: the index of the foot to correct
        :return: corrected scansion

        >>> print(HexameterScanner().invalid_foot_to_spondee(
        ... ['-UU', '--', '-U', 'U-', '--', '-UU'],'-U', 2))  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        new_foot = foot.replace(self.constants.UNSTRESSED, self.constants.STRESSED)
        feet[idx] = new_foot
        return "".join(feet)

    def correct_dactyl_chain(self, scansion: str) -> str:
        Three or more unstressed accents in a row is a broken dactyl chain, best detected and
        processed backwards.

        Since this method takes a Procrustean approach to modifying the scansion pattern,
        it is not used by default in the scan method; however, it is available as an optional
        keyword parameter, and users looking to further automate the generation of scansion
        candidates should consider using this as a fall back.

        :param scansion: scansion with broken dactyl chain; inverted amphibrachs not allowed
        :return: corrected line of scansion

        >>> print(HexameterScanner().correct_dactyl_chain(
        ... "-   U U  -  - U U -  - - U U  - x"))
        -   - -  -  - U U -  - - U U  - x
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().correct_dactyl_chain(
        ... "-   U  U U  U -     -   -   -  -   U  U -   U")) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -   -  - U  U -     -   -   -  -   U  U -   U
        mark_list = string_utils.mark_list(scansion)
        vals = list(scansion.replace(" ", ""))
        #  ignore last two positions, save them
        feet = [vals.pop(), vals.pop()]
        length = len(vals)
        idx = length - 1
        while idx > 0:
            one = vals[idx]
            two = vals[idx - 1]
            if idx > 1:
                three = vals[idx - 2]
                three = ""
            # Dactyl foot is okay, no corrections
            if one == self.constants.UNSTRESSED and \
                    two == self.constants.UNSTRESSED and \
                    three == self.constants.STRESSED:
                feet += [one]
                feet += [two]
                feet += [three]
                idx -= 3
            # Spondee foot is okay, no corrections
            if one == self.constants.STRESSED and \
                    two == self.constants.STRESSED:
                feet += [one]
                feet += [two]
                idx -= 2
            # handle "U U U" foot as "- U U"
            if one == self.constants.UNSTRESSED and \
                    two == self.constants.UNSTRESSED and \
                    three == self.constants.UNSTRESSED:
                feet += [one]
                feet += [two]
                feet += [self.constants.STRESSED]
                idx -= 3
            # handle "U U -" foot as "- -"
            if one == self.constants.STRESSED and \
                    two == self.constants.UNSTRESSED and \
                    three == self.constants.UNSTRESSED:
                feet += [self.constants.STRESSED]
                feet += [self.constants.STRESSED]
                idx -= 2
            # handle "-  U" foot as "- -"
            if one == self.constants.UNSTRESSED and \
                    two == self.constants.STRESSED:
                feet += [self.constants.STRESSED]
                feet += [two]
                idx -= 2
        corrected = "".join(feet[::-1])
        new_line = list(" " * len(scansion))
        for idx, car in enumerate(corrected):
            new_line[mark_list[idx]] = car
        return "".join(new_line)

    def correct_inverted_amphibrachs(self, scansion: str) -> str:
        The 'inverted amphibrach': stressed_unstressed_stressed syllable pattern is invalid
        in hexameters, so here we coerce it to stressed:  - U - -> - - -

        :param scansion: the scansion stress pattern
        :return: a string with the corrected scansion pattern

        >>> print(HexameterScanner().correct_inverted_amphibrachs(
        ... " -   U -   - U  -  U U U U  - U  - x")) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -   - -   - -  -  U U U U  - -  - x
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().correct_inverted_amphibrachs(
        ... " -   - -   U -  -  U U U U  U- - U  - x")) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -   - -   - -  -  U U U U  U- - -  - x
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().correct_inverted_amphibrachs(
        ... "-  - -   -  -   U -   U U -  U  U - -")) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -  - -   -  -   - -   U U -  U  U - -
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().correct_inverted_amphibrachs(
        ... "- UU-   U -   U -  -   U   U U   U-   U")) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        - UU-   - -   - -  -   U   U U   U-   U
        new_line = scansion
        while list(self.inverted_amphibrach_re.finditer(new_line)):
            matches = list(self.inverted_amphibrach_re.finditer(new_line))
            for match in matches:
                (start, end) = match.span()  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
                unstressed_idx = new_line.index(self.constants.UNSTRESSED, start)
                new_line = new_line[:unstressed_idx] + \
                           self.constants.STRESSED + new_line[unstressed_idx + 1:]
        return new_line
class PentameterScanner(VerseScanner):
    """The scansion symbols used can be configured by passing a suitable constants class to
    the constructor."""
    def __init__(self,
                 optional_transform: bool = False,
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.constants = constants
        self.remove_punct_map = StringUtils.remove_punctuation_dict()
        self.punctuation_substitutions = StringUtils.punctuation_for_spaces_dict(
        self.metrical_validator = MetricalValidator(constants)
        self.formatter = ScansionFormatter(constants)
        self.syllabifier = syllabifier
        self.optional_transform = optional_transform
        self.inverted_amphibrach_re = re.compile(r"{}\s*{}\s*{}".format(
            self.constants.STRESSED, self.constants.UNSTRESSED,
        self.syllable_matcher = re.compile(
            r"[{}]".format(self.constants.VOWELS +
                           self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS +
                           self.constants.LIQUIDS + self.constants.MUTES))
        self.SPONDAIC_PENTAMETER = self.constants.SPONDEE + self.constants.SPONDEE + \
                                   self.constants.STRESSED + self.constants.DACTYL + \
                                   self.constants.DACTYL + self.constants.OPTIONAL_ENDING

        self.DACTYLIC_PENTAMETER = self.constants.DACTYL + self.constants.DACTYL + \
                                   self.constants.STRESSED + self.constants.DACTYL + \
                                   self.constants.DACTYL + self.constants.OPTIONAL_ENDING

    def scan(self,
             original_line: str,
             optional_transform: bool = False) -> Verse:
        Scan a line of Latin pentameter and produce a scansion pattern, and other data.

        :param original_line: the original line of Latin verse
        :param optional_transform: whether or not to perform i to j transform for syllabification
        :return: a Verse object

        >>> scanner = PentameterScanner()
        >>> print(scanner.scan('ex hoc ingrato gaudia amore tibi.'))
        Verse(original='ex hoc ingrato gaudia amore tibi.', scansion='-   -  -   - -   - U  U - U  U U ', meter='pentameter', valid=True, syllable_count=12, accented='ēx hōc īngrātō gaudia amōre tibi.', scansion_notes=['Spondaic pentameter'], syllables = ['ēx', 'hoc', 'īn', 'gra', 'to', 'gau', 'di', 'a', 'mo', 're', 'ti', 'bi'])
        >>> print(scanner.scan(
        ... "in vento et rapida scribere oportet aqua.").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -   -    -   U U -    - U   U -  U  U  U
        verse = Verse(original_line, meter='pentameter')
        # replace punctuation with spaces
        line = original_line.translate(self.punctuation_substitutions)
        # conservative i to j
        line = self.transform_i_to_j(line)
        working_line = self.elide_all(line)
        working_line = self.accent_by_position(working_line)
        syllables = self.syllabifier.syllabify(working_line)
        if optional_transform:
            working_line = self.transform_i_to_j_optional(line)
            working_line = self.elide_all(working_line)
            working_line = self.accent_by_position(working_line)
            syllables = self.syllabifier.syllabify(working_line)
            verse.scansion_notes += [
                self.constants.NOTE_MAP["optional i to j"]
        verse.working_line = working_line
        verse.syllable_count = self.syllabifier.get_syllable_count(syllables)
        verse.syllables = syllables
        if verse.syllable_count < 12:
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["< 12p"]]
            return verse
        stresses = self.flag_dipthongs(syllables)
        syllables_wspaces = StringUtils.to_syllables_with_trailing_spaces(
            working_line, syllables)
        offset_map = self.calc_offset(syllables_wspaces)
        for idx, syl in enumerate(syllables):
            for accented in self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS:
                if accented in syl:
        # first syllable is always long in Pentameter
        # second to last syllable is always long
        stresses.append(verse.syllable_count - 2)

        verse.scansion = self.produce_scansion(stresses, syllables_wspaces,
        if len(StringUtils.stress_positions(self.constants.STRESSED, verse.scansion)) != \
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [
                self.constants.NOTE_MAP["invalid syllables"]
            return verse

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_pentameter(verse.scansion):
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["positionally"]]
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        # identify some obvious and probably choices based on number of syllables
        if verse.syllable_count == 12:  # produce spondees where possible
            candidate = self.make_spondaic(verse.scansion)
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["12p"]]
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, candidate)
        if verse.syllable_count == 14:  # produce spondees where possible
            candidate = self.make_dactyls(verse.scansion)
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["14p"]]
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, candidate)
        if verse.syllable_count > 14:
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["> 14"]]
            return verse

        smoothed = self.correct_first_two_dactyls(verse.scansion)

        if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["invalid start"]]
            verse.scansion = smoothed
            stresses += StringUtils.differences(verse.scansion, smoothed)

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_pentameter(verse.scansion):
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        smoothed = self.correct_penultimate_dactyl_chain(verse.scansion)

        if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
            verse.scansion_notes += [
                self.constants.NOTE_MAP["penultimate dactyl chain"]
            verse.scansion = smoothed
            stresses += StringUtils.differences(verse.scansion, smoothed)

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_pentameter(verse.scansion):
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        candidates = self.metrical_validator.closest_pentameter_patterns(
        if candidates is not None:
            if len(candidates) == 1 \
                    and len(verse.scansion.replace(" ", "")) == len(candidates[0]) \
                    and len(StringUtils.differences(verse.scansion, candidates[0])) == 1:
                tmp_scansion = self.produce_scansion(
                    StringUtils.differences(verse.scansion, candidates[0]),
                    syllables_wspaces, offset_map)

                if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_pentameter(tmp_scansion):
                    verse.scansion_notes += [
                        self.constants.NOTE_MAP["closest match"]
                    return self.assign_candidate(verse, tmp_scansion)

        # if the line doesn't scan "as is", it may scan if the optional i to j transformations
        # are made, so here we set them and try again.
        if self.optional_transform and not verse.valid:
            return self.scan(original_line, optional_transform=True)

        verse.accented = self.formatter.merge_line_scansion(
            verse.original, verse.scansion)
        return verse

    def make_spondaic(self, scansion: str) -> str:
        If a pentameter line has 12 syllables, then it must start with double spondees.

        :param scansion: a string of scansion patterns
        :return: a scansion pattern string starting with two spondees

        >>> print(PentameterScanner().make_spondaic("U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U"))
        -  -  -  -  -  -  U  U  -  U  U  U
        mark_list = StringUtils.mark_list(scansion)
        vals = list(scansion.replace(" ", ""))
        new_vals = self.SPONDAIC_PENTAMETER[:-1] + vals[-1]
        corrected = "".join(new_vals)
        new_line = list(" " * len(scansion))
        for idx, car in enumerate(corrected):
            new_line[mark_list[idx]] = car
        return "".join(new_line)

    def make_dactyls(self, scansion: str) -> str:
        If a pentameter line has 14 syllables, it starts and ends with double dactyls.

        :param scansion: a string of scansion patterns
        :return: a scansion pattern string starting and ending with double dactyls

        >>> print(PentameterScanner().make_dactyls("U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U"))
        -  U  U  -  U  U  -  -  U  U  -  U  U  U
        mark_list = StringUtils.mark_list(scansion)
        vals = list(scansion.replace(" ", ""))
        new_vals = self.DACTYLIC_PENTAMETER[:-1] + vals[-1]
        corrected = "".join(new_vals)
        new_line = list(" " * len(scansion))
        for idx, car in enumerate(corrected):
            new_line[mark_list[idx]] = car
        return "".join(new_line)

    def correct_penultimate_dactyl_chain(self, scansion: str) -> str:
        For pentameter the last two feet of the verse are predictable dactyls,
        and do not regularly allow substitutions.

        :param scansion: scansion line thus far
        :return: corrected line of scansion

        >>> print(PentameterScanner().correct_penultimate_dactyl_chain(
        ... "U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U"))
        U  U  U  U  U  U  U  -  U  U  -  U  U  U
        mark_list = StringUtils.mark_list(scansion)
        vals = list(scansion.replace(" ", ""))
        n_vals = vals[:-7] + [self.constants.DACTYL + self.constants.DACTYL
                              ] + [vals[-1]]
        corrected = "".join(n_vals)
        new_line = list(" " * len(scansion))
        for idx, car in enumerate(corrected):
            new_line[mark_list[idx]] = car
        return "".join(new_line)
class HendecasyllableScanner(VerseScanner):
    """The scansion symbols used can be configured by passing a suitable constants class to
    the constructor."""
    def __init__(self,
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.constants = constants
        self.remove_punct_map = string_utils.remove_punctuation_dict()
        self.punctuation_substitutions = string_utils.punctuation_for_spaces_dict(
        self.metrical_validator = MetricalValidator(constants)
        self.formatter = ScansionFormatter(constants)
        self.syllabifier = syllabifier
        self.inverted_amphibrach_re = re.compile(r"{}\s*{}\s*{}".format(
            self.constants.STRESSED, self.constants.UNSTRESSED,
        self.syllable_matcher = re.compile(
            r"[{}]".format(self.constants.VOWELS +
                           self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS +
                           self.constants.LIQUIDS + self.constants.MUTES))
        self.optional_transform = optional_tranform

    def scan(self,
             original_line: str,
             optional_transform: bool = False) -> Verse:
        Scan a line of Latin hendecasyllables and produce a scansion pattern, and other data.

        :param original_line: the original line of Latin verse
        :param optional_transform: whether or not to perform i to j transform for syllabification
        :return: a Verse object

        >>> scanner = HendecasyllableScanner()
        >>> print(scanner.scan("Cui dono lepidum novum libellum"))
        Verse(original='Cui dono lepidum novum libellum', scansion='  -  U -  U U -   U -   U -  U ', meter='hendecasyllable', valid=True, syllable_count=11, accented='Cui donō lepidūm novūm libēllum', scansion_notes=['Corrected invalid start.'], syllables = ['Cui', 'do', 'no', 'le', 'pi', 'dūm', 'no', 'vūm', 'li', 'bēl', 'lum'])
        >>> print(scanner.scan(
        ... "ārida modo pumice expolitum?").scansion)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        - U -  U U  - U   -  U - U
        verse = Verse(original_line, meter='hendecasyllable')
        # replace punctuation with spaces
        line = original_line.translate(self.punctuation_substitutions)
        # conservative i to j
        line = self.transform_i_to_j(line)
        working_line = self.elide_all(line)
        working_line = self.accent_by_position(working_line)
        syllables = self.syllabifier.syllabify(working_line)
        if optional_transform:
            working_line = self.transform_i_to_j_optional(line)
            working_line = self.elide_all(working_line)
            working_line = self.accent_by_position(working_line)
            syllables = self.syllabifier.syllabify(working_line)
            verse.scansion_notes += [
                self.constants.NOTE_MAP["optional i to j"]
        verse.working_line = working_line
        verse.syllable_count = self.syllabifier.get_syllable_count(syllables)
        verse.syllables = syllables
        # identify some obvious and probably choices based on number of syllables
        if verse.syllable_count > 11:
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["> 11"]]
            return verse
        if verse.syllable_count < 11:
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["< 11"]]
            return verse

        stresses = self.flag_dipthongs(syllables)
        syllables_wspaces = string_utils.to_syllables_with_trailing_spaces(
            working_line, syllables)
        offset_map = self.calc_offset(syllables_wspaces)
        for idx, syl in enumerate(syllables):
            for accented in self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS:
                if accented in syl:
        # second to last syllable is always long
        stresses.append(verse.syllable_count - 2)

        verse.scansion = self.produce_scansion(stresses, syllables_wspaces,
        if len(string_utils.stress_positions(self.constants.STRESSED, verse.scansion)) != \
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [
                self.constants.NOTE_MAP["invalid syllables"]
            return verse

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hendecasyllables(verse.scansion):
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["positionally"]]
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        smoothed = self.correct_invalid_start(verse.scansion)

        if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["invalid start"]]
            verse.scansion = smoothed
            stresses += string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, smoothed)

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hendecasyllables(verse.scansion):
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        smoothed = self.correct_antepenult_chain(verse.scansion)

        if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
            verse.scansion_notes += [
                self.constants.NOTE_MAP["antepenult chain"]
            verse.scansion = smoothed
            stresses += string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, smoothed)

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hendecasyllables(verse.scansion):
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        candidates = self.metrical_validator.closest_hendecasyllable_patterns(
        if candidates is not None:
            if len(candidates) == 1 \
                    and len(verse.scansion.replace(" ", "")) == len(candidates[0]) \
                    and len(string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, candidates[0])) == 1:
                tmp_scansion = self.produce_scansion(
                    string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, candidates[0]),
                    syllables_wspaces, offset_map)
                if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hendecasyllables(
                    verse.scansion_notes += [
                        self.constants.NOTE_MAP["closest match"]
                    return self.assign_candidate(verse, tmp_scansion)

        # if the line doesn't scan "as is", if may scan if the optional i to j transformations
        # are made, so here we set them and try again.
        if self.optional_transform and not verse.valid:
            return self.scan(original_line, optional_transform=True)

        verse.accented = self.formatter.merge_line_scansion(
            verse.original, verse.scansion)
        return verse

    def correct_invalid_start(self, scansion: str) -> str:
        The third syllable of a hendecasyllabic line is long, so we will convert it.

        :param scansion: scansion string
        :return: scansion string with corrected start

        >>> print(HendecasyllableScanner().correct_invalid_start(
        ... "- U U  U U  - U   -  U - U").strip())
        - U -  U U  - U   -  U - U
        mark_list = string_utils.mark_list(scansion)
        vals = list(scansion.replace(" ", ""))
        corrected = vals[:2] + [self.constants.STRESSED] + vals[3:]
        new_line = list(" " * len(scansion))
        for idx, car in enumerate(corrected):
            new_line[mark_list[idx]] = car
        return "".join(new_line)

    def correct_antepenult_chain(self, scansion: str) -> str:
        For hendecasyllables the last three feet of the verse are predictable
        and do not regularly allow substitutions.

        :param scansion: scansion line thus far
        :return: corrected line of scansion

        >>> print(HendecasyllableScanner().correct_antepenult_chain(
        ... "-U -UU UU UU UX").strip())
        -U -UU -U -U -X
        mark_list = string_utils.mark_list(scansion)
        vals = list(scansion.replace(" ", ""))
        new_vals = vals[:len(vals) - 6] + [
            self.constants.TROCHEE + self.constants.TROCHEE +
        ] + vals[-1:]
        corrected = "".join(new_vals)
        new_line = list(" " * len(scansion))
        for idx, car in enumerate(corrected):
            new_line[mark_list[idx]] = car
        return "".join(new_line)
class HexameterScanner(VerseScanner):
    """The scansion symbols used can be configured by passing a suitable constants class to
    the constructor."""
    def __init__(self,
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.constants = constants
        self.remove_punct_map = string_utils.remove_punctuation_dict()
        self.punctuation_substitutions = string_utils.punctuation_for_spaces_dict(
        self.metrical_validator = MetricalValidator(constants)
        self.formatter = ScansionFormatter(constants)
        self.syllabifier = syllabifier
        self.inverted_amphibrach_re = re.compile(r"{}\s*{}\s*{}".format(
            self.constants.STRESSED, self.constants.UNSTRESSED,
        self.syllable_matcher = re.compile(
            r"[{}]".format(self.constants.VOWELS +
                           self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS +
                           self.constants.LIQUIDS + self.constants.MUTES))
        self.optional_transform = optional_transform

    def scan(self,
             original_line: str,
             optional_transform: bool = False,
             dactyl_smoothing: bool = False) -> Verse:
        Scan a line of Latin hexameter and produce a scansion pattern, and other data.

        :param original_line: the original line of Latin verse
        :param optional_transform: whether or not to perform i to j transform for syllabification
        :param dactyl_smoothing: whether or not to perform dactyl smoothing
        :return: a Verse object

        >>> scanner = HexameterScanner()

        >>> print(HexameterScanner().scan(
        ... "ēxiguām sedēm pariturae tērra negavit").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        - -  -   - -   U U -  -  -  U  U - U
        >>> print(scanner.scan("impulerit. Tantaene animis caelestibus irae?"))
        Verse(original='impulerit. Tantaene animis caelestibus irae?', scansion='-  U U -    -   -   U U -    - -  U U  -  - ', meter='hexameter', valid=True, syllable_count=15, accented='īmpulerīt. Tāntaene animīs caelēstibus īrae?', scansion_notes=['Valid by positional stresses.'], syllables = ['īm', 'pu', 'le', 'rīt', 'Tān', 'taen', 'a', 'ni', 'mīs', 'cae', 'lēs', 'ti', 'bus', 'i', 'rae'])
        >>> print(scanner.scan(
        ... "Arma virumque cano, Troiae qui prīmus ab ōrīs").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -  U  U -   U  U -    -  -   -   - U  U  - -
        >>> # some hexameters need the optional transformations:
        >>> optional_transform_scanner = HexameterScanner(optional_transform=True)
        >>> print(optional_transform_scanner.scan(
        ... "Ītaliam, fāto profugus, Lāvīniaque vēnit").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        - -  -    - -   U U -    - -  U  U  - U
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().scan(
        ... "lītora, multum ille et terrīs iactātus et alto").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        - U U   -     -    -   -  -   -  - U  U  -  U
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().scan(
        ... "vī superum saevae memorem Iūnōnis ob īram;").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -  U U -    -  -  U U -   - - U  U  - U
        >>> # handle multiple elisions
        >>> print(scanner.scan("monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens, cui lumen ademptum").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -        -  -      -  -     -  -      -  - U  U -   U
        >>> # if we have 17 syllables, create a chain of all dactyls
        >>> print(scanner.scan("quadrupedante putrem sonitu quatit ungula campum"
        ... ).scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -  U U -  U  U  -   U U -   U U  -  U U  -  U
        >>> # if we have 13 syllables exactly, we'll create a spondaic hexameter
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().scan(
        ... "illi inter sese multa vi bracchia tollunt").scansion)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -    -  -   - -  -  -  -   -   UU  -  -
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().scan(
        ... "dat latus; insequitur cumulo praeruptus aquae mons").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -   U U   -  U  U -   U U -    - -  U  U   -  -
        >>> print(optional_transform_scanner.scan(
        ... "Non quivis videt inmodulata poëmata iudex").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -    - -   U U  -  U U - U  U- U U  - -
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().scan(
        ... "certabant urbem Romam Remoramne vocarent").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -  - -   -  -   - -   U U -  U  U - -
        >>> # advanced smoothing is available via keyword flags: dactyl_smoothing
        >>> # print(HexameterScanner().scan(
        #... "his verbis: 'o gnata, tibi sunt ante ferendae",
        #... dactyl_smoothing=True).scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        #-   -  -    -   - U   U -  -   -  U  U -   -
        verse = Verse(original_line, meter='hexameter')
        # replace punctuation with spaces
        line = original_line.translate(self.punctuation_substitutions)
        # conservative i to j
        line = self.transform_i_to_j(line)
        working_line = self.elide_all(line)
        working_line = self.accent_by_position(working_line)
        syllables = self.syllabifier.syllabify(working_line)
        if optional_transform:
            working_line = self.transform_i_to_j_optional(line)
            working_line = self.elide_all(working_line)
            working_line = self.accent_by_position(working_line)
            syllables = self.syllabifier.syllabify(working_line)
            verse.scansion_notes += [
                self.constants.NOTE_MAP["optional i to j"]
        verse.working_line = working_line
        verse.syllable_count = self.syllabifier.get_syllable_count(syllables)
        verse.syllables = syllables
        if verse.syllable_count < 12:
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["< 12"]]
            return verse
        stresses = self.flag_dipthongs(syllables)
        syllables_wspaces = string_utils.to_syllables_with_trailing_spaces(
            working_line, syllables)
        offset_map = self.calc_offset(syllables_wspaces)
        for idx, syl in enumerate(syllables):
            for accented in self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS:
                if accented in syl:
        # first syllable is always long in hexameter
        # second to last syllable is always long
        stresses.append(verse.syllable_count - 2)

        verse.scansion = self.produce_scansion(stresses, syllables_wspaces,
        if len(string_utils.stress_positions(self.constants.STRESSED, verse.scansion)) != \
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [
                self.constants.NOTE_MAP["invalid syllables"]
            return verse

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(verse.scansion):
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["positionally"]]
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        # identify some obvious and probably choices based on number of syllables
        if verse.syllable_count == 17:  # produce all dactyls
            candidate = self.produce_scansion(
                syllables_wspaces, offset_map)
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["17"]]
            if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(candidate):
                return self.assign_candidate(verse, candidate)
        if verse.syllable_count == 12:  # create all spondee hexameter
            candidate = self.produce_scansion(list(range(12)),
                                              syllables_wspaces, offset_map)
            if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(verse.scansion):
                verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["12"]]
                return self.assign_candidate(verse, candidate)
        if verse.syllable_count == 13:  # create spondee hexameter with a dactyl at 5th foot
            known_unaccents = [9, 10]
            last_syllable_accented = False
            for vowel in self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS:
                if vowel in verse.syllables[12]:
                    last_syllable_accented = True
            if not last_syllable_accented:
            if set(known_unaccents) - set(stresses) != len(known_unaccents):
                verse.scansion = self.produce_scansion(
                    [x for x in range(13) if x not in known_unaccents],
                    syllables_wspaces, offset_map)
                verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["5th dactyl"]]
                if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(verse.scansion):
                    return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)
        if verse.syllable_count > 17:
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["> 17"]]
            return verse

        smoothed = self.correct_inverted_amphibrachs(verse.scansion)
        if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["inverted"]]
            verse.scansion = smoothed
            stresses += string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, smoothed)

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(verse.scansion):
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        smoothed = self.correct_first_two_dactyls(verse.scansion)
        if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["invalid start"]]
            verse.scansion = smoothed
            stresses += string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, smoothed)

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(verse.scansion):
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        smoothed = self.correct_invalid_fifth_foot(verse.scansion)
        if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["invalid 5th"]]
            verse.scansion = smoothed
            stresses += string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, smoothed)

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(verse.scansion):
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        feet = self.metrical_validator.hexameter_feet(
            verse.scansion.replace(" ", ""))
        if feet:
            #  Normal good citizens are unwelcome in the house of hexameter
            invalid_feet_in_hexameter = [
                self.constants.IAMB, self.constants.TROCHEE
            current_foot = 0
            ending = feet.pop(
            )  # don't process the ending, a possible trochee, add it back after
            scanned_line = ""
            for foot in feet:
                if foot.replace(" ", "") in invalid_feet_in_hexameter:
                    scanned_line = self.invalid_foot_to_spondee(
                        feet, foot, current_foot)
                    scanned_line = scanned_line + ending
                current_foot += 1
            smoothed = self.produce_scansion(
                stresses + string_utils.stress_positions(
                    self.constants.STRESSED, scanned_line), syllables_wspaces,

            if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(smoothed):
                verse.scansion_notes += [
                    self.constants.NOTE_MAP["invalid foot"]
                return self.assign_candidate(verse, smoothed)

        # need to do this again, since the scansion has changed
        smoothed = self.correct_inverted_amphibrachs(verse.scansion)
        if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["inverted"]]
            verse.scansion = smoothed
            stresses += string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, smoothed)

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(verse.scansion):
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        candidates = self.metrical_validator.closest_hexameter_patterns(
        if candidates is not None:
            if len(candidates) == 1 \
                    and len(verse.scansion.replace(" ", "")) == len(candidates[0]) \
                    and len(string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, candidates[0])) == 1:
                tmp_scansion = self.produce_scansion(
                    string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, candidates[0]),
                    syllables_wspaces, offset_map)
                if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(tmp_scansion):
                    verse.scansion_notes += [
                        self.constants.NOTE_MAP["closest match"]
                    return self.assign_candidate(verse, tmp_scansion)

        # need to do this again, since the scansion has changed
        smoothed = self.correct_inverted_amphibrachs(smoothed)
        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(smoothed):
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["inverted"]]
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, smoothed)

        if dactyl_smoothing:
            smoothed = self.correct_dactyl_chain(smoothed)
            if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
                verse.scansion_notes += [
                    self.constants.NOTE_MAP["dactyl smoothing"]
                verse.scansion = smoothed
            if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hexameter(verse.scansion):
                return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        # if the line doesn't scan "as is", if may scan if the optional i to j transformations
        # are made, so here we set them and try again.
        if self.optional_transform and not verse.valid:
            return self.scan(original_line,
        return verse

    def correct_invalid_fifth_foot(self, scansion: str) -> str:
        The 'inverted amphibrach': stressed_unstressed_stressed syllable pattern is invalid
        in hexameters, so here we coerce it to stressed when it occurs at the end of a line

        :param scansion: the scansion pattern
        :return corrected scansion: the corrected scansion pattern

        >>> print(HexameterScanner().correct_invalid_fifth_foot(
        ... " -   - -   U U  -  U U U -  - U U U  - x")) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -   - -   U U  -  U U U -  - - U U  - x
        scansion_wo_spaces = scansion.replace(
            " ", "")[:-1] + self.constants.OPTIONAL_ENDING
        if scansion_wo_spaces.endswith(self.constants.DACTYL +
                                       self.constants.IAMB +
            matches = list(
                    self.constants.STRESSED, self.constants.UNSTRESSED,
                    self.constants.UNSTRESSED, self.constants.UNSTRESSED,
            (start, end) = matches[len(matches) - 1].span()
            unstressed_idx = scansion.index(self.constants.UNSTRESSED, start)
            new_line = scansion[:unstressed_idx] + self.constants.STRESSED \
                       + scansion[unstressed_idx + 1:]
            return new_line
        return scansion

    def invalid_foot_to_spondee(self, feet: list, foot: str, idx: int) -> str:
        In hexameters, a single foot that is a  unstressed_stressed syllable pattern is often
        just a double spondee, so here we coerce it to stressed.

        :param feet: list of string representations of meterical feet
        :param foot: the bad foot to correct
        :param idx: the index of the foot to correct
        :return: corrected scansion

        >>> print(HexameterScanner().invalid_foot_to_spondee(
        ... ['-UU', '--', '-U', 'U-', '--', '-UU'],'-U', 2))  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        new_foot = foot.replace(self.constants.UNSTRESSED,
        feet[idx] = new_foot
        return "".join(feet)

    def correct_dactyl_chain(self, scansion: str) -> str:
        Three or more unstressed accents in a row is a broken dactyl chain, best detected and
        processed backwards.

        Since this method takes a Procrustean approach to modifying the scansion pattern,
        it is not used by default in the scan method; however, it is available as an optional
        keyword parameter, and users looking to further automate the generation of scansion
        candidates should consider using this as a fall back.

        :param scansion: scansion with broken dactyl chain; inverted amphibrachs not allowed
        :return: corrected line of scansion

        >>> print(HexameterScanner().correct_dactyl_chain(
        ... "-   U U  -  - U U -  - - U U  - x"))
        -   - -  -  - U U -  - - U U  - x
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().correct_dactyl_chain(
        ... "-   U  U U  U -     -   -   -  -   U  U -   U")) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -   -  - U  U -     -   -   -  -   U  U -   U
        mark_list = string_utils.mark_list(scansion)
        vals = list(scansion.replace(" ", ""))
        #  ignore last two positions, save them
        feet = [vals.pop(), vals.pop()]
        length = len(vals)
        idx = length - 1
        while idx > 0:
            one = vals[idx]
            two = vals[idx - 1]
            if idx > 1:
                three = vals[idx - 2]
                three = ""
            # Dactyl foot is okay, no corrections
            if one == self.constants.UNSTRESSED and \
                    two == self.constants.UNSTRESSED and \
                    three == self.constants.STRESSED:
                feet += [one]
                feet += [two]
                feet += [three]
                idx -= 3
            # Spondee foot is okay, no corrections
            if one == self.constants.STRESSED and \
                    two == self.constants.STRESSED:
                feet += [one]
                feet += [two]
                idx -= 2
            # handle "U U U" foot as "- U U"
            if one == self.constants.UNSTRESSED and \
                    two == self.constants.UNSTRESSED and \
                    three == self.constants.UNSTRESSED:
                feet += [one]
                feet += [two]
                feet += [self.constants.STRESSED]
                idx -= 3
            # handle "U U -" foot as "- -"
            if one == self.constants.STRESSED and \
                    two == self.constants.UNSTRESSED and \
                    three == self.constants.UNSTRESSED:
                feet += [self.constants.STRESSED]
                feet += [self.constants.STRESSED]
                idx -= 2
            # handle "-  U" foot as "- -"
            if one == self.constants.UNSTRESSED and \
                    two == self.constants.STRESSED:
                feet += [self.constants.STRESSED]
                feet += [two]
                idx -= 2
        corrected = "".join(feet[::-1])
        new_line = list(" " * len(scansion))
        for idx, car in enumerate(corrected):
            new_line[mark_list[idx]] = car
        return "".join(new_line)

    def correct_inverted_amphibrachs(self, scansion: str) -> str:
        The 'inverted amphibrach': stressed_unstressed_stressed syllable pattern is invalid
        in hexameters, so here we coerce it to stressed:  - U - -> - - -

        :param scansion: the scansion stress pattern
        :return: a string with the corrected scansion pattern

        >>> print(HexameterScanner().correct_inverted_amphibrachs(
        ... " -   U -   - U  -  U U U U  - U  - x")) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -   - -   - -  -  U U U U  - -  - x
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().correct_inverted_amphibrachs(
        ... " -   - -   U -  -  U U U U  U- - U  - x")) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -   - -   - -  -  U U U U  U- - -  - x
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().correct_inverted_amphibrachs(
        ... "-  - -   -  -   U -   U U -  U  U - -")) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -  - -   -  -   - -   U U -  U  U - -
        >>> print(HexameterScanner().correct_inverted_amphibrachs(
        ... "- UU-   U -   U -  -   U   U U   U-   U")) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        - UU-   - -   - -  -   U   U U   U-   U
        new_line = scansion
        while list(self.inverted_amphibrach_re.finditer(new_line)):
            matches = list(self.inverted_amphibrach_re.finditer(new_line))
            for match in matches:
                (start, end) = match.span()  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
                unstressed_idx = new_line.index(self.constants.UNSTRESSED,
                new_line = new_line[:unstressed_idx] + \
                           self.constants.STRESSED + new_line[unstressed_idx + 1:]
        return new_line
class HendecasyllableScanner(VerseScanner):
    """The scansion symbols used can be configured by passing a suitable constants class to
    the constructor."""

    def __init__(self, constants=ScansionConstants(), syllabifier=Syllabifier(),
                 optional_tranform=False, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.constants = constants
        self.remove_punct_map = string_utils.remove_punctuation_dict()
        self.punctuation_substitutions = string_utils.punctuation_for_spaces_dict()
        self.metrical_validator = MetricalValidator(constants)
        self.formatter = ScansionFormatter(constants)
        self.syllabifier = syllabifier
        self.inverted_amphibrach_re = re.compile(
        self.syllable_matcher = re.compile(r"[{}]".format(self.constants.VOWELS +
                                                          self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS +
                                                          self.constants.LIQUIDS +
        self.optional_transform = optional_tranform

    def scan(self, original_line: str, optional_transform: bool = False) -> Verse:
        Scan a line of Latin hendecasyllables and produce a scansion pattern, and other data.

        :param original_line: the original line of Latin verse
        :param optional_transform: whether or not to perform i to j transform for syllabification
        :return: a Verse object

        >>> scanner = HendecasyllableScanner()
        >>> print(scanner.scan("Cui dono lepidum novum libellum"))
        Verse(original='Cui dono lepidum novum libellum', scansion='  -  U -  U U -   U -   U -  U ', meter='hendecasyllable', valid=True, syllable_count=11, accented='Cui donō lepidūm novūm libēllum', scansion_notes=['Corrected invalid start.'], syllables = ['Cui', 'do', 'no', 'le', 'pi', 'dūm', 'no', 'vūm', 'li', 'bēl', 'lum'])
        >>> print(scanner.scan(
        ... "ārida modo pumice expolitum?").scansion)  # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        - U -  U U  - U   -  U - U
        verse = Verse(original_line, meter='hendecasyllable')
        # replace punctuation with spaces
        line = original_line.translate(self.punctuation_substitutions)
        # conservative i to j
        line = self.transform_i_to_j(line)
        working_line = self.elide_all(line)
        working_line = self.accent_by_position(working_line)
        syllables = self.syllabifier.syllabify(working_line)
        if optional_transform:
            working_line = self.transform_i_to_j_optional(line)
            working_line = self.elide_all(working_line)
            working_line = self.accent_by_position(working_line)
            syllables = self.syllabifier.syllabify(working_line)
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["optional i to j"]]
        verse.working_line = working_line
        verse.syllable_count = self.syllabifier.get_syllable_count(syllables)
        verse.syllables = syllables
        # identify some obvious and probably choices based on number of syllables
        if verse.syllable_count > 11:
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["> 11"]]
            return verse
        if verse.syllable_count < 11:
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["< 11"]]
            return verse

        stresses = self.flag_dipthongs(syllables)
        syllables_wspaces = string_utils.to_syllables_with_trailing_spaces(working_line, syllables)
        offset_map = self.calc_offset(syllables_wspaces)
        for idx, syl in enumerate(syllables):
            for accented in self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS:
                if accented in syl:
        # second to last syllable is always long
        stresses.append(verse.syllable_count - 2)

        verse.scansion = self.produce_scansion(stresses,
                                               syllables_wspaces, offset_map)
        if len(string_utils.stress_positions(self.constants.STRESSED, verse.scansion)) != \
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["invalid syllables"]]
            return verse

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hendecasyllables(verse.scansion):
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["positionally"]]
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        smoothed = self.correct_invalid_start(verse.scansion)

        if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["invalid start"]]
            verse.scansion = smoothed
            stresses += string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, smoothed)

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hendecasyllables(verse.scansion):
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        smoothed = self.correct_antepenult_chain(verse.scansion)

        if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["antepenult chain"]]
            verse.scansion = smoothed
            stresses += string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, smoothed)

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hendecasyllables(verse.scansion):
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        candidates = self.metrical_validator.closest_hendecasyllable_patterns(verse.scansion)
        if candidates is not None:
            if len(candidates) == 1 \
                    and len(verse.scansion.replace(" ", "")) == len(candidates[0]) \
                    and len(string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, candidates[0])) == 1:
                tmp_scansion = self.produce_scansion(
                    string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, candidates[0]),
                    syllables_wspaces, offset_map)
                if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_hendecasyllables(tmp_scansion):
                    verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["closest match"]]
                    return self.assign_candidate(verse, tmp_scansion)

        # if the line doesn't scan "as is", if may scan if the optional i to j transformations
        # are made, so here we set them and try again.
        if self.optional_transform and not verse.valid:
            return self.scan(original_line, optional_transform=True)

        verse.accented = self.formatter.merge_line_scansion(
            verse.original, verse.scansion)
        return verse

    def correct_invalid_start(self, scansion: str) -> str:
        The third syllable of a hendecasyllabic line is long, so we will convert it.

        :param scansion: scansion string
        :return: scansion string with corrected start

        >>> print(HendecasyllableScanner().correct_invalid_start(
        ... "- U U  U U  - U   -  U - U").strip())
        - U -  U U  - U   -  U - U
        mark_list = string_utils.mark_list(scansion)
        vals = list(scansion.replace(" ", ""))
        corrected = vals[:2] + [self.constants.STRESSED] + vals[3:]
        new_line = list(" " * len(scansion))
        for idx, car in enumerate(corrected):
            new_line[mark_list[idx]] = car
        return "".join(new_line)

    def correct_antepenult_chain(self, scansion: str) -> str:
        For hendecasyllables the last three feet of the verse are predictable
        and do not regularly allow substitutions.

        :param scansion: scansion line thus far
        :return: corrected line of scansion

        >>> print(HendecasyllableScanner().correct_antepenult_chain(
        ... "-U -UU UU UU UX").strip())
        -U -UU -U -U -X
        mark_list = string_utils.mark_list(scansion)
        vals = list(scansion.replace(" ", ""))
        new_vals = vals[:len(vals) - 6] + [self.constants.TROCHEE +
                                           self.constants.TROCHEE +
                                           self.constants.STRESSED] + vals[-1:]
        corrected = "".join(new_vals)
        new_line = list(" " * len(scansion))
        for idx, car in enumerate(corrected):
            new_line[mark_list[idx]] = car
        return "".join(new_line)
class PentameterScanner(VerseScanner):
    """The scansion symbols used can be configured by passing a suitable constants class to
    the constructor."""

    def __init__(self, constants=ScansionConstants(), syllabifier=Syllabifier(),
                 optional_transform: bool = False, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.constants = constants
        self.remove_punct_map = string_utils.remove_punctuation_dict()
        self.punctuation_substitutions = string_utils.punctuation_for_spaces_dict()
        self.metrical_validator = MetricalValidator(constants)
        self.formatter = ScansionFormatter(constants)
        self.syllabifier = syllabifier
        self.optional_transform = optional_transform
        self.inverted_amphibrach_re = re.compile(
        self.syllable_matcher = re.compile(r"[{}]".format(self.constants.VOWELS +
                                                          self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS +
                                                          self.constants.LIQUIDS +
        self.SPONDAIC_PENTAMETER = self.constants.SPONDEE + self.constants.SPONDEE + \
                                   self.constants.STRESSED + self.constants.DACTYL + \
                                   self.constants.DACTYL + self.constants.OPTIONAL_ENDING

        self.DACTYLIC_PENTAMETER = self.constants.DACTYL + self.constants.DACTYL + \
                                   self.constants.STRESSED + self.constants.DACTYL + \
                                   self.constants.DACTYL + self.constants.OPTIONAL_ENDING

    def scan(self, original_line: str, optional_transform: bool = False) -> Verse:
        Scan a line of Latin pentameter and produce a scansion pattern, and other data.

        :param original_line: the original line of Latin verse
        :param optional_transform: whether or not to perform i to j transform for syllabification
        :return: a Verse object

        >>> scanner = PentameterScanner()
        >>> print(scanner.scan('ex hoc ingrato gaudia amore tibi.'))
        Verse(original='ex hoc ingrato gaudia amore tibi.', scansion='-   -  -   - -   - U  U - U  U U ', meter='pentameter', valid=True, syllable_count=12, accented='ēx hōc īngrātō gaudia amōre tibi.', scansion_notes=['Spondaic pentameter'], syllables = ['ēx', 'hoc', 'īn', 'gra', 'to', 'gau', 'di', 'a', 'mo', 're', 'ti', 'bi'])
        >>> print(scanner.scan(
        ... "in vento et rapida scribere oportet aqua.").scansion) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        -   -    -   U U -    - U   U -  U  U  U
        verse = Verse(original_line, meter='pentameter')
        # replace punctuation with spaces
        line = original_line.translate(self.punctuation_substitutions)
        # conservative i to j
        line = self.transform_i_to_j(line)
        working_line = self.elide_all(line)
        working_line = self.accent_by_position(working_line)
        syllables = self.syllabifier.syllabify(working_line)
        if optional_transform:
            working_line = self.transform_i_to_j_optional(line)
            working_line = self.elide_all(working_line)
            working_line = self.accent_by_position(working_line)
            syllables = self.syllabifier.syllabify(working_line)
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["optional i to j"]]
        verse.working_line = working_line
        verse.syllable_count = self.syllabifier.get_syllable_count(syllables)
        verse.syllables = syllables
        if verse.syllable_count < 12:
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["< 12p"]]
            return verse
        stresses = self.flag_dipthongs(syllables)
        syllables_wspaces = string_utils.to_syllables_with_trailing_spaces(working_line, syllables)
        offset_map = self.calc_offset(syllables_wspaces)
        for idx, syl in enumerate(syllables):
            for accented in self.constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS:
                if accented in syl:
        # first syllable is always long in Pentameter
        # second to last syllable is always long
        stresses.append(verse.syllable_count - 2)

        verse.scansion = self.produce_scansion(stresses,
                                               syllables_wspaces, offset_map)
        if len(string_utils.stress_positions(self.constants.STRESSED, verse.scansion)) != \
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["invalid syllables"]]
            return verse

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_pentameter(verse.scansion):
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["positionally"]]
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        # identify some obvious and probably choices based on number of syllables
        if verse.syllable_count == 12:  # produce spondees where possible
            candidate = self.make_spondaic(verse.scansion)
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["12p"]]
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, candidate)
        if verse.syllable_count == 14:  # produce spondees where possible
            candidate = self.make_dactyls(verse.scansion)
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["14p"]]
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, candidate)
        if verse.syllable_count > 14:
            verse.valid = False
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["> 14"]]
            return verse

        smoothed = self.correct_first_two_dactyls(verse.scansion)

        if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["invalid start"]]
            verse.scansion = smoothed
            stresses += string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, smoothed)

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_pentameter(verse.scansion):
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        smoothed = self.correct_penultimate_dactyl_chain(verse.scansion)

        if distance(verse.scansion, smoothed) > 0:
            verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["penultimate dactyl chain"]]
            verse.scansion = smoothed
            stresses += string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, smoothed)

        if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_pentameter(verse.scansion):
            return self.assign_candidate(verse, verse.scansion)

        candidates = self.metrical_validator.closest_pentameter_patterns(verse.scansion)
        if candidates is not None:
            if len(candidates) == 1 \
                    and len(verse.scansion.replace(" ", "")) == len(candidates[0]) \
                    and len(string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, candidates[0])) == 1:
                tmp_scansion = self.produce_scansion(
                    string_utils.differences(verse.scansion, candidates[0]),
                    syllables_wspaces, offset_map)

                if self.metrical_validator.is_valid_pentameter(tmp_scansion):
                    verse.scansion_notes += [self.constants.NOTE_MAP["closest match"]]
                    return self.assign_candidate(verse, tmp_scansion)

        # if the line doesn't scan "as is", it may scan if the optional i to j transformations
        # are made, so here we set them and try again.
        if self.optional_transform and not verse.valid:
            return self.scan(original_line, optional_transform=True)

        verse.accented = self.formatter.merge_line_scansion(verse.original, verse.scansion)
        return verse

    def make_spondaic(self, scansion: str) -> str:
        If a pentameter line has 12 syllables, then it must start with double spondees.

        :param scansion: a string of scansion patterns
        :return: a scansion pattern string starting with two spondees

        >>> print(PentameterScanner().make_spondaic("U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U"))
        -  -  -  -  -  -  U  U  -  U  U  U
        mark_list = string_utils.mark_list(scansion)
        vals = list(scansion.replace(" ", ""))
        new_vals = self.SPONDAIC_PENTAMETER[:-1] + vals[-1]
        corrected = "".join(new_vals)
        new_line = list(" " * len(scansion))
        for idx, car in enumerate(corrected):
            new_line[mark_list[idx]] = car
        return "".join(new_line)

    def make_dactyls(self, scansion: str) -> str:
        If a pentameter line has 14 syllables, it starts and ends with double dactyls.

        :param scansion: a string of scansion patterns
        :return: a scansion pattern string starting and ending with double dactyls

        >>> print(PentameterScanner().make_dactyls("U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U"))
        -  U  U  -  U  U  -  -  U  U  -  U  U  U
        mark_list = string_utils.mark_list(scansion)
        vals = list(scansion.replace(" ", ""))
        new_vals = self.DACTYLIC_PENTAMETER[:-1] + vals[-1]
        corrected = "".join(new_vals)
        new_line = list(" " * len(scansion))
        for idx, car in enumerate(corrected):
            new_line[mark_list[idx]] = car
        return "".join(new_line)

    def correct_penultimate_dactyl_chain(self, scansion: str) -> str:
        For pentameter the last two feet of the verse are predictable dactyls,
        and do not regularly allow substitutions.

        :param scansion: scansion line thus far
        :return: corrected line of scansion

        >>> print(PentameterScanner().correct_penultimate_dactyl_chain(
        ... "U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U  U"))
        U  U  U  U  U  U  U  -  U  U  -  U  U  U
        mark_list = string_utils.mark_list(scansion)
        vals = list(scansion.replace(" ", ""))
        n_vals = vals[:-7] + [self.constants.DACTYL + self.constants.DACTYL] + [vals[-1]]
        corrected = "".join(n_vals)
        new_line = list(" " * len(scansion))
        for idx, car in enumerate(corrected):
            new_line[mark_list[idx]] = car
        return "".join(new_line)