import os,re,sys sys.path.append('/home/etseng/UW_Larry_ncRNA/code/quasiClique/') import cluster_steps1 as c1 from networkx import * blast_split_filename = sys.argv[1] output_i = int(sys.argv[2]) G = Graph() nodes_to_index = c1.get_nodes_to_index('justPaeruginosa.IGRs_M8N7Q16R2W3S35E2.WU.nodes_to_index') c1.step1_process_blast(blast_split_filename, 35, nodes_to_index, G) c1.export_to_db(G, nodes_to_index, output_i, 'test')
def new_cluster_pipe(rfam_fam, shuffle_ratio): assert type(shuffle_ratio) is int output_prefix = "Rfam_{fam}_shuffle{X}X".format(fam=rfam_fam, X=shuffle_ratio) fasta_filename = output_prefix+'.fna' blast_output = "{input}.M8N7Q16R2W3E2.WUblast".format(input=fasta_filename) report_f = open(output_prefix+'.report', 'w') if not os.path.exists(blast_output): dummy_id = 0 nodes_to_index = {} with open(fasta_filename, 'w') as f: with get_conn_ncRNA() as cursor: cursor.execute("select id,seq from Rfam_fasta where rfam_fam='{fam}' order by id".format(fam=rfam_fam)) for _id,seq in cursor.fetchall(): id = "TP{0}_{1}".format(dummy_id, _id) f.write(">{id}\n{seq}\n".format(id=id, seq=seq)) nodes_to_index[id] = dummy_id dummy_id += 1 ushuffle.shuffle(seq, len(seq), 2) for x in xrange(shuffle_ratio): id = "FP{0}_{1}".format(dummy_id, _id) f.write(">{id}\n{seq}\n".format(id=id, seq=ushuffle.shuffle2())) nodes_to_index[id] = dummy_id dummy_id += 1 start_t = time.time() # now blast it os.system("xdformat -n -o {input} {input}".format(input=fasta_filename)) os.system("blastn -d {input} -i {input} -M 8 -N -7 -Q 16 -R 2 -E 2 \ -W 3 -mformat 2 -cpus 4 -o {output}".format(input=fasta_filename, output=blast_output)) report_f.write("(1) BLAST TIME: {0} sec\n".format(time.time()-start_t)) # now parse the blast nodes_to_index = c1.NodesToIndex(nodes_to_index, -1) G = Graph() c1.step1_process_blast(blast_output=blast_output,\ score_cutoff=35, nodes_to_index=nodes_to_index, G=G, program='WU') print >> sys.stderr, "Homology graph has {0} nodes, {1} edges....".format(\ G.number_of_nodes(), G.number_of_edges()) c1.export_to_db(G, nodes_to_index, 0, blast_output) # convert nodes_to_index into dict nodes_ind --> acc id nodes_to_index = dict( map(lambda (x,y):(y,x), nodes_to_index.d.items()) ) with open(blast_output+'.nodes_to_index', 'w') as handle: for ind,id in nodes_to_index.iteritems(): handle.write("{0}\t{1}\n".format(ind,id)) # read back the .parsed and .sets_for_nodes files G = Graph() sets_for_nodes = {} nodes_to_index = {} with open(blast_output+'.parsed') as handle: for line in handle: raw = map(int, line.strip().split('\t')) G.add_edge(raw[0],raw[1]) with open(blast_output+'.sets_for_nodes') as handle: for line in handle: raw = map(int, line.strip().split('\t')) sets_for_nodes[raw[0]] = {'nodes_ind':raw[1],'start':raw[2],'end':raw[3]} with open(blast_output+'.nodes_to_index') as handle: for line in handle: raw = line.strip().split() nodes_to_index[int(raw[0])] = raw[1] tmp = len(filter(lambda x: nodes_to_index[sets_for_nodes[x]['nodes_ind']].startswith('FP'), G.nodes_iter())) report_f.write("(2) AFTER parsing BLAST, graph has {0} negative control nodes, {1} TP nodes\n".format(tmp, G.number_of_nodes()-tmp)) # remove low deg (< 3) nodes x = filter(lambda n:<NEW_MIN_CLIQUE_SIZE, G.nodes_iter()) while len(x) > 0: G.delete_nodes_from(x) x = filter(lambda n:<NEW_MIN_CLIQUE_SIZE, G.nodes_iter()) tmp = len(filter(lambda x: nodes_to_index[sets_for_nodes[x]['nodes_ind']].startswith('FP'), G.nodes_iter())) report_f.write("(3) AFTER recursively removing nodes of degree < 3, graph has {0} negative control nodes, {1} TP nodes\n".format(tmp, G.number_of_nodes()-tmp)) report_f.write("----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") report_f.write("OUT\tDIR\tCLIQUE_SIZE\tSCANNED_TP\tSCANNED_FP\tCM_time\n") report_f.write("----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n") # for now just brute force....go through node by node as seeds dummy_round = 0 while G.number_of_nodes()>=NEW_MIN_CLIQUE_SIZE and G.number_of_edges()>=NEW_MIN_CLIQUE_SIZE: # find perfect max cliques with a random starting node G_nodes = G.nodes() S,H = p.convert_graph_connectivity_to_sparse(G, G_nodes) tQ = p.grasp(S, H, gamma=1.0, maxitr=20, given_starting_node=None) Q = map(lambda x: G_nodes[x], tQ) if len(Q) < NEW_MIN_CLIQUE_SIZE: # delete these nodes G.delete_nodes_from(Q) continue # PERFECT CLIQUE SANITY TESTING, DELETE LATER for x in Q: for y in Q: if x!=y: print >> sys.stderr, "testing....", x,y try: assert G.has_edge(x,y) except: return Q,G Q.sort() print >> sys.stderr, "clique is...", Q prefix = output_prefix + str(dummy_round) + '_size' + str(len(Q)) + '_' dummy_round += 1 start_t = time.time() scan_dir,scan_result = run_cmfinder(Q, nodes_to_index, sets_for_nodes, prefix, os.path.abspath(fasta_filename)) cm_time = time.time()-start_t if scan_result is not None: outf = open(os.path.basename(scan_dir)+'.gv','w') outf.write("""graph test{ edge [ dir=none ]; node [ style=filled, fontsize=2.0, height=0.1, width=0.1, fixedsize=true ]; """) # draw this graph scanned = {'TP':0, 'FP':0} for n in G.nodes_iter(): id = nodes_to_index[sets_for_nodes[n]['nodes_ind']] # id is something like TP1_NC_XXXX.... or FP10_NC_XXXX.... _id = id[:id.find('_')] shape = 'circle' if id.startswith('TP') else 'box' if n in Q: outf.write("{0} [color=dodgerblue1, shape={1}];\n".format(n, shape)) elif id in scan_result: outf.write("{0} [color=darkorange, shape={1}];\n".format(n, shape)) scanned[_id[:2]] += 1 else: outf.write("{0} [color=grey, shape={1}];\n".format(n, shape)) for (n1,n2) in G.edges_iter(data=False): id1 = nodes_to_index[sets_for_nodes[n1]['nodes_ind']] id1 = id1[:id1.find('_')] id2 = nodes_to_index[sets_for_nodes[n2]['nodes_ind']] id2 = id2[:id2.find('_')] outf.write("{0} -- {1};\n".format(n1,n2)) outf.write("}") outf.close() report_f.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}\n".format(,scan_dir,len(Q),scanned['TP'],scanned['FP'],cm_time)) report_f.flush() # delete the edges from the graph G.delete_edges_from(itertools.combinations(Q, 2)) # again, remove low-degree nodes x = filter(lambda n:<NEW_MIN_CLIQUE_SIZE, G.nodes_iter()) while len(x) > 0: G.delete_nodes_from(x) x = filter(lambda n:<NEW_MIN_CLIQUE_SIZE, G.nodes_iter()) report_f.close()