文件: models_skl.py 项目: satra/sad
def crossval():
    perform a crossvalidation on the data (beh + precomputed brain) of all subjects
    predscores = []
    actualscores = []
    clust_disj = np.zeros(imgshape)
    for trainidx, testidx in cv.LeaveOneOut(subject_num):
        # n-p training files
        trainconfiles = [cf for i, cf in enumerate(confiles) if trainidx[i]]
        # left out subjects to test with
        testconfiles = [cf for i, cf in enumerate(confiles) if testidx[i]]
        ### get all the files from a leave2out crossval and get clusters
        _, name = os.path.split(testconfiles[0])
        sid = name.split('con')[0][:-1]
        # sidx is the row# of the sid in our pdata variable
        sidx = np.nonzero(pdata.subject == sid)[0][0]
        analysisdirs = []
        for idx in range(subject_num):
            if not idx == sidx:
                left_out = [sidx, idx]
        # get labels and clustermeans
        labels, nlabels = get_labels(analysisdirs)
        clustermeans_train = get_clustermeans(labels, nlabels, trainconfiles)
        clustermeans_test = get_clustermeans(labels, nlabels, testconfiles)
        # make desmats
        X_train = np.hstack((desmat[trainidx], clustermeans_train))
        X_test = np.hstack((desmat[testidx], clustermeans_test))
        # fit the model (by determining the best model first)
        varsidx, model = determine_model_all(X_train, responsevar[trainidx])
        # save location of _selected_ clusters
        for clust in range(nlabels):
            if varsidx[behvars+clust]:
                idx = np.where(labels == clust+1)
                clust_disj[idx] += 1
        # and save scores
        prediction = model.predict(X_test[:,varsidx])
    # rearrange vectors for error computation
    actualscores = np.array(actualscores)
    predscores_beta = []
    for y in xrange(len(predscores)):
        [predscores_beta.append(x) for x in predscores[y]]
    predscores_alpha = np.array(predscores_beta)
    # compute errors
    prederrors = predscores_alpha - actualscores
    meanerr = np.mean(np.abs(prederrors))
    rmsqerr = np.sqrt(np.mean(prederrors**2))
    # save + plot cluster distribution in brain
    brainplot(clust_disj, os.path.join(outdir,"cluster_disj_crossval.png"))
    outimg = os.path.join(outdir,'clusterdisj_crossval.nii')
    return predscores_alpha, actualscores, meanerr, rmsqerr
 def predict(self,X):
     predicts from the linear regression model
     X:  test samples used for prediction. Assumes same structure as above
     if self.model_ is not None:
         # get the confiles + clustermeans of the given subjects
         clustermeans = get_clustermeans(X, self.labels_, self.nlabels_)
         _, pdata = get_subject_data(X)
         features = np.hstack((pdata.lsas_pre[:, None],
                               pdata.classtype[:, None] - 2))
         # make new matrix (first behvars, then clustermeans)
         X_new = np.hstack((features, clustermeans))
         prediction = self.model_.predict(X_new[:,self.varidx_])
         return prediction
         raise Exception('no model')
def _fit(X, y, behav_data=None):
    # run the SPM analysis (external workflow) in a LOO crossval
    # and save the directories in which the threshold images are located
    print "Fitting"
    print X
    print y
    print "doing spm cv"
    analdir = setup_spm(X, y)
    # get labels & clustermeans
    labels, nlabels = get_labels(analdir)
    # delete all the workflow directories again
    shutil.rmtree(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(analdir, '..')))
    clustermeans = get_clustermeans(X, labels, nlabels)
    #print "finding model"
    # make new design matrix (first behvars, then clustermeans)
    if behav_data is not None:
        X_new = np.hstack((behav_data, clustermeans))
        varidx, model = determine_model_all(X_new, y, behav_data.shape[1])
        X_new = clustermeans
        varidx, model = determine_model_all(X_new, y, 0)
    return model, varidx, labels, nlabels
文件: sad_figures.py 项目: satra/sad
labels, nlabels = get_labels(img.get_data()>ss.t.ppf(1-0.001,33), 20)
data = img.get_data()
data[labels==0] = 0
#cmeans = get_clustermeans(X, labels, nlabels)
coords = get_coords(labels, img.get_affine())
show_slices(img, coords, threshold=0.5, prefix='uncorrected', show_colorbar=True)

# <codecell>

import os
from scipy.ndimage import label
base_dir = '/mindhive/gablab/satra/sad/'
filename = os.path.join(base_dir, 'all_subjects', 'thresh', 'spmT_0001_thr.img')
labels, nlabels = label(abs(img.get_data())>0)
cmeans = get_clustermeans(X, labels, nlabels)
coords = get_coords(labels, img.get_affine())
show_slices(img, coords, prefix='topocorrect', show_colorbar=True)

# <codecell>

plot(y, cmeans[:,0], 'o', color=[0.2,0.2,0.2])
plot(y, cmeans[:,1], 'o', color=[0.6,0.6,0.6])
xlim([-5, 84])
xlabel('LSAS Delta')
ylabel('contrast activation')
legend(('Cluster 1', 'Cluster 2'), 'best', numpoints=1)
plot_regression_line(y, cmeans[:,0], [-4,85], color=[0.2,0.2,0.2])
plot_regression_line(y, cmeans[:,1], [-4,85], color=[0.6,0.6,0.6])