def performance(mode,_self=cmd): pymol=_self._pymol cmd=_self mode = int(mode) if mode==0: # maximum quality cmd.set('line_smooth',1) cmd.set('depth_cue',1) cmd.set('specular',1) cmd.set('surface_quality',1) cmd.set('stick_quality',15) cmd.set('sphere_quality',2) cmd.set('cartoon_sampling',14) cmd.set('ribbon_sampling',10) cmd.set('transparency_mode',2) cmd.set('stick_ball',1)"rebuild") elif mode==33: cmd.set('line_smooth',1) cmd.set('depth_cue',1) cmd.set('specular',1) cmd.set('surface_quality',0) cmd.set('stick_quality',8) cmd.set('sphere_quality',1) cmd.set('cartoon_sampling',7) cmd.set('ribbon_sampling',1) cmd.set('transparency_mode',2) cmd.set('stick_ball',0)"rebuild") elif mode==66: # good perfomance cmd.set('line_smooth',0) cmd.set('depth_cue',0) cmd.set('specular',1) cmd.set('surface_quality',0) cmd.set('stick_quality',8) cmd.set('sphere_quality',1) cmd.set('cartoon_sampling',6) cmd.set('ribbon_sampling',1) cmd.set('transparency_mode',2) cmd.set('stick_ball',0.0)"rebuild") else: # maximum performance cmd.set('line_smooth',0) cmd.set('depth_cue',0) cmd.set('specular',0) cmd.set('surface_quality',-1) # new cmd.set('stick_quality',5) cmd.set('sphere_quality',0) cmd.set('ribbon_sampling',1) cmd.set('cartoon_sampling',3) cmd.set('transparency_mode',0) cmd.set('stick_ball',0.0)"rebuild")
def alignsg(sele): allsg = cmd.get_model("(("+sele+") and (name VSG))").atom allsf = cmd.get_model("(("+sele+") and (name S5,S6,S7,S8))").atom while allsg: closest = [9e9,None,None] for sga in allsg: for sfa in allsf: sg = Vec(sga.coord) sf = Vec(sfa.coord) if (sg-sf).length() < closest[0]: closest = [(sg-sf).length(),sga,sfa] sga,sfa = closest[1:] allsg.remove(sga) allsf.remove(sfa) if closest[0] > 10.0: break"alter_state 1, (("+sele+") and (resi %s and name %s))"%(sga.resi,",x=%f"%sfa.coord[0])"alter_state 1, (("+sele+") and (resi %s and name %s))"%(sga.resi,",y=%f"%sfa.coord[1])"alter_state 1, (("+sele+") and (resi %s and name %s))"%(sga.resi,",z=%f"%sfa.coord[2])
def alignsg(sele): allsg = cmd.get_model("((" + sele + ") and (name VSG))").atom allsf = cmd.get_model("((" + sele + ") and (name S5,S6,S7,S8))").atom while allsg: closest = [9e9, None, None] for sga in allsg: for sfa in allsf: sg = Vec(sga.coord) sf = Vec(sfa.coord) if (sg - sf).length() < closest[0]: closest = [(sg - sf).length(), sga, sfa] sga, sfa = closest[1:] allsg.remove(sga) allsf.remove(sfa) if closest[0] > 10.0: break"alter_state 1, ((" + sele + ") and (resi %s and name %s))" % (sga.resi, + ",x=%f" % sfa.coord[0])"alter_state 1, ((" + sele + ") and (resi %s and name %s))" % (sga.resi, + ",y=%f" % sfa.coord[1])"alter_state 1, ((" + sele + ") and (resi %s and name %s))" % (sga.resi, + ",z=%f" % sfa.coord[2])
def parse(self, line): if self.control == None: self.blurt("your control is unlinked") return commandQue = [] if line == "": line = self.lastcmd self.lastcmd = line # slice the input to a managable size line = line[0:128] # bug: input with multiple commands (\n seperated) are ignored if line.rfind("\n") > -1: return False words = line.split() punct = "\' \" , . ? !".split() # incomplete # = special case! this is to remain compatable with's do_help === if len(words) > 0: if words[0] == "help": cmd, arg, line = self.parseline(line) return self.do_help(arg) # === end special case === # checking to see if ands in words refer to items referedTo, words = self.getReferedTo(words) ands = self.findall(words, "and") group = [] for i in ands: if isinstance(words[i - 1], mc.Thing): if isinstance(words[i + 1], mc.Thing): group.append(words[i - 1]) group.append(words[i + 1]) # group is a list of items that were refered to if len(group) > 0: commandQue = [] for thing in group: cmd = self.getCommand(words, [thing]) commandQue.append(cmd) if None in commandQue: return self.default() else: for cmd in commandQue: return True return if len(ands) > 0: start = 0 chunk = [] vfyAnd = [] for i in ands: chunk.append(words[start:i]) start = i + 1 if len(words[start:]) > 0: chunk.append(words[start:]) # ok, we have some chunks! for i in chunk: cmd = self.getCommand(i, referedTo) vfyAnd.append(cmd) # with a reasonable amount of certainty, we can say "and" here # is used to split apart multiple actions if getCommand does not # return False for any chunk #if None not in vfyAnd: # bug: this is only temporary... commandQue = vfyAnd else: # simply process words as a single command cmd = self.getCommand(words, referedTo) commandQue.append(cmd) # if we have a unknown or failing command, then fail the whole parse if None in commandQue: return self.default() else: for cmd in commandQue: return True
def do(py_file): out, err ="nix-build %s/pip.nix --argstr path %s" % (os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.dirname(py_file))) # TODO: handle err return os.path.join(out.split("\n")[0], "wheelhouse")