def resume(filename, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION "resume" executes a log file and opens it for recording of additional commands. USAGE resume filename SEE ALSO log, log_close ''' pymol = _self._pymol r = DEFAULT_ERROR if os.path.exists(filename): if ("\.py$|\.PY$|\.pym$|.PYM$", filename)): r ="run %s" % filename) else: r ="@%s" % filename) if is_ok(r): r ="log_open %s,a" % filename) if _self._raising(r, _self): raise pymol.CmdException return r
def count_states(selection="(all)", quiet=1, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION "count_states" returns the number of states in the selection. USAGE count_states PYMOL API cmd.count_states(string selection) SEE ALSO frame ''' # preprocess selection selection = selector.process(selection) # r = DEFAULT_ERROR try: _self.lock(_self) r = _cmd.count_states(_self._COb,selection) finally: _self.unlock(r,_self) if is_ok(r): if not quiet: print " cmd.count_states: %d states."%r if _raising(r,_self): raise pymol.CmdException return r
def count_states(selection="(all)", quiet=1, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION "count_states" returns the number of states in the selection. USAGE count_states PYMOL API cmd.count_states(string selection) SEE ALSO frame ''' # preprocess selection selection = selector.process(selection) # r = DEFAULT_ERROR try: _self.lock(_self) r = _cmd.count_states(_self._COb, selection) finally: _self.unlock(r, _self) if is_ok(r): if not quiet: print " cmd.count_states: %d states." % r if _raising(r, _self): raise pymol.CmdException return r
def resume(filename, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION "resume" executes a log file and opens it for recording of additional commands. USAGE resume filename SEE ALSO log, log_close ''' pymol=_self._pymol r = DEFAULT_ERROR if os.path.exists(filename): if("\.py$|\.PY$|\.pym$|.PYM$",filename)): r ="run %s"%filename) else: r ="@%s"%filename) if is_ok(r): r ="log_open %s,a"%filename) if _self._raising(r,_self): raise pymol.CmdException return r
def get_session(names='', partial=0, quiet=1, compress=-1, cache=-1, _self=cmd): session = {} r = DEFAULT_SUCCESS cache = int(cache) compress = int(compress) if cache: cache_opt = int(_self.get('session_cache_optimize')) if cache != 0: cache_mode = int(_self.get('cache_mode')) if ((cache_mode > 0) and (cache_opt != 0)) or (cache_opt == 1): _self.cache('optimize') for a in _self._pymol._session_save_tasks: if a == None: try: _self.lock(_self) r = _cmd.get_session(_self._COb, session, str(names), int(partial), int(quiet)) finally: _self.unlock(r, _self) try: session['session'] = copy.deepcopy(_self._pymol.session) if cache and hasattr(_self._pymol, '_cache'): session['cache'] = _self._pymol._cache except: traceback.print_exc() else: try: if is_error(apply(a, (session, ), {'_self': _self})): r = DEFAULT_ERROR except: traceback.print_exc() print "Error: An error occurred when trying to generate session." print "Error: The resulting session file may be incomplete." if is_ok(r): if (compress < 0): compress = _self.get_setting_boolean('session_compression') if (compress): import zlib session = zlib.compress(io.pkl.toString(session)) return session elif _self._raising(r, _self): raise QuietException return r
def get_session(names='', partial=0, quiet=1, compress=-1, cache=-1, _self=cmd): session = {} r = DEFAULT_SUCCESS cache = int(cache) compress = int(compress) if cache: cache_opt = int(_self.get('session_cache_optimize')) if cache != 0: cache_mode = int(_self.get('cache_mode')) if ((cache_mode > 0) and (cache_opt != 0)) or (cache_opt==1): _self.cache('optimize') for a in _self._pymol._session_save_tasks: if a==None: try: _self.lock(_self) r = _cmd.get_session(_self._COb,session,str(names), int(partial),int(quiet)) finally: _self.unlock(r,_self) try: session['session'] = copy.deepcopy(_self._pymol.session) if cache and hasattr(_self._pymol,'_cache'): session['cache'] = _self._pymol._cache except: traceback.print_exc() else: try: if is_error(apply(a,(session,),{'_self':_self})): r = DEFAULT_ERROR except: traceback.print_exc() print "Error: An error occurred when trying to generate session." print "Error: The resulting session file may be incomplete." if is_ok(r): if(compress<0): compress = _self.get_setting_boolean('session_compression') if(compress): import zlib session = zlib.compress(io.pkl.toString(session)) return session elif _self._raising(r,_self): raise QuietException return r
def pop(name, source, enable=-1, quiet=1, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION "pop" provides a mechanism of iterating through an atom selection atom by atom, where each atom is sequentially assigned to the named selection. USAGE pop name, source EXAMPLE select src, name ca python while cmd.pop("tmp","src"): cmd.zoom("tmp",2, animate=1) for a in range(30): cmd.refresh() time.sleep(0.05) python end PYMOL API cmd.deselect() ''' r = DEFAULT_ERROR try: _self.lock(_self) r = _cmd.pop(_self._COb,str(name),str(source),int(quiet)) if is_ok(r): enable = int(enable) if enable>0: r = _cmd.onoff(_self._COb,str(name),1,0); elif enable == 0: r = _cmd.onoff(_self._COb,str(name),0,0) finally: _self.unlock(r,_self) if _self._raising(r,_self): raise pymol.CmdException return r
def distance(name=None, selection1="(pk1)", selection2="(pk2)", cutoff=None, mode=None, zoom=0, width=None, length=None, gap=None, label=1, quiet=1, reset=0, state=0, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION "distance" creates a new distance object between two selections. USAGE distance [name [, selection1 [, selection2 [, cutoff [, mode ]]]]] ARGUMENTS name = string: name of the distance object to create selection1 = string: first atom selection selection2 = string: second atom selection cutoff = float: longest distance to show mode = 0: all interatomic distances mode = 1: only bond distances mode = 2: only show polar contact distances EXAMPLES distance mydist, 14/CA, 29/CA distance hbonds, all, all, 3.2, mode=2 NOTES The distance wizard makes measuring distances easier than using the "dist" command for real-time operations. "dist" alone will show distances between selections (pk1) and (pk1), which can be set using the PkAt mouse action (usually CTRL-middle-click). PYMOL API cmd.distance(string name, string selection1, string selection2, string cutoff, string mode ) ''' # handle unnamed distance r = DEFAULT_SUCCESS if name!=None: if len(name): if name[0]=='(' or ' ' in name or '/' in name: # we're one argument off... if cutoff!=None: mode = cutoff if selection2!="(pk2)": cutoff = selection2 if selection1!="(pk1)": selection2 = selection1 selection1=name name = None if selection1=="(pk1)": if "pk1" not in _self.get_names('selections'): if _feedback(fb_module.cmd,fb_mask.errors,_self): print "cmd-Error: The 'pk1' selection is undefined." r = DEFAULT_ERROR if selection2=="(pk2)": if "pk2" not in _self.get_names('selections'): if _feedback(fb_module.cmd,fb_mask.errors,_self): print "cmd-Error: The 'pk2' selection is undefined." r = DEFAULT_ERROR if is_ok(r): r = DEFAULT_ERROR # if unlabeled, then get next name in series if name!=None: nam=name else: try: _self.lock(_self) cnt = _cmd.get(_self._COb,"dist_counter") + 1.0 r = _cmd.legacy_set(_self._COb,"dist_counter","%1.0f" % cnt) nam = "dist%02.0f" % cnt finally: _self.unlock(r,_self) # defaults if mode == None: mode = 0 if cutoff == None: cutoff = -1.0 # preprocess selections selection1 = selector.process(selection1) selection2 = selector.process(selection2) # now do the deed try: _self.lock(_self) if selection2!="same": selection2 = "("+selection2+")" r = _cmd.dist(_self._COb,str(nam),"("+str(selection1)+")", str(selection2),int(mode),float(cutoff), int(label),int(quiet),int(reset), int(state)-1,int(zoom)) if width!=None: _self.set("dash_width",width,nam) if length!=None: _self.set("dash_length",length,nam) if gap!=None: _self.set("dash_gap",gap,nam) finally: _self.unlock(r,_self) if (r<0.0) and (not quiet): # a negative value is an warning signal from PyMOL... r = DEFAULT_ERROR if _raising(r,_self): raise pymol.CmdException return r
def dihedral(name=None, selection1="(pk1)", selection2="(pk2)", selection3="(pk3)", selection4="(pk4)", mode=None, label=1, reset=0, zoom=0, state=0, quiet=1, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION "dihedral" shows dihedral angles formed between any four atoms. USAGE dihedral [ name [, selection1 [, selection2 [, selection3 [, selection4 ]]]]] NOTES "dihedral" alone will show the dihedral angle formed by selections (pk1), (pk2), (pk3), and (pk4), which can be set using the "PkAt" mouse action (typically, Ctrl-middle-click) PYMOL API cmd.dihedral(string name, string selection1, string selection2, string selection3, string selection4) SEE ALSO distance, angle ''' r = DEFAULT_SUCCESS if selection1=="(pk1)": if "pk1" not in _self.get_names('selections'): if _feedback(fb_module.cmd,fb_mask.errors,_self): print "cmd-Error: The 'pk1' selection is undefined." r = DEFAULT_ERROR if selection2=="(pk2)": if "pk2" not in _self.get_names('selections'): if _feedback(fb_module.cmd,fb_mask.errors,_self): print "cmd-Error: The 'pk2' selection is undefined." r = DEFAULT_ERROR if selection3=="(pk3)": if "pk3" not in _self.get_names('selections'): if _feedback(fb_module.cmd,fb_mask.errors,_self): print "cmd-Error: The 'pk3' selection is undefined." r = DEFAULT_ERROR if selection3=="(pk4)": if "pk4" not in _self.get_names('selections'): if _feedback(fb_module.cmd,fb_mask.errors,_self): print "cmd-Error: The 'pk4' selection is undefined." r = DEFAULT_ERROR if is_ok(r): r = DEFAULT_ERROR # if unlabeled, then get next name in series if name!=None: nam=name else: try: _self.lock(_self) cnt = _cmd.get(_self._COb,"dist_counter") + 1.0 r = _cmd.legacy_set(_self._COb,"dist_counter","%1.0f" % cnt) nam = "dihedral%02.0f" % cnt finally: _self.unlock(r,_self) # defaults if mode == None: mode = 0 # preprocess selections selection1 = selector.process(selection1) selection2 = selector.process(selection2) selection3 = selector.process(selection3) selection4 = selector.process(selection4) # now do the deed try: _self.lock(_self) if selection2!="same": selection2 = "("+selection2+")" if selection3!="same": selection3 = "("+selection3+")" if selection4!="same": selection4 = "("+selection4+")" r = _cmd.dihedral(_self._COb,str(nam),"("+str(selection1)+")", str(selection2), str(selection3), str(selection4), int(mode),int(label), int(reset),int(zoom), int(quiet),int(state)-1) finally: _self.unlock(r,_self) if _raising(r,_self): raise pymol.CmdException return r
def _load(oname, finfo, state, ftype, finish, discrete, quiet=1, multiplex=0, zoom=-1, mimic=1, _self=cmd): # WARNING: internal routine, subject to change # caller must already hold API lock # NOTE: state index assumes 1-based state r = DEFAULT_ERROR size = 0 if ftype not in (loadable.model, loadable.brick): if ftype == loadable.r3d: import cgo obj = cgo.from_r3d(finfo) if is_ok(obj): r = _cmd.load_object(_self._COb, str(oname), obj, int(state) - 1, loadable.cgo, int(finish), int(discrete), int(quiet), int(zoom)) else: print "Load-Error: Unable to open file '%s'." % finfo elif ftype == loadable.cc1: # ChemDraw 3D obj = io.cc1.fromFile(finfo) if obj: r = _cmd.load_object(_self._COb, str(oname), obj, int(state) - 1, loadable.model, int(finish), int(discrete), int(quiet), int(zoom)) elif ftype == try: # BEGIN PROPRIETARY CODE SEGMENT from epymol import moe moe_str = file_read(finfo) r = moe.read_moestr(moe_str, str(oname), int(state), int(finish), int(discrete), int(quiet), int(zoom), _self=_self) # END PROPRIETARY CODE SEGMENT except ImportError: print "Error: .MOE format not supported by this PyMOL build." if _self._raising(-1, _self): raise pymol.CmdException elif ftype == loadable.mae: try: # BEGIN PROPRIETARY CODE SEGMENT from epymol import mae mae_str = file_read(finfo) r = mae.read_maestr(mae_str, str(oname), int(state), int(finish), int(discrete), int(quiet), int(zoom), int(multiplex), int(mimic), _self=_self) # END PROPRIETARY CODE SEGMENT except ValueError: print "Error: .MAE format not supported by this PyMOL build." if _self._raising(-1, _self): raise pymol.CmdException else: if ftype in _load2str and ('://' in finfo or # NOTE: we could safely always do this, not only for URLs and # compressed files. But I don't want to change the old behavior # that regular files are read from the C function. finfo = file_read(finfo) ftype = _load2str[ftype] r = _cmd.load(_self._COb, str(oname), finfo, int(state) - 1, int(ftype), int(finish), int(discrete), int(quiet), int(multiplex), int(zoom)) else: try: x = io.pkl.fromFile(finfo) if isinstance(x, types.ListType) or isinstance(x, types.TupleType): for a in x: r = _cmd.load_object(_self._COb, str(oname), a, int(state) - 1, int(ftype), 0, int(discrete), int(quiet), int(zoom)) if (state > 0): state = state + 1 _cmd.finish_object(_self._COb, str(oname)) else: r = _cmd.load_object(_self._COb, str(oname), x, int(state) - 1, int(ftype), int(finish), int(discrete), int(quiet), int(zoom)) except: # traceback.print_exc() print "Load-Error: Unable to load file '%s'." % finfo return r
def select(name, selection="", enable=-1, quiet=1, merge=0, state=0, domain='',_self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION "select" creates a named atom selection from a selection-expression. USAGE select name, selection [, enable [, quiet [, merge [, state [, domain ]]]]] ARGUMENTS name = a unique name for the selection selection = a selection-expression NOTES If a selection-expression with explicit surrounding parethenses is provided as the first argument, then the default selection name is used as the name argument. EXAMPLES select chA, chain A select ( resn his ) select near142, resi 142 around 5 PYMOL API name, string selection) SEE ALSO delete ''' r = DEFAULT_ERROR try: _self.lock(_self) if selection=="": selection = name if _cmd.get(_self._COb,"auto_number_selections")!=0.0: sel_cnt = _cmd.get(_self._COb,"sel_counter") + 1.0 _cmd.legacy_set(_self._COb,"sel_counter","%1.0f" % sel_cnt) name = "sel%02.0f" % sel_cnt else: name = "sele" if name == None: sel_cnt = _cmd.get(_self._COb,"sel_counter") + 1.0 _cmd.legacy_set(_self._COb,"sel_counter","%1.0f" % sel_cnt) name = "sel%02.0f" % sel_cnt # preprocess selection (note: inside TRY) selection = selector.process(selection) merge = int(merge) if merge==1: selection = "("+selection+") or ?"+name # merge if exists elif merge==2: selection = "("+selection+") or ??"+name # merge if exists and active # r =,str(name),str(selection),int(quiet),int(state)-1,str(domain)) enable = int(enable) if is_ok(r) and enable>0: _cmd.onoff(_self._COb,str(name),1,0); elif enable == 0: _cmd.onoff(_self._COb,str(name),0,0) finally: _self.unlock(r,_self) if _self._raising(r,_self): raise pymol.CmdException return r
def _load(oname,finfo,state,ftype,finish,discrete, quiet=1,multiplex=0,zoom=-1,mimic=1, _self=cmd): # WARNING: internal routine, subject to change # caller must already hold API lock # NOTE: state index assumes 1-based state r = DEFAULT_ERROR size = 0 if ftype not in (loadable.model,loadable.brick): if ftype == loadable.r3d: import cgo obj = cgo.from_r3d(finfo) if is_ok(obj): r = _cmd.load_object(_self._COb,str(oname),obj,int(state)-1,loadable.cgo, int(finish),int(discrete),int(quiet), int(zoom)) else: print "Load-Error: Unable to open file '%s'."%finfo elif ftype == loadable.cc1: # ChemDraw 3D obj = io.cc1.fromFile(finfo) if obj: r = _cmd.load_object(_self._COb,str(oname),obj,int(state)-1,loadable.model, int(finish),int(discrete), int(quiet),int(zoom)) elif ftype == try: # BEGIN PROPRIETARY CODE SEGMENT from epymol import moe if (string.find(finfo,":")>1): import urllib moe_file = urllib.urlopen(finfo) else: moe_file = open(finfo) moe_str = moe_file.close() r = moe.read_moestr(moe_str,str(oname),int(state), int(finish),int(discrete),int(quiet),int(zoom),_self=_self) # END PROPRIETARY CODE SEGMENT except ImportError: print "Error: .MOE format not supported by this PyMOL build." if _self._raising(-1,_self): raise pymol.CmdException elif ftype == loadable.mae: try: # BEGIN PROPRIETARY CODE SEGMENT from epymol import mae if (string.find(finfo,":")>1): import urllib mae_file = urllib.urlopen(finfo) else: mae_file = open(finfo) mae_str = mae_file.close() r = mae.read_maestr(mae_str,str(oname), int(state), int(finish),int(discrete), int(quiet),int(zoom),int(multiplex), int(mimic), _self=_self) # END PROPRIETARY CODE SEGMENT except ValueError: print "Error: .MAE format not supported by this PyMOL build." if _self._raising(-1,_self): raise pymol.CmdException else: if ftype in _load2str.keys() and (string.find(finfo,":")>1): gz ="\.gz$",finfo,re.I) try: import urllib tmp_file = urllib.urlopen(finfo) except: print "Error: unable to open the URL:\nError: %s"%finfo # traceback.print_exc() return 0 finfo = if gz: import StringIO fakestream = StringIO.StringIO(finfo) import gzip finfo = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fakestream).read() ftype = _load2str[ftype] tmp_file.close() elif ftype in _load2str.keys() and"\.gz$",finfo,re.I): import gzip finfo = ftype = _load2str[ftype] r = _cmd.load(_self._COb,str(oname),finfo,int(state)-1,int(ftype), int(finish),int(discrete),int(quiet), int(multiplex),int(zoom)) else: try: x = io.pkl.fromFile(finfo) if isinstance(x,types.ListType) or isinstance(x,types.TupleType): for a in x: r = _cmd.load_object(_self._COb,str(oname),a,int(state)-1, int(ftype),0,int(discrete),int(quiet), int(zoom)) if(state>0): state = state + 1 _cmd.finish_object(_self._COb,str(oname)) else: r = _cmd.load_object(_self._COb,str(oname),x, int(state)-1,int(ftype), int(finish),int(discrete), int(quiet),int(zoom)) except: # traceback.print_exc() print "Load-Error: Unable to load file '%s'." % finfo return r
def _load(oname,finfo,state,ftype,finish,discrete, quiet=1,multiplex=0,zoom=-1,mimic=1, _self=cmd): # WARNING: internal routine, subject to change # caller must already hold API lock # NOTE: state index assumes 1-based state r = DEFAULT_ERROR size = 0 if ftype not in (loadable.model,loadable.brick): if ftype == loadable.r3d: import cgo obj = cgo.from_r3d(finfo) if is_ok(obj): r = _cmd.load_object(_self._COb,str(oname),obj,int(state)-1,loadable.cgo, int(finish),int(discrete),int(quiet), int(zoom)) else: print "Load-Error: Unable to open file '%s'."%finfo elif ftype == loadable.cc1: # ChemDraw 3D obj = io.cc1.fromFile(finfo) if obj: r = _cmd.load_object(_self._COb,str(oname),obj,int(state)-1,loadable.model, int(finish),int(discrete), int(quiet),int(zoom)) elif ftype == try: # BEGIN PROPRIETARY CODE SEGMENT from epymol import moe moe_str = _self.file_read(finfo) r = moe.read_moestr(moe_str,str(oname),int(state), int(finish),int(discrete),int(quiet),int(zoom),_self=_self) # END PROPRIETARY CODE SEGMENT except ImportError: print "Error: .MOE format not supported by this PyMOL build." if _self._raising(-1,_self): raise pymol.CmdException elif ftype == loadable.mae: try: # BEGIN PROPRIETARY CODE SEGMENT from epymol import mae mae_str = _self.file_read(finfo) r = mae.read_maestr(mae_str,str(oname), int(state), int(finish),int(discrete), int(quiet),int(zoom),int(multiplex), int(mimic), _self=_self) # END PROPRIETARY CODE SEGMENT except ValueError: print "Error: .MAE format not supported by this PyMOL build." if _self._raising(-1,_self): raise pymol.CmdException else: if ftype in _load2str and ('://' in finfo or # NOTE: we could safely always do this, not only for URLs and # compressed files. But I don't want to change the old behavior # that regular files are read from the C function. finfo = _self.file_read(finfo) ftype = _load2str[ftype] r = _cmd.load(_self._COb,str(oname),finfo,int(state)-1,int(ftype), int(finish),int(discrete),int(quiet), int(multiplex),int(zoom)) else: try: x = io.pkl.fromFile(finfo) if isinstance(x,types.ListType) or isinstance(x,types.TupleType): for a in x: r = _cmd.load_object(_self._COb,str(oname),a,int(state)-1, int(ftype),0,int(discrete),int(quiet), int(zoom)) if(state>0): state = state + 1 _cmd.finish_object(_self._COb,str(oname)) else: r = _cmd.load_object(_self._COb,str(oname),x, int(state)-1,int(ftype), int(finish),int(discrete), int(quiet),int(zoom)) except: # traceback.print_exc() print "Load-Error: Unable to load file '%s'." % finfo return r
def distance(name=None, selection1="(pk1)", selection2="(pk2)", cutoff=None, mode=None, zoom=0, width=None, length=None, gap=None, label=1, quiet=1, reset=0, state=0, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION "distance" creates a new distance object between two selections. USAGE distance [name [, selection1 [, selection2 [, cutoff [, mode ]]]]] ARGUMENTS name = string: name of the distance object to create selection1 = string: first atom selection selection2 = string: second atom selection cutoff = float: longest distance to show mode = 0: all interatomic distances mode = 1: only bond distances mode = 2: only show polar contact distances EXAMPLES distance mydist, 14/CA, 29/CA distance hbonds, all, all, 3.2, mode=2 NOTES The distance wizard makes measuring distances easier than using the "dist" command for real-time operations. "dist" alone will show distances between selections (pk1) and (pk1), which can be set using the PkAt mouse action (usually CTRL-middle-click). PYMOL API cmd.distance(string name, string selection1, string selection2, string cutoff, string mode ) ''' # handle unnamed distance r = DEFAULT_SUCCESS if name != None: if len(name): if name[0] == '(' or ' ' in name or '/' in name: # we're one argument off... if cutoff != None: mode = cutoff if selection2 != "(pk2)": cutoff = selection2 if selection1 != "(pk1)": selection2 = selection1 selection1 = name name = None if selection1 == "(pk1)": if "pk1" not in _self.get_names('selections'): if _feedback(fb_module.cmd, fb_mask.errors, _self): print "cmd-Error: The 'pk1' selection is undefined." r = DEFAULT_ERROR if selection2 == "(pk2)": if "pk2" not in _self.get_names('selections'): if _feedback(fb_module.cmd, fb_mask.errors, _self): print "cmd-Error: The 'pk2' selection is undefined." r = DEFAULT_ERROR if is_ok(r): r = DEFAULT_ERROR # if unlabeled, then get next name in series if name != None: nam = name else: try: _self.lock(_self) cnt = _cmd.get(_self._COb, "dist_counter") + 1.0 r = _cmd.legacy_set(_self._COb, "dist_counter", "%1.0f" % cnt) nam = "dist%02.0f" % cnt finally: _self.unlock(r, _self) # defaults if mode == None: mode = 0 if cutoff == None: cutoff = -1.0 # preprocess selections selection1 = selector.process(selection1) selection2 = selector.process(selection2) # now do the deed try: _self.lock(_self) if selection2 != "same": selection2 = "(" + selection2 + ")" r = _cmd.dist(_self._COb, str(nam), "(" + str(selection1) + ")", str(selection2), int(mode), float(cutoff), int(label), int(quiet), int(reset), int(state) - 1, int(zoom)) if width != None: _self.set("dash_width", width, nam) if length != None: _self.set("dash_length", length, nam) if gap != None: _self.set("dash_gap", gap, nam) finally: _self.unlock(r, _self) if (r < 0.0) and (not quiet): # a negative value is an warning signal from PyMOL... r = DEFAULT_ERROR if _raising(r, _self): raise pymol.CmdException return r
def dihedral(name=None, selection1="(pk1)", selection2="(pk2)", selection3="(pk3)", selection4="(pk4)", mode=None, label=1, reset=0, zoom=0, state=0, quiet=1, _self=cmd): ''' DESCRIPTION "dihedral" shows dihedral angles formed between any four atoms. USAGE dihedral [ name [, selection1 [, selection2 [, selection3 [, selection4 ]]]]] NOTES "dihedral" alone will show the dihedral angle formed by selections (pk1), (pk2), (pk3), and (pk4), which can be set using the "PkAt" mouse action (typically, Ctrl-middle-click) PYMOL API cmd.dihedral(string name, string selection1, string selection2, string selection3, string selection4) SEE ALSO distance, angle ''' r = DEFAULT_SUCCESS if selection1 == "(pk1)": if "pk1" not in _self.get_names('selections'): if _feedback(fb_module.cmd, fb_mask.errors, _self): print "cmd-Error: The 'pk1' selection is undefined." r = DEFAULT_ERROR if selection2 == "(pk2)": if "pk2" not in _self.get_names('selections'): if _feedback(fb_module.cmd, fb_mask.errors, _self): print "cmd-Error: The 'pk2' selection is undefined." r = DEFAULT_ERROR if selection3 == "(pk3)": if "pk3" not in _self.get_names('selections'): if _feedback(fb_module.cmd, fb_mask.errors, _self): print "cmd-Error: The 'pk3' selection is undefined." r = DEFAULT_ERROR if selection3 == "(pk4)": if "pk4" not in _self.get_names('selections'): if _feedback(fb_module.cmd, fb_mask.errors, _self): print "cmd-Error: The 'pk4' selection is undefined." r = DEFAULT_ERROR if is_ok(r): r = DEFAULT_ERROR # if unlabeled, then get next name in series if name != None: nam = name else: try: _self.lock(_self) cnt = _cmd.get(_self._COb, "dist_counter") + 1.0 r = _cmd.legacy_set(_self._COb, "dist_counter", "%1.0f" % cnt) nam = "dihedral%02.0f" % cnt finally: _self.unlock(r, _self) # defaults if mode == None: mode = 0 # preprocess selections selection1 = selector.process(selection1) selection2 = selector.process(selection2) selection3 = selector.process(selection3) selection4 = selector.process(selection4) # now do the deed try: _self.lock(_self) if selection2 != "same": selection2 = "(" + selection2 + ")" if selection3 != "same": selection3 = "(" + selection3 + ")" if selection4 != "same": selection4 = "(" + selection4 + ")" r = _cmd.dihedral(_self._COb, str(nam), "(" + str(selection1) + ")", str(selection2), str(selection3), str(selection4), int(mode), int(label), int(reset), int(zoom), int(quiet), int(state) - 1) finally: _self.unlock(r, _self) if _raising(r, _self): raise pymol.CmdException return r