文件: colors.py 项目: syndrowm/cmd2
    def perror(msg: Any, *, end: str = '\n', apply_style: bool = True) -> None:
        """Override perror() method from `cmd2.Cmd`

        Use colorama native approach for styling the text instead of `cmd2.ansi` methods

        :param msg: message to print (anything convertible to a str with '{}'.format() is OK)
        :param end: string appended after the end of the message, default a newline
        :param apply_style: If True, then ansi.style_error will be applied to the message text. Set to False in cases
                            where the message text already has the desired style. Defaults to True.
        if apply_style:
            final_msg = "{}{}{}{}".format(Fore.RED, Back.YELLOW, msg, Style.RESET_ALL)
            final_msg = "{}".format(msg)
        ansi.ansi_aware_write(sys.stderr, final_msg + end)
import sys

from cmd2 import ansi, style

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    directory = sys.argv[1]
    print('Using specified directory: {!r}'.format(directory))
    directory = 'foobar'
    print('Using default directory: {!r}'.format(directory))

# Keep track of where we started - NOTE: cwd was added to self.py_locals dictionary so we can access it
original_dir = cwd()

# Try to change to the specified directory
cd_result = app('cd {}'.format(directory))

# Conditionally do something based on the results of the last command
if cd_result:
    print('\nContents of directory {!r}:'.format(directory))
    dir_result = app('dir -l')

    # Change back to where we were
    print('Changing back to original directory: {!r}'.format(original_dir))
    app('cd {}'.format(original_dir))
    # cd command failed, print a warning
    print('Failed to change directory to {!r}'.format(directory))
    ansi.ansi_aware_write(sys.stderr, style(cd_result.stderr, fg='red'))