def action(self) -> ActionResult: if not transactions.check_transaction(): return redirect(self.mode_url()) connections = load_connection_config(lock=True) if html.request.has_var("_delete"): index = html.request.get_integer_input_mandatory("_delete") connection = connections[index] self._add_change( "delete-ldap-connection", _("Deleted LDAP connection %s") % (connection["id"])) del connections[index] save_connection_config(connections) elif html.request.has_var("_move"): from_pos = html.request.get_integer_input_mandatory("_move") to_pos = html.request.get_integer_input_mandatory("_index") connection = connections[from_pos] self._add_change( "move-ldap-connection", _("Changed position of LDAP connection %s to %d") % (connection["id"], to_pos)) del connections[from_pos] # make to_pos now match! connections[to_pos:to_pos] = [connection] save_connection_config(connections) return redirect(self.mode_url())
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if not html.check_transaction(): return redirect(self.mode_url()) if html.request.var("_delete"): delid = html.request.get_ascii_input_mandatory("_delete") if delid not in self._roles: raise MKUserError(None, _("This role does not exist.")) if html.transaction_valid() and self._roles[delid].get('builtin'): raise MKUserError(None, _("You cannot delete the builtin roles!")) users = userdb.load_users() for user in users.values(): if delid in user["roles"]: raise MKUserError( None, _("You cannot delete roles, that are still in use (%s)!" % delid)) self._rename_user_role(delid, None) # Remove from existing users del self._roles[delid] self._save_roles() watolib.add_change("edit-roles", _("Deleted role '%s'") % delid, sites=config.get_login_sites()) elif html.request.var("_clone"): cloneid = html.request.get_ascii_input_mandatory("_clone") try: cloned_role = self._roles[cloneid] except KeyError: raise MKUserError(None, _("This role does not exist.")) newid = cloneid while newid in self._roles: newid += "x" new_role = {} new_role.update(cloned_role) new_alias = new_role["alias"] while not watolib.is_alias_used("roles", newid, new_alias)[0]: new_alias += _(" (copy)") new_role["alias"] = new_alias if cloned_role.get("builtin"): new_role["builtin"] = False new_role["basedon"] = cloneid self._roles[newid] = new_role self._save_roles() watolib.add_change("edit-roles", _("Created new role '%s'") % newid, sites=config.get_login_sites()) return redirect(self.mode_url())
def action(self) -> ActionResult: delname = request.var("_delete") if not delname: return redirect(mode_url("timeperiods")) if not transactions.check_transaction(): return redirect(mode_url("timeperiods")) if delname in watolib.timeperiods.builtin_timeperiods(): raise MKUserError("_delete", _("Builtin timeperiods can not be modified")) usages = self._find_usages_of_timeperiod(delname) if usages: message = "<b>%s</b><br>%s:<ul>" % \ (_("You cannot delete this timeperiod."), _("It is still in use by")) for title, link in usages: message += '<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>\n' % (link, title) message += "</ul>" raise MKUserError(None, message) del self._timeperiods[delname] watolib.timeperiods.save_timeperiods(self._timeperiods) watolib.add_change("edit-timeperiods", _("Deleted timeperiod %s") % delname) return redirect(mode_url("timeperiods"))
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if not transactions.check_transaction(): return None vs = self._valuespec() self._connection_cfg = vs.from_html_vars("connection") vs.validate_value(self._connection_cfg, "connection") self._connection_cfg["type"] = "ldap" if self._new: self._connections.insert(0, self._connection_cfg) self._connection_id = self._connection_cfg["id"] else: self._connection_cfg["id"] = self._connection_id self._connections[self._connection_nr] = self._connection_cfg assert self._connection_id is not None if self._new: log_what = "new-ldap-connection" log_text = _("Created new LDAP connection") else: log_what = "edit-ldap-connection" log_text = _("Changed LDAP connection %s") % self._connection_id self._add_change(log_what, log_text) save_connection_config(self._connections) config.user_connections = self._connections # make directly available on current page if html.request.var("_save"): return redirect(mode_url("ldap_config")) # Handle the case where a user hit "Save & Test" during creation return redirect(self.mode_url(_test="1", id=self._connection_id))
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if not transactions.check_transaction(): return redirect(mode_url("tags")) vs = self._valuespec() aux_tag_spec = vs.from_html_vars("aux_tag") vs.validate_value(aux_tag_spec, "aux_tag") self._aux_tag = cmk.utils.tags.AuxTag(aux_tag_spec) self._aux_tag.validate() changed_hosttags_config = cmk.utils.tags.TagConfig() changed_hosttags_config.parse_config(self._tag_config_file.load_for_reading()) if self._new: changed_hosttags_config.aux_tag_list.append(self._aux_tag) else: changed_hosttags_config.aux_tag_list.update(self._id, self._aux_tag) try: changed_hosttags_config.validate_config() except MKGeneralException as e: raise MKUserError(None, "%s" % e) return redirect(mode_url("tags"))
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if not transactions.check_transaction(): return redirect(mode_url("tags")) vs = self._valuespec() tag_group_spec = vs.from_html_vars("tag_group") vs.validate_value(tag_group_spec, "tag_group") # Create new object with existing host tags changed_hosttags_config = cmk.utils.tags.TagConfig() changed_hosttags_config.parse_config( self._tag_config_file.load_for_modification()) changed_tag_group = cmk.utils.tags.TagGroup(tag_group_spec) self._tag_group = changed_tag_group if self._new: # Inserts and verifies changed tag group changed_hosttags_config.insert_tag_group(changed_tag_group) try: changed_hosttags_config.validate_config() except MKGeneralException as e: raise MKUserError(None, "%s" % e) self._save_tags_and_update_hosts( changed_hosttags_config.get_dict_format()) add_change( "edit-hosttags", _("Created new host tag group '%s'") % flash( _("Created new host tag group '%s'") % changed_tag_group.title) return redirect(mode_url("tags")) # Updates and verifies changed tag group changed_hosttags_config.update_tag_group(changed_tag_group) try: changed_hosttags_config.validate_config() except MKGeneralException as e: raise MKUserError(None, "%s" % e) remove_tag_ids, replace_tag_ids = identify_modified_tags( changed_tag_group, self._untainted_tag_group) tg_id = if tg_id is None: raise Exception("tag group ID not set") operation = OperationReplaceGroupedTags(tg_id, remove_tag_ids, replace_tag_ids) # Now check, if any folders, hosts or rules are affected message = _rename_tags_after_confirmation(self.breadcrumb(), operation) if message is False: return FinalizeRequest(code=200) self._save_tags_and_update_hosts( changed_hosttags_config.get_dict_format()) add_change("edit-hosttags", _("Edited host tag group %s (%s)") % (message, self._id)) if isinstance(message, str): flash(message) return redirect(mode_url("tags"))
def action(self) -> None: job_details_page = ModeBackgroundJobDetails() action_handler = gui_background_job.ActionHandler(job_details_page.breadcrumb()) action_handler.handle_actions() if action_handler.did_delete_job(): if job_details_page.back_url(): raise redirect(job_details_page.back_url()) raise redirect(mode_url("background_jobs_overview"))
def action(self) -> ActionResult: action_handler = gui_background_job.ActionHandler(self.breadcrumb()) action_handler.handle_actions() if action_handler.did_delete_job(): if self._back_url(): raise redirect(self._back_url()) return redirect(mode_url("background_jobs_overview")) return None
def _import(self, csv_reader: CSVReader) -> ActionResult: if self._has_title_line: try: next(csv_reader) # skip header except StopIteration: pass num_succeeded, num_failed = 0, 0 fail_messages = [] selected = [] imported_hosts = [] for row_num, row in enumerate(csv_reader): if not row: continue # skip empty lines host_name, attributes = self._get_host_info_from_row(row, row_num) try: watolib.Folder.current().create_hosts( [(host_name, attributes, None)], bake_hosts=False, ) imported_hosts.append(host_name) selected.append('_c_%s' % host_name) num_succeeded += 1 except Exception as e: fail_messages.append( _("Failed to create a host from line %d: %s") % (csv_reader.line_num, e)) num_failed += 1 watolib.hosts_and_folders.try_bake_agents_for_hosts(imported_hosts) self._delete_csv_file() msg = _("Imported %d hosts into the current folder.") % num_succeeded if num_failed: msg += "<br><br>" + (_("%d errors occured:") % num_failed) msg += "<ul>" for fail_msg in fail_messages: msg += "<li>%s</li>" % fail_msg msg += "</ul>" if num_succeeded > 0 and html.request.var( "do_service_detection") == "1": # Create a new selection for performing the bulk discovery config.user.set_rowselection( weblib.selection_id(), 'wato-folder-/' + watolib.Folder.current().path(), selected, 'set') return redirect( mode_url("bulkinventory", _bulk_inventory='1', show_checkboxes='1')) flash(msg) return redirect(mode_url("folder"))
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if not transactions.check_transaction(): return redirect(mode_url("folder", folder=watolib.Folder.current().path())) count = html.request.get_integer_input_mandatory("count") folders = html.request.get_integer_input_mandatory("folders") levels = html.request.get_integer_input_mandatory("levels") created = self._create_random_hosts(watolib.Folder.current(), count, folders, levels) flash(_("Added %d random hosts.") % created) return redirect(mode_url("folder", folder=watolib.Folder.current().path()))
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if not html.check_transaction(): return None if self._job.is_active() or self._diagnostics_parameters is None: return redirect(self._job.detail_url()) self._job.set_function(self._job.do_execute, self._diagnostics_parameters) self._job.start() return redirect(self._job.detail_url())
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if not transactions.check_transaction(): return redirect(mode_url("tags")) if request.has_var("_delete"): return self._delete_tag_group() if request.has_var("_del_aux"): return self._delete_aux_tag() if request.var("_move"): return self._move_tag_group() return redirect(mode_url("tags"))
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if not html.check_transaction(): return redirect(self.mode_url()) if not html.request.var('_delete'): return redirect(self.mode_url()) delname = html.request.var("_delete") for index, attr in enumerate(self._attrs): if attr['name'] == delname: self._attrs.pop(index) save_custom_attrs_to_mk_file(self._all_attrs) self._update_config() add_change("edit-%sattrs" % self._type, _("Deleted attribute %s") % (delname)) return redirect(self.mode_url())
def _delete_tag_group(self) -> ActionResult: del_id = request.get_item_input("_delete", dict(self._tag_config.get_tag_group_choices()))[1] if not request.has_var("_repair") and self._is_cleaning_up_user_tag_group_to_builtin( del_id): message: Union[bool, str] = _("Transformed the user tag group \"%s\" to builtin.") % del_id else: message = _rename_tags_after_confirmation(self.breadcrumb(), OperationRemoveTagGroup(del_id)) if message is False: return FinalizeRequest(code=200) if message: self._tag_config.remove_tag_group(del_id) try: self._tag_config.validate_config() except MKGeneralException as e: raise MKUserError(None, "%s" % e) self._save_tags_and_update_hosts(self._tag_config.get_dict_format()) add_change("edit-tags", _("Removed tag group %s (%s)") % (message, del_id)) if isinstance(message, str): flash(message) return redirect(mode_url("tags"))
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if watolib.get_pending_changes_info(): raise MKUserError( "newname", _("You cannot rename a host while you have pending changes.")) newname = html.request.var("newname") self._check_new_host_name("newname", newname) c = wato_confirm( _("Confirm renaming of host"), _("Are you sure you want to rename the host <b>%s</b> into <b>%s</b>? " "This involves a restart of the monitoring core!") % (, newname)) if c: # Creating pending entry. That makes the site dirty and that will force a sync of # the config to that site before the automation is being done. host_renaming_job = RenameHostBackgroundJob( self._host, title=_("Renaming of %s -> %s") % (, newname)) renamings = [(watolib.Folder.current(),, newname) ] host_renaming_job.set_function(rename_hosts_background_job, renamings) try: host_renaming_job.start() except background_job.BackgroundJobAlreadyRunning as e: raise MKGeneralException( _("Another host renaming job is already running: %s") % e) return redirect(host_renaming_job.detail_url()) if c is False: # not yet confirmed return FinalizeRequest(code=200) return None
def _delete_aux_tag(self) -> ActionResult: del_id = request.get_item_input("_del_aux", dict(self._tag_config.aux_tag_list.get_choices()))[1] # Make sure that this aux tag is not begin used by any tag group for group in self._tag_config.tag_groups: for grouped_tag in group.tags: if del_id in grouped_tag.aux_tag_ids: raise MKUserError( None, _("You cannot delete this auxiliary tag. " "It is being used in the tag group <b>%s</b>.") % group.title) message = _rename_tags_after_confirmation(self.breadcrumb(), OperationRemoveAuxTag(del_id)) if message is False: return FinalizeRequest(code=200) if message: self._tag_config.aux_tag_list.remove(del_id) try: self._tag_config.validate_config() except MKGeneralException as e: raise MKUserError(None, "%s" % e) self._save_tags_and_update_hosts(self._tag_config.get_dict_format()) add_change("edit-tags", _("Removed auxiliary tag %s (%s)") % (message, del_id)) if isinstance(message, str): flash(message) return redirect(mode_url("tags"))
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if not html.check_transaction(): return redirect(mode_url("%s_groups" % self.type_name)) alias = html.request.get_unicode_input_mandatory("alias").strip() = {"alias": alias} self._determine_additional_group_data() if self._new: self._name = html.request.get_ascii_input_mandatory("name").strip() watolib.add_group(self._name, self.type_name, else: watolib.edit_group(self._name, self.type_name, return redirect(mode_url("%s_groups" % self.type_name))
def action(self) -> ActionResult: settings = self._vs().from_html_vars("_read_only") self._vs().validate_value(settings, "_read_only") self._settings = settings self._save() flash(_("Saved read only settings")) return redirect(mode_url("read_only"))
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if not html.check_transaction(): return redirect(self.mode_url()) if html.request.has_var("_delete"): icon_name = html.request.var("_delete") if icon_name in self._load_custom_icons(): os.remove("%s/local/share/check_mk/web/htdocs/images/icons/%s.png" % (cmk.utils.paths.omd_root, icon_name)) elif html.request.has_var("_do_upload"): vs_upload = self._vs_upload() icon_info = vs_upload.from_html_vars('_upload_icon') vs_upload.validate_value(icon_info, '_upload_icon') self._upload_icon(icon_info) return redirect(self.mode_url())
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if html.form_submitted("search"): return None alias = html.request.get_unicode_input("alias") unique, info = watolib.is_alias_used("roles", self._role_id, alias) if not unique: raise MKUserError("alias", info) new_id = html.request.get_ascii_input_mandatory("id") if not new_id: raise MKUserError("id", "You have to provide a ID.") if not re.match("^[-a-z0-9A-Z_]*$", new_id): raise MKUserError( "id", _("Invalid role ID. Only the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ and - are allowed.")) if new_id != self._role_id: if new_id in self._roles: raise MKUserError("id", _("The ID is already used by another role")) self._role["alias"] = alias # based on if not self._role.get("builtin"): basedon = html.request.get_ascii_input_mandatory("basedon") if basedon not in config.builtin_role_ids: raise MKUserError("basedon", _("Invalid valid for based on. Must be id of builtin rule.")) self._role["basedon"] = basedon # Permissions permissions = self._role["permissions"] for var_name, value in html.request.itervars(prefix="perm_"): try: perm = permission_registry[var_name[5:]] except KeyError: continue if value == "yes": permissions[] = True elif value == "no": permissions[] = False elif value == "default": try: del permissions[] except KeyError: pass # Already at defaults if self._role_id != new_id: self._roles[new_id] = self._role del self._roles[self._role_id] self._rename_user_role(self._role_id, new_id) self._save_roles() watolib.add_change("edit-roles", _("Modified user role '%s'") % new_id, sites=config.get_login_sites()) return redirect(mode_url("roles"))
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if not transactions.check_transaction(): return None vs_ical = self._vs_ical() ical = vs_ical.from_html_vars("ical") vs_ical.validate_value(ical, "ical") filename, _ty, content = ical['file'] try: # TODO(ml): If we could open the file in text mode, we would not # need to `decode()` here. data = self._parse_ical(content.decode("utf-8"), ical['horizon']) except Exception as e: if config.debug: raise raise MKUserError('ical_file', _('Failed to parse file: %s') % e) get_vars = { 'timeperiod_p_alias': data.get('descr', data.get('name', filename)), } for day in defines.weekday_ids(): get_vars['%s_0_from' % day] = '' get_vars['%s_0_until' % day] = '' # Default to whole day if not ical["times"]: ical["times"] = [((0, 0), (24, 0))] get_vars['timeperiod_p_exceptions_count'] = "%d" % len(data['events']) for index, event in enumerate(data['events']): index += 1 get_vars['timeperiod_p_exceptions_%d_0' % index] = event['date'] get_vars['timeperiod_p_exceptions_indexof_%d' % index] = "%d" % index get_vars['timeperiod_p_exceptions_%d_1_count' % index] = "%d" % len(ical["times"]) for n, time_spec in enumerate(ical["times"]): n += 1 start_time = ":".join("%02d" % x for x in time_spec[0]) end_time = ":".join("%02d" % x for x in time_spec[1]) get_vars['timeperiod_p_exceptions_%d_1_%d_from' % (index, n)] = start_time get_vars['timeperiod_p_exceptions_%d_1_%d_until' % (index, n)] = end_time get_vars['timeperiod_p_exceptions_%d_1_indexof_%d' % (index, n)] = "%d" % index return redirect(mode_url("edit_timeperiod", **get_vars))
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if not html.check_transaction(): return redirect(mode_url("%s_groups" % self.type_name)) if html.request.var('_delete'): delname = html.request.get_ascii_input_mandatory("_delete") usages = watolib.find_usages_of_group(delname, self.type_name) if usages: message = "<b>%s</b><br>%s:<ul>" % \ (_("You cannot delete this %s group.") % self.type_name, _("It is still in use by")) for title, link in usages: message += '<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>\n' % (link, title) message += "</ul>" raise MKUserError(None, message) watolib.delete_group(delname, self.type_name) self._groups = self._load_groups() return redirect(mode_url("%s_groups" % self.type_name))
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if not html.check_transaction(): return redirect(self.mode_url()) if html.request.var('_delete'): delete_users([html.request.get_unicode_input("_delete")]) elif html.request.var('_sync'): try: job = userdb.UserSyncBackgroundJob() job.set_function(job.do_sync, add_to_changelog=True, enforce_sync=True, load_users_func=userdb.load_users, save_users_func=userdb.save_users) try: job.start() except background_job.BackgroundJobAlreadyRunning as e: raise MKUserError(None, _("Another synchronization job is already running: %s") % e) self._job_snapshot = job.get_status_snapshot() except Exception: logger.exception("error syncing users") raise MKUserError(None, traceback.format_exc().replace('\n', '<br>\n')) elif html.request.var("_bulk_delete_users"): self._bulk_delete_users_after_confirm() else: action_handler = gui_background_job.ActionHandler(self.breadcrumb()) action_handler.handle_actions() if action_handler.did_acknowledge_job(): self._job_snapshot = userdb.UserSyncBackgroundJob().get_status_snapshot() flash(_("Synchronization job acknowledged")) return redirect(self.mode_url())
def action(self) -> ActionResult: renaming_config = self._vs_renaming_config().from_html_vars("") self._vs_renaming_config().validate_value(renaming_config, "") renamings = self._collect_host_renamings(renaming_config) if not renamings: flash(_("No matching host names")) return None warning = self._renaming_collision_error(renamings) if warning: flash(warning) return None message = html.render_b( _("Do you really want to rename to following hosts?" "This involves a restart of the monitoring core!")) rows = [] for _folder, host_name, target_name in renamings: rows.append( html.render_tr( html.render_td(host_name) + html.render_td(" → %s" % target_name))) message += html.render_table(HTML().join(rows)) nr_rename = len(renamings) c = _confirm( _("Confirm renaming of %d %s") % (nr_rename, ungettext("host", "hosts", nr_rename)), message, ) if c: title = _("Renaming of %s") % ", ".join("%s → %s" % x[1:] for x in renamings) host_renaming_job = RenameHostsBackgroundJob(title=title) host_renaming_job.set_function(rename_hosts_background_job, renamings) try: host_renaming_job.start() except background_job.BackgroundJobAlreadyRunning as e: raise MKGeneralException( _("Another host renaming job is already running: %s") % e) return redirect(host_renaming_job.detail_url()) if c is False: # not yet confirmed return FinalizeRequest(code=200) return None # browser reload
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if not html.check_transaction(): return None vs = self._valuespec() # returns a Dictionary object vs_spec = vs.from_html_vars("timeperiod") vs.validate_value(vs_spec, "timeperiod") self._timeperiod = self._from_valuespec(vs_spec) if self._new: self._name = vs_spec["name"] watolib.add_change("edit-timeperiods", _("Created new time period %s") % self._name) else: watolib.add_change("edit-timeperiods", _("Modified time period %s") % self._name) assert self._name is not None self._timeperiods[self._name] = self._timeperiod watolib.timeperiods.save_timeperiods(self._timeperiods) return redirect(mode_url("timeperiods"))
def action(self) -> ActionResult: renaming_config = self._vs_renaming_config().from_html_vars("") self._vs_renaming_config().validate_value(renaming_config, "") renamings = self._collect_host_renamings(renaming_config) if not renamings: flash(_("No matching host names")) return None warning = self._renaming_collision_error(renamings) if warning: flash(warning) return None message = _( "<b>Do you really want to rename to following hosts? This involves a restart of the monitoring core!</b>" ) message += "<table>" for _folder, host_name, target_name in renamings: message += u"<tr><td>%s</td><td> → %s</td></tr>" % (host_name, target_name) message += "</table>" c = wato_confirm( _("Confirm renaming of %d hosts") % len(renamings), HTML(message)) if c: title = _("Renaming of %s") % ", ".join(u"%s → %s" % x[1:] for x in renamings) host_renaming_job = RenameHostsBackgroundJob(title=title) host_renaming_job.set_function(rename_hosts_background_job, renamings) try: host_renaming_job.start() except background_job.BackgroundJobAlreadyRunning as e: raise MKGeneralException( _("Another host renaming job is already running: %s") % e) return redirect(host_renaming_job.detail_url()) if c is False: # not yet confirmed return FinalizeRequest(code=200) return None # browser reload
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if not transactions.check_transaction(): return None if request.var('_try'): try: self._validate_diag_html_vars() except MKUserError as e: user_errors.add(e) return None if request.var('_save'): # Save the ipaddress and/or community vs_host = self._vs_host() new = vs_host.from_html_vars('vs_host') vs_host.validate_value(new, 'vs_host') # If both snmp types have credentials set - snmpv3 takes precedence return_message = [] if "ipaddress" in new: return_message.append(_("IP address")) if "snmp_v3_credentials" in new: if "snmp_community" in new: return_message.append( _("SNMPv3 credentials (SNMPv2 community was discarded)" )) else: return_message.append(_("SNMPv3 credentials")) new["snmp_community"] = new["snmp_v3_credentials"] elif "snmp_community" in new: return_message.append(_("SNMP credentials")) self._host.update_attributes(new) flash(_("Updated attributes: ") + ", ".join(return_message)) return redirect( mode_url( "edit_host", host=self._hostname, folder=watolib.Folder.current().path(), )) return None
def action(self) -> ActionResult: if watolib.get_pending_changes_info(): raise MKUserError("newname", _("You cannot rename a host while you have pending changes.")) newname = request.var("newname") self._check_new_host_name("newname", newname) # Creating pending entry. That makes the site dirty and that will force a sync of # the config to that site before the automation is being done. host_renaming_job = RenameHostBackgroundJob(self._host, title=_("Renaming of %s -> %s") % (, newname)) renamings = [(watolib.Folder.current(),, newname)] host_renaming_job.set_function(rename_hosts_background_job, renamings) try: host_renaming_job.start() except background_job.BackgroundJobAlreadyRunning as e: raise MKGeneralException(_("Another host renaming job is already running: %s") % e) return redirect(host_renaming_job.detail_url())
def action(self) -> ActionResult: # TODO: remove subclass specific things specifict things (everything with _type == 'user') if not html.check_transaction(): return None title = html.request.get_unicode_input_mandatory("title").strip() if not title: raise MKUserError("title", _("Please specify a title.")) for this_attr in self._attrs: if title == this_attr['title'] and self._name != this_attr['name']: raise MKUserError( "alias", _("This alias is already used by the attribute %s.") % this_attr['name']) topic = html.request.get_unicode_input_mandatory('topic', '').strip() help_txt = html.request.get_unicode_input_mandatory('help', '').strip() show_in_table = html.get_checkbox('show_in_table') add_custom_macro = html.get_checkbox('add_custom_macro') if self._new: self._name = html.request.get_ascii_input_mandatory("name", '').strip() if not self._name: raise MKUserError( "name", _("Please specify a name for the new attribute.")) if ' ' in self._name: raise MKUserError( "name", _("Sorry, spaces are not allowed in attribute names.")) if not re.match("^[-a-z0-9A-Z_]*$", self._name): raise MKUserError( "name", _("Invalid attribute name. Only the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ and - are allowed." )) if [a for a in self._attrs if a['name'] == self._name]: raise MKUserError( "name", _("Sorry, there is already an attribute with that name.")) ty = html.request.get_ascii_input_mandatory('type', '').strip() if ty not in [t[0] for t in custom_attr_types()]: raise MKUserError('type', _('The choosen attribute type is invalid.')) self._attr = { 'name': self._name, 'type': ty, } self._attrs.append(self._attr) add_change( "edit-%sattr" % self._type, _("Create new %s attribute %s") % (self._type, self._name)) else: add_change( "edit-%sattr" % self._type, _("Modified %s attribute %s") % (self._type, self._name)) self._attr.update({ 'title': title, 'topic': topic, 'help': help_txt, 'show_in_table': show_in_table, 'add_custom_macro': add_custom_macro, }) self._add_extra_attrs_from_html_vars() save_custom_attrs_to_mk_file(self._all_attrs) self._update_config() return redirect(mode_url(self._type + "_attrs"))
def _clear_audit_log_after_confirm(self) -> ActionResult: self._clear_audit_log() flash(_("Cleared audit log.")) return redirect(self.mode_url())