    def get_task(self, name):
        """See docstring in class Loader.

            num = self.tasks_order[name]

        # Here we expose an undocumented behavior, so that cmsMake can
        # import a task even without the whole contest; this is not to
        # be relied upon in general
        except AttributeError:
            num = 1

        conf = yaml.safe_load(
            io.open(os.path.join(self.path, name + ".yaml"),
                    "rt", encoding="utf-8"))
        task_path = os.path.join(self.path, name)

        logger.info("Loading parameters for task %s." % name)

        # Here we update the time of the last import
        touch(os.path.join(task_path, ".itime"))
        # If this file is not deleted, then the import failed
        touch(os.path.join(task_path, ".import_error"))

        args = {}

        args["num"] = num
        load(conf, args, ["name", "nome_breve"])
        load(conf, args, ["title", "nome"])

        assert name == args["name"]

        if args["name"] == args["title"]:
            logger.warning("Short name equals long name (title). "
                           "Please check.")

        primary_language = load(conf, None, "primary_language")
        if primary_language is None:
            primary_language = 'it'
        paths = [os.path.join(task_path, "statement", "statement.pdf"),
                 os.path.join(task_path, "testo", "testo.pdf")]
        for path in paths:
            if os.path.exists(path):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file(
                    description="Statement for task %s (lang: %s)"
                    % (name, primary_language))
            logger.error("Couldn't find any task statement, aborting...")
        args["statements"] = [Statement(primary_language, digest)]

        args["primary_statements"] = '["%s"]' % (primary_language)

        args["attachments"] = []  # FIXME Use auxiliary

        args["submission_format"] = [
            SubmissionFormatElement("%s.%%l" % name)]

        load(conf, args, "token_initial")
        load(conf, args, "token_max")
        load(conf, args, "token_total")
        load(conf, args, "token_min_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
        load(conf, args, "token_gen_time", conv=make_timedelta)
        load(conf, args, "token_gen_number")

        load(conf, args, "max_submission_number")
        load(conf, args, "max_user_test_number")
        load(conf, args, "min_submission_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
        load(conf, args, "min_user_test_interval", conv=make_timedelta)

        task = Task(**args)

        args = {}
        args["task"] = task
        args["description"] = conf.get("version", "Default")
        args["autojudge"] = False

        load(conf, args, ["time_limit", "timeout"], conv=float)
        load(conf, args, ["memory_limit", "memlimit"])

        # Builds the parameters that depend on the task type
        args["managers"] = []
        infile_param = conf.get("infile", "input.txt")
        outfile_param = conf.get("outfile", "output.txt")

        # If there is sol/grader.%l for some language %l, then,
        # presuming that the task type is Batch, we retrieve graders
        # in the form sol/grader.%l
        graders = False
        for lang in LANGUAGES:
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(
                    task_path, "sol", "grader.%s" % lang)):
                graders = True
        if graders:
            # Read grader for each language
            for lang in LANGUAGES:
                grader_filename = os.path.join(
                    task_path, "sol", "grader.%s" % lang)
                if os.path.exists(grader_filename):
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file(
                        description="Grader for task %s and language %s" %
                                    (name, lang))
                    args["managers"] += [
                        Manager("grader.%s" % lang, digest)]
                    logger.error("Grader for language %s not found " % lang)
            # Read managers with other known file extensions
            for other_filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(task_path, "sol")):
                if other_filename.endswith('.h') or \
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file(
                        path=os.path.join(task_path, "sol", other_filename),
                        description="Manager %s for task %s" %
                                    (other_filename, name))
                    args["managers"] += [
                        Manager(other_filename, digest)]
            compilation_param = "grader"
            compilation_param = "alone"

        # If there is check/checker (or equivalent), then, presuming
        # that the task type is Batch or OutputOnly, we retrieve the
        # comparator
        paths = [os.path.join(task_path, "check", "checker"),
                 os.path.join(task_path, "cor", "correttore")]
        for path in paths:
            if os.path.exists(path):
                digest = self.file_cacher.put_file(
                    description="Manager for task %s" % name)
                args["managers"] += [
                    Manager("checker", digest)]
                evaluation_param = "comparator"
            evaluation_param = "diff"

        # Detect subtasks by checking GEN
        gen_filename = os.path.join(task_path, 'gen', 'GEN')
            with io.open(gen_filename, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as gen_file:
                subtasks = []
                testcases = 0
                points = None
                for line in gen_file:
                    line = line.strip()
                    splitted = line.split('#', 1)

                    if len(splitted) == 1:
                        # This line represents a testcase, otherwise it's
                        # just a blank
                        if splitted[0] != '':
                            testcases += 1

                        testcase, comment = splitted
                        testcase_detected = False
                        subtask_detected = False
                        if testcase.strip() != '':
                            testcase_detected = True
                        comment = comment.strip()
                        if comment.startswith('ST:'):
                            subtask_detected = True

                        if testcase_detected and subtask_detected:
                            raise Exception("No testcase and subtask in the"
                                            " same line allowed")

                        # This line represents a testcase and contains a
                        # comment, but the comment doesn't start a new
                        # subtask
                        if testcase_detected:
                            testcases += 1

                        # This line starts a new subtask
                        if subtask_detected:
                            # Close the previous subtask
                            if points is None:
                                assert(testcases == 0)
                                subtasks.append([points, testcases])
                            # Open the new one
                            testcases = 0
                            points = int(comment[3:].strip())

                # Close last subtask (if no subtasks were defined, just
                # fallback to Sum)
                if points is None:
                    args["score_type"] = "Sum"
                    total_value = float(conf.get("total_value", 100.0))
                    input_value = 0.0
                    if int(conf['n_input']) != 0:
                        input_value = total_value / int(conf['n_input'])
                    args["score_type_parameters"] = str(input_value)
                    subtasks.append([points, testcases])
                    assert(100 == sum([int(st[0]) for st in subtasks]))
                    assert(int(conf['n_input']) ==
                           sum([int(st[1]) for st in subtasks]))
                    args["score_type"] = "GroupMin"
                    args["score_type_parameters"] = str(subtasks)

        # If gen/GEN doesn't exist, just fallback to Sum
        except IOError:
            args["score_type"] = "Sum"
            total_value = float(conf.get("total_value", 100.0))
            input_value = 0.0
            if int(conf['n_input']) != 0:
                input_value = total_value / int(conf['n_input'])
            args["score_type_parameters"] = str(input_value)

        # If output_only is set, then the task type is OutputOnly
        if conf.get('output_only', False):
            args["task_type"] = "OutputOnly"
            args["time_limit"] = None
            args["memory_limit"] = None
            args["task_type_parameters"] = '["%s"]' % evaluation_param
            task.submission_format = [
                SubmissionFormatElement("output_%03d.txt" % i)
                for i in xrange(int(conf["n_input"]))]

        # If there is check/manager (or equivalent), then the task
        # type is Communication
            paths = [os.path.join(task_path, "check", "manager"),
                     os.path.join(task_path, "cor", "manager")]
            for path in paths:
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    args["task_type"] = "Communication"
                    args["task_type_parameters"] = '[]'
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file(
                        description="Manager for task %s" % name)
                    args["managers"] += [
                        Manager("manager", digest)]
                    for lang in LANGUAGES:
                        stub_name = os.path.join(
                            task_path, "sol", "stub.%s" % lang)
                        if os.path.exists(stub_name):
                            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file(
                                description="Stub for task %s and "
                                "language %s" % (name, lang))
                            args["managers"] += [
                                Manager("stub.%s" % lang, digest)]
                            logger.error("Stub for language %s not "
                                         "found." % lang)

            # Otherwise, the task type is Batch
                args["task_type"] = "Batch"
                args["task_type_parameters"] = \
                    '["%s", ["%s", "%s"], "%s"]' % \
                    (compilation_param, infile_param, outfile_param,

        args["testcases"] = []
        for i in xrange(int(conf["n_input"])):
            input_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file(
                path=os.path.join(task_path, "input", "input%d.txt" % i),
                description="Input %d for task %s" % (i, name))
            output_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file(
                path=os.path.join(task_path, "output", "output%d.txt" % i),
                description="Output %d for task %s" % (i, name))
            args["testcases"] += [
                Testcase("%03d" % i, False, input_digest, output_digest)]
            if args["task_type"] == "OutputOnly":
                task.attachments += [
                    Attachment("input_%03d.txt" % i, input_digest)]
        public_testcases = load(conf, None, ["public_testcases", "risultati"],
                                conv=lambda x: "" if x is None else x)
        if public_testcases != "":
            for x in public_testcases.split(","):
                args["testcases"][int(x.strip())].public = True

        dataset = Dataset(**args)
        task.active_dataset = dataset

        # Import was successful
        os.remove(os.path.join(task_path, ".import_error"))

        logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")

        return task
文件: YamlLoader.py 项目: schlos/cms
    def get_task(self, conf):

        """Produce a Task object.

        Given an object of the second list returned by get_contest,
        construct a full Task object (with all its dependencies) and
        return it. Access the data on the filesystem if needed.

        return (Task): the Task object corresponding to the given dict.


        name = conf["name"]
        num = conf["num"]

        conf = yaml.safe_load(
            io.open(os.path.join(self.path, name + ".yaml"),
                    "rt", encoding="utf-8"))
        task_path = os.path.join(self.path, name)

        logger.info("Loading parameters for task %s." % name)

        args = {}

        args["num"] = num
        load(conf, args, "nome_breve", "name")
        load(conf, args, "nome", "title")

        assert name == args["name"]

        if args["name"] == args["title"]:
            logger.warning("Short name equals long name (title). "
                           "Please check.")

        digest = self.file_cacher.put_file(
            path=os.path.join(task_path, "testo", "testo.pdf"),
            description="Statement for task %s (lang: it)" % name)
        args["statements"] = [Statement("it", digest)]

        args["primary_statements"] = '["it"]'

        args["attachments"] = []  # FIXME Use auxiliary

        args["submission_format"] = [
            SubmissionFormatElement("%s.%%l" % name)]

        load(conf, args, "token_initial")
        load(conf, args, "token_max")
        load(conf, args, "token_total")
        load(conf, args, "token_min_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
        load(conf, args, "token_gen_time", conv=make_timedelta)
        load(conf, args, "token_gen_number")

        load(conf, args, "max_submission_number")
        load(conf, args, "max_user_test_number")
        load(conf, args, "min_submission_interval", conv=make_timedelta)
        load(conf, args, "min_user_test_interval", conv=make_timedelta)

        task = Task(**args)

        args = {}
        args["task"] = task
        args["description"] = conf.get("version", "Default")
        args["autojudge"] = False

        load(conf, args, "timeout", "time_limit", conv=float)
        load(conf, args, "memlimit", "memory_limit")

        # Builds the parameters that depend on the task type
        args["managers"] = []
        infile_param = conf.get("infile", "input.txt")
        outfile_param = conf.get("outfile", "output.txt")

        # If there is sol/grader.%l for some language %l, then,
        # presuming that the task type is Batch, we retrieve graders
        # in the form sol/grader.%l
        graders = False
        for lang in LANGUAGES:
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(
                    task_path, "sol", "grader.%s" % lang)):
                graders = True
        if graders:
            # Read grader for each language
            for lang in LANGUAGES:
                grader_filename = os.path.join(
                    task_path, "sol", "grader.%s" % lang)
                if os.path.exists(grader_filename):
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file(
                        description="Grader for task %s and language %s" %
                                    (name, lang))
                    args["managers"] += [
                        Manager("grader.%s" % lang, digest)]
                    logger.error("Grader for language %s not found " % lang)
            # Read managers with other known file extensions
            for other_filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(task_path, "sol")):
                if other_filename.endswith('.h') or \
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file(
                        path=os.path.join(task_path, "sol", other_filename),
                        description="Manager %s for task %s" %
                                    (other_filename, name))
                    args["managers"] += [
                        Manager(other_filename, digest)]
            compilation_param = "grader"
            compilation_param = "alone"

        # If there is cor/correttore, then, presuming that the task
        # type is Batch or OutputOnly, we retrieve the comparator
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(task_path, "cor", "correttore")):
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file(
                path=os.path.join(task_path, "cor", "correttore"),
                description="Manager for task %s" % name)
            args["managers"] += [
                Manager("checker", digest)]
            evaluation_param = "comparator"
            evaluation_param = "diff"

        # Detect subtasks by checking GEN
        gen_filename = os.path.join(task_path, 'gen', 'GEN')
            with io.open(gen_filename, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as gen_file:
                subtasks = []
                testcases = 0
                points = None
                for line in gen_file:
                    line = line.strip()
                    splitted = line.split('#', 1)

                    if len(splitted) == 1:
                        # This line represents a testcase, otherwise it's
                        # just a blank
                        if splitted[0] != '':
                            testcases += 1

                        testcase, comment = splitted
                        testcase_detected = False
                        subtask_detected = False
                        if testcase.strip() != '':
                            testcase_detected = True
                        comment = comment.strip()
                        if comment.startswith('ST:'):
                            subtask_detected = True

                        if testcase_detected and subtask_detected:
                            raise Exception("No testcase and subtask in the"
                                            " same line allowed")

                        # This line represents a testcase and contains a
                        # comment, but the comment doesn't start a new
                        # subtask
                        if testcase_detected:
                            testcases += 1

                        # This line starts a new subtask
                        if subtask_detected:
                            # Close the previous subtask
                            if points is None:
                                assert(testcases == 0)
                                subtasks.append([points, testcases])
                            # Open the new one
                            testcases = 0
                            points = int(comment[3:].strip())

                # Close last subtask (if no subtasks were defined, just
                # fallback to Sum)
                if points is None:
                    args["score_type"] = "Sum"
                    total_value = float(conf.get("total_value", 100.0))
                    input_value = 0.0
                    if int(conf['n_input']) != 0:
                        input_value = total_value / int(conf['n_input'])
                    args["score_type_parameters"] = str(input_value)
                    subtasks.append([points, testcases])
                    assert(100 == sum([int(st[0]) for st in subtasks]))
                    assert(int(conf['n_input']) ==
                           sum([int(st[1]) for st in subtasks]))
                    args["score_type"] = "GroupMin"
                    args["score_type_parameters"] = str(subtasks)

        # If gen/GEN doesn't exist, just fallback to Sum
        except IOError:
            args["score_type"] = "Sum"
            total_value = float(conf.get("total_value", 100.0))
            input_value = 0.0
            if int(conf['n_input']) != 0:
                input_value = total_value / int(conf['n_input'])
            args["score_type_parameters"] = str(input_value)

        # If output_only is set, then the task type is OutputOnly
        if conf.get('output_only', False):
            args["task_type"] = "OutputOnly"
            args["time_limit"] = None
            args["memory_limit"] = None
            args["task_type_parameters"] = '["%s"]' % evaluation_param
            task.submission_format = [
                SubmissionFormatElement("output_%03d.txt" % i)
                for i in xrange(int(conf["n_input"]))]

        # If there is cor/manager, then the task type is Communication
        elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(task_path, "cor", "manager")):
            args["task_type"] = "Communication"
            args["task_type_parameters"] = '[]'
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file(
                path=os.path.join(task_path, "cor", "manager"),
                description="Manager for task %s" % name)
            args["managers"] += [
                Manager("manager", digest)]
            for lang in LANGUAGES:
                stub_name = os.path.join(task_path, "sol", "stub.%s" % lang)
                if os.path.exists(stub_name):
                    digest = self.file_cacher.put_file(
                        description="Stub for task %s and language %s" %
                                    (name, lang))
                    args["managers"] += [
                        Manager("stub.%s" % lang, digest)]
                    logger.error("Stub for language %s not found." % lang)

        # Otherwise, the task type is Batch
            args["task_type"] = "Batch"
            args["task_type_parameters"] = \
                '["%s", ["%s", "%s"], "%s"]' % \
                (compilation_param, infile_param, outfile_param,

        args["testcases"] = []
        for i in xrange(int(conf["n_input"])):
            input_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file(
                path=os.path.join(task_path, "input", "input%d.txt" % i),
                description="Input %d for task %s" % (i, name))
            output_digest = self.file_cacher.put_file(
                path=os.path.join(task_path, "output", "output%d.txt" % i),
                description="Output %d for task %s" % (i, name))
            args["testcases"] += [
                Testcase(i, False, input_digest, output_digest)]
            if args["task_type"] == "OutputOnly":
                task.attachments += [
                    Attachment("input_%03d.txt" % i, input_digest)]
        public_testcases = conf.get("risultati", "").strip()
        if public_testcases != "":
            for x in public_testcases.split(","):
                args["testcases"][int(x.strip())].public = True

        dataset = Dataset(**args)
        task.active_dataset = dataset

        logger.info("Task parameters loaded.")

        return task