class ContestImporter:

    """This service imports a contest from a directory that has been
    the target of a ContestExport. The process of exporting and
    importing again should be idempotent.


    def __init__(self, drop, import_source,
                 load_files, load_model, light,
                 skip_submissions, skip_user_tests):
        self.drop = drop
        self.load_files = load_files
        self.load_model = load_model
        self.light = light
        self.skip_submissions = skip_submissions
        self.skip_user_tests = skip_user_tests

        self.import_source = import_source
        self.import_dir = import_source

        self.file_cacher = FileCacher()

    def do_import(self):
        """Run the actual import code."""
        logger.operation = "importing contest from %s" % self.import_source
        logger.info("Starting import.")

        if not os.path.isdir(self.import_source):
            if self.import_source.endswith(".zip"):
                archive = zipfile.ZipFile(self.import_source, "r")
                file_names = archive.infolist()

                self.import_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            elif self.import_source.endswith(".tar.gz") \
                     or self.import_source.endswith(".tgz") \
                     or self.import_source.endswith(".tar.bz2") \
                     or self.import_source.endswith(".tbz2") \
                     or self.import_source.endswith(".tar"):
                archive = tarfile.open(name=self.import_source)
                file_names = archive.getnames()
            elif self.import_source.endswith(".tar.xz") \
                    or self.import_source.endswith(".txz"):
                    import lzma
                except ImportError:
                    logger.critical("LZMA compression format not "
                                    "supported. Please install package "
                    return False
                archive = tarfile.open(
                file_names = archive.getnames()
                logger.critical("Unable to import from %s." %
                return False

            root = find_root_of_archive(file_names)
            if root is None:
                logger.critical("Cannot find a root directory in %s." %
                return False

            self.import_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            self.import_dir = os.path.join(self.import_dir, root)

        if self.drop:
            logger.info("Dropping and recreating the database.")
                if not (drop_db() and init_db()):
                    return False
            except Exception as error:
                logger.critical("Unable to access DB.\n%r" % error)
                return False

        with SessionGen(commit=False) as session:

            # Import the contest in JSON format.
            if self.load_model:
                logger.info("Importing the contest from a JSON file.")

                with io.open(os.path.join(self.import_dir,
                                          "contest.json"), "rb") as fin:
                    # TODO - Throughout all the code we'll assume the
                    # input is correct without actually doing any
                    # validations.  Thus, for example, we're not
                    # checking that the decoded object is a dict...
                    self.datas = json.load(fin, encoding="utf-8")

                # If the dump has been exported using a data model
                # different than the current one (that is, a previous
                # one) we try to update it.
                # If no "_version" field is found we assume it's a v1.0
                # export (before the new dump format was introduced).
                dump_version = self.datas.get("_version", 0)

                if dump_version < model_version:
                        "The dump you're trying to import has been created "
                        "by an old version of CMS. It may take a while to "
                        "adapt it to the current data model. You can use "
                        "cmsDumpUpdater to update the on-disk dump and "
                        "speed up future imports.")

                if dump_version > model_version:
                        "The dump you're trying to import has been created "
                        "by a version of CMS newer than this one and there "
                        "is no way to adapt it to the current data model. "
                        "You probably need to update CMS to handle it. It's "
                        "impossible to proceed with the importation.")
                    return False

                for version in range(dump_version, model_version):
                    # Update from version to version+1
                    updater = __import__(
                        "cmscontrib.updaters.update_%d" % (version + 1),
                        globals(), locals(), ["Updater"]).Updater(self.datas)
                    self.datas = updater.run()
                    self.datas["_version"] = version + 1

                assert self.datas["_version"] == model_version

                self.objs = dict()
                for id_, data in self.datas.iteritems():
                    if not id_.startswith("_"):
                        self.objs[id_] = self.import_object(data)
                for id_, data in self.datas.iteritems():
                    if not id_.startswith("_"):
                        self.add_relationships(data, self.objs[id_])

                for k, v in list(self.objs.iteritems()):

                    # Skip submissions if requested
                    if self.skip_submissions and isinstance(v, Submission):
                        del self.objs[k]

                    # Skip user_tests if requested
                    if self.skip_user_tests and isinstance(v, UserTest):
                        del self.objs[k]

                contest_id = list()
                contest_files = set()

                # Add each base object and all its dependencies
                for id_ in self.datas["_objects"]:
                    contest = self.objs[id_]

                    # We explictly add only the contest since all child
                    # objects will be automatically added by cascade.
                    # Adding each object individually would also add
                    # orphaned objects like the ones that depended on
                    # submissions or user_tests that we (possibly)
                    # removed above.

                    contest_id += [contest.id]
                    contest_files |= contest.enumerate_files(
                        self.skip_submissions, self.skip_user_tests, self.light)

                contest_id = None
                contest_files = None

            # Import files.
            if self.load_files:
                logger.info("Importing files.")

                files_dir = os.path.join(self.import_dir, "files")
                descr_dir = os.path.join(self.import_dir, "descriptions")

                files = set(os.listdir(files_dir))
                descr = set(os.listdir(descr_dir))

                if not descr <= files:
                    logger.warning("Some files do not have an associated "
                if not files <= descr:
                    logger.warning("Some descriptions do not have an "
                                   "associated file.")

                if not (contest_files is None or files <= contest_files):
                    # FIXME Check if it's because this is a light import
                    # or because we're skipping submissions or user_tests
                    logger.warning("The dump contains some files that are "
                                   "not needed by the contest.")
                if not (contest_files is None or contest_files <= files):
                    # The reason for this could be that it was a light
                    # export that's not being reimported as such.
                    logger.warning("The contest needs some files that are "
                                   "not contained in the dump.")

                # Limit import to files we actually need.
                if contest_files is not None:
                    files &= contest_files

                for digest in files:
                    file_ = os.path.join(files_dir, digest)
                    desc = os.path.join(descr_dir, digest)
                    if not self.safe_put_file(file_, desc):
                        logger.critical("Unable to put file `%s' in the database. "
                                        "Aborting. Please remove the contest "
                                        "from the database." % file_)
                        # TODO: remove contest from the database.
                        return False

        if contest_id is not None:
            logger.info("Import finished (contest id: %s)." %
                        ", ".join(str(id_) for id_ in contest_id))
            logger.info("Import finished.")
        logger.operation = ""

        # If we extracted an archive, we remove it.
        if self.import_dir != self.import_source:

        return True

    def import_object(self, data):

        """Import objects from the given data (without relationships).

        The given data is assumed to be a dict in the format produced by
        ContestExporter. This method reads the "_class" item and tries
        to find the corresponding class. Then it loads all column
        properties of that class (those that are present in the data)
        and uses them as keyword arguments in a call to the class
        constructor (if a required property is missing this call will
        raise an error).

        Relationships are not handled by this method, since we may not
        have all referenced objects available yet. Thus we prefer to add
        relationships in a later moment, using the add_relationships

        Note that both this method and add_relationships don't check if
        the given data has more items than the ones we understand and


        cls = getattr(class_hook, data["_class"])

        args = dict()

        for prp in cls._col_props:
            if prp.key not in data:
                # We will let the __init__ of the class check if any
                # argument is missing, so it's safe to just skip here.

            col = prp.columns[0]
            col_type = type(col.type)

            val = data[prp.key]
            if col_type in [Boolean, Integer, Float, String]:
                args[prp.key] = val
            elif col_type is DateTime:
                args[prp.key] = make_datetime(val) if val is not None else None
            elif col_type is Interval:
                args[prp.key] = timedelta(seconds=val) if val is not None else None
                raise RuntimeError("Unknown SQLAlchemy column type: %s" % col_type)

        return cls(**args)

    def add_relationships(self, data, obj):

        """Add the relationships to the given object, using the given data.

        Do what we didn't in import_objects: importing relationships.
        We already now the class of the object so we simply iterate over
        its relationship properties trying to load them from the data (if
        present), checking wheter they are IDs or collection of IDs,
        dereferencing them (i.e. getting the corresponding object) and
        reflecting all on the given object.

        Note that both this method and import_object don't check if the
        given data has more items than the ones we understand and use.


        cls = type(obj)

        for prp in cls._rel_props:
            if prp.key not in data:
                # Relationships are always optional

            val = data[prp.key]
            if val is None:
                setattr(obj, prp.key, None)
            elif type(val) == str:
                setattr(obj, prp.key, self.objs[val])
            elif type(val) == list:
                setattr(obj, prp.key, list(self.objs[i] for i in val))
            elif type(val) == dict:
                setattr(obj, prp.key, dict((k, self.objs[v]) for k, v in val.iteritems()))
                raise RuntimeError("Unknown RelationshipProperty value: %s" % type(val))

    def safe_put_file(self, path, descr_path):

        """Put a file to FileCacher signaling every error (including
        digest mismatch).

        path (string): the path from which to load the file.
        descr_path (string): same for description.

        return (bool): True if all ok, False if something wrong.


        # TODO - Probably this method could be merged in FileCacher

        # First read the description.
            with io.open(descr_path, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as fin:
                description = fin.read()
        except IOError:
            description = ''

        # Put the file.
            digest = self.file_cacher.put_file(path=path,
        except Exception as error:
            logger.critical("File %s could not be put to file server (%r), "
                            "aborting." % (path, error))
            return False

        # Then check the digest.
        calc_digest = sha1sum(path)
        if digest != calc_digest:
            logger.critical("File %s has hash %s, but the server returned %s, "
                            "aborting." % (path, calc_digest, digest))
            return False

        return True
文件: Test.py 项目: cbolk/cms
def test_testcases(base_dir, soluzione, assume=None):
    global task, file_cacher

    # Use a FileCacher with a NullBackend in order to avoid to fill
    # the database with junk
    if file_cacher is None:
        file_cacher = FileCacher(null=True)

    # Load the task
    # TODO - This implies copying a lot of data to the FileCacher,
    # which is annoying if you have to do it continuously; it would be
    # better to use a persistent cache (although local, possibly
    # filesystem-based instead of database-based) and somehow detect
    # when the task has already been loaded
    if task is None:
        loader = YamlLoader(
            os.path.realpath(os.path.join(base_dir, "..")),
        # Normally we should import the contest before, but YamlLoader
        # accepts get_task() even without previous get_contest() calls
        task = loader.get_task(os.path.split(os.path.realpath(base_dir))[1])

    # Prepare the EvaluationJob
    dataset = task.active_dataset
    digest = file_cacher.put_file(
        path=os.path.join(base_dir, soluzione),
        description="Solution %s for task %s" % (soluzione, task.name))
    executables = {task.name: Executable(filename=task.name, digest=digest)}
    jobs = [(t, EvaluationJob(
        input=dataset.testcases[t].input, output=dataset.testcases[t].output,
        memory_limit=dataset.memory_limit)) for t in dataset.testcases]
    tasktype = get_task_type(dataset=dataset)

    ask_again = True
    last_status = "ok"
    status = "ok"
    stop = False
    info = []
    points = []
    comments = []
    tcnames = []
    for jobinfo in sorted(jobs):
        print jobinfo[0],
        job = jobinfo[1]
        # Skip the testcase if we decide to consider everything to
        # timeout
        if stop:
            info.append("Time limit exceeded")

        # Evaluate testcase
        last_status = status
        tasktype.evaluate(job, file_cacher)
        status = job.plus["exit_status"]
        info.append("Time: %5.3f   Wall: %5.3f   Memory: %s" %

        # If we saw two consecutive timeouts, ask wether we want to
        # consider everything to timeout
        if ask_again and status == "timeout" and last_status == "timeout":
            print "Want to stop and consider everything to timeout? [y/N]",
            if assume is not None:
                print assume
                tmp = assume
                tmp = raw_input().lower()
            if tmp in ['y', 'yes']:
                stop = True
                ask_again = False

    # Result pretty printing
    clen = max(len(c) for c in comments)
    ilen = max(len(i) for i in info)
    for (i, p, c, b) in zip(tcnames, points, comments, info):
        print "%s) %5.2lf --- %s [%s]" % (i, p, c.ljust(clen), b.center(ilen))

    return zip(points, comments, info)
class TestFileCacher(TestService):
    """Service that performs automatically some tests for the
    FileCacher service.


    def __init__(self, shard):
        logger.initialize(ServiceCoord("TestFileCacher", shard))
        TestService.__init__(self, shard, custom_logger=logger)

        # Assume we store the cache in "./cache/fs-cache-TestFileCacher-0/"
        self.cache_base_path = os.path.join(config.cache_dir,
        self.cache_path = None
        self.content = None
        self.fake_content = None
        self.digest = None
        self.file_obj = None
        self.file_cacher = FileCacher(self)
        #self.file_cacher = FileCacher(self, path="fs-storage")

    def prepare(self):
        """Initialization for the test code - make sure that the cache
        is empty before testing.

        logger.info("Please delete directory %s before." %

### TEST 000 ###

    def test_000(self):
        """Send a ~100B random binary file to the storage through
        FileCacher as a file-like object. FC should cache the content

        self.size = 100
        self.content = "".join(chr(random.randint(0, 255))
                               for unused_i in xrange(self.size))

        logger.info("  I am sending the ~100B binary file to FileCacher")
            data = self.file_cacher.put_file(file_obj=StringIO(self.content),
                                             description="Test #000")
        except Exception as error:
            self.test_end(False, "Error received: %r." % error)

        if not os.path.exists(
            os.path.join(self.cache_base_path, "objects", data)):
            self.test_end(False, "File not stored in local cache.")
        elif open(os.path.join(self.cache_base_path, "objects", data),
                  "rb").read() != self.content:
            self.test_end(False, "Local cache's content differ "
                          "from original file.")
            self.cache_path = os.path.join(self.cache_base_path, "objects",
            self.digest = data
            self.test_end(True, "Data sent and cached without error.")

### TEST 001 ###

    def test_001(self):
        """Retrieve the file.

        logger.info("  I am retrieving the ~100B binary file from FileCacher")
        self.fake_content = "Fake content.\n"
        with open(self.cache_path, "wb") as cached_file:
            data = self.file_cacher.get_file(digest=self.digest,
        except Exception as error:
            self.test_end(False, "Error received: %r." % error)

        received = data.read()
        if received != self.fake_content:
            if received == self.content:
                              "Did not use the cache even if it could.")
                self.test_end(False, "Content differ.")
            self.test_end(True, "Data object received correctly.")

### TEST 002 ###

    def test_002(self):
        """Check the size of the file.

        logger.info("  I am checking the size of the ~100B binary file")
            size = self.file_cacher.get_size(self.digest)
        except Exception as error:
            self.test_end(False, "Error received: %r." % error)

        if size == self.size:
            self.test_end(True, "The size is correct.")
            self.test_end(False, "The size is wrong: %d instead of %d" %
                          (size, self.size))

### TEST 003 ###

    def test_003(self):
        """Get file from FileCacher.

        logger.info("  I am retrieving the file from FileCacher " +
                    "after deleting the cache.")
            data = self.file_cacher.get_file(digest=self.digest,
        except Exception as error:
            self.test_end(False, "Error received: %r." % error)

        received = data.read()
        if received != self.content:
            self.test_end(False, "Content differ.")
        elif not os.path.exists(self.cache_path):
            self.test_end(False, "File not stored in local cache.")
        elif open(self.cache_path).read() != self.content:
            self.test_end(False, "Local cache's content differ " +
                          "from original file.")
            self.test_end(True, "Content object received " +
                          "and cached correctly.")

### TEST 004 ###

    def test_004(self):
        """Delete the file through FS and tries to get it again through FC.

        logger.info("  I am deleting the file from FileCacher.")
        except Exception as error:
            self.test_end(False, "Error received: %s." % error)

            logger.info("  File deleted correctly.")
            logger.info("  I am getting the file from FileCacher.")
            except Exception as error:
                self.test_end(True, "Correctly received an error: %r." % error)
                self.test_end(False, "Did not receive error.")

### TEST 005 ###

    def test_005(self):
        """Get unexisting file from FileCacher.

        logger.info("  I am retrieving an unexisting file from FileCacher.")
            self.file_cacher.get_file(digest=self.digest, temp_file_obj=True)
        except Exception as error:
            self.test_end(True, "Correctly received an error: %r." % error)
            self.test_end(False, "Did not receive error.")

### TEST 006 ###

    def test_006(self):
        """Send a ~100B random binary file to the storage through
        FileCacher as a string. FC should cache the content locally.

        self.content = "".join(chr(random.randint(0, 255))
                               for unused_i in xrange(100))

        logger.info("  I am sending the ~100B binary file to FileCacher")
            data = self.file_cacher.put_file(binary_data=self.content,
                                             description="Test #005")
        except Exception as error:
            self.test_end(False, "Error received: %r." % error)

        if not os.path.exists(
            os.path.join(self.cache_base_path, "objects", data)):
            self.test_end(False, "File not stored in local cache.")
        elif open(os.path.join(self.cache_base_path, "objects", data),
                  "rb").read() != self.content:
            self.test_end(False, "Local cache's content differ "
                          "from original file.")
            self.cache_path = os.path.join(self.cache_base_path, "objects",
            self.digest = data
            self.test_end(True, "Data sent and cached without error.")

### TEST 007 ###

    def test_007(self):
        """Retrieve the file as a string.

        logger.info("  I am retrieving the ~100B binary file from FileCacher "
                    "using get_file_to_string()")
        self.fake_content = "Fake content.\n"
        with open(self.cache_path, "wb") as cached_file:
            data = self.file_cacher.get_file(digest=self.digest, string=True)
        except Exception as error:
            self.test_end(False, "Error received: %r." % error)

        if data != self.fake_content:
            if data == self.content:
                              "Did not use the cache even if it could.")
                self.test_end(False, "Content differ.")
            self.test_end(True, "Data received correctly.")

### TEST 008 ###

    def test_008(self):
        """Put a ~100MB file into the storage (using a specially
        crafted file-like object).

        logger.info("  I am sending the ~100MB binary file to FileCacher")
        rand_file = RandomFile(100000000)
            data = self.file_cacher.put_file(file_obj=rand_file,
                                             description="Test #007")
        except Exception as error:
            self.test_end(False, "Error received: %r." % error)
        if rand_file.dim != 0:
            self.test_end(False, "The input file wasn't read completely.")
        my_digest = rand_file.digest

        if not os.path.exists(
            os.path.join(self.cache_base_path, "objects", data)):
            self.test_end(False, "File not stored in local cache.")
        elif my_digest != data:
            self.test_end(False, "File received with wrong hash.")
            self.cache_path = os.path.join(self.cache_base_path, "objects",
            self.digest = data
            self.test_end(True, "Data sent and cached without error.")

### TEST 009 ###

    def test_009(self):
        """Get the ~100MB file from FileCacher.

        logger.info("  I am retrieving the ~100MB file from FileCacher " +
                    "after deleting the cache.")
        hash_file = HashingFile()
            self.file_cacher.get_file(digest=self.digest, file_obj=hash_file)
        except Exception as error:
            self.test_end(False, "Error received: %r." % error)
        my_digest = hash_file.digest

            if self.digest != my_digest:
                self.test_end(False, "Content differs.")
            elif not os.path.exists(self.cache_path):
                self.test_end(False, "File not stored in local cache.")
                self.test_end(True, "Content object received " +
                              "and cached correctly.")