def reconnect(self, attempts=2): "Reconnect function" self.username = None self.client = self._new_client() att = 0 while att < attempts: msg = 'Fail to authenticate with %s@%s' \ % (self.username, self.hostname) msg += '\nPlease try again' print_error(msg) try: username = self._username() password = self._password(username) self.client.connect(self.hostname, username=username, \ password=password) self.username = username return True except AuthenticationException: pass # will retry except: msg = 'Unable to connect to %s' % self.hostname print_error(msg) raise att += 1 return False
def get_data(url, kwargs=None, headers=None, verbose=None, decoder='json', post=False): "Retrive data" if not headers and url.find('DBSReader') != -1: headers = {'Accept': 'application/json' } # DBS3 always needs that ckey = None cert = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.globus/usercert.pem') try: # pycurl data look-up, primary way to get the data mgr = RequestHandler() with working_pem(PEMMGR.pem) as ckey: res = mgr.get_data(url, kwargs, headers, post, ckey, cert, verbose=verbose) if decoder == 'json': data = json.load(res) else: data = return data except Exception as exc: if verbose: print_error(exc) msg = 'Fall back to urllib' print_warning(msg) # urllib data look-up, fallback mechanism with working_pem(PEMMGR.pem) as ckey: return get_data_helper(url, kwargs, headers, verbose, decoder, post, ckey, cert)
def cms_rm(arg): """ CMS rm command works with local files/dirs and CMS storate elements. Examples: cmssh> rm local_file cmssh> rm -rf local_dir cmssh> rm T3_US_Cornell:/xrootdfs/cms/store/user/user_name/file.root """ arg = arg.strip() try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 if not arg: print_error("Usage: rm <options> source_file") dst = arg.split()[-1] if os.path.exists(dst) or len(glob.glob(dst)): cmd = "rm %s" % arg run(cmd) else: if pat_lfn.match(arg.split(':')[-1]): status = rm_lfn(arg, verbose=debug) print_status(status) else: if not os.path.exists(dst): print_error('File %s does not exists' % dst) else: raise Exception('Not implemented yet')
def github_issues(arg=None): """ Retrieve information about cmssh tickets, e.g. Examples: cmssh> tickets # list all cmssh tickets cmssh> ticket 14 # get details for given ticket id cmssh> ticket new # post new ticket from cmssh # or post it at """ if arg == 'new': msg = 'You can post new ticket via web interface at\n' msg += '\n' msg += 'otherwise it will be posted as anonymous gist ticket' print_info(msg) if not user_input('Proceed', default='N'): return email = raw_input('Your Email : ') if not email: msg = "You did your email address" print_error(msg) return desc = '' msg = 'Type your problem, attach traceback, etc. Once done print ' msg += msg_blue('EOF') + ' and hit ' + msg_blue('Enter') + '\n' print msg while True: try: uinput = raw_input() if uinput.strip() == 'EOF': break desc += uinput + '\n' except KeyboardInterrupt: break if not desc: msg = "You did not provide bug description" print_error(msg) return if not user_input('Send this ticket', default='N'): print_info('Aborting your action') return key = 'cmssh-%s' % time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.time())) files = {key: {'content': desc}} res = post_ticket(key, files) if res.has_key('html_url'): print_status('New gist ticket %s' % res['html_url']) title = 'cmssh gist %s' % res['html_url'] if isinstance(res, dict): ticket = pprint.pformat(res) else: ticket = res to_user = base64.decodestring('dmt1em5ldEBnbWFpbC5jb20=\n') send_email(to_user, email, title, ticket) else: res = get_tickets(arg) RESMGR.assign(res) pprint.pprint(res)
def cms_cp(arg): """ cmssh cp command copies local files/dirs to/from local files/dirs or CMS storate elements. Examples: cmssh> cp file1 file2 cmssh> cp file.root T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/name cmssh> cp /store/mc/file.root T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/name cmssh> cp T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/name/file.root T3_US_Omaha """ check_voms_proxy() background = False orig_arg = arg arg = arg.strip() try: last_arg = arg.split(' ')[-1].strip() if last_arg == '&': background = True arg = arg.replace('&', '').strip() src, dst = arg.rsplit(' ', 1) if dst.find('&') != -1: background = True dst = dst.replace('&', '').strip() if dst == '.': dst = os.getcwd() # check if src still has options and user asked for -f options = src.split(' ') if len(options) > 1 and options[0] == '-f': overwrite = True else: overwrite = False except: traceback.print_exc() return try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 if not arg: print_error("Usage: cp <options> source_file target_{file,directory}") pat = pat_se orig = src.split(' ')[-1] if os.path.exists(orig) and not pat.match(dst): if background: cmd = 'cp %s' % orig_arg, shell=True) else: run("cp %s %s" % (src, dst)) else: try: status = copy_lfn(orig, dst, debug, background, overwrite) print_status(status) except: traceback.print_exc()
def check_voms_proxy(): "Check status of user VOMS proxy" cmd = 'voms-proxy-info -timeleft' out, err = execmd(cmd) if err: print_error('Fail to check user proxy info') return if int(out) < 3600: # time left is less then 1 hour msg = 'Your VOMS proxy will expire in %s sec (< 1 hour). ' % out msg += 'Please run ' + msg_green('vomsinit') + ' command to renew it' print_warning(msg)
def transfer(self, method, file1, file2=None): "Perform sftp transfer action" if not self.client: msg = 'Unable to connect to %s@%s' \ % (self.username, self.hostname) print_error(msg) return ftp = self.client.open_sftp() if not file2: file2 = file1 getattr(ftp, method)(file1, file2) ftp.close()
def access2file(fname): "Check if given file name exists on a system and is accessible" if not os.path.isfile(fname): msg = 'File %s does not exists' % fname print_error(msg) return False mode = os.stat(fname).st_mode if not bool(mode & stat.S_IRUSR): msg = 'Unsufficient privileges to access %s' % fname print_error(msg) return False return True
def debug_http(arg): """ Show or set HTTP debug flag. Default is 0. """ arg = arg.strip() if arg: if arg not in ['0', '1']: print_error('Please provide 0/1 for debug_http command') return print_info("Set HTTP debug level to %s" % arg) os.environ['HTTPDEBUG'] = arg else: print_info("HTTP debug level is %s" % os.environ.get('HTTPDEBUG', 0))
def run_lumi_golden_json(): "Get run lumi dict from golden JSON file" fname = os.environ.get("CMS_JSON", None) if os.path.isfile(fname): with open(fname, "r") as json_file: try: cms_json = json.load(json_file) return fname, cms_json except: print_error("Unable to decode CMS JSON: %s" % fname) return fname, {} else: msg = "Unable to locate CMS JSON file" print_warning(msg) return None, {}
def run_lumi_golden_json(): "Get run lumi dict from golden JSON file" fname = os.environ.get('CMS_JSON', None) if os.path.isfile(fname): with open(fname, 'r') as json_file: try: cms_json = json.load(json_file) return fname, cms_json except: print_error('Unable to decode CMS JSON: %s' % fname) return fname, {} else: msg = 'Unable to locate CMS JSON file' print_warning(msg) return None, {}
def file_info(lfn, verbose=None): query = 'find, file.numevents, file.size, file.createdate, file.createby, file.moddate, file.modby where file=%s' % lfn params = {"api": "executeQuery", "apiversion": "DBS_2_0_9", "query": query} default_instance = os.environ.get('DBS_INSTANCE') for inst in dbs_instances(): os.environ['DBS_INSTANCE'] = inst data = urllib2.urlopen(dbs_url(), urllib.urlencode(params)) try: rec = [f for f in qlxml_parser(data, 'file')][0] except: continue rec['logical_file_name'] = rec['file'][''] rec['size'] = rec['file']['file.size'] rec['nevents'] = rec['file']['file.numevents'] rec['created'] = time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime(rec['file']['file.createdate'])) rec['createdby'] = rec['file']['file.createby'] rec['modified'] = time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime(rec['file']['file.moddate'])) rec['modifiedby'] = rec['file']['file.modby'] del rec['file'] lfnobj = File(rec) try: pfnlist, selist = get_pfns(lfn, verbose) if not selist: query = 'find site where file=%s' % lfn params.update({"query": query}) data = urllib2.urlopen(dbs_url(), urllib.urlencode(params)) try: rec = [f for f in qlxml_parser(data, 'site')][0] sename = rec['site']['site'] selist = [sename] pfnlist = lfn2pfn(lfn, sename) except: pass lfnobj.assign('pfn', pfnlist) lfnobj.assign('se', selist) except: traceback.print_exc() lfnobj.assign('pfn', []) lfnobj.assign('se', []) os.environ['DBS_INSTANCE'] = default_instance lfnobj.assign('dbs_instance', inst) return lfnobj os.environ['DBS_INSTANCE'] = default_instance msg = 'Fail to look-up LFN in %s DBS instances' % dbs_instances() print_error(msg)
def cms_install(rel): """ cmssh command to install given CMSSW release. Examples: cmssh> install CMSSW_5_2_4 """ rel = rel.strip() pat = pat_release if not pat.match(rel): msg = 'Fail to validate release name "%s"' % rel print_error(msg) msg = 'Please check the you provide correct release name,' msg += ' e.g. CMSSW_X_Y_Z<_patchN>' print msg return # check if we have stand-alone installation if os.environ.get('CMSSH_CMSSW', None): msg = '\nYou are not allowed to install new release, ' msg += 'since cmssh was installed with system CMSSW install area' print msg return # check if given release/architecture is in place status = check_release_arch(rel) if status != 'ok': msg = '\nCheck release architecture status: %s' % status print msg return print "Searching for %s" % rel script = get_apt_init(os.environ['SCRAM_ARCH']) cmd = 'source %s; apt-cache search %s | grep -v -i fwlite' % (script, rel) run(cmd) if rel.lower().find('patch') != -1: print "Installing cms+cmssw-patch+%s ..." % rel cmd = 'source %s; apt-get install cms+cmssw-patch+%s' % (script, rel) else: print "Installing cms+cmssw+%s ..." % rel cmd = 'source %s; apt-get install cms+cmssw+%s' % (script, rel), shell=True) # use subprocess due to apt-get interactive feature if platform() == 'osx': idir = '%s/%s/cms/cmssw/%s' \ % (os.environ['VO_CMS_SW_DIR'], os.environ['SCRAM_ARCH'], rel) fix_so(idir) print "Create user area for %s release ..." % rel cmsrel(rel)
def file_info(lfn, verbose=None): query = 'find, file.numevents, file.size, file.createdate, file.createby, file.moddate, file.modby where file=%s' % lfn params = {"api":"executeQuery", "apiversion": "DBS_2_0_9", "query":query} default_instance = os.environ.get('DBS_INSTANCE') for inst in dbs_instances(): os.environ['DBS_INSTANCE'] = inst data = urllib2.urlopen(dbs_url(), urllib.urlencode(params)) try: rec = [f for f in qlxml_parser(data, 'file')][0] except: continue rec['logical_file_name'] = rec['file'][''] rec['size'] = rec['file']['file.size'] rec['nevents'] = rec['file']['file.numevents'] rec['created'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime(rec['file']['file.createdate'])) rec['createdby'] = rec['file']['file.createby'] rec['modified'] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime(rec['file']['file.moddate'])) rec['modifiedby'] = rec['file']['file.modby'] del rec['file'] lfnobj = File(rec) try: pfnlist, selist = get_pfns(lfn, verbose) if not selist: query = 'find site where file=%s' % lfn params.update({"query":query}) data = urllib2.urlopen(dbs_url(), urllib.urlencode(params)) try: rec = [f for f in qlxml_parser(data, 'site')][0] sename = rec['site']['site'] selist = [sename] pfnlist = lfn2pfn(lfn, sename) except: pass lfnobj.assign('pfn', pfnlist) lfnobj.assign('se', selist) except: traceback.print_exc() lfnobj.assign('pfn', []) lfnobj.assign('se', []) os.environ['DBS_INSTANCE'] = default_instance lfnobj.assign('dbs_instance', inst) return lfnobj os.environ['DBS_INSTANCE'] = default_instance msg = 'Fail to look-up LFN in %s DBS instances' % dbs_instances() print_error(msg)
def cms_install(rel): """ cmssh command to install given CMSSW release. Examples: cmssh> install CMSSW_5_2_4 """ rel = rel.strip() pat = pat_release if not pat.match(rel): msg = 'Fail to validate release name "%s"' % rel print_error(msg) msg = 'Please check the you provide correct release name,' msg += ' e.g. CMSSW_X_Y_Z<_patchN>' print msg return # check if we have stand-alone installation if os.path.islink(os.environ['VO_CMS_SW_DIR']): msg = '\nYou are not allowed to install new release, ' msg += 'since cmssh was installed with system CMSSW install area' print msg return # check if given release/architecture is in place status = check_release_arch(rel) if status != 'ok': msg = '\nCheck release architecture status: %s' % status print msg return print "Searching for %s" % rel script = get_apt_init(os.environ['SCRAM_ARCH']) cmd = 'source %s; apt-cache search %s | grep -v -i fwlite' % (script, rel) run(cmd) if rel.lower().find('patch') != -1: print "Installing cms+cmssw-patch+%s ..." % rel cmd = 'source %s; apt-get install cms+cmssw-patch+%s' % (script, rel) else: print "Installing cms+cmssw+%s ..." % rel cmd = 'source %s; apt-get install cms+cmssw+%s' % (script, rel) cmd, shell=True) # use subprocess due to apt-get interactive feature print "Create user area for %s release ..." % rel cmsrel(rel)
def get_data_helper(url, kwargs=None, headers=None, verbose=None, decoder='json', post=False, ckey=None, cert=None): """Retrieve data helper function""" if url.find('https') != -1: if not ckey and not cert: ckey, cert = get_key_cert() else: ckey = None cert = None if kwargs: params = kwargs else: params = {} if url.find('/datasets') != -1: # DBS3 use case params.update({'dataset_access_type':'PRODUCTION', 'detail':'True'}) encoded_data = urllib.urlencode(params, doseq=True) if not post: url = url + '?' + encoded_data if verbose: print "Request:", url, encoded_data, headers, ckey, cert req = urllib2.Request(url) if headers: for key, val in headers.items(): req.add_header(key, val) else: headers = {'Accept':'application/json;text/json'} if cert: handler = HTTPSClientAuthHandler(ckey, cert) opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler) urllib2.install_opener(opener) if post: print "POST", req, url, encoded_data, params res = urllib2.urlopen(req, json.dumps(params)) else: res = urllib2.urlopen(req) if decoder == 'json': try: data = json.load(res) except Exception as err: data = {} print_error(str(err)) else: data = return data
def test_key_cert(): """Test user key/cert file and their permissions""" kfile = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.globus/userkey.pem') cfile = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.globus/usercert.pem') if os.path.isfile(kfile): if not (check_0600(kfile) or check_0400(kfile)): msg = "File %s has weak permission settings, try" % kfile print_warning(msg) print "chmod 0400 %s" % kfile else: print_error("File %s does not exists, grid/cp commands will not work" % kfile) if os.path.isfile(cfile): if not (check_0600(cfile) or check_0400(cfile)): msg = "File %s has weak permission settings, try" % cfile print_warning(msg) print "chmod 0600 %s" % cfile else: msg = "File %s does not exists, grid/cp commands will not work" % cfile print_error(msg)
def run_lumi_info(arg, verbose=None): "Get int. luminosity for given argument (can be dataset, block, file, run)" run_lumi = run_lumi_dict(arg, verbose) if not run_lumi: print_error("Empty run-lumi list") return [] totlumi, lumiunit = lumidb(run_lumi_dict=run_lumi, lumi_report=verbose) print "Delivered luminosity %s (%s)" % (totlumi, lumiunit) if verbose: print "Input run lumi dict", pprint.pprint(run_lumi) golden_fname, golden_json = run_lumi_golden_json() if golden_json: if verbose: print "Intersect with CMS JSON:", golden_fname rdict = run_lumi_subset(golden_json, run_lumi) totlumi, lumiunit = lumidb(rdict, lumi_report=verbose) print "Delivered luminosity wrt CMS JSON: %s (%s)" % (totlumi, lumiunit) if verbose: print "Intersected run lumi dict", pprint.pprint(rdict) return []
def run_lumi_info(arg, verbose=None): "Get int. luminosity for given argument (can be dataset, block, file, run)" run_lumi = run_lumi_dict(arg, verbose) if not run_lumi: print_error('Empty run-lumi list') return [] totlumi, lumiunit = lumidb(run_lumi_dict=run_lumi, lumi_report=verbose) print "Delivered luminosity %s (%s)" % (totlumi, lumiunit) if verbose: print "Input run lumi dict", pprint.pprint(run_lumi) golden_fname, golden_json = run_lumi_golden_json() if golden_json: if verbose: print "Intersect with CMS JSON:", golden_fname rdict = run_lumi_subset(golden_json, run_lumi) totlumi, lumiunit = lumidb(rdict, lumi_report=verbose) print "Delivered luminosity wrt CMS JSON: %s (%s)" % (totlumi, lumiunit) if verbose: print "Intersected run lumi dict", pprint.pprint(rdict) return []
def get_size(surl, verbose=None): """ Execute srm-ls <surl> command and retrieve file size information """ srmls = os.environ.get('SRM_LS', '') if not srmls: print_error('Unable to find srm ls tool') sys.exit(1) if srmls.find('srm-ls') != -1: srmargs = '' else: srmargs = '-2' cmd = '%s %s %s' % (srmls, srmargs, surl) if verbose: print_info(cmd) if cmd.find('file:///') != -1: return file_size(cmd.split('file:///')[-1]) stdout, stderr = execmd(cmd) if verbose: print_info(stdout + stderr) orig_size = 0 if cmd.find('file:///') != -1: # srm-ls returns XML if srmls.find('srm-ls') != -1: orig_size = parse_srmls(stdout) else: try: orig_size = stdout.split()[0].strip() except: return 0 else: if srmls.find('srm-ls') != -1: for line in stdout.split('\n'): if line.find('Bytes') != -1: orig_size = line.replace('\n', '').split('=')[-1] else: try: orig_size = stdout.split()[0].strip() except: return 0 return orig_size
def list_se(self, arg, verbose=0): """list content of given directory on SE""" try: node, ldir = arg.split(':') except: msg = 'Given argument "%s" does not represent SE:dir' % arg raise Exception(msg) srmls = os.environ.get('SRM_LS', '') if not srmls: print_error('Unable to find srm ls tool') sys.exit(1) dst = [r for r in resolve_user_srm_path(node, ldir)][0] if os.environ.get('LCG_LS', ''): cmd = "%s -l -v -b -D srmv2 %s" % (os.environ['LCG_LS'], dst) else: if srmls.find('srm-ls') != -1: cmd = "%s %s -fulldetailed" % (srmls, dst) else: cmd = "%s -2 -l %s" % (srmls, dst) if verbose: print cmd stdout, stderr = execmd(cmd) if stderr: print_error(stderr) output = [] row = {} if os.environ.get('LCG_LS', ''): for line in stdout.split('\n'): if line.find('SE type') != -1: continue output.append(line) return '\n'.join(output) elif srmls.find('srmls') != -1: for line in srmls_printer(stdout, dst.split('=')[-1]): output.append(line) return '\n'.join(output) else: for line in srm_ls_printer(stdout, dst.split('=')[-1]): output.append(line) return '\n'.join(output)
def cmscrab(arg): """ Execute CRAB command, help is available at """ msg = \ 'CRAB FAQ:' print_info(msg) # check if release version and work area are set (should be set at cmsrel) rel = os.environ.get('CMSSW_VERSION', None) work_area = os.environ.get('CMSSW_WORKAREA', None) if not rel or not work_area: msg = 'In order to run crab command you must ' msg += 'run ' + msg_blue('cmsrel') + ' command' print_error(msg) return # check existence of crab.cfg crab_dir = os.path.join(work_area, 'crab') crab_cfg = os.path.join(crab_dir, 'crab.cfg') if not os.path.isdir(crab_dir): os.makedirs(crab_dir) os.chdir(crab_dir) if not os.path.isfile(crab_cfg): msg = 'No crab.cfg file found in %s' % crab_dir print_warning(msg) msg = 'Would you like to create one' if user_input(msg, default='N'): with open('crab.cfg', 'w') as config: config.write(crabconfig()) msg = 'Your crab.cfg has been created, please edit it ' msg += 'appropriately and re-run crab command' print_info(msg) print "cwd:", os.getcwd() return if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin' and arg == '-submit': crab_submit_remotely(rel, work_area) return cmd = 'source $CRAB_ROOT/; crab %s' % arg cmsexe(cmd)
def cms_mkdir(arg): """ cmssh mkdir command creates directory on local filesystem or remote CMS storage element. Examples: cmssh> mkdir foo cmssh> mkdir T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/user_name/foo """ arg = arg.strip() try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 if not arg: print_error("Usage: mkdir <options> dir") if arg.find(':') == -1: # not a SE:dir pattern run("mkdir %s" % arg) else: try: status = mkdir(arg, verbose=debug) print_status(status) except: traceback.print_exc()
def cms_rmdir(arg): """ cmssh rmdir command removes directory from local file system or CMS storage element. Examples: cmssh> rmdir foo cmssh> rmdir T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/user_name/foo """ arg = arg.strip() try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 if not arg: print_error("Usage: rmdir <options> dir") if os.path.exists(arg): run("rmdir %s" % arg) else: try: status = rmdir(arg, verbose=debug) print_status(status) except: traceback.print_exc()
def copy(self, lfn, dst, method='xrdcp', verbose=0, background=False): """Copy LFN to given destination""" if method not in self.methods: print_error('Unknown transfer method "%s"' % method) return 'fail' for xrdcmd, lcgcmd, srmcmd, pfn, pdst in self.transfer_cmds(lfn, dst, verbose): if method == 'xrdcp': cmd = xrdcmd elif method == 'lcgcp': cmd = lcgcmd else: cmd = srmcmd if not cmd: return 'fail' if background: # I need to pass list of commands for transfer method # for that I'll use background variable background = [xrdcmd, lcgcmd, srmcmd] status = self.transfer(cmd, lfn, pfn, pdst, verbose, background) if status == 'success' or status == 'accepted': return status return 'fail'
def copy(self, lfn, dst, method='xrdcp', verbose=0, background=False): """Copy LFN to given destination""" if method not in self.methods: print_error('Unknown transfer method "%s"' % method) return 'fail' for xrdcmd, lcgcmd, srmcmd, pfn, pdst in self.transfer_cmds( lfn, dst, verbose): if method == 'xrdcp': cmd = xrdcmd elif method == 'lcgcp': cmd = lcgcmd else: cmd = srmcmd if not cmd: return 'fail' if background: # I need to pass list of commands for transfer method # for that I'll use background variable background = [xrdcmd, lcgcmd, srmcmd] status = self.transfer(cmd, lfn, pfn, pdst, verbose, background) if status == 'success' or status == 'accepted': return status return 'fail'
def check_permission(dst, verbose=None): """ Check permission to write to given destination area """ if verbose: print "Check permission to write to %s" % dst srmmkdir = os.environ.get('SRM_MKDIR', '') if not srmmkdir: print_error('Unable to find srm mkdir command') sys.exit(1) cmd = '%s %s' % (srmmkdir, dst) stdout, stderr = execmd(cmd) if stderr.find('command not found') != -1: print 'Unable to find srm mkdir tool' print help sys.exit(1) if stdout.find('SRM-DIR: directory not created') != -1 or\ stdout.find('SRM_FAILURE') != -1: msg = "Unable to access %s:" % dst print msg print "-" * len(msg) print print stdout sys.exit(1)
def get_data(url, kwargs=None, headers=None, verbose=None, decoder='json', post=False): "Retrive data" if not headers and url.find('DBSReader') != -1: headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'} # DBS3 always needs that ckey = None cert = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.globus/usercert.pem') try: # pycurl data look-up, primary way to get the data mgr = RequestHandler() with working_pem(PEMMGR.pem) as ckey: res = mgr.get_data(url, kwargs, headers, post, ckey, cert, verbose=verbose) if decoder == 'json': data = json.load(res) else: data = return data except Exception as exc: if verbose: print_error(exc) msg = 'Fall back to urllib' print_warning(msg) # urllib data look-up, fallback mechanism with working_pem(PEMMGR.pem) as ckey: return get_data_helper(url, kwargs, headers, verbose, decoder, post, ckey, cert)
def cms_ls(arg): """ cmssh ls command lists local files/dirs/CMS storate elements or CMS entities (se, site, dataset, block, run, release, file). Examples: cmssh> ls # UNIX command cmssh> ls -l local_file cmssh> ls T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/valya cmssh> ls run=160915 """ arg = arg.strip() res = [] try: debug = get_ipython().debug except: debug = 0 orig_arg = arg if orig_arg.find('|') != -1: arg, flt = orig_arg.split('|', 1) arg = arg.strip() else: flt = None startswith = None entities = \ ['se', 'site', 'lfn', 'dataset', 'block', 'run', 'release', 'file'] for item in entities: if arg.startswith(item + '='): startswith = item if os.path.isfile(orig_arg) or os.path.isdir(orig_arg): cmd = 'ls ' + orig_arg run(cmd, shell=True) elif pat_se.match(arg): arg = arg.replace('site=', '') res = list_se(arg, debug) elif pat_site.match(arg): arg = arg.replace('site=', '') res = site_info(arg, debug) elif pat_lfn.match(arg): arg = arg.replace('file=', '') arg = arg.replace('lfn=', '') res = file_info(arg, debug) elif pat_block.match(arg): arg = arg.replace('block=', '') res = block_info(arg, debug) elif pat_dataset.match(arg): arg = arg.replace('dataset=', '') try: res = dataset_info(arg, debug) except IndexError: msg = "Given pattern '%s' does not exist on local filesystem or in DBS" % arg print_error(msg) elif pat_run.match(arg): arg = arg.replace('run=', '') res = run_info(arg, debug) elif pat_release.match(arg): arg = arg.replace('release=', '') res = release_info(arg, debug) elif startswith: msg = 'No pattern is allowed for %s look-up' % startswith print_error(msg) else: cmd = 'ls ' + orig_arg run(cmd, shell=True) if res: RESMGR.assign(res) list_results(res, debug=True, flt=flt)
def run(cmd, cdir=None, log=None, msg=None, debug=None, shell=False, call=False): "Run given command via subprocess call" if msg: print msg cmd = cmd.strip() kwds = {} if shell or cmd.find(';') != -1 or cmd.find('&&') != -1 or \ cmd.find('|') != -1: kwds = {'shell': True} else: if isinstance(cmd, unicode): cmd = shlex.split(cmd.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) else: cmd = shlex.split(cmd) msg = 'execute cmd=%s, kwds=%s' % (cmd, kwds) if debug: print_info(msg.capitalize()) try: with working_dir(cdir): if not call: kwds.update({'stdout':subprocess.PIPE, 'stderr':subprocess.PIPE, 'close_fds':True}) if log: with open(log, 'w') as logstream: kwds.update({'stdout': logstream, 'stderr': logstream}) if call:, **kwds) return pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwds) else: if call:, **kwds) return pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwds) (child_stdout, child_stderr) = (pipe.stdout, pipe.stderr) if child_stdout: stdout = else: stdout = '' if child_stderr: stderr = else: stderr = '' if stderr: if isinstance(cmd, list): cmd_str = ' '.join(cmd) else: cmd_str = cmd if cmd_str.find('proxy') != -1: # proxy commands prints . to stderr sss = stderr.replace(stderr[0], '') if not (stderr[0] == '.' and not len(sss)): print_error(stderr) else: print_error(stderr) if stdout: print stdout except OSError as err: msg = 'OSError, fail to ' + msg + ', error=%s' % str(err) print_error(msg) except Exception as err: msg = 'Fail to ' + msg + ', error=%s' % str(err) print_error(msg)
def run(cmd, cdir=None, log=None, msg=None, debug=None, shell=False, call=False): "Run given command via subprocess call" if msg: print msg cmd = cmd.strip() kwds = {} if shell or cmd.find(';') != -1 or cmd.find('&&') != -1 or \ cmd.find('|') != -1: kwds = {'shell': True} else: if isinstance(cmd, unicode): cmd = shlex.split(cmd.encode('ascii', 'ignore')) else: cmd = shlex.split(cmd) msg = 'execute cmd=%s, kwds=%s' % (cmd, kwds) if debug: print_info(msg.capitalize()) try: with working_dir(cdir): if not call: kwds.update({ 'stdout': subprocess.PIPE, 'stderr': subprocess.PIPE, 'close_fds': True }) if log: with open(log, 'w') as logstream: kwds.update({'stdout': logstream, 'stderr': logstream}) if call:, **kwds) return pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwds) else: if call:, **kwds) return pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwds) (child_stdout, child_stderr) = (pipe.stdout, pipe.stderr) if child_stdout: stdout = else: stdout = '' if child_stderr: stderr = else: stderr = '' if stderr: if isinstance(cmd, list): cmd_str = ' '.join(cmd) else: cmd_str = cmd if cmd_str.find( 'proxy') != -1: # proxy commands prints . to stderr sss = stderr.replace(stderr[0], '') if not (stderr[0] == '.' and not len(sss)): print_error(stderr) else: print_error(stderr) if stdout: print stdout except OSError as err: msg = 'OSError, fail to ' + msg + ', error=%s' % str(err) print_error(msg) except Exception as err: msg = 'Fail to ' + msg + ', error=%s' % str(err) print_error(msg)
def transfer(self, cmd, lfn, pfn, pdst, verbose=0, background=False): """Copy LFN to given destination""" err = 'Unable to identify total size of the file,' err += ' GRID middleware fails.' if not background: bar = PrintProgress('Fetching LFN info') if verbose: print_info(cmd) if background: # here background is a list of commands if not isinstance(background, list): return 'fail' proc = Process(target=execute, args=(background, pfn, pdst, 0)) self.queue[lfn] = (proc, None) return 'accepted' elif verbose: status = execute(cmd, pfn, pdst, verbose) if not status: return 'fail' else: dst, dst_size = status size = size_format(dst_size) if not size or not dst_size: print_error(err) print "Status of transfer:\n", status return 'fail' else: print "\nDone, file located at %s (%s)" \ % (dst, size_format(dst_size)) return 'success' else: ifile = pdst pfn_size = get_size(pfn) if pfn_size and pfn_size != 'null': tot_size = float(pfn_size) bar.print_msg('LFN size=%s' % size_format(tot_size)) bar.init('Download in progress:') proc = Process(target=execute, args=(cmd, pfn, pdst, verbose)) proc.start() while True: if proc.is_alive(): size = get_size(ifile) if not size or size == 'null': bar.refresh('') pass else: progress = float(size) * 100 / tot_size bar.refresh(progress) if progress == 100: break else: break time.sleep(0.5) bar.clear() status = check_file(pfn, pdst, verbose) if status: return 'success' else: print_error(err) return 'fail' return 'fail'
def transfer(self, cmd, lfn, pfn, pdst, verbose=0, background=False): """Copy LFN to given destination""" err = 'Unable to identify total size of the file,' err += ' GRID middleware fails.' if not background: bar = PrintProgress('Fetching LFN info') if verbose: print_info(cmd) if background: # here background is a list of commands if not isinstance(background, list): return 'fail' proc = Process(target=execute, args=(background, pfn, pdst, 0)) self.queue[lfn] = (proc, None) return 'accepted' elif verbose: status = execute(cmd, pfn, pdst, verbose) if not status: return 'fail' else: dst, dst_size = status size = size_format(dst_size) if not size or not dst_size: print_error(err) print "Status of transfer:\n", status return 'fail' else: print "\nDone, file located at %s (%s)" \ % (dst, size_format(dst_size)) return 'success' else: ifile = pdst pfn_size = get_size(pfn) if pfn_size and pfn_size != 'null': tot_size = float(pfn_size) bar.print_msg('LFN size=%s' % size_format(tot_size)) bar.init('Download in progress:') proc = Process(target=execute, args=(cmd, pfn, pdst, verbose)) proc.start() while True: if proc.is_alive(): size = get_size(ifile) if not size or size == 'null': bar.refresh('') pass else: progress = float(size)*100/tot_size bar.refresh(progress) if progress == 100: break else: break time.sleep(0.5) bar.clear() status = check_file(pfn, pdst, verbose) if status: return 'success' else: print_error(err) return 'fail' return 'fail'