def getCloudPercentage(image, region):
    '''Estimates the cloud cover percentage in a Landsat image'''

    # The function will attempt the calculation in these ranges
    # - Native Landsat resolution is 30

    resolution = MIN_RESOLUTION
    while True:
            oneMask = ee.Image(1.0)
            cloudScore = detect_clouds(image)
            areaCount = oneMask.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), region,
            cloudCount = cloudScore.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), region,
            percentage = safe_get_info(cloudCount)['constant'] / safe_get_info(
            return percentage
        except Exception as e:
            # Keep trying with lower resolution until we succeed
            resolution = 2 * resolution
            if resolution > MAX_RESOLUTION:
                raise e
def getCloudPercentage(lowResModis, region):
    '''Returns the percentage of a region flagged as clouds by the MODIS metadata'''

    MODIS_CLOUD_RESOLUTION = 1000 # Clouds are flagged at this resolution

    # Divide the number of cloud pixels by the total number of pixels
    oneMask    = ee.Image(1.0) 
    cloudMask  = getModisBadPixelMask(lowResModis)
    areaCount  = oneMask.reduceRegion(  ee.Reducer.sum(), region, MODIS_CLOUD_RESOLUTION)
    cloudCount = cloudMask.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), region, MODIS_CLOUD_RESOLUTION)
    percentage = safe_get_info(cloudCount)['cloud_state'] / safe_get_info(areaCount)['constant']
    print 'Detected cloud percentage: ' + str(percentage)
    return percentage
def __compute_threshold_ranges(training_domains, training_images, water_masks, bands):
    '''For each band, find lowest and highest fixed percentiles among the training domains.'''
    band_splits = dict()
    for band_name in bands: # Loop through each band (weak classifier input)
        split = None
        print('Computing threshold ranges for: ' + band_name)
        mean = 0
        for i in range(len(training_domains)): # Loop through all input domains
            # Compute the low and high percentiles for the data in the training image
            masked_input_band = training_images[i].select(band_name).mask(water_masks[i])
            ret = safe_get_info(masked_input_band.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.percentile([LOW_PERCENTILE, HIGH_PERCENTILE], ['s', 'b']), training_domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))
            s   = [ret[band_name + '_s'], ret[band_name + '_b']] # Extract the two output values
            mean += modis_utilities.compute_binary_threshold(training_images[i].select([band_name], ['b1']), water_masks[i], training_domains[i].bounds)
            if split == None: # True for the first training domain
                split = s
            else: # Track the minimum and maximum percentiles for this band
                split[0] = min(split[0], s[0])
                split[1] = max(split[1], s[1])
        mean = mean / len(training_domains)
        # For this band: bound by lowest percentile and maximum percentile, start by evaluating mean
        band_splits[band_name] = [split[0], split[0] + (mean - split[0]) / 2, mean + (split[1] - mean) / 2, split[1]]
    return band_splits
def _find_adaboost_optimal_threshold(domains, images, truths, band_name,
                                     weights, splits):
    '''Binary search to find best threshold for this band'''

    choices = []
    for i in range(len(splits) - 1):
        choices.append((splits[i] + splits[i + 1]) / 2)

    domain_range = range(len(domains))
    best = None
    best_value = None
    for k in range(len(choices)):
        # Pick a threshold and count how many pixels fall under it across all the input images
        c = choices[k]
        errors = [
            for i in range(len(images))
        error = sum(errors)
        #threshold_sums = [safe_get_info(weights[i].mask(images[i].select(band_name).lte(c)).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))['constant'] for i in domain_range]
        #flood_and_threshold_sum = sum(threshold_sums)
        ##ts         = [truths[i].multiply(weights[i]).divide(flood_and_threshold_sum).mask(images[i].select(band_name).lte(c))              for i in domain_range]
        ##entropies1 = [-safe_get_info(ts[i].multiply(ts[i].log()).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))['b1'] for i in domain_range]# H(Y | X <= c)
        ##ts         = [truths[i].multiply(weights[i]).divide(1 - flood_and_threshold_sum).mask(images[i].select(band_name).gt(c))           for i in domain_range]
        ##entropies2 = [-safe_get_info(ts[i].multiply(ts[i].log()).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))['b1'] for i in domain_range]# H(Y | X > c)
        ## Compute the sums of two entropy measures across all images
        #entropies1 = entropies2 = []
        #for i in domain_range:
        #    band_image     = images[i].select(band_name)
        #    weighted_truth = truths[i].multiply(weights[i])
        #    ts1            = weighted_truth.divide(    flood_and_threshold_sum).mask(band_image.lte(c)) # <= threshold
        #    ts2            = weighted_truth.divide(1 - flood_and_threshold_sum).mask(band_image.gt( c)) # >  threshold
        #    entropies1.append(-safe_get_info(ts1.multiply(ts1.log()).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))['b1'])# H(Y | X <= c)
        #    entropies2.append(-safe_get_info(ts2.multiply(ts2.log()).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))['b1'])# H(Y | X > c)
        #entropy1 = sum(entropies1)
        #entropy2 = sum(entropies2)
        ## Compute the gain for this threshold choice
        #gain = (entropy1 * (    flood_and_threshold_sum)+
        #        entropy2 * (1 - flood_and_threshold_sum))
        #print 'c = %f, error = %f' % (c, error)
        if (best == None) or abs(0.5 - error) > abs(
                0.5 - best_value):  # Record the maximum gain
            best = k
            best_value = error

    # TODO: What is causing this inaccuracy?
    if best_value > 0.99:
        best_value = 0.99

    # ??
    return (choices[best], best + 1, best_value)
def getCloudPercentage(lowResModis, region):
    '''Returns the percentage of a region flagged as clouds by the MODIS metadata'''

    MODIS_CLOUD_RESOLUTION = 1000  # Clouds are flagged at this resolution

    # Divide the number of cloud pixels by the total number of pixels
    oneMask = ee.Image(1.0)
    cloudMask = getModisBadPixelMask(lowResModis)
    areaCount = oneMask.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), region,
    cloudCount = cloudMask.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), region,
    percentage = safe_get_info(cloudCount)['cloud_state'] / safe_get_info(

    return percentage
def __compute_threshold_ranges(training_domains, training_images, water_masks, bands):
    '''For each band, find lowest and highest fixed percentiles among the training domains.'''
    band_splits = dict()
    for band_name in bands: # Loop through each band (weak classifier input)
        split = None
        print 'Computing threshold ranges for: ' + band_name
        mean = 0
        for i in range(len(training_domains)): # Loop through all input domains
            # Compute the low and high percentiles for the data in the training image
            masked_input_band = training_images[i].select(band_name).mask(water_masks[i])
            ret = safe_get_info(masked_input_band.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.percentile([LOW_PERCENTILE, HIGH_PERCENTILE], ['s', 'b']), training_domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))
            s   = [ret[band_name + '_s'], ret[band_name + '_b']] # Extract the two output values
            mean += modis_utilities.compute_binary_threshold(training_images[i].select([band_name], ['b1']), water_masks[i], training_domains[i].bounds)
            if split == None: # True for the first training domain
                split = s
            else: # Track the minimum and maximum percentiles for this band
                split[0] = min(split[0], s[0])
                split[1] = max(split[1], s[1])
        mean = mean / len(training_domains)
        # For this band: bound by lowest percentile and maximum percentile, start by evaluating mean
        band_splits[band_name] = [split[0], split[0] + (mean - split[0]) / 2, mean + (split[1] - mean) / 2, split[1]]
    return band_splits
def _create_adaboost_learning_image(domain, b):
    '''Like _create_learning_image but using a lot of simple classifiers to feed into Adaboost'''
    # A large set of MODIS band configurations, each is assigned a unique band name for reference.
    a = b['b1'].select(['sur_refl_b01'],                                                 ['b1'           ])
    a = a.addBands(b['b2'].select(['sur_refl_b02'],                                      ['b2'           ]))
    a = a.addBands(b['b2'].divide(b['b1']).select(['sur_refl_b02'],                      ['ratio'        ]))
    a = a.addBands(b['LSWI'].subtract(b['NDVI']).subtract(0.05).select(['sur_refl_b02'], ['LSWIminusNDVI']))
    a = a.addBands(b['LSWI'].subtract(b['EVI']).subtract(0.05).select(['sur_refl_b02'],  ['LSWIminusEVI' ]))
    a = a.addBands(b['EVI'].subtract(0.3).select(['sur_refl_b02'],                       ['EVI'          ]))
    a = a.addBands(b['LSWI'].select(['sur_refl_b02'],                                    ['LSWI'         ]))
    a = a.addBands(b['NDVI'].select(['sur_refl_b02'],                                    ['NDVI'         ]))
    a = a.addBands(b['NDWI'].select(['sur_refl_b01'],                                    ['NDWI'         ]))
    a = a.addBands(get_diff(b).select(['b1'],                                            ['diff'         ]))
    a = a.addBands(get_fai(b).select(['b1'],                                             ['fai'          ]))
    a = a.addBands(get_dartmouth(b).select(['b1'],                                       ['dartmouth'    ]))
    a = a.addBands(get_mod_ndwi(b).select(['b1'],                                        ['MNDWI'        ]))
    # If available, try adding Landsat data
        landsat_sensor = domain.get_landsat()
        added = ['B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5', 'B6', 'B7']
        a = a.addBands(landsat_sensor.image.select(added))
        print 'Adding landsat bands!'
    except: # No Landsat data is present
    # If available, try adding radar data
        # Add all of the bands from the radar sensor
        # - All of the input training images need to have the same bands available!
        radar_sensor = domain.get_radar()
        a = a.addBands(radar_sensor.image) 
    except: # No radar data is present

    # If available, try adding Skybox data
        try: # The Skybox data can be in one of two names
            skybox_sensor = domain.skybox
            skybox_sensor = domain.skybox_nir
        # Add all Skybox bands
        a = a.addBands(skybox_sensor.image)

        # Add an additional texture band
        rgbBands    = skybox_sensor.Red.addBands(skybox_sensor.Green).addBands(skybox_sensor.Blue)
        grayBand    = rgbBands.select('Red').add(rgbBands.select('Green')).add(rgbBands.select('Blue')).divide(ee.Image(3.0)).uint16()
        textureRaw  = grayBand.glcmTexture()
        bandList    = safe_get_info(textureRaw)['bands']
        bandName    = [x['id'] for x in bandList if 'idm' in x['id']]
        texture     = textureRaw.select(bandName).convolve(ee.Kernel.square(5, 'pixels'))
        a = a.addBands(texture)
    except: # No Skybox data is present
    return a
def _create_learning_image(domain, b):
    '''Set up features for the classifier to be trained on'''

    outputBands = _get_modis_learning_bands(
        domain, b)  # Get the standard set of MODIS learning bands
    #outputBands = _get_extensive_modis_learning_bands(domain, b) # Get the standard set of MODIS learning bands

    # Try to add a DEM
        dem = domain.get_dem().image
        #outputBands = dem
    except AttributeError:
        pass  # Suppress error if there is no DEM data

    # Try to add Skybox RGB info (NIR is handled seperately because not all Skybox images have it)
    # - Use all the base bands plus a grayscale texture measure
        try:  # The Skybox data can be in one of two names
            skyboxSensor = domain.skybox
            skyboxSensor = domain.skybox_nir

        rgbBands = skyboxSensor.Red.addBands(skyboxSensor.Green).addBands(
        grayBand = rgbBands.select('Red').add(rgbBands.select('Green')).add(
        edges = grayBand.convolve(ee.Kernel.laplacian8(normalize=True)).abs()
        texture = edges.convolve(ee.Kernel.square(3, 'pixels')).select(
            ['Red'], ['Texture'])
        texture2Raw = grayBand.glcmTexture()
        bandList = safe_get_info(texture2Raw)['bands']
        bandName = [x['id'] for x in bandList if 'idm' in x['id']]
        texture2 = texture2Raw.select(bandName).convolve(
            ee.Kernel.square(5, 'pixels'))
        #skyboxBands = rgbBands.addBands(texture).addBands(texture2)
        skyboxBands = rgbBands.addBands(texture2)
        outputBands = outputBands.addBands(skyboxBands)
        #outputBands = skyboxBands

        #addToMap(grayBand, {'min': 0, 'max': 1200}, 'grayBand')
        #addToMap(edges, {'min': 0, 'max': 250}, 'edges')
        #addToMap(texture, {'min': 0, 'max': 250}, 'texture')
        #addToMap(texture2, {'min': 0, 'max': 1}, 'texture2')

    except AttributeError:
        pass  # Suppress error if there is no Skybox data

    # Try to add Skybox Near IR band
        outputBands = outputBands.addBands(domain.skybox_nir.NIR)
        #addToMap(domain.skybox.NIR, {'min': 0, 'max': 1200}, 'Near IR')
    except AttributeError:
        pass  # Suppress error if there is no Skybox NIR data

    return outputBands
def _create_learning_image(domain, b):
    '''Set up features for the classifier to be trained on'''

    outputBands = _get_modis_learning_bands(domain, b) # Get the standard set of MODIS learning bands
    #outputBands = _get_extensive_modis_learning_bands(domain, b) # Get the standard set of MODIS learning bands
    # Try to add a DEM
        dem = domain.get_dem().image
        #outputBands = dem
    except AttributeError:
        pass # Suppress error if there is no DEM data
    # Try to add Skybox RGB info (NIR is handled seperately because not all Skybox images have it)
    # - Use all the base bands plus a grayscale texture measure
        try: # The Skybox data can be in one of two names
            skyboxSensor = domain.skybox
            skyboxSensor = domain.skybox_nir
        rgbBands    = skyboxSensor.Red.addBands(skyboxSensor.Green).addBands(skyboxSensor.Blue)
        grayBand    = rgbBands.select('Red').add(rgbBands.select('Green')).add(rgbBands.select('Blue')).divide(ee.Image(3.0)).uint16()
        edges       = grayBand.convolve(ee.Kernel.laplacian8(normalize=True)).abs()
        texture     = edges.convolve(ee.Kernel.square(3, 'pixels')).select(['Red'], ['Texture'])
        texture2Raw = grayBand.glcmTexture()
        bandList    = safe_get_info(texture2Raw)['bands']
        bandName    = [x['id'] for x in bandList if 'idm' in x['id']]
        texture2    = texture2Raw.select(bandName).convolve(ee.Kernel.square(5, 'pixels'))
        #skyboxBands = rgbBands.addBands(texture).addBands(texture2)
        skyboxBands = rgbBands.addBands(texture2)
        outputBands = outputBands.addBands(skyboxBands)
        #outputBands = skyboxBands
        #addToMap(grayBand, {'min': 0, 'max': 1200}, 'grayBand')       
        #addToMap(edges, {'min': 0, 'max': 250}, 'edges')
        #addToMap(texture, {'min': 0, 'max': 250}, 'texture')
        #addToMap(texture2, {'min': 0, 'max': 1}, 'texture2')
    except AttributeError:
        pass # Suppress error if there is no Skybox data
    # Try to add Skybox Near IR band
        outputBands = outputBands.addBands(domain.skybox_nir.NIR)       
        #addToMap(domain.skybox.NIR, {'min': 0, 'max': 1200}, 'Near IR')       
    except AttributeError:
        pass # Suppress error if there is no Skybox NIR data
    return outputBands
def getCloudPercentage(image, region):
    '''Estimates the cloud cover percentage in a Landsat image'''
    # The function will attempt the calculation in these ranges
    # - Native Landsat resolution is 30
    resolution = MIN_RESOLUTION
    while True:
            oneMask     = ee.Image(1.0)
            cloudScore  = detect_clouds(image)
            areaCount   = oneMask.reduceRegion(  ee.Reducer.sum(),  region, resolution)
            cloudCount  = cloudScore.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), region, resolution)
            percentage  = safe_get_info(cloudCount)['constant'] / safe_get_info(areaCount)['constant']
            return percentage
        except Exception as e:
            # Keep trying with lower resolution until we succeed
            resolution = 2*resolution
            if resolution > MAX_RESOLUTION:
                raise e
def _find_adaboost_optimal_threshold(domains, images, truths, band_name, weights, splits):
    '''Binary search to find best threshold for this band'''
    choices = []
    for i in range(len(splits) - 1):
        choices.append((splits[i] + splits[i+1]) / 2)
    domain_range = range(len(domains))
    best         = None
    best_value   = None
    for k in range(len(choices)):
        # Pick a threshold and count how many pixels fall under it across all the input images
        c = choices[k]
        errors = [safe_get_info(weights[i].multiply(images[i].select(band_name).lte(c).neq(truths[i])).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION, 'EPSG:4326'))['constant']
                       for i in range(len(images))]
        error  = sum(errors)
        #threshold_sums = [safe_get_info(weights[i].mask(images[i].select(band_name).lte(c)).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))['constant'] for i in domain_range]
        #flood_and_threshold_sum = sum(threshold_sums)
        ##ts         = [truths[i].multiply(weights[i]).divide(flood_and_threshold_sum).mask(images[i].select(band_name).lte(c))              for i in domain_range]
        ##entropies1 = [-safe_get_info(ts[i].multiply(ts[i].log()).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))['b1'] for i in domain_range]# H(Y | X <= c)
        ##ts         = [truths[i].multiply(weights[i]).divide(1 - flood_and_threshold_sum).mask(images[i].select(band_name).gt(c))           for i in domain_range]
        ##entropies2 = [-safe_get_info(ts[i].multiply(ts[i].log()).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))['b1'] for i in domain_range]# H(Y | X > c)
        ## Compute the sums of two entropy measures across all images
        #entropies1 = entropies2 = []
        #for i in domain_range:
        #    band_image     = images[i].select(band_name)
        #    weighted_truth = truths[i].multiply(weights[i])
        #    ts1            = weighted_truth.divide(    flood_and_threshold_sum).mask(band_image.lte(c)) # <= threshold
        #    ts2            = weighted_truth.divide(1 - flood_and_threshold_sum).mask(band_image.gt( c)) # >  threshold
        #    entropies1.append(-safe_get_info(ts1.multiply(ts1.log()).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))['b1'])# H(Y | X <= c)
        #    entropies2.append(-safe_get_info(ts2.multiply(ts2.log()).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))['b1'])# H(Y | X > c)
        #entropy1 = sum(entropies1)
        #entropy2 = sum(entropies2)
        ## Compute the gain for this threshold choice
        #gain = (entropy1 * (    flood_and_threshold_sum)+
        #        entropy2 * (1 - flood_and_threshold_sum))
        #print 'c = %f, error = %f' % (c, error)
        if (best == None) or abs(0.5 - error) > abs(0.5 - best_value): # Record the maximum gain
            best       = k
            best_value = error
    # TODO: What is causing this inaccuracy?
    if best_value > 0.99:
        best_value = 0.99
    # ??
    return (choices[best], best + 1, best_value)
def compute_binary_threshold(valueImage, classification, bounds, mixed_thresholds=False):
    '''Computes a threshold for a value given examples in a classified binary image'''
    # Build histograms of the true and false labeled values
    valueInFalse   = valueImage.mask(classification.Not())
    valueInTrue    = valueImage.mask(classification)
    NUM_BINS       = 128
    SCALE          = 250 # In meters
    histogramFalse = safe_get_info(valueInFalse.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.histogram(NUM_BINS, None, None), bounds, SCALE))['b1']
    histogramTrue  = safe_get_info(valueInTrue.reduceRegion( ee.Reducer.histogram(NUM_BINS, None, None), bounds, SCALE))['b1']
    # Get total number of pixels in each histogram
    false_total = sum(histogramFalse['histogram'])
    true_total  = sum(histogramTrue[ 'histogram'])
    # WARNING: This method assumes that the false histogram is composed of greater numbers than the true histogram!!
    #        : This happens to be the case for the three algorithms we are currently using this for.
    false_index       = 0
    false_sum         = false_total
    true_sum          = 0.0
    threshold_index   = None
    lower_mixed_index = None
    upper_mixed_index = None
    for i in range(len(histogramTrue['histogram'])): # Iterate through the bins of the true histogram
        # Add the number of pixels in the current true bin
        true_sum += histogramTrue['histogram'][i]
        # Set x equal to the max end of the current bin
        x = histogramTrue['bucketMin'] + (i+1)*histogramTrue['bucketWidth']
        # Determine the bin of the false histogram that x falls in
        # - Also update the number of 
        while ( (false_index < len(histogramFalse['histogram'])) and
                (histogramFalse['bucketMin'] + false_index*histogramFalse['bucketWidth'] < x) ):
            false_sum   -= histogramFalse['histogram'][false_index] # Remove the pixels from the current false bin
            false_index += 1 # Move to the next bin of the false histogram
        percent_true_under_thresh = true_sum/true_total
        percent_false_over_thresh = false_sum/false_total
        if mixed_thresholds:
            if (false_total - false_sum) / float(true_sum) <= 0.05:
                lower_mixed_index = i
            if upper_mixed_index == None and (true_total - true_sum) / float(false_sum) <= 0.05:
                upper_mixed_index = i
            if threshold_index == None and (percent_false_over_thresh < percent_true_under_thresh) and (percent_true_under_thresh > 0.5):

    if mixed_thresholds:
        if (not lower_mixed_index) or (not upper_mixed_index):
            raise Exception('Failed to compute mixed threshold values!')
        lower = histogramTrue['bucketMin'] + lower_mixed_index * histogramTrue['bucketWidth'] + histogramTrue['bucketWidth']/2
        upper = histogramTrue['bucketMin'] + upper_mixed_index * histogramTrue['bucketWidth'] + histogramTrue['bucketWidth']/2
        if lower > upper:
            temp  = lower
            lower = upper
            upper = temp
        print 'Thresholds (%g, %g) found.' % (lower, upper)
        return (lower, upper)
        # Put threshold in the center of the current true histogram bin/bucket
        threshold = histogramTrue['bucketMin'] + i*histogramTrue['bucketWidth'] + histogramTrue['bucketWidth']/2
        print 'Threshold %g Found. %g%% of water pixels and %g%% of land pixels separated.' % \
            (threshold, true_sum / true_total * 100.0, false_sum / false_total * 100.0)
        return threshold
def compute_binary_threshold(valueImage,
    '''Computes a threshold for a value given examples in a classified binary image'''

    # Build histograms of the true and false labeled values
    valueInFalse = valueImage.mask(classification.Not())
    valueInTrue = valueImage.mask(classification)
    NUM_BINS = 128
    SCALE = 250  # In meters
    histogramFalse = safe_get_info(
        valueInFalse.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.histogram(NUM_BINS, None, None),
                                  bounds, SCALE))['b1']
    histogramTrue = safe_get_info(
        valueInTrue.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.histogram(NUM_BINS, None, None),
                                 bounds, SCALE))['b1']

    # Get total number of pixels in each histogram
    false_total = sum(histogramFalse['histogram'])
    true_total = sum(histogramTrue['histogram'])

    # WARNING: This method assumes that the false histogram is composed of greater numbers than the true histogram!!
    #        : This happens to be the case for the three algorithms we are currently using this for.

    false_index = 0
    false_sum = false_total
    true_sum = 0.0
    threshold_index = None
    lower_mixed_index = None
    upper_mixed_index = None
    for i in range(len(histogramTrue['histogram'])
                   ):  # Iterate through the bins of the true histogram
        # Add the number of pixels in the current true bin
        true_sum += histogramTrue['histogram'][i]

        # Set x equal to the max end of the current bin
        x = histogramTrue['bucketMin'] + (i + 1) * histogramTrue['bucketWidth']

        # Determine the bin of the false histogram that x falls in
        # - Also update the number of
        while ((false_index < len(histogramFalse['histogram']))
               and (histogramFalse['bucketMin'] +
                    false_index * histogramFalse['bucketWidth'] < x)):
            false_sum -= histogramFalse['histogram'][
                false_index]  # Remove the pixels from the current false bin
            false_index += 1  # Move to the next bin of the false histogram

        percent_true_under_thresh = true_sum / true_total
        percent_false_over_thresh = false_sum / false_total

        if mixed_thresholds:
            if (false_total - false_sum) / float(true_sum) <= 0.05:
                lower_mixed_index = i
            if upper_mixed_index == None and (
                    true_total - true_sum) / float(false_sum) <= 0.05:
                upper_mixed_index = i
            if threshold_index == None and (
                    percent_false_over_thresh < percent_true_under_thresh
            ) and (percent_true_under_thresh > 0.5):

    if mixed_thresholds:
        if (not lower_mixed_index) or (not upper_mixed_index):
            raise Exception('Failed to compute mixed threshold values!')
        lower = histogramTrue['bucketMin'] + lower_mixed_index * histogramTrue[
            'bucketWidth'] + histogramTrue['bucketWidth'] / 2
        upper = histogramTrue['bucketMin'] + upper_mixed_index * histogramTrue[
            'bucketWidth'] + histogramTrue['bucketWidth'] / 2
        if lower > upper:
            temp = lower
            lower = upper
            upper = temp
        print('Thresholds (%g, %g) found.' % (lower, upper))
        return (lower, upper)
        # Put threshold in the center of the current true histogram bin/bucket
        threshold = histogramTrue['bucketMin'] + i * histogramTrue[
            'bucketWidth'] + histogramTrue['bucketWidth'] / 2
        print('Threshold %g Found. %g%% of water pixels and %g%% of land pixels separated.' % \
            (threshold, true_sum / true_total * 100.0, false_sum / false_total * 100.0))
        return threshold
def history_diff_core(high_res_modis, date, dev_thresh, change_thresh, bounds):
    '''Leverage historical data and the permanent water mask to improve the threshold method.
       This method computes statistics from the permanent water mask to set a good b2-b1
       water detection threshold.  It also adds pixels which have a b2-b1 level significantly
       lower than the historical seasonal average.

    # Retrieve all the MODIS images for the region in the last several years
    NUM_DAYS_COMPARE_RANGE = 40.0  # Compare this many days before/after the target day in previous years
    #print 'Start: ' + str(domain.date.advance(-1 - YEAR_RANGE_PERCENTAGE, 'year'))
    #print 'End:   ' + str(domain.date.advance(-1 + YEAR_RANGE_PERCENTAGE, 'year'))

    # Get both the high and low res MODIS data
    historyHigh = ee.ImageCollection('MOD09GQ').filterDate(
        date.advance(-1 - YEAR_RANGE_PERCENTAGE, 'year'),
        date.advance(-1 + YEAR_RANGE_PERCENTAGE, 'year')).filterBounds(bounds)
    historyLow = ee.ImageCollection('MOD09GA').filterDate(
        date.advance(-1 - YEAR_RANGE_PERCENTAGE, 'year'),
        date.advance(-1 + YEAR_RANGE_PERCENTAGE, 'year')).filterBounds(bounds)
    for i in range(1, NUM_YEARS_BACK - 1):
        yearMin = -(i + 1) - YEAR_RANGE_PERCENTAGE
        yearMax = -(i + 1) + YEAR_RANGE_PERCENTAGE
                date.advance(yearMin, 'year'),
                date.advance(yearMax, 'year')).filterBounds(bounds))
                date.advance(yearMin, 'year'),
                date.advance(yearMax, 'year')).filterBounds(bounds))
        # TODO: Add a filter here to remove cloud-filled images

    # Simple function implements the b2 - b1 difference method
    # - This needs to work with domains and with the input from production_gui
    def flood_diff_function(image):
            return image.select(['sur_refl_b02'
            return image.sur_refl_b02.subtract(image.sur_refl_b01)

    # Apply difference function to all images in history, then compute mean and standard deviation of difference scores.
    historyDiff = historyHigh.map(flood_diff_function)
    historyMean = historyDiff.mean()
    historyStdDev = historyDiff.reduce(ee.Reducer.stdDev())

    # Display the mean image for bands 1/2/6
    history3 = historyHigh.mean().select(
    #addToMap(history3, {'bands': ['sur_refl_b01', 'sur_refl_b02', 'sur_refl_b06'], 'min' : 0, 'max': 3000, 'opacity' : 1.0}, 'MODIS_HIST', False)

    #addToMap(historyMean,   {'min' : 0, 'max' : 4000}, 'History mean',   False)
    #addToMap(historyStdDev, {'min' : 0, 'max' : 2000}, 'History stdDev', False)

    # Compute flood diff on current image and compare to historical mean/STD.
    floodDiff = flood_diff_function(high_res_modis)
    diffOfDiffs = floodDiff.subtract(historyMean)
    ddDivDev = diffOfDiffs.divide(historyStdDev)
    changeFlood = ddDivDev.lt(
    )  # Mark all pixels which are enough STD's away from the mean.

    #addToMap(floodDiff,   {'min' : 0, 'max' : 4000}, 'floodDiff',   False)
    #addToMap(diffOfDiffs, {'min' : -2000, 'max' : 2000}, 'diffOfDiffs', False)
    #addToMap(ddDivDev,    {'min' : -10,   'max' : 10}, 'ddDivDev',    False)
    #addToMap(changeFlood,    {'min' : 0,   'max' : 1}, 'changeFlood',    False)
    #addToMap(domain.water_mask,    {'min' : 0,   'max' : 1}, 'Permanent water mask',    False)

    # Compute the difference statistics inside permanent water mask pixels
    MODIS_RESOLUTION = 250  # Meters
    water_mask = ee.Image("MODIS/MOD44W/MOD44W_005_2000_02_24").select(
    diffInWaterMask = floodDiff.multiply(water_mask)
    maskedMean = diffInWaterMask.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean(), bounds,
    maskedStdDev = diffInWaterMask.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.stdDev(), bounds,

    # Use the water mask statistics to compute a difference threshold, then find all pixels below the threshold.
    waterThreshold = safe_get_info(maskedMean)['sur_refl_b02'] + dev_thresh * (
    #print 'Water threshold == ' + str(waterThreshold)
    waterPixels = flood_diff_function(high_res_modis).lte(waterThreshold)
    #waterPixels     = modis_diff(domain, b, waterThreshold)

    #addToMap(waterPixels,    {'min' : 0,   'max' : 1}, 'waterPixels',    False)
    ## Is it worth it to use band 6?
    #B6_DIFF_AMT = 500
    #bHigh1 = (b['b6'].subtract(B6_DIFF_AMT).gt(b['b1']))
    #bHigh2 = (b['b6'].subtract(B6_DIFF_AMT).gt(b['b2']))
    #bHigh = bHigh1.And(bHigh2).reproject('EPSG:4326', scale=MODIS_RESOLUTION)
    #addToMap(bHigh.mask(bHigh),    {'min' : 0,   'max' : 1}, 'B High',    False)

    # Combine water pixels from the historical and water mask methods.
    return (waterPixels.Or(changeFlood)).select(['sur_refl_b02'],
                                                ['b1'])  #.And(bHigh.eq(0));
def history_diff_core(high_res_modis, date, dev_thresh, change_thresh, bounds):
    '''Leverage historical data and the permanent water mask to improve the threshold method.
       This method computes statistics from the permanent water mask to set a good b2-b1
       water detection threshold.  It also adds pixels which have a b2-b1 level significantly
       lower than the historical seasonal average.

    # Retrieve all the MODIS images for the region in the last several years
    NUM_YEARS_BACK         = 5
    NUM_DAYS_COMPARE_RANGE = 40.0 # Compare this many days before/after the target day in previous years
    #print 'Start: ' + str(domain.date.advance(-1 - YEAR_RANGE_PERCENTAGE, 'year'))
    #print 'End:   ' + str(domain.date.advance(-1 + YEAR_RANGE_PERCENTAGE, 'year'))

    # Get both the high and low res MODIS data    
    historyHigh = ee.ImageCollection('MOD09GQ').filterDate(date.advance(-1 - YEAR_RANGE_PERCENTAGE, 'year'), date.advance(-1 + YEAR_RANGE_PERCENTAGE, 'year')).filterBounds(bounds);
    historyLow  = ee.ImageCollection('MOD09GA').filterDate(date.advance(-1 - YEAR_RANGE_PERCENTAGE, 'year'), date.advance(-1 + YEAR_RANGE_PERCENTAGE, 'year')).filterBounds(bounds);
    for i in range(1, NUM_YEARS_BACK-1):
        yearMin = -(i+1) - YEAR_RANGE_PERCENTAGE
        yearMax = -(i+1) + YEAR_RANGE_PERCENTAGE
        historyHigh.merge(ee.ImageCollection('MOD09GQ').filterDate(date.advance(yearMin, 'year'), date.advance(yearMax, 'year')).filterBounds(bounds));
        historyLow.merge( ee.ImageCollection('MOD09GA').filterDate(date.advance(yearMin, 'year'), date.advance(yearMax, 'year')).filterBounds(bounds));
        # TODO: Add a filter here to remove cloud-filled images
    # Simple function implements the b2 - b1 difference method
    # - This needs to work with domains and with the input from production_gui
    def flood_diff_function(image):
            return image.select(['sur_refl_b02']).subtract(image.select(['sur_refl_b01']))
            return image.sur_refl_b02.subtract(image.sur_refl_b01)
    # Apply difference function to all images in history, then compute mean and standard deviation of difference scores.
    historyDiff   = historyHigh.map(flood_diff_function)
    historyMean   = historyDiff.mean()
    historyStdDev = historyDiff.reduce(ee.Reducer.stdDev())
    # Display the mean image for bands 1/2/6
    history3  = historyHigh.mean().select(['sur_refl_b01', 'sur_refl_b02']).addBands(historyLow.mean().select(['sur_refl_b06']))
    #addToMap(history3, {'bands': ['sur_refl_b01', 'sur_refl_b02', 'sur_refl_b06'], 'min' : 0, 'max': 3000, 'opacity' : 1.0}, 'MODIS_HIST', False)
    #addToMap(historyMean,   {'min' : 0, 'max' : 4000}, 'History mean',   False)
    #addToMap(historyStdDev, {'min' : 0, 'max' : 2000}, 'History stdDev', False)
    # Compute flood diff on current image and compare to historical mean/STD.
    floodDiff   = flood_diff_function(high_res_modis)   
    diffOfDiffs = floodDiff.subtract(historyMean)
    ddDivDev    = diffOfDiffs.divide(historyStdDev)
    changeFlood = ddDivDev.lt(change_thresh)  # Mark all pixels which are enough STD's away from the mean.
    #addToMap(floodDiff,   {'min' : 0, 'max' : 4000}, 'floodDiff',   False)
    #addToMap(diffOfDiffs, {'min' : -2000, 'max' : 2000}, 'diffOfDiffs', False)
    #addToMap(ddDivDev,    {'min' : -10,   'max' : 10}, 'ddDivDev',    False)
    #addToMap(changeFlood,    {'min' : 0,   'max' : 1}, 'changeFlood',    False)
    #addToMap(domain.water_mask,    {'min' : 0,   'max' : 1}, 'Permanent water mask',    False)
    # Compute the difference statistics inside permanent water mask pixels
    MODIS_RESOLUTION = 250 # Meters
    water_mask = ee.Image("MODIS/MOD44W/MOD44W_005_2000_02_24").select(['water_mask'])
    diffInWaterMask  = floodDiff.multiply(water_mask)
    maskedMean       = diffInWaterMask.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean(),   bounds, MODIS_RESOLUTION)
    maskedStdDev     = diffInWaterMask.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.stdDev(), bounds, MODIS_RESOLUTION)
    # Use the water mask statistics to compute a difference threshold, then find all pixels below the threshold.
    waterThreshold  = safe_get_info(maskedMean)['sur_refl_b02'] + dev_thresh*(safe_get_info(maskedStdDev)['sur_refl_b02']);
    #print 'Water threshold == ' + str(waterThreshold)
    waterPixels     = flood_diff_function(high_res_modis).lte(waterThreshold)
    #waterPixels     = modis_diff(domain, b, waterThreshold)
    #addToMap(waterPixels,    {'min' : 0,   'max' : 1}, 'waterPixels',    False)
    ## Is it worth it to use band 6?
    #B6_DIFF_AMT = 500
    #bHigh1 = (b['b6'].subtract(B6_DIFF_AMT).gt(b['b1']))
    #bHigh2 = (b['b6'].subtract(B6_DIFF_AMT).gt(b['b2']))
    #bHigh = bHigh1.And(bHigh2).reproject('EPSG:4326', scale=MODIS_RESOLUTION)
    #addToMap(bHigh.mask(bHigh),    {'min' : 0,   'max' : 1}, 'B High',    False)
    # Combine water pixels from the historical and water mask methods.
    return (waterPixels.Or(changeFlood)).select(['sur_refl_b02'], ['b1'])#.And(bHigh.eq(0));
def dnns(domain, b, use_modis_diff=False):
    '''Dynamic Nearest Neighbor Search adapted from the paper:
        "Li, Sun, Yu, et. al. "A new short-wave infrared (SWIR) method for
        quantitative water fraction derivation and evaluation with EOS/MODIS
        and Landsat/TM data." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2013."
        The core idea of this algorithm is to compute local estimates of a "pure water"
        and "pure land" pixel and compute each pixel's water percentage as a mixed
        composition of those two pure spectral types.
    # This algorithm has some differences from the original paper implementation.
    #  The most signficant of these is that it does not make use of land/water/partial
    #  preclassifications like the original paper does.  The search range is also
    #  much smaller in order to make the algorithm run faster in Earth Engine.
    # - Running this with a tiny kernel (effectively treating the entire region
    #    as part of the kernel) might get the best results!

    # Parameters
    KERNEL_SIZE = 40 # The original paper used a 100x100 pixel box = 25,000 meters!
    AVERAGE_SCALE_METERS = 250 # This scale is used to compute averages over the entire region
    # Set up two square kernels of the same size
    # - These kernels define the search range for nearby pure water and land pixels
    kernel            = ee.Kernel.square(KERNEL_SIZE, 'pixels', False)
    kernel_normalized = ee.Kernel.square(KERNEL_SIZE, 'pixels', True)
    # Compute b1/b6 and b2/b6
    composite_image = b['b1'].addBands(b['b2']).addBands(b['b6'])
    # Use CART classifier to divide pixels up into water, land, and mixed.
    # - Mixed pixels are just low probability water/land pixels.
    if use_modis_diff:
        unflooded_b = modis_utilities.compute_modis_indices(domain.unflooded_domain)
        water_mask = get_permanent_water_mask()
        thresholds = modis_utilities.compute_binary_threshold(simple_modis_algorithms.get_diff(unflooded_b), water_mask, domain.bounds, True)

        pureWater  = simple_modis_algorithms.modis_diff(domain, b, thresholds[0])
        pureLand   = simple_modis_algorithms.modis_diff(domain, b, thresholds[1]).Not()
        mixed = pureWater.Or(pureLand).Not()
        classes   = ee_classifiers.earth_engine_classifier(domain, b, 'Pegasos', {'classifier_mode' : 'probability'})
        pureWater = classes.gte(0.95)
        pureLand  = classes.lte(0.05)
        #addToMap(classes, {'min': -1, 'max': 1}, 'CLASSES')
        #raise Exception('DEBUG')
        mixed     = pureWater.Not().And(pureLand.Not())
    averageWater      = safe_get_info(pureWater.mask(pureWater).multiply(composite_image).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean(), domain.bounds, AVERAGE_SCALE_METERS))
    averageWaterImage = ee.Image([averageWater['sur_refl_b01'], averageWater['sur_refl_b02'], averageWater['sur_refl_b06']])
    # For each pixel, compute the number of nearby pure water pixels
    pureWaterCount = pureWater.convolve(kernel)
    # Get mean of nearby pure water (b1,b2,b6) values for each pixel with enough pure water nearby
    pureWaterRef = pureWater.multiply(composite_image).convolve(kernel).multiply(pureWaterCount.gte(MIN_PUREWATER_NEARBY)).divide(pureWaterCount)
    # For pixels that did not have enough pure water nearby, just use the global average water value
    pureWaterRef = pureWaterRef.add(averageWaterImage.multiply(pureWaterRef.Not()))

    # Compute a backup, global pure land value to use when pixels have none nearby.
    averagePureLand      = safe_get_info(pureLand.mask(pureLand).multiply(composite_image).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean(), domain.bounds, AVERAGE_SCALE_METERS))
    #averagePureLand      = composite_image.mask(pureLand).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean(), domain.bounds, AVERAGE_SCALE_METERS)
    averagePureLandImage = ee.Image([averagePureLand['sur_refl_b01'], averagePureLand['sur_refl_b02'], averagePureLand['sur_refl_b06']])
    # Implement equations 10 and 11 from the paper --> It takes many lines of code to compute the local land pixels!
    oneOverSix   = b['b1'].divide(b['b6'])
    twoOverSix   = b['b2'].divide(b['b6'])
    eqTenLeft    = oneOverSix.subtract( pureWaterRef.select('sur_refl_b01').divide(b['b6']) )
    eqElevenLeft = twoOverSix.subtract( pureWaterRef.select('sur_refl_b02').divide(b['b6']) )
    # For each pixel, grab all the ratios from nearby pixels
    nearbyPixelsOneOverSix = oneOverSix.neighborhoodToBands(kernel) # Each of these images has one band per nearby pixel
    nearbyPixelsTwoOverSix = twoOverSix.neighborhoodToBands(kernel)
    nearbyPixelsOne        = b['b1'].neighborhoodToBands(kernel)
    nearbyPixelsTwo        = b['b2'].neighborhoodToBands(kernel)
    nearbyPixelsSix        = b['b6'].neighborhoodToBands(kernel)
    # Find which nearby pixels meet the EQ 10 and 11 criteria
    eqTenMatches        = ( nearbyPixelsOneOverSix.gt(eqTenLeft   ) ).And( nearbyPixelsOneOverSix.lt(oneOverSix) )
    eqElevenMatches     = ( nearbyPixelsTwoOverSix.gt(eqElevenLeft) ).And( nearbyPixelsTwoOverSix.lt(twoOverSix) )
    nearbyLandPixels    = eqTenMatches.And(eqElevenMatches)
    # Find the average of the nearby matching pixels
    numNearbyLandPixels = nearbyLandPixels.reduce(ee.Reducer.sum())
    meanNearbyBandOne   = nearbyPixelsOne.multiply(nearbyLandPixels).reduce(ee.Reducer.sum()).divide(numNearbyLandPixels)
    meanNearbyBandTwo   = nearbyPixelsTwo.multiply(nearbyLandPixels).reduce(ee.Reducer.sum()).divide(numNearbyLandPixels)
    meanNearbyBandSix   = nearbyPixelsSix.multiply(nearbyLandPixels).reduce(ee.Reducer.sum()).divide(numNearbyLandPixels)

    # Pack the results into a three channel image for the whole region
    # - Use the global pure land calculation to fill in if there are no nearby equation matching pixels
    meanPureLand = meanNearbyBandOne.addBands(meanNearbyBandTwo).addBands(meanNearbyBandSix)
    meanPureLand = meanPureLand.multiply(numNearbyLandPixels.gte(MIN_PURE_NEARBY)).add( averagePureLandImage.multiply(numNearbyLandPixels.lt(MIN_PURE_NEARBY)) )

    # Compute the water fraction: (land[b6] - b6) / (land[b6] - water[b6])
    # - Ultimately, relying solely on band 6 for the final classification may not be a good idea!
    meanPureLandSix = meanPureLand.select('sum_2')
    water_fraction = (meanPureLandSix.subtract(b['b6'])).divide(meanPureLandSix.subtract(pureWaterRef.select('sur_refl_b06'))).clamp(0, 1)
    # Set pure water to 1, pure land to 0
    water_fraction = water_fraction.add(pureWater).subtract(pureLand).clamp(0, 1)
    #addToMap(fraction, {'min': 0, 'max': 1},   'fraction', False)
    #addToMap(pureWater,      {'min': 0, 'max': 1},   'pure water', False)
    #addToMap(pureLand,       {'min': 0, 'max': 1},   'pure land', False)
    #addToMap(mixed,          {'min': 0, 'max': 1},   'mixed', False)
    #addToMap(pureWaterCount, {'min': 0, 'max': 300}, 'pure water count', False)
    #addToMap(water_fraction, {'min': 0, 'max': 5},   'water_fractionDNNS', False)
    #addToMap(pureWaterRef,   {'min': 0, 'max': 3000, 'bands': ['sur_refl_b01', 'sur_refl_b02', 'sur_refl_b06']}, 'pureWaterRef', False)

    return water_fraction.select(['sum_2'], ['b1']) # Rename sum_2 to b1
def adaboost_learn(ignored=None, ignored2=None):
    '''Train Adaboost classifier'''

    # Learn this many weak classifiers

    # Load inputs for this domain and preprocess
    # - Kashmore does not have a good unflooded comparison location so it is left out of the training.
    #all_problems      = ['kashmore_2010_8.xml', 'mississippi_2011_5.xml', 'mississippi_2011_6.xml', 'new_orleans_2005_9.xml', 'sf_bay_area_2011_4.xml']
    #all_domains       = [Domain('config/domains/modis/' + d) for d in all_problems]
    #training_domains  = [domain.unflooded_domain for domain in all_domains[:-1]] + [all_domains[-1]] # SF is unflooded
    # This is a cleaned up set where all the permanent water masks are known to be decent.
    all_problems      = ['unflooded_mississippi_2010.xml', 'unflooded_new_orleans_2004.xml', 'sf_bay_area_2011_4.xml', 'unflooded_bosnia_2013.xml']
    #all_problems.extend(['arkansas_city_2011_5.xml', 'baghlan_south_2014_6.xml', 
    #                     'bosnia_west_2014_5.xml', 'kashmore_north_2010_8.xml', 'slidell_2005_9.xml'])
    #all_problems      = ['unflooded_mississippi_2010_5.xml']
    all_domains       = [Domain('config/domains/modis/' + d) for d in all_problems]
    # Try testing on radar domains
    #all_problems   = ['rome.xml',]
    #                  #'malawi_2015_1.xml',]
    #                  #'mississippi.xml']
    #all_domains    = [Domain('config/domains/sentinel1/rome.xml'),]
    #                  #Domain('config/domains/sentinel1/malawi_2015_1.xml'),
    #                  #Domain('config/domains/uavsar/mississippi.xml')]
    #training_domains  = [domain.training_domain for domain in all_domains]
    ## Try testing on Skybox images
    #all_problems     = [#'gloucester_2014_10.xml',] # TODO: Need dense training data for the other images!!!
    #                    #'new_bedford_2014_10.xml',
    #                    #'sumatra_2014_10.xml',]
    #                    'malawi_2015.xml',] 
    #all_domains      = [Domain('config/domains/skybox/' + d) for d in all_problems]
    #training_domains = [domain.training_domain for domain in all_domains]
    ## Add a bunch of lakes to the training data
    #lake_problems = ['Amistad_Reservoir/Amistad_Reservoir_2014-07-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Cascade_Reservoir/Cascade_Reservoir_2014-09-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Edmund/Edmund_2014-07-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Hulun/Hulun_2014-07-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Keeley/Keeley_2014-06-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Lake_Mead/Lake_Mead_2014-09-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Miguel_Aleman/Miguel_Aleman_2014-08-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Oneida_Lake/Oneida_Lake_2014-06-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Quesnel/Quesnel_2014-08-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Shuswap/Shuswap_2014-08-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Trikhonis/Trikhonis_2014-07-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Pickwick_Lake/Pickwick_Lake_2014-07-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Rogoaguado/Rogoaguado_2014-08-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Zapatosa/Zapatosa_2014-09-01_train.xml']
    #lake_domains  = [Domain('/home/smcmich1/data/Floods/lakeStudy/' + d) for d in lake_problems]
    #all_problems += lake_problems
    #all_domains  += lake_domains
    #all_problems      = ['unflooded_mississippi_2010.xml']
    #all_domains       = [Domain('config/domains/modis/' + d) for d in all_problems]

    #all_problems      = ['sf_bay_area_2011_4.xml']
    #all_domains       = [Domain('config/domains/modis/' + d) for d in all_problems]
    #all_problems      = ['unflooded_bosnia_2013.xml']
    #all_domains       = [Domain('config/domains/modis/' + d) for d in all_problems]
    #all_problems      = ['unflooded_new_orleans_2004.xml']
    #all_domains       = [Domain('config/domains/modis/' + d) for d in all_problems]
    training_domains  = all_domains
    water_masks = [modis_utilities.get_permanent_water_mask() for d in training_domains]
    for i in range(len(all_domains)):
        if all_domains[i].ground_truth != None:
            water_masks[i] = all_domains[i].ground_truth
    #water_masks = [d.ground_truth for d in training_domains] # Manual mask   
    training_images = [_create_adaboost_learning_image(d, modis_utilities.compute_modis_indices(d)) for d in training_domains]
    # add pixels in flood permanent water masks to training
    #water_masks.extend([get_permanent_water_mask() for d in all_domains])
    #training_images.append([_create_adaboost_learning_image(domain, compute_modis_indices(domain)).mask(get_permanent_water_mask()) for domain in all_domains])
    transformed_masks = [water_mask.multiply(2).subtract(1) for water_mask in water_masks]

    bands             = safe_get_info(training_images[0].bandNames())
    print('Computing threshold ranges.')
    band_splits = __compute_threshold_ranges(training_domains, training_images, water_masks, bands)
    counts = [safe_get_info(training_images[i].select('b1').reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.count(), training_domains[i].bounds, 250))['b1'] for i in range(len(training_images))]
    count = sum(counts)
    weights = [ee.Image(1.0 / count) for i in training_images] # Each input pixel in the training images has an equal weight
    # Initialize for pre-existing partially trained classifier
    full_classifier = []
    for (c, t, alpha) in full_classifier:
        band_splits[c] = sorted(band_splits[c])
        total = 0
        for i in range(len(training_images)):
            weights[i] = weights[i].multiply(apply_classifier(training_images[i], c, t).multiply(transformed_masks[i]).multiply(-alpha).exp())
            total += safe_get_info(weights[i].reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), training_domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))['constant']
        for i in range(len(training_images)):
            weights[i] = weights[i].divide(total)
    ## Apply weak classifiers to the input test image
    #test_image = _create_adaboost_learning_image(domain, b)
    while len(full_classifier) < NUM_CLASSIFIERS_TO_TRAIN:
        best = None
        for band_name in bands: # For each weak classifier
            # Find the best threshold that we can choose
            (threshold, ind, error) = _find_adaboost_optimal_threshold(training_domains, training_images, water_masks, band_name, weights, band_splits[band_name])
            # Compute the sum of weighted classification errors across all of the training domains using this threshold
            #errors = [safe_get_info(weights[i].multiply(training_images[i].select(band_name).lte(threshold).neq(water_masks[i])).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), training_domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))['constant'] for i in range(len(training_images))]
            #error  = sum(errors)
            print('%s found threshold %g with error %g' % (band_name, threshold, error))
            # Record the band/threshold combination with the highest abs(error)
            if (best == None) or (abs(0.5 - error) > abs(0.5 - best[0])): # Classifiers that are always wrong are also good with negative alpha
                best = (error, band_name, threshold, ind)
        # add an additional split point to search between for thresholds
        band_splits[best[1]].insert(best[3], best[2])
        print('---> Using %s < %g. Error %g.' % (best[1], best[2], best[0]))
        alpha      = 0.5 * math.log((1 - best[0]) / best[0])
        classifier = (best[1], best[2], alpha)
        print('---> Now have %d out of %d classifiers.' % (len(full_classifier), NUM_CLASSIFIERS_TO_TRAIN))
        # update the weights
        weights = [weights[i].multiply(apply_classifier(training_images[i], classifier[0], classifier[1]).multiply(transformed_masks[i]).multiply(-alpha).exp()) for i in range(len(training_images))]
        totals  = [safe_get_info(weights[i].reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), training_domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))['constant'] for i in range(len(training_images))]
        total   = sum(totals)
        weights = [w.divide(total) for w in weights]
def adaboost_learn(ignored=None, ignored2=None):
    '''Train Adaboost classifier'''

    # Learn this many weak classifiers

    # Load inputs for this domain and preprocess
    # - Kashmore does not have a good unflooded comparison location so it is left out of the training.
    #all_problems      = ['kashmore_2010_8.xml', 'mississippi_2011_5.xml', 'mississippi_2011_6.xml', 'new_orleans_2005_9.xml', 'sf_bay_area_2011_4.xml']
    #all_domains       = [Domain('config/domains/modis/' + d) for d in all_problems]
    #training_domains  = [domain.unflooded_domain for domain in all_domains[:-1]] + [all_domains[-1]] # SF is unflooded
    # This is a cleaned up set where all the permanent water masks are known to be decent.
    all_problems      = ['unflooded_mississippi_2010.xml', 'unflooded_new_orleans_2004.xml', 'sf_bay_area_2011_4.xml', 'unflooded_bosnia_2013.xml']
    #all_problems.extend(['arkansas_city_2011_5.xml', 'baghlan_south_2014_6.xml', 
    #                     'bosnia_west_2014_5.xml', 'kashmore_north_2010_8.xml', 'slidell_2005_9.xml'])
    #all_problems      = ['unflooded_mississippi_2010_5.xml']
    all_domains       = [Domain('config/domains/modis/' + d) for d in all_problems]
    # Try testing on radar domains
    #all_problems   = ['rome.xml',]
    #                  #'malawi_2015_1.xml',]
    #                  #'mississippi.xml']
    #all_domains    = [Domain('config/domains/sentinel1/rome.xml'),]
    #                  #Domain('config/domains/sentinel1/malawi_2015_1.xml'),
    #                  #Domain('config/domains/uavsar/mississippi.xml')]
    #training_domains  = [domain.training_domain for domain in all_domains]
    ## Try testing on Skybox images
    #all_problems     = [#'gloucester_2014_10.xml',] # TODO: Need dense training data for the other images!!!
    #                    #'new_bedford_2014_10.xml',
    #                    #'sumatra_2014_10.xml',]
    #                    'malawi_2015.xml',] 
    #all_domains      = [Domain('config/domains/skybox/' + d) for d in all_problems]
    #training_domains = [domain.training_domain for domain in all_domains]
    ## Add a bunch of lakes to the training data
    #lake_problems = ['Amistad_Reservoir/Amistad_Reservoir_2014-07-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Cascade_Reservoir/Cascade_Reservoir_2014-09-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Edmund/Edmund_2014-07-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Hulun/Hulun_2014-07-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Keeley/Keeley_2014-06-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Lake_Mead/Lake_Mead_2014-09-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Miguel_Aleman/Miguel_Aleman_2014-08-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Oneida_Lake/Oneida_Lake_2014-06-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Quesnel/Quesnel_2014-08-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Shuswap/Shuswap_2014-08-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Trikhonis/Trikhonis_2014-07-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Pickwick_Lake/Pickwick_Lake_2014-07-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Rogoaguado/Rogoaguado_2014-08-01_train.xml',
    #                 'Zapatosa/Zapatosa_2014-09-01_train.xml']
    #lake_domains  = [Domain('/home/smcmich1/data/Floods/lakeStudy/' + d) for d in lake_problems]
    #all_problems += lake_problems
    #all_domains  += lake_domains
    #all_problems      = ['unflooded_mississippi_2010.xml']
    #all_domains       = [Domain('config/domains/modis/' + d) for d in all_problems]

    #all_problems      = ['sf_bay_area_2011_4.xml']
    #all_domains       = [Domain('config/domains/modis/' + d) for d in all_problems]
    #all_problems      = ['unflooded_bosnia_2013.xml']
    #all_domains       = [Domain('config/domains/modis/' + d) for d in all_problems]
    #all_problems      = ['unflooded_new_orleans_2004.xml']
    #all_domains       = [Domain('config/domains/modis/' + d) for d in all_problems]
    training_domains  = all_domains
    water_masks = [modis_utilities.get_permanent_water_mask() for d in training_domains]
    for i in range(len(all_domains)):
        if all_domains[i].ground_truth != None:
            water_masks[i] = all_domains[i].ground_truth
    #water_masks = [d.ground_truth for d in training_domains] # Manual mask   
    training_images = [_create_adaboost_learning_image(d, modis_utilities.compute_modis_indices(d)) for d in training_domains]
    # add pixels in flood permanent water masks to training
    #water_masks.extend([get_permanent_water_mask() for d in all_domains])
    #training_images.append([_create_adaboost_learning_image(domain, compute_modis_indices(domain)).mask(get_permanent_water_mask()) for domain in all_domains])
    transformed_masks = [water_mask.multiply(2).subtract(1) for water_mask in water_masks]

    bands             = safe_get_info(training_images[0].bandNames())
    print 'Computing threshold ranges.'
    band_splits = __compute_threshold_ranges(training_domains, training_images, water_masks, bands)
    counts = [safe_get_info(training_images[i].select('b1').reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.count(), training_domains[i].bounds, 250))['b1'] for i in range(len(training_images))]
    count = sum(counts)
    weights = [ee.Image(1.0 / count) for i in training_images] # Each input pixel in the training images has an equal weight
    # Initialize for pre-existing partially trained classifier
    full_classifier = []
    for (c, t, alpha) in full_classifier:
        band_splits[c] = sorted(band_splits[c])
        total = 0
        for i in range(len(training_images)):
            weights[i] = weights[i].multiply(apply_classifier(training_images[i], c, t).multiply(transformed_masks[i]).multiply(-alpha).exp())
            total += safe_get_info(weights[i].reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), training_domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))['constant']
        for i in range(len(training_images)):
            weights[i] = weights[i].divide(total)
    ## Apply weak classifiers to the input test image
    #test_image = _create_adaboost_learning_image(domain, b)
    while len(full_classifier) < NUM_CLASSIFIERS_TO_TRAIN:
        best = None
        for band_name in bands: # For each weak classifier
            # Find the best threshold that we can choose
            (threshold, ind, error) = _find_adaboost_optimal_threshold(training_domains, training_images, water_masks, band_name, weights, band_splits[band_name])
            # Compute the sum of weighted classification errors across all of the training domains using this threshold
            #errors = [safe_get_info(weights[i].multiply(training_images[i].select(band_name).lte(threshold).neq(water_masks[i])).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), training_domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))['constant'] for i in range(len(training_images))]
            #error  = sum(errors)
            print '%s found threshold %g with error %g' % (band_name, threshold, error)
            # Record the band/threshold combination with the highest abs(error)
            if (best == None) or (abs(0.5 - error) > abs(0.5 - best[0])): # Classifiers that are always wrong are also good with negative alpha
                best = (error, band_name, threshold, ind)
        # add an additional split point to search between for thresholds
        band_splits[best[1]].insert(best[3], best[2])
        print '---> Using %s < %g. Error %g.' % (best[1], best[2], best[0])
        alpha      = 0.5 * math.log((1 - best[0]) / best[0])
        classifier = (best[1], best[2], alpha)
        print '---> Now have %d out of %d classifiers.' % (len(full_classifier), NUM_CLASSIFIERS_TO_TRAIN)
        # update the weights
        weights = [weights[i].multiply(apply_classifier(training_images[i], classifier[0], classifier[1]).multiply(transformed_masks[i]).multiply(-alpha).exp()) for i in range(len(training_images))]
        totals  = [safe_get_info(weights[i].reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.sum(), training_domains[i].bounds, EVAL_RESOLUTION))['constant'] for i in range(len(training_images))]
        total   = sum(totals)
        weights = [w.divide(total) for w in weights]
        print full_classifier
def _create_adaboost_learning_image(domain, b):
    '''Like _create_learning_image but using a lot of simple classifiers to feed into Adaboost'''
    # A large set of MODIS band configurations, each is assigned a unique band name for reference.
    a = b['b1'].select(['sur_refl_b01'],                                                 ['b1'           ])
    a = a.addBands(b['b2'].select(['sur_refl_b02'],                                      ['b2'           ]))
    #a = a.addBands(b['b3'].select(['sur_refl_b03'],                                      ['b3'           ]))
    #a = a.addBands(b['b4'].select(['sur_refl_b04'],                                      ['b4'           ]))
    #a = a.addBands(b['b5'].select(['sur_refl_b05'],                                      ['b5'           ]))
    #a = a.addBands(b['b6'].select(['sur_refl_b06'],                                      ['b6'           ]))
    a = a.addBands(b['b2'].divide(b['b1']).select(['sur_refl_b02'],                      ['ratio'        ]))
    a = a.addBands(b['LSWI'].subtract(b['NDVI']).subtract(0.05).select(['sur_refl_b02'], ['LSWIminusNDVI']))
    a = a.addBands(b['LSWI'].subtract(b['EVI']).subtract(0.05).select(['sur_refl_b02'],  ['LSWIminusEVI' ]))
    a = a.addBands(b['EVI'].subtract(0.3).select(['sur_refl_b02'],                       ['EVI'          ]))
    a = a.addBands(b['LSWI'].select(['sur_refl_b02'],                                    ['LSWI'         ]))
    a = a.addBands(b['NDVI'].select(['sur_refl_b02'],                                    ['NDVI'         ]))
    a = a.addBands(b['NDWI'].select(['sur_refl_b01'],                                    ['NDWI'         ]))
    a = a.addBands(get_diff(b).select(['b1'],                                            ['diff'         ]))
    a = a.addBands(get_fai(b).select(['b1'],                                             ['fai'          ]))
    a = a.addBands(get_dartmouth(b).select(['b1'],                                       ['dartmouth'    ]))
    a = a.addBands(get_mod_ndwi(b).select(['b1'],                                        ['MNDWI'        ]))
    # If available, try adding Landsat data
        landsat_sensor = domain.get_landsat()
        added = ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'nir', 'swir1', 'temp', 'swir2']
        a = a.addBands(landsat_sensor.image.select(added))
        print('Added Landsat to Adaboost!')
    except: # No Landsat data is present
    # If available, try adding radar data
        # Add all of the bands from the radar sensor
        # - All of the input training images need to have the same bands available!
        radar_sensor = domain.get_radar()
        a = a.addBands(radar_sensor.image) 
        print('Added Radar to Adaboost!')
    except: # No radar data is present

    # If available, try adding Skybox data
        try: # The Skybox data can be in one of two names
            skybox_sensor = domain.skybox
            skybox_sensor = domain.skybox_nir
        # Add all Skybox bands
        a = a.addBands(skybox_sensor.image)

        # Add an additional texture band
        rgbBands    = skybox_sensor.Red.addBands(skybox_sensor.Green).addBands(skybox_sensor.Blue)
        grayBand    = rgbBands.select('Red').add(rgbBands.select('Green')).add(rgbBands.select('Blue')).divide(ee.Image(3.0)).uint16()
        textureRaw  = grayBand.glcmTexture()
        bandList    = safe_get_info(textureRaw)['bands']
        bandName    = [x['id'] for x in bandList if 'idm' in x['id']]
        texture     = textureRaw.select(bandName).convolve(ee.Kernel.square(5, 'pixels'))
        a = a.addBands(texture)
    except: # No Skybox data is present
    return a
def dnns_revised(domain, b):
    '''Dynamic Nearest Neighbor Search with revisions to improve performance on our test data'''
    # One issue with this algorithm is that its large search range slows down even Earth Engine!
    # - With a tiny kernel size, everything is relative to the region average which seems to work pretty well.
    # Another problem is that we don't have a good way of identifying 'Definately land' pixels like we do for water.
    # Parameters
    KERNEL_SIZE = 1 # The original paper used a 100x100 pixel box = 25,000 meters!
    PURELAND_THRESHOLD = 3500 # TODO: Vary by domain?
    # Set up two square kernels of the same size
    # - These kernels define the search range for nearby pure water and land pixels
    kernel            = ee.Kernel.square(KERNEL_SIZE, 'pixels', False)
    kernel_normalized = ee.Kernel.square(KERNEL_SIZE, 'pixels', True)
    composite_image = b['b1'].addBands(b['b2']).addBands(b['b6'])
    # Compute (b2 - b1) < threshold, a simple water detection algorithm.  Treat the result as "pure water" pixels.
    pureWaterThreshold = float(domain.algorithm_params['modis_diff_threshold']) * PURE_WATER_THRESHOLD_RATIO
    pureWater = modis_diff(domain, b, pureWaterThreshold)
    # Compute the mean value of pure water pixels across the entire region, then store in a constant value image.
    AVERAGE_SCALE_METERS = 30 # This value seems to have no effect on the results
    averageWater      = safe_get_info(pureWater.mask(pureWater).multiply(composite_image).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean(), domain.bounds, AVERAGE_SCALE_METERS))
    averageWaterImage = ee.Image([averageWater['sur_refl_b01'], averageWater['sur_refl_b02'], averageWater['sur_refl_b06']])
    # For each pixel, compute the number of nearby pure water pixels
    pureWaterCount = pureWater.convolve(kernel)
    # Get mean of nearby pure water (b1,b2,b6) values for each pixel with enough pure water nearby
    averageWaterLocal = pureWater.multiply(composite_image).convolve(kernel).multiply(pureWaterCount.gte(MIN_PURE_NEARBY)).divide(pureWaterCount)
    # For pixels that did not have enough pure water nearby, just use the global average water value
    averageWaterLocal = averageWaterLocal.add(averageWaterImage.multiply(averageWaterLocal.Not()))

    # Use simple diff method to select pure land pixels
    #LAND_THRESHOLD   = 2000 # TODO: Move to domain selector
    pureLand             = b['b2'].subtract(b['b1']).gte(PURELAND_THRESHOLD).select(['sur_refl_b02'], ['b1']) # Rename sur_refl_b02 to b1
    averagePureLand      = safe_get_info(pureLand.mask(pureLand).multiply(composite_image).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean(), domain.bounds, AVERAGE_SCALE_METERS))
    averagePureLandImage = ee.Image([averagePureLand['sur_refl_b01'], averagePureLand['sur_refl_b02'], averagePureLand['sur_refl_b06']])
    pureLandCount        = pureLand.convolve(kernel)        # Get nearby pure land count for each pixel
    averagePureLandLocal = pureLand.multiply(composite_image).convolve(kernel).multiply(pureLandCount.gte(MIN_PURE_NEARBY)).divide(pureLandCount)
    averagePureLandLocal = averagePureLandLocal.add(averagePureLandImage.multiply(averagePureLandLocal.Not())) # For pixels that did not have any pure land nearby, use mean

    # Implement equations 10 and 11 from the paper
    oneOverSix   = b['b1'].divide(b['b6'])
    twoOverSix   = b['b2'].divide(b['b6'])
    eqTenLeft    = oneOverSix.subtract( averageWaterLocal.select('sur_refl_b01').divide(b['b6']) )
    eqElevenLeft = twoOverSix.subtract( averageWaterLocal.select('sur_refl_b02').divide(b['b6']) )
    # For each pixel, grab all the ratios from nearby pixels
    nearbyPixelsOneOverSix = oneOverSix.neighborhoodToBands(kernel) # Each of these images has one band per nearby pixel
    nearbyPixelsTwoOverSix = twoOverSix.neighborhoodToBands(kernel)
    nearbyPixelsOne        = b['b1'].neighborhoodToBands(kernel)
    nearbyPixelsTwo        = b['b2'].neighborhoodToBands(kernel)
    nearbyPixelsSix        = b['b6'].neighborhoodToBands(kernel)
    # Find which nearby pixels meet the EQ 10 and 11 criteria
    eqTenMatches        = ( nearbyPixelsOneOverSix.gt(eqTenLeft   ) ).And( nearbyPixelsOneOverSix.lt(oneOverSix) )
    eqElevenMatches     = ( nearbyPixelsTwoOverSix.gt(eqElevenLeft) ).And( nearbyPixelsTwoOverSix.lt(twoOverSix) )
    nearbyLandPixels    = eqTenMatches.And(eqElevenMatches)
    # Find the average of the nearby matching pixels
    numNearbyLandPixels = nearbyLandPixels.reduce(ee.Reducer.sum())
    meanNearbyBandOne   = nearbyPixelsOne.multiply(nearbyLandPixels).reduce(ee.Reducer.sum()).divide(numNearbyLandPixels)
    meanNearbyBandTwo   = nearbyPixelsTwo.multiply(nearbyLandPixels).reduce(ee.Reducer.sum()).divide(numNearbyLandPixels)
    meanNearbyBandSix   = nearbyPixelsSix.multiply(nearbyLandPixels).reduce(ee.Reducer.sum()).divide(numNearbyLandPixels)

    # Pack the results into a three channel image for the whole region
    meanNearbyLand = meanNearbyBandOne.addBands(meanNearbyBandTwo).addBands(meanNearbyBandSix)
    meanNearbyLand = meanNearbyLand.multiply(numNearbyLandPixels.gte(MIN_PURE_NEARBY)).add( averagePureLandImage.multiply(numNearbyLandPixels.lt(MIN_PURE_NEARBY)) )

    addToMap(numNearbyLandPixels,  {'min': 0, 'max': 400, }, 'numNearbyLandPixels', False)
    addToMap(meanNearbyLand,       {'min': 0, 'max': 3000, 'bands': ['sum', 'sum_1', 'sum_2']}, 'meanNearbyLand', False)

    # Compute the water fraction: (land - b) / (land - water)
    landDiff  = averagePureLandLocal.subtract(composite_image)
    waterDiff = averageWaterLocal.subtract(composite_image)
    typeDiff  = averagePureLandLocal.subtract(averageWaterLocal)
    #water_vector   = (averageLandLocal.subtract(b)).divide(averageLandLocal.subtract(averageWaterLocal))
    landDist  = landDiff.expression("b('sur_refl_b01')*b('sur_refl_b01') + b('sur_refl_b02') *b('sur_refl_b02') + b('sur_refl_b06')*b('sur_refl_b06')").sqrt();
    waterDist = waterDiff.expression("b('sur_refl_b01')*b('sur_refl_b01') + b('sur_refl_b02') *b('sur_refl_b02') + b('sur_refl_b06')*b('sur_refl_b06')").sqrt();
    typeDist  = typeDiff.expression("b('sur_refl_b01')*b('sur_refl_b01') + b('sur_refl_b02') *b('sur_refl_b02') + b('sur_refl_b06')*b('sur_refl_b06')").sqrt();
    #waterOff = landDist.divide(waterDist.add(landDist)) 
    waterOff = landDist.divide(typeDist) # TODO: Improve this math, maybe full matrix treatment?

    # Set pure water to 1, pure land to 0
    waterOff = waterOff.subtract(pureLand.multiply(waterOff))
    waterOff = waterOff.add(pureWater.multiply(ee.Image(1.0).subtract(waterOff)))
    # TODO: Better way of filtering out low fraction pixels.
    waterOff = waterOff.multiply(waterOff)
    waterOff = waterOff.gt(0.6)
    #addToMap(fraction,       {'min': 0, 'max': 1},   'fraction', False)
    addToMap(pureWater,      {'min': 0, 'max': 1},   'pure water', False)
    addToMap(pureLand,       {'min': 0, 'max': 1},   'pure land', False)
    addToMap(pureWaterCount, {'min': 0, 'max': 100}, 'pure water count', False)
    addToMap(pureLandCount,  {'min': 0, 'max': 100}, 'pure land count', False)
    #addToMap(numNearbyLandPixels,  {'min': 0, 'max': 400, }, 'numNearbyLandPixels', False)
    #addToMap(meanNearbyLand,       {'min': 0, 'max': 3000, 'bands': ['sum', 'sum_1', 'sum_2']}, 'meanNearbyLand', False)
    addToMap(averageWaterImage,    {'min': 0, 'max': 3000, 'bands': ['constant', 'constant_1', 'constant_2']}, 'average water', False)
    addToMap(averagePureLandImage, {'min': 0, 'max': 3000, 'bands': ['constant', 'constant_1', 'constant_2']}, 'average pure land',  False)
    addToMap(averageWaterLocal,    {'min': 0, 'max': 3000, 'bands': ['sur_refl_b01', 'sur_refl_b02', 'sur_refl_b06']}, 'local water ref', False)
    addToMap(averagePureLandLocal, {'min': 0, 'max': 3000, 'bands': ['sur_refl_b01', 'sur_refl_b02', 'sur_refl_b06']}, 'local pure land ref',  False)
    return waterOff.select(['sur_refl_b01'], ['b1']) # Rename sur_refl_b02 to b1