def Pooling(op,      # PoolingType_Max or _Average
            filter_shape,  # e.g. (3,3)
    x = Placeholder(name='pooling_arg')
    apply_x = pooling (x, op, filter_shape, strides=_as_tuple(strides), auto_padding=_as_tuple(pad))

    if op == PoolingType_Average:
        op_name = 'AveragePooling'
    elif op == PoolingType_Max:
        op_name = 'MaxPooling'
        raise ValueError('Pooling: op must be PoolingType_Max or PoolingType_average')
    return Block(apply_x, op_name)
文件: layers.py 项目: Soukiy/CNTK
def Pooling(op,      # PoolingType_Max or _Average
            filter_shape,  # e.g. (3,3)
    x = Placeholder(name='pooling_arg')
    apply_x = pooling (x, op, filter_shape, strides=_as_tuple(strides), auto_padding=_as_tuple(pad))

    if op == PoolingType_Average:
        op_name = 'AveragePooling'
    elif op == PoolingType_Max:
        op_name = 'MaxPooling'
        raise ValueError('Pooling: op must be PoolingType_Max or PoolingType_average')
    return Block(apply_x, op_name)
def Convolution(filter_shape,        # e.g. (3,3)
                num_filters=None,    # e.g. 64 or None (which means 1 channel and don't add a dimension_
                sharing=True,     # (must be True currently)
                reduction_rank=1, # (must be 1 currently)
                transpose=False,  # (must be False currently)
    activation = _resolve_activation(activation)
    pad  = pad  if _is_given(pad ) else _current_default_options.pad
    bias = bias if _is_given(bias) else _current_default_options.bias
    # TODO: there must be a Python trick to do this as a function call on locals or so
    if reduction_rank != 1:
        NotImplementedError("Convolution: reduction_rank other than 1 currently not supported")
    if transpose:
        NotImplementedError("Convolution: transpose option currently not supported")
    if not sharing:
        NotImplementedError("Convolution: sharing option currently must be True")
    output_channels_shape = _as_tuple(num_filters)
    output_rank = len(output_channels_shape)
    filter_rank = len(filter_shape)
    kernel_shape = _INFERRED * reduction_rank + filter_shape # kernel := filter plus reductionDims

    # parameters bound to this Function
    #init_kernel = glorot_uniform(filter_rank=-filter_rank, output_rank=1)
    init_kernel = _initializer_for(init, Record(filter_rank=filter_rank, output_rank=-1))
    # BUGBUG: It is very confusing that output_rank is negative, esp. since that means count from the start. Solution: add a flag
    W = Parameter(output_channels_shape + kernel_shape,             init=init_kernel, name='W')                   # (K, C, H, W) aka [ W x H x C x K ]
    b = Parameter(output_channels_shape + (1,) * len(filter_shape), init=init_bias,   name='b') if bias else None # (K,    1, 1) aka [ 1 x 1 x     K ]

    # expression
    x = Placeholder(name='convolution_arg')
    # TODO: update the parameter order of convolution() to match the optional ones as in here? (options order matches Keras)
    apply_x = convolution (W, x,
                           # TODO: can we rename auto_padding to pad?
    if bias:
        apply_x = apply_x + b
    apply_x = apply_x >> activation
    return Block(apply_x, 'Convolution', Record(W=W, b=b))
def Convolution(filter_shape,        # e.g. (3,3)
                num_filters=None,    # e.g. 64 or None (which means 1 channel and don't add a dimension_
                sharing=True,     # (must be True currently)
                reduction_rank=1, # (must be 1 currently)
                transpose=False,  # (must be False currently)
    activation = _resolve_activation(activation)
    pad  = pad  if _is_given(pad ) else _current_default_options.pad
    bias = bias if _is_given(bias) else _current_default_options.bias
    # TODO: there must be a Python trick to do this as a function call on locals or so
    if reduction_rank != 1:
        NotImplementedError("Convolution: reduction_rank other than 1 currently not supported")
    if transpose:
        NotImplementedError("Convolution: transpose option currently not supported")
    if not sharing:
        NotImplementedError("Convolution: sharing option currently must be True")
    output_channels_shape = _as_tuple(num_filters)
    output_rank = len(output_channels_shape)
    filter_rank = len(filter_shape)
    kernel_shape = _INFERRED * reduction_rank + filter_shape # kernel := filter plus reductionDims

    # parameters bound to this Function
    #init_kernel = glorot_uniform(filter_rank=-filter_rank, output_rank=1)
    init_kernel = _initializer_for(init, Record(filter_rank=filter_rank, output_rank=-1))
    # BUGBUG: It is very confusing that output_rank is negative, esp. since that means count from the start. Solution: add a flag
    W = Parameter(output_channels_shape + kernel_shape,             init=init_kernel, name='W')                   # (K, C, H, W) aka [ W x H x C x K ]
    b = Parameter(output_channels_shape + (1,) * len(filter_shape), init=init_bias,   name='b') if bias else None # (K,    1, 1) aka [ 1 x 1 x     K ]

    # expression
    x = Placeholder(name='convolution_arg')
    # TODO: update the parameter order of convolution() to match the optional ones as in here? (options order matches Keras)
    apply_x = convolution (W, x,
                           # TODO: can we rename auto_padding to pad?
    if bias:
        apply_x = apply_x + b
    apply_x = apply_x >> activation
    return Block(apply_x, 'Convolution', Record(W=W, b=b))
def Embedding(shape=None, init=None, weights=None):
    if init is not None or weights is not None:
        raise ValueError('Embedding: init and weights options are mutually exclusive')

    # parameters bound to this Function:
    # no weights given: learn the embedding
    if weights is None:
        if shape is None:
            raise ValueError('Embedding: output shape must be specified')
        if init is None:
            init = init_default_or_glorot_uniform
        shape = _as_tuple(shape)
        weight_shape = _INFERRED + shape
        E = Parameter(weight_shape, init=init, name='E')
    # weights given: use them as constant
        UntestedBranchError("Embedding, from constant")
        import numpy as np
        if not isinstance(weights, array): # TODO: is this the correct test for a numpy array
            UntestedBranchError("Embedding, from constant that is not an array")
            # TODO: can 'weights' be a CNTK object? Then how to do this?
            raise ValueError('Embedding: weights must be a numpy array')
        weight_shape = np.shape(weights)
        if shape is not None: # user may give shape, then it must match
            if len(shape) >= len(weight_shape) or weight_shape[-len(shape):] != shape:
                raise ValueError('Embedding: shape parameter must match weights')
        E = Constant(weights, name='E')

    # expression
    x = Placeholder(name='embedding_arg')
    apply_x = times(x, E)
    return Block(apply_x, 'Embedding', Record(E=E))
def Embedding(shape=None, init=None, weights=None):
    if init is not None or weights is not None:
        raise ValueError('Embedding: init and weights options are mutually exclusive')

    # parameters bound to this Function:
    # no weights given: learn the embedding
    if weights is None:
        if shape is None:
            raise ValueError('Embedding: output shape must be specified')
        if init is None:
            init = init_default_or_glorot_uniform
        shape = _as_tuple(shape)
        weight_shape = _INFERRED + shape
        E = Parameter(weight_shape, init=init, name='E')
    # weights given: use them as constant
        UntestedBranchError("Embedding, from constant")
        import numpy as np
        if not isinstance(weights, array): # TODO: is this the correct test for a numpy array
            UntestedBranchError("Embedding, from constant that is not an array")
            # TODO: can 'weights' be a CNTK object? Then how to do this?
            raise ValueError('Embedding: weights must be a numpy array')
        weight_shape = np.shape(weights)
        if shape is not None: # user may give shape, then it must match
            if len(shape) >= len(weight_shape) or weight_shape[-len(shape):] != shape:
                raise ValueError('Embedding: shape parameter must match weights')
        E = Constant(weights, name='E')

    # expression
    x = Placeholder(name='embedding_arg')
    apply_x = times(x, E)
    return Block(apply_x, 'Embedding', Record(E=E))
def Linear(shape, _inf, bias=True, init=_default_initializer, init_bias=0, input_rank=None, map_rank=None):
    out_shape = _as_tuple(shape)

    # TODO: implement the full semantics of the BrainScript code
    #inputShape =
    #    if       BS.Constants.IsNone (inputRank) then Inferred  # not given: one Inferred, which will get expanded
    #    else if !BS.Constants.IsNone (mapRank)   then Fail ("'inputRank' and 'mapRank' cannot be specified at the same time.")
    #    else Repeat (inputRank, Inferred)
    #W = ParameterTensor {_ConcatArrays (outDim, inputShape), init=init, initValueScale=initValueScale}
    #b = ParameterTensor {outDim, initValue=0}
    #outputRank = Length (_AsArray (outDim)) # support outputs with tensor layouts
    #inferInputRankToMap =
    #    if      !BS.Constants.IsNone (inputRank) then -1  # means not specified
    #    else if  BS.Constants.IsNone (mapRank)   then 0   # default to 'use all input dims'
    #    else mapRank
    #apply (x) =
    #    if bias
    #    then Times (W, x, outputRank=outputRank, inferInputRankToMap=inferInputRankToMap) + b
    #    else Times (W, x, outputRank=outputRank, inferInputRankToMap=inferInputRankToMap)

    W = Parameter(_inf.shape + out_shape, init=init     , name='W')
    b = Parameter(             out_shape, init=init_bias, name='b') if bias else None
    x = Placeholder(_inf=_inf, name='linear_arg')
    apply_x = Function.__matmul__(x, W) + b if bias else \
              Function.__matmul__(x, W)
    _name_and_extend_Function(apply_x, 'Linear')
    return apply_x
def Recurrence(over, go_backwards=False, initial_state=initial_state_default_or_None):
    # helper to compute previous value
    # can take a single Variable/Function or a tuple
    initial_state = initial_state if _is_given(initial_state) else _current_default_options.initial_state
    # if initial state is given and a numeric constant, then turn it into a Constant() object
    if np.isscalar(initial_state):
        initial_state = Constant(initial_state, shape=(1)) # TODO: This should be automatically done inside the API.
    def previous_hook(state):
        if isinstance (state, tuple):  # if multiple then apply to each element
            return tuple([previous_hook(s) for s in state])
        # not a tuple: must be a 'scalar', i.e. a single element
        return past_value  (state, initial_state) if not go_backwards else \
               future_value(state, initial_state)
    x = Placeholder(name='recurrence_arg')
    state_forward = over.create_placeholder() # create a placeholder or a tuple of placeholders
    prev_state = previous_hook(state_forward)  # delay (h, c)
    f_x_h_c = over(x, prev_state) # apply the recurrent over
    # this returns a Function (x, (h_prev, c_prev)) -> (h, c)
    h_c = f_x_h_c.outputs
    replacements = { value_forward: value for (value_forward, value) in zip(list(_as_tuple(state_forward)), h_c) }
    f_x_h_c.replace_placeholders(replacements)  # resolves state_forward := h_c
    h = f_x_h_c.outputs[0]  # 'h' is a Variable (the output of a Function that computed it)
    if _trace_layers:
    apply_x = combine([h])     # the Function that yielded 'h', so we get to know its inputs
    # apply_x is a Function x -> h
    return Block(apply_x, 'Recurrence', Record(over=over))
def Recurrence(over, go_backwards=False, initial_state=initial_state_default_or_None):
    # helper to compute previous value
    # can take a single Variable/Function or a tuple
    initial_state = initial_state if _is_given(initial_state) else _current_default_options.initial_state
    # if initial state is given and a numeric constant, then turn it into a Constant() object
    if np.isscalar(initial_state):
        initial_state = Constant(initial_state, shape=(1)) # TODO: This should be automatically done inside the API.
    def previous_hook(state):
        if isinstance (state, tuple):  # if multiple then apply to each element
            return tuple([previous_hook(s) for s in state])
        # not a tuple: must be a 'scalar', i.e. a single element
        return past_value  (state, initial_state) if not go_backwards else \
               future_value(state, initial_state)
    x = Placeholder(name='recurrence_arg')
    state_forward = over.create_placeholder() # create a placeholder or a tuple of placeholders
    prev_state = previous_hook(state_forward)  # delay (h, c)
    f_x_h_c = over(x, prev_state) # apply the recurrent over
    # this returns a Function (x, (h_prev, c_prev)) -> (h, c)
    h_c = f_x_h_c.outputs
    replacements = { value_forward: value for (value_forward, value) in zip(list(_as_tuple(state_forward)), h_c) }
    f_x_h_c.replace_placeholders(replacements)  # resolves state_forward := h_c
    h = f_x_h_c.outputs[0]  # 'h' is a Variable (the output of a Function that computed it)
    if _trace_layers:
    apply_x = combine([h])     # the Function that yielded 'h', so we get to know its inputs
    # apply_x is a Function x -> h
    return Block(apply_x, 'Recurrence', Record(over=over))
文件: blocks.py 项目: zgsxwsdxg/CNTK
def Placeholder(_inf, name='placeholder'):
    p = placeholder_variable(shape=_as_tuple(_inf.shape),
    _name_node(p, name)
    if _trace_layers:
        print("new " + _node_description(p))
    return p
def Dense(shape,
    activation = _resolve_activation(activation)
    bias = bias if _is_given(bias) else _current_default_options.bias
    output_shape = _as_tuple(shape)

    if input_rank is not None and map_rank is not None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Dense: input_rank and map_rank cannot be specified at the same time."

    # determine meaning of axes
    # W gets dimension (input_shape + shape)
    # where input_shape is determined as:
    #  - by default, equal to the dimensions of the input passed to Dense()
    #  - if input_rank is given, then the last 'input_rank' dimensions of the input (all others are not reduced over)
    #  - if map_rank is given, then the all but the first 'map_rank' dimensions of the input (those are not reduced over)
    # where input_rank and map_rank are mutuallly exclusive.

    #output_rank = -len(output_shape)   # support outputs with tensor layouts
    # BUGBUG: Should this be a negative number now, since output is the last axis in Python?
    output_rank = len(output_shape)  # support outputs with tensor layouts

    # If input_rank not given then pass a single _INFERRED; map_rank if given will determine the input_rank.
    # The dimension inference may still create multiple axes.
    input_shape = _INFERRED * (input_rank if input_rank is not None else 1)

    if input_rank is not None:
        UntestedBranchError("Dense, input_rank option not implemented")
        infer_input_rank_to_map = -1  # means map_rank is not specified; input_rank rules
    elif map_rank is None:
        infer_input_rank_to_map = 0  # neither given: default to 'infer W to use all input dims'
        UntestedBranchError("Dense, map_rank option not implemented")
        infer_input_rank_to_map = map_rank  # infer W to use all input dims except the first static 'map_rank' ones

    # parameters bound to this Function
    init_weights = _initializer_for(init, Record(output_rank=output_rank))
    W = Parameter(input_shape + output_shape, init=init_weights, name='W')
    b = Parameter(output_shape, init=init_bias, name='b') if bias else None

    # expression of this function
    x = Placeholder(name='dense_arg')
    apply_x = times(x,
    if b:
        apply_x = apply_x + b
    apply_x = apply_x >> activation
    return Block(apply_x, 'Dense', Record(W=W, b=b))
def Embedding(shape, _inf, weights=None, init=_default_initializer, transpose=False):
    shape = _as_tuple(shape)
    full_shape = (shape + _inf.shape) if transpose else (_inf.shape + shape)
    if weights is None:  # no weights given: learn the embedding
        E = Parameter(full_shape, init=init, name='E')
    else:                # weights given: use them as constant
        UntestedBranchError("Embedding, from constant")
        E = Constant(full_shape, init=weights, name='E')  # TODO: can 'weights' be a CNTK object already? Then how to do this?
    x = Placeholder(_inf=_inf, name='embedding_arg')
    apply_x = Function.__matmul__(E, x) if transpose else \
              Function.__matmul__(x, E)     # x is expected to be sparse one-hot
    _name_and_extend_Function(apply_x, 'Embedding')
    return apply_x
def Dense(shape, init=init_default_or_glorot_uniform, activation=activation_default_or_None,
          input_rank=None, map_rank=None,
          bias=bias_default_or_True, init_bias=init_bias_default_or_0):
    activation = _resolve_activation(activation)
    bias       = bias if _is_given(bias) else _current_default_options.bias
    output_shape = _as_tuple(shape)

    if input_rank is not None and map_rank is not None:
        raise ValueError("Dense: input_rank and map_rank cannot be specified at the same time.")

    # determine meaning of axes
    # W gets dimension (input_shape + shape)
    # where input_shape is determined as:
    #  - by default, equal to the dimensions of the input passed to Dense()
    #  - if input_rank is given, then the last 'input_rank' dimensions of the input (all others are not reduced over)
    #  - if map_rank is given, then the all but the first 'map_rank' dimensions of the input (those are not reduced over)
    # where input_rank and map_rank are mutuallly exclusive.

    #output_rank = -len(output_shape)   # support outputs with tensor layouts
    # BUGBUG: Should this be a negative number now, since output is the last axis in Python?
    output_rank = len(output_shape)   # support outputs with tensor layouts

    # If input_rank not given then pass a single _INFERRED; map_rank if given will determine the input_rank.
    # The dimension inference may still create multiple axes.
    input_shape = _INFERRED * (input_rank if input_rank is not None else 1)

    if input_rank is not None:
        UntestedBranchError("Dense, input_rank option not implemented")
        infer_input_rank_to_map = -1 # means map_rank is not specified; input_rank rules
    elif map_rank is None:
        infer_input_rank_to_map = 0  # neither given: default to 'infer W to use all input dims'
        UntestedBranchError("Dense, map_rank option not implemented")
        infer_input_rank_to_map = map_rank  # infer W to use all input dims except the first static 'map_rank' ones

    # parameters bound to this Function
    init_weights = _initializer_for(init, Record(output_rank=output_rank))
    W = Parameter(input_shape + output_shape, init=init_weights, name='W')
    b = Parameter(              output_shape, init=init_bias,    name='b') if bias else None

    # expression of this function
    x = Placeholder(name='dense_arg')
    apply_x = times(x, W, output_rank=output_rank, infer_input_rank_to_map=infer_input_rank_to_map)
    if b:
        apply_x = apply_x + b
    apply_x = apply_x >> activation
    return Block(apply_x, 'Dense', Record(W=W, b=b))
文件: blocks.py 项目: w1y2l32009/CNTK
def _RecurrentBlock(type, shape, cell_shape, activation, use_peepholes,
                    init, init_bias,
    Helper to create a recurrent block of type 'LSTM', 'GRU', or RNNUnit.

    has_projection = cell_shape is not None

    shape = _as_tuple(shape)

    cell_shape = _as_tuple(cell_shape) if cell_shape is not None else shape
    if len(shape) != 1 or len(cell_shape) != 1:
        raise ValueError("%s: shape and cell_shape must be vectors (rank-1 tensors)" % type)
        # otherwise we'd need to fix slicing and Param initializers

    stack_axis = -1  # for efficient computation, we stack multiple variables (along the fastest-changing one, to match BS)
    # determine stacking dimensions
    cell_shape_list = list(cell_shape)
    stacked_dim = cell_shape_list[stack_axis]
    cell_shape_list[stack_axis] = stacked_dim * {
        'RNNUnit': 1,
        'GRU': 3,
        'LSTM': 4
    cell_shape_stacked = tuple(cell_shape_list)  # patched dims with stack_axis duplicated 4 times
    cell_shape_list[stack_axis] = stacked_dim * {
        'RNNUnit': 1,
        'GRU': 2,
        'LSTM': 4
    cell_shape_stacked_H = tuple(cell_shape_list)  # patched dims with stack_axis duplicated 4 times

    # parameters
    b  = Parameter(            cell_shape_stacked,   init=init_bias, name='b')                              # bias
    W  = Parameter(_INFERRED + cell_shape_stacked,   init=init,      name='W')                              # input
    H  = Parameter(shape     + cell_shape_stacked_H, init=init,      name='H')                              # hidden-to-hidden
    H1 = Parameter(shape     + cell_shape,           init=init,      name='H1') if type == 'GRU' else None  # hidden-to-hidden
    Ci = Parameter(            cell_shape,           init=init,      name='Ci') if use_peepholes else None  # cell-to-hiddden {note: applied elementwise}
    Cf = Parameter(            cell_shape,           init=init,      name='Cf') if use_peepholes else None  # cell-to-hiddden {note: applied elementwise}
    Co = Parameter(            cell_shape,           init=init,      name='Co') if use_peepholes else None  # cell-to-hiddden {note: applied elementwise}

    Wmr = Parameter(cell_shape + shape, init=init, name='P') if has_projection else None  # final projection

    # each use of a stabilizer layer must get its own instance
    Sdh = Stabilizer(enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization, name='dh_stabilizer')
    Sdc = Stabilizer(enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization, name='dc_stabilizer')
    Sct = Stabilizer(enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization, name='c_stabilizer')
    Sht = Stabilizer(enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization, name='P_stabilizer')

    # define the model function itself
    # general interface for Recurrence():
    #   (all previous outputs delayed, input) --> (outputs and state)
    # where
    #  - the first output is the main output, e.g. 'h' for LSTM
    #  - the remaining outputs, if any, are additional state
    #  - if for some reason output != state, then output is still fed back and should just be ignored by the recurrent block

    # LSTM model function
    # in this case:
    #   (dh, dc, x) --> (h, c)
    def lstm(dh, dc, x):

        dhs = Sdh(dh)  # previous values, stabilized
        dcs = Sdc(dc)
        # note: input does not get a stabilizer here, user is meant to do that outside

        # projected contribution from input(s), hidden, and bias
        proj4 = b + times(x, W) + times(dhs, H)

        it_proj  = slice (proj4, stack_axis, 0*stacked_dim, 1*stacked_dim)  # split along stack_axis
        bit_proj = slice (proj4, stack_axis, 1*stacked_dim, 2*stacked_dim)
        ft_proj  = slice (proj4, stack_axis, 2*stacked_dim, 3*stacked_dim)
        ot_proj  = slice (proj4, stack_axis, 3*stacked_dim, 4*stacked_dim)

        # helper to inject peephole connection if requested
        def peep(x, c, C):
            return x + C * c if use_peepholes else x

        it = sigmoid (peep (it_proj, dcs, Ci))        # input gate(t)
        # TODO: should both activations be replaced?
        bit = it * activation (bit_proj)              # applied to tanh of input network

        ft = sigmoid (peep (ft_proj, dcs, Cf))        # forget-me-not gate(t)
        bft = ft * dc                                 # applied to cell(t-1)

        ct = bft + bit                                # c(t) is sum of both

        ot = sigmoid (peep (ot_proj, Sct(ct), Co))    # output gate(t)
        ht = ot * activation (ct)                     # applied to tanh(cell(t))

        c = ct                                        # cell value
        h = times(Sht(ht), Wmr) if has_projection else \

        # returns the new state as a tuple with names but order matters
        return (Function.NamedOutput(h=h), Function.NamedOutput(c=c))

    # GRU model function
    # in this case:
    #   (dh, x) --> (h)
    # e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gated_recurrent_unit
    def gru(dh, x):

        dhs = Sdh(dh)  # previous value, stabilized
        # note: input does not get a stabilizer here, user is meant to do that outside

        # projected contribution from input(s), hidden, and bias
        projx3 = b + times(x, W)
        projh2  = times(dhs, H)

        zt_proj = slice (projx3, stack_axis, 0*stacked_dim, 1*stacked_dim) + slice (projh2, stack_axis, 0*stacked_dim, 1*stacked_dim)
        rt_proj = slice (projx3, stack_axis, 1*stacked_dim, 2*stacked_dim) + slice (projh2, stack_axis, 1*stacked_dim, 2*stacked_dim)
        ct_proj = slice (projx3, stack_axis, 2*stacked_dim, 3*stacked_dim)

        zt = sigmoid (zt_proj)        # update gate z(t)

        rt = sigmoid (rt_proj)        # reset gate r(t)

        rs = dhs * rt        # "cell" c
        ct = activation (ct_proj + times(rs, H1))

        ht = (1 - zt) * ct + zt * dhs # hidden state ht / output

        # for comparison: CUDNN_GRU
        # i(t) = sigmoid(W_i x(t) +          R_i h(t-1)  + b_Wi + b_Ru)
        # r(t) = sigmoid(W_r x(t) +          R_r h(t-1)  + b_Wr + b_Rr)   --same up to here
        # h'(t) =   tanh(W_h x(t) + r(t) .* (R_h h(t-1)) + b_Wh + b_Rh)   --r applied after projection? Would make life easier!
        # h(t) = (1 - i(t) .* h'(t)) + i(t) .* h(t-1)                     --TODO: need to confirm bracketing with NVIDIA

        h = times(Sht(ht), Wmr) if has_projection else \

        # returns the new state as a tuple with names but order matters
        return Function.NamedOutput(h=h)

    def rnn(dh, x):
        dhs = Sdh(dh)  # previous value, stabilized
        ht = activation (times(x, W) + times(dhs, H) + b)
        h = times(Sht(ht), Wmr) if has_projection else \
        return Function.NamedOutput(h=h)

    function = {
        'RNNUnit': rnn,
        'GRU':     gru,
        'LSTM':    lstm

    # return the corresponding lambda as a CNTK Function
    return BlockFunction(type, name)(function)
文件: blocks.py 项目: zhal-x/CNTK
def LSTM(shape, cell_shape=None, use_peepholes=use_peepholes_default_or_False,
         init=init_default_or_glorot_uniform, init_bias=init_bias_default_or_0,
         enable_self_stabilization=enable_self_stabilization_default_or_False): # (x, (h, c))

    use_peepholes             = use_peepholes             if _is_given(use_peepholes)             else _current_default_options.use_peepholes
    enable_self_stabilization = enable_self_stabilization if _is_given(enable_self_stabilization) else _current_default_options.enable_self_stabilization
    has_projection = cell_shape is not None
    has_aux = False

    if has_aux:
        UntestedBranchError("LSTM, has_aux option")

    shape = _as_tuple(shape)

    cell_shape = _as_tuple(cell_shape) if cell_shape is not None else shape
    if len(shape) != 1 or len(cell_shape) != 1:
        raise ValueError("LSTM: shape and cell_shape must be vectors (rank-1 tensors)")
        # otherwise we'd need to fix slicing and Param initializers

    stack_axis = -1  # stacking along the fastest-changing one, to match BS
    # determine stacking dimensions
    cell_shape_list = list(cell_shape)
    stacked_dim = cell_shape_list[0]
    cell_shape_list[stack_axis] = stacked_dim*4
    cell_shape_stacked = tuple(cell_shape_list)  # patched dims with stack_axis duplicated 4 times

    # parameters
    b  = Parameter(            cell_shape_stacked, init=init_bias, name='b')                              # a bias
    W  = Parameter(_INFERRED + cell_shape_stacked, init=init,      name='W')                              # input
    A  = Parameter(_INFERRED + cell_shape_stacked, init=init,      name='A') if has_aux else None         # aux input (optional)
    H  = Parameter(shape     + cell_shape_stacked, init=init,      name='H')                              # hidden-to-hidden
    Ci = Parameter(            cell_shape,         init=init,      name='Ci') if use_peepholes else None  # cell-to-hiddden {note: applied elementwise}
    Cf = Parameter(            cell_shape,         init=init,      name='Cf') if use_peepholes else None  # cell-to-hiddden {note: applied elementwise}
    Co = Parameter(            cell_shape,         init=init,      name='Co') if use_peepholes else None  # cell-to-hiddden {note: applied elementwise}

    Wmr = Parameter(cell_shape + shape, init=init) if has_projection else None  # final projection

    Sdh = Stabilizer() if enable_self_stabilization else identity
    Sdc = Stabilizer() if enable_self_stabilization else identity
    Sct = Stabilizer() if enable_self_stabilization else identity
    Sht = Stabilizer() if enable_self_stabilization else identity

    def create_hc_placeholder():
        # we pass the known dimensions here, which makes dimension inference easier
        return (Placeholder(shape=shape, name='hPh'), Placeholder(shape=cell_shape, name='cPh')) # (h, c)

    # parameters to model function
    x = Placeholder(name='lstm_block_arg')
    prev_state = create_hc_placeholder()

    # formula of model function
    dh, dc = prev_state

    dhs = Sdh(dh)  # previous values, stabilized
    dcs = Sdc(dc)
    # note: input does not get a stabilizer here, user is meant to do that outside

    # projected contribution from input(s), hidden, and bias
    proj4 = b + times(x, W) + times(dhs, H) + times(aux, A) if has_aux else \
            b + times(x, W) + times(dhs, H)

    it_proj  = slice (proj4, stack_axis, 0*stacked_dim, 1*stacked_dim)  # split along stack_axis
    bit_proj = slice (proj4, stack_axis, 1*stacked_dim, 2*stacked_dim)
    ft_proj  = slice (proj4, stack_axis, 2*stacked_dim, 3*stacked_dim)
    ot_proj  = slice (proj4, stack_axis, 3*stacked_dim, 4*stacked_dim)

    # add peephole connection if requested
    def peep(x, c, C):
        return x + C * c if use_peepholes else x

    it = sigmoid (peep (it_proj, dcs, Ci))        # input gate(t)
    bit = it * tanh (bit_proj)                    # applied to tanh of input network

    ft = sigmoid (peep (ft_proj, dcs, Cf))        # forget-me-not gate(t)
    bft = ft * dc                                 # applied to cell(t-1)

    ct = bft + bit                                # c(t) is sum of both

    ot = sigmoid (peep (ot_proj, Sct(ct), Co))    # output gate(t)
    ht = ot * tanh (ct)                           # applied to tanh(cell(t))

    c = ct                                        # cell value
    h = times(Sht(ht), Wmr) if has_projection else \

    _name_node(h, 'h')
    if _trace_layers:
        _log_node(h)  # this looks right
    _name_node(c, 'c')

    # TODO: figure out how to do scoping, and also rename all the apply... to expression
    apply_x_h_c = combine ([h, c])
    # return to caller a helper function to create placeholders for recurrence
    # Note that this function will only exist in the object returned here, but not any cloned version of it.
    apply_x_h_c.create_placeholder = create_hc_placeholder
    #return Block(apply_x_h_c, 'LSTM') # BUGBUG: fails with "RuntimeError: A Function instance with more than one output cannot be implicitly converted to a Variable"
    return apply_x_h_c
def _Infer(shape, axis):
    from cntk.utils import Record, _as_tuple
    return Record(shape=_as_tuple(shape), axis=axis, with_shape = lambda new_shape: _Infer(new_shape, axis))
文件: blocks.py 项目: zgsxwsdxg/CNTK
def LSTM(shape,
         enable_self_stabilization=False):  # (x, (h, c))
    has_projection = cell_shape is not None
    has_aux = False

    if has_aux:
        UntestedBranchError("LSTM, has_aux option")
    if enable_self_stabilization:
        UntestedBranchError("LSTM, enable_self_stabilization option")

    shape = _as_tuple(shape)

    cell_shape = _as_tuple(cell_shape) if cell_shape is not None else shape

    #stack_axis = -1  #
    stack_axis = 0  # BUGBUG: should be -1, i.e. the fastest-changing one, to match BS
    # determine stacking dimensions
    cell_shape_list = list(cell_shape)
    stacked_dim = cell_shape_list[0]
    cell_shape_list[stack_axis] = stacked_dim * 4
    cell_shape_stacked = tuple(
        cell_shape_list)  # patched dims with stack_axis duplicated 4 times

    # parameters
    b = Parameter(cell_shape_stacked, init=init_bias, name='b')  # a bias
    W = Parameter(_inf.shape + cell_shape_stacked, init=init,
                  name='W')  # input
    A = Parameter(_inf.shape + cell_shape_stacked, init=init,
                  name='A') if has_aux else None  # aux input (optional)
    H = Parameter(shape + cell_shape_stacked, init=init,
                  name='H')  # hidden-to-hidden
    Ci = Parameter(
        cell_shape, init=init, name='Ci'
    ) if use_peepholes else None  # cell-to-hiddden {note: applied elementwise}
    Cf = Parameter(
        cell_shape, init=init, name='Cf'
    ) if use_peepholes else None  # cell-to-hiddden {note: applied elementwise}
    Co = Parameter(
        cell_shape, init=init, name='Co'
    ) if use_peepholes else None  # cell-to-hiddden {note: applied elementwise}

    Wmr = ParameterTensor(
        cell_shape + shape, init=init, init_value_scale=init_value_scale
    ) if has_projection else None  # final projection

    Sdh = Stabilizer(_inf=_inf.with_shape(
        shape)) if enable_self_stabilization else Identity(
    Sdc = Stabilizer(_inf=_inf.with_shape(
        cell_shape)) if enable_self_stabilization else Identity(
    Sct = Stabilizer(_inf=_inf.with_shape(
        cell_shape)) if enable_self_stabilization else Identity(
    Sht = Stabilizer(_inf=_inf.with_shape(
        shape)) if enable_self_stabilization else Identity(

    def create_hc_placeholder():
        return (Placeholder(_inf=_inf.with_shape(shape), name='hPh'),
                            name='cPh'))  # (h, c)

    # parameters to model function
    x = Placeholder(_inf=_inf, name='lstm_block_arg')
    prev_state = create_hc_placeholder()

    # formula of model function
    dh, dc = prev_state

    dhs = Sdh(dh)  # previous values, stabilized
    dcs = Sdc(dc)
    # note: input does not get a stabilizer here, user is meant to do that outside

    # projected contribution from input(s), hidden, and bias
    proj4 = b + times(x, W) + times(dhs, H) + times(aux, A) if has_aux else \
            b + times(x, W) + times(dhs, H)

    it_proj = slice(proj4, stack_axis, 0 * stacked_dim,
                    1 * stacked_dim)  # split along stack_axis
    bit_proj = slice(proj4, stack_axis, 1 * stacked_dim, 2 * stacked_dim)
    ft_proj = slice(proj4, stack_axis, 2 * stacked_dim, 3 * stacked_dim)
    ot_proj = slice(proj4, stack_axis, 3 * stacked_dim, 4 * stacked_dim)

    # add peephole connection if requested
    def peep(x, c, C):
        return x + C * c if use_peepholes else x

    it = sigmoid(peep(it_proj, dcs, Ci))  # input gate(t)
    bit = it * tanh(bit_proj)  # applied to tanh of input network

    ft = sigmoid(peep(ft_proj, dcs, Cf))  # forget-me-not gate(t)
    bft = ft * dc  # applied to cell(t-1)

    ct = bft + bit  # c(t) is sum of both

    ot = sigmoid(peep(ot_proj, Sct(ct), Co))  # output gate(t)
    ht = ot * tanh(ct)  # applied to tanh(cell(t))

    c = ct  # cell value
    h = times(Sht(ht), Wmr) if has_projection else \

    _name_node(h, 'h')
    if _trace_layers:
        _log_node(h)  # this looks right
    _name_node(c, 'c')

    # TODO: figure out how to do scoping, and also rename all the apply... to expression
    apply_x_h_c = combine([h, c])
    # return to caller a helper function to create placeholders for recurrence
    apply_x_h_c.create_placeholder = create_hc_placeholder
    _name_and_extend_Function(apply_x_h_c, 'LSTM')
    return apply_x_h_c
文件: blocks.py 项目: zgsxwsdxg/CNTK
 def __call__(self, *args):
     return _apply(self, _as_tuple(args))
文件: blocks.py 项目: zgsxwsdxg/CNTK
def _Infer(shape, axis):
    return Record(shape=_as_tuple(shape),
                  with_shape=lambda new_shape: _Infer(new_shape, axis))