def do_highlight_C(highlight_cursor, faces, points):
    global self_model, self_proj, self_view

    # the gluProject helper retrieve those for us 
    # but calling this once is a good time save speedup 
    model = glGetDoublev( GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX )
    proj = glGetDoublev( GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX )
    view = glGetIntegerv( GL_VIEWPORT )

    # same camera ?
    def same_float_array(X, Y):
        Z = X - Y
        for i in Z:
            for j in i:
                if abs(j) > 0.00001:
                    return False
        return True

    V = view == self_view
    if not isinstance(V, bool):
        V = V.all()
    same_camera = V and \
        same_float_array(model, self_model) and \
        same_float_array(proj, self_proj)

    self_model = model
    self_proj = proj
    self_view = view

    cursor = Point2D(*highlight_cursor)

    if not same_camera:
        with benchmark('glu'):

            model_as_list = model[0].tolist() + \
                model[1].tolist() + \
                model[2].tolist() + \
            proj_as_list = proj[0].tolist() + \
                proj[1].tolist() + \
                proj[2].tolist() + \
            view_as_list = view.tolist()

            projall(model_as_list, proj_as_list, view_as_list)

    with benchmark('python'):
        hits = gethits(cursor.x, cursor.y)

        display_hits(hits, points)
        return True
文件: cgeom.py 项目: bsergean/oglshow
from scene import ArgsOptions, load
from cobj import setup, projall, gethits

def scene2c():
    ao = ArgsOptions()
    options = [ao.options.fn, ao.options.verbose, ao.options.procedural]
    return load(*options)

sc = scene2c()
print sc

setup([p.pos for p in sc.objets[0].g.points], sc.objets[0].g.faces)

model = [
    -0.62869209, 0.77656037, -0.04123428, 0., 0.22454762, 0.13051406,
    -0.9656834, 0., -0.74452978, -0.61637658, -0.25642794, 0. - 0.03640071,
    -0.0022433, -0.45071667, 1.
proj = [
    3.02691031, 0., 0., 0., 0., 3.4874146, 0., 0., 0., 0., -1.01390326, -1.,
    -0., -0., -0.01119764, -0.
view = [0, 0, 674, 585]

projall(model, proj, view)

gethits(50, 50)
文件: cgeom.py 项目: bsergean/oglshow
from scene import ArgsOptions, load
from cobj import setup, projall, gethits

def scene2c():
    ao = ArgsOptions()
    options = [ao.options.fn,
    return load(*options)

sc = scene2c()
print sc

setup([p.pos for p in sc.objets[0].g.points], 

model = [-0.62869209,  0.77656037 , -0.04123428  , 0. ,
  0.22454762,  0.13051406 , -0.9656834   , 0. ,      
 -0.74452978, -0.61637658 , -0.25642794  , 0.        
 -0.03640071, -0.0022433  , -0.45071667  , 1.        ]
proj = [ 3.02691031,  0.         ,  0.          , 0.        ,
  0.        ,  3.4874146  ,  0.          , 0.        ,
  0.        ,  0.         , -1.01390326, -1.        ,
 -0.        , -0.         , -0.01119764, -0.        ]
view = [  0,   0, 674, 585]

projall(model, proj, view)

gethits(50, 50)