def generateActions(self):
        table = actionTable.ActionTable()
        curTime = 0
        vStart, vLessThan, vSteps = self.vRange
        dv = float(vLessThan - vStart) / float(vSteps)
        dt = decimal.Decimal(self.settlingTime)

        for step in range(vSteps):
            # Move to next polarization rotator voltage.
            vTarget = vStart + step * dv
            table.addAction(curTime, self.lineHandler, vTarget)
            curTime += dt
            # Image the sample.
            for cameras, lightTimePairs in self.exposureSettings:
                curTime = self.expose(curTime, cameras, lightTimePairs, table)
                # Advance the time very slightly so that all exposures
                # are strictly ordered.
                curTime += decimal.Decimal('.001')
            # Hold the rotator angle constant during the exposure.
            table.addAction(curTime, self.lineHandler, vTarget)
            # Advance time slightly so all actions are sorted (e.g. we
            # don't try to change angle and phase in the same timestep).
            curTime += dt

        return table
    def generateActions(self):
        table = actionTable.ActionTable()
        curTime = 0
        prevAltitude = None
        numZSlices = int(math.ceil(self.zHeight / self.sliceHeight))
        if self.zHeight > 1e-6:
            # Non-2D experiment; tack on an extra image to hit the top of
            # the volume.
            numZSlices += 1
        for zIndex in range(numZSlices):
            # Move to the next position, then wait for the stage to 
            # stabilize.
            zTarget = self.zStart + self.sliceHeight * zIndex
            motionTime, stabilizationTime = 0, 0
            if prevAltitude is not None:
                motionTime, stabilizationTime = self.zPositioner.getMovementTime(prevAltitude, zTarget)
                motionTime *= 1000
                stabilizationTime *= 1000
            curTime += motionTime
            table.addAction(curTime, self.zPositioner, zTarget)
            curTime += stabilizationTime
            prevAltitude = zTarget

            # Image the sample.
            for cameras, lightTimePairs in self.exposureSettings:
                curTime = self.expose(curTime, cameras, lightTimePairs, table)
                # Advance the time very slightly so that all exposures
                # are strictly ordered.
                curTime += decimal.Decimal('1e-10')
            # Hold the Z motion flat during the exposure.
            table.addAction(curTime, self.zPositioner, zTarget)

        # Move back to the start so we're ready for the next rep.
        motionTime, stabilizationTime = self.zPositioner.getMovementTime(
                self.zHeight, 0)
        motionTime *= 1000
        stabilizationTime *= 1000
        curTime += motionTime
        table.addAction(curTime, self.zPositioner, self.zStart)
        # Hold flat for the stabilization time, and any time needed for
        # the cameras to be ready. Only needed if we're doing multiple
        # reps, so we can proceed immediately to the next one.
        cameraReadyTime = 0
        if self.numReps > 1:
            for cameras, lightTimePairs in self.exposureSettings:
                for camera in cameras:
                    cameraReadyTime = max(cameraReadyTime,
                            self.getTimeWhenCameraCanExpose(table, camera))
        table.addAction(max(curTime + stabilizationTime, cameraReadyTime),
                self.zPositioner, self.zStart)

        return table
 def generateActions(self, multiplier, activeCameras):
     table = actionTable.ActionTable()
     curTime = 0
     for cameras, lightTimePairs in self.exposureSettings:
         usedCams = activeCameras.intersection(cameras)
         if usedCams:
             settings = []
             for light, time in lightTimePairs:
                 # We can't actually have a zero exposure time.
                 exposureTime = max(time * multiplier,
                 settings.append((light, exposureTime))
             for i in range(self.numExposures):
                 curTime = self.expose(curTime, usedCams, settings, table)
     return table
 def generateActions(self, exposureTime):
     table = actionTable.ActionTable()
     curTime = 0
     allCams = set(self.cameras)
     for cameras, lightTimePairs in self.exposureSettings:
         usedCams = allCams.intersection(cameras)
         if usedCams:
             settings = []
             for light, time in lightTimePairs:
                 # We can't actually have a zero exposure time, so use
                 # 1ns as a minimum.
                 exposureTime = max(exposureTime, decimal.Decimal('.000001'))
                 settings.append((light, exposureTime))
             for i in range(self.numExposures):
                 curTime = self.expose(curTime, usedCams, settings, table)
     return table
    def generateActions(self):
        table = actionTable.ActionTable()
        curTime = 0
        for cameras, lightTimePairs in self.exposureSettings:
            # Start the stage at the bottom.
            table.addAction(curTime, self.zPositioner, 0)
            # Ensure our exposure is at least as long as the time needed to
            # move through the sample.
            motionTime, stabilizationTime = self.zPositioner.getMovementTime(
                0, self.zHeight)
            # Image the sample.
            curTime = self.expose(curTime, cameras, lightTimePairs, table)

            # End the exposure with the stage at the top.
            table.addAction(curTime, self.zPositioner, self.zHeight)
            curTime += stabilizationTime
            # Move back to the start so we're ready for the next set of cameras
            # or the next rep.
            motionTime, stabilizationTime = self.zPositioner.getMovementTime(
                self.zHeight, 0)
            curTime += motionTime
            table.addAction(curTime, self.zPositioner, 0)
            # Hold flat for the stabilization time, and any time needed for
            # the cameras to be ready. Only needed if we're doing multiple
            # reps, so we can proceed immediately to the next one.
            cameraReadyTime = 0
            if self.numReps > 1:
                for cameras, lightTimePairs in self.exposureSettings:
                    for camera in cameras:
                        cameraReadyTime = max(
                            self.getTimeWhenCameraCanExpose(table, camera))
                    max(curTime + stabilizationTime, cameraReadyTime),
                    self.zPositioner, 0)

        return table
    def generateActions(self):
        table = actionTable.ActionTable()
        curTime = 0
        prevAngle, prevZ, prevPhase = None, None, None

        # Set initial angle and phase, if relevant. We assume the SLM (if any)
        # is already showing the correct pattern for the first image set.
        # Increment the time slightly after each "motion" so that actions are well-ordered.
        if self.angleHandler is not None:
            theta = self.angleHandler.indexedPosition(0)
            table.addAction(curTime, self.angleHandler, theta)
            curTime += decimal.Decimal('1e-6')
        if self.phaseHandler is not None:
            table.addAction(curTime, self.phaseHandler, 0)
            curTime += decimal.Decimal('1')
        table.addAction(curTime, self.zPositioner, self.zStart)
        curTime += decimal.Decimal('1')

        if self.slmHandler is not None:
            # Add a first trigger of the SLM to get first new image.
            table.addAction(curTime, self.slmHandler, 0)
            # Wait a few ms for any necessary SLM triggers.
            curTime = decimal.Decimal('5e-3')

        for angle, phase, z in self.genSIPositions():
            delayBeforeImaging = 0
            # Figure out which positions changed. They need to be held flat
            # up until the move, then spend some amount of time moving,
            # then have some time to stabilize. Or, if we have an SLM, then we
            # need to trigger it and then wait for it to stabilize.
            # Ensure we truly are doing this after all exposure events are done.
            curTime = max(
                table.getFirstAndLastActionTimes()[1] +
            if angle != prevAngle and prevAngle is not None:
                if self.angleHandler is not None:
                    theta = self.angleHandler.indexedPosition(angle)
                    motionTime, stabilizationTime = self.angleHandler.getMovementTime(
                        prevAngle, theta)
                    # Move to the next position.
                    table.addAction(curTime + motionTime, self.angleHandler,
                    delayBeforeImaging = max(delayBeforeImaging,
                                             motionTime + stabilizationTime)
                # Advance time slightly so all actions are sorted (e.g. we
                # don't try to change angle and phase in the same timestep).
                curTime += decimal.Decimal('.001')

            if phase != prevPhase and prevPhase is not None:
                if self.phaseHandler is not None:
                    motionTime, stabilizationTime = self.phaseHandler.getMovementTime(
                        prevPhase, phase)
                    # Hold flat.
                    table.addAction(curTime, self.phaseHandler, prevPhase)
                    # Move to the next position.
                    table.addAction(curTime + motionTime, self.phaseHandler,
                    delayBeforeImaging = max(delayBeforeImaging,
                                             motionTime + stabilizationTime)
                # Advance time slightly so all actions are sorted (e.g. we
                # don't try to change angle and phase in the same timestep).
                curTime += decimal.Decimal('.001')

            if z != prevZ:
                if prevZ is not None:
                    motionTime, stabilizationTime = self.zPositioner.getMovementTime(
                        prevZ, z)
                    # Hold flat.
                    table.addAction(curTime, self.zPositioner, prevZ)
                    # Move to the next position.
                    table.addAction(curTime + motionTime, self.zPositioner, z)
                    delayBeforeImaging = max(delayBeforeImaging,
                                             motionTime + stabilizationTime)
                # Advance time slightly so all actions are sorted (e.g. we
                # don't try to change angle and phase in the same timestep).
                curTime += decimal.Decimal('.001')

            prevAngle = angle
            prevPhase = phase
            prevZ = z

            curTime += delayBeforeImaging
            # Image the sample.
            # expose handles the SLM triggers. This may result in an additional
            # short delay before exposure, but is the best way to support SIM
            # in a series of exposures at different wavelengths, with the SIM
            # pattern optimised for each wavelength.
            for cameras, lightTimePairs in self.exposureSettings:
                curTime = self.expose(curTime, cameras, lightTimePairs, angle,
                                      phase, table)

        # Hold Z, angle, and phase steady through to the end, then ramp down
        # to 0 to prep for the next experiment.
        table.addAction(curTime, self.zPositioner, prevZ)
        motionTime, stabilizationTime = self.zPositioner.getMovementTime(
            self.zHeight, self.zStart)
        table.addAction(curTime + motionTime, self.zPositioner, self.zStart)
        finalWaitTime = motionTime + stabilizationTime

        # Ramp down Z
        table.addAction(curTime + finalWaitTime, self.zPositioner, self.zStart)

        if self.angleHandler is not None:
            # Ramp down angle
            theta = self.angleHandler.indexedPosition(0)
            motionTime, stabilizationTime = self.angleHandler.getMovementTime(
                prevAngle, theta)
            table.addAction(curTime + motionTime, self.angleHandler, theta)
            finalWaitTime = max(finalWaitTime, motionTime + stabilizationTime)
        if self.phaseHandler is not None:
            # Ramp down phase
            table.addAction(curTime, self.phaseHandler, prevPhase)
            motionTime, stabilizationTime = self.phaseHandler.getMovementTime(
                prevPhase, 0)
            table.addAction(curTime + motionTime, self.phaseHandler, 0)
            finalWaitTime = max(finalWaitTime, motionTime + stabilizationTime)
        if self.polarizerHandler is not None:
            # Return to idle voltage.
            table.addAction(curTime, self.polarizerHandler, (0, 'default'))
            finalWaitTime = finalWaitTime + decimal.Decimal(1e-6)

        # Set SLM back to 0th image ready for next measurement in timelapse or multi-site.
        if self.slmHandler is not None:
            # Toggle the slmHandler's digital line handler to advance one frame.
            table.addToggle(curTime, self.slmHandler)

        return table