def indicateurs_thematiques( indicateurs_dir=paths.indicateurs_markdown_dir, thematiques_file=paths.thematique_markdown_file, ) -> None: """ Regenerate (overwrite) markdown files using thematiques """ markdown = load_md(thematiques_file) thematiques = build_thematiques(markdown) thematiques_lookup = {thematiques[id]: id for id in thematiques.keys()} indicateur_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(indicateurs_dir, "*.md")) for filename in indicateur_files: typer.echo(f"Processing {filename}...") md = load_md(filename) indicators = build_indicators(md) for indicator in indicators: # -- extract this for future regen function on indicator -- climat_pratic = indicator["climat_pratic"] indicator["climat_pratic_ids"] = [ thematiques_lookup[name] for name in climat_pratic ] # --- md = indicators_to_markdown_legacy_2(indicators) write(filename, md)
def mesures_thematiques( mesures_dir=paths.mesures_markdown_dir, thematiques_file=paths.thematique_markdown_file, ) -> None: """ Regenerate (overwrite) markdown files using thematiques """ markdown = load_md(thematiques_file) thematiques = build_thematiques(markdown) thematiques_lookup = {thematiques[id]: id for id in thematiques.keys()} mesures_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(mesures_dir, "*.md")) with typer.progressbar(mesures_files) as progress: for filename in progress: md = load_md(filename) mesure = build_mesure(md) # -- extract this for future regen function on mesures -- climat_pratic = mesure["climat_pratic"] mesure["climat_pratic_id"] = thematiques_lookup[climat_pratic] # --- md = mesure_to_markdown(mesure) write(filename, md) typer.echo(f"All {len(mesures_files)} 'mesures' were regenerated.")
def actions( mesures_markdown_dir=paths.mesures_markdown_dir, orientations_markdown_dir=paths.orientations_markdown_dir, client_output_dir=paths.shared_client_data_dir, shared_api_data_dir=paths.shared_api_data_dir, output_typescript=True, output_python=True, ) -> None: # citergie files = sorted_files(mesures_markdown_dir, "md") actions_citergie = [] for file in files: md = load_md(file) action = build_action(md) actions_citergie.append(action) relativize_ids(actions_citergie, "citergie") citergie = referentiel_from_actions(actions_citergie, id="citergie", name="Climat Air Énergie") # economie circulaire files = sorted_files(orientations_markdown_dir, "md") actions_economie_circulaire = [] for file in files: md = load_md(file) action = build_action(md) actions_economie_circulaire.append(action) relativize_ids(actions_economie_circulaire, "economie_circulaire") economie_circulaire = referentiel_from_actions( actions_economie_circulaire, id="economie_circulaire", name="Economie circulaire", ) all_actions = actions_citergie + actions_economie_circulaire all_actions = clean_thematiques(all_actions) all_actions = propagate_thematiques(all_actions) all_actions = remove_top_nodes(all_actions) if output_typescript: # actions list (soon to be deprecated) typescript = render_actions_as_typescript(all_actions) filename = os.path.join(client_output_dir, "actions_referentiels.ts") write(filename, typescript) # two referentiels typescript = render_actions_as_typescript( [citergie, economie_circulaire]) filename = os.path.join(client_output_dir, "referentiels.ts") write(filename, typescript) if output_python: python = render_actions_as_python([citergie, economie_circulaire]) filename = os.path.join(shared_api_data_dir, "") write(filename, python)
def thematiques( markdown_file: str = typer.Option(paths.thematique_markdown_file, "--markdown", "-md"), output_dir: str = typer.Option(paths.thematique_client_output_dir, "--output", "-o"), output_typescript: bool = typer.Option(True, "--typescript", "-ts"), output_json: bool = typer.Option(False, "--json"), ) -> None: """ Convert 'thematiques' markdown to code. """ markdown = load_md(markdown_file) thematiques = build_thematiques(markdown) if output_json: data = json.dumps(thematiques, indent=4) filename = os.path.join(output_dir, "thematiques.json") write(filename, data) if output_typescript: typescript = render_thematiques_as_typescript(thematiques) filename = os.path.join(output_dir, "thematiques.ts") write(filename, typescript) typer.echo(f"Rendered {len(thematiques)} 'thematiques' in {output_dir}.")
def shared( markdown_dir: str = paths.shared_markdown_dir, typescript: bool = True, client_output_dir: str = paths.shared_client_models_dir, python: bool = True, api_output_dir: str = paths.shared_api_models_dir, ) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ Generate shared definitions. """ files = glob.glob(os.path.join(markdown_dir, "*.md")) with typer.progressbar(files) as progress: for filename in progress: if filename[-6:] == "": continue typer.echo(f"Processing {filename}...") md = load_md(filename) if typescript: outputs = render_markdown_as_typescript(md) for name, content in outputs: write(os.path.join(client_output_dir, name), content) if python: outputs = render_markdown_as_python(md) for name, content in outputs: write(os.path.join(api_output_dir, name), content) typer.echo(f"Processed {len(files)} shared definitions.")
def test_build_thematiques() -> None: """Test that thématique markdown file is parsed""" markdown = load_md( "../referentiels/markdown/thematiques_climat_pratic/") thematiques = build_thematiques(markdown) assert "strategie" in thematiques.keys() assert "Stratégie" in thematiques.values()
def test_build_action_with_mesure(): """Test that a specific mesure is parsed correctly""" md = load_md("../referentiels/markdown/mesures_citergie/") mesure = build_action(md) assert mesure assert set(mesure.keys()) == { "nom", "actions", "description", "exemples", "contexte", "ressources", "preuve", "id", "points", "climat_pratic_id", } assert mesure["id"] == "1.1.1" assert len(mesure["description"]) > 10 assert len(mesure["actions"]) == 7 for action in mesure["actions"]: assert str(action["id"]).startswith(mesure["id"]) assert len(action["nom"]) > 10
def indicateurs_universal( indicateurs_old_dir="../referentiels/markdown/indicateurs_citergie", indicateurs_dir="../referentiels/markdown/indicateurs", ) -> None: """ Regenerate (overwrite) markdown files in a new format """ old_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(indicateurs_old_dir, "*.md")) for filename in old_files: typer.echo(f"Processing {filename}...") md = load_md(filename) indicateurs = build_indicators(md) new_md = "" for indicateur in indicateurs: # -- extract this for future regen function on indicator -- indicateur["id"] = "cae-" + str(indicateur["id"]) indicateur["actions"] = [] for mesure_id in indicateur["mesures"]: indicateur["actions"].append("climat_air_energie/" + mesure_id) indicateur["obligation_cae"] = indicateur["obligation_citergie"] indicateur["programmes"] = ["climat_air_energie"] if indicateur["pcaet"]: indicateur["programmes"].append("pcaet") new_md += indicateur_to_markdown(indicateur) + "\n" # --- base_name = os.path.basename(filename) number = re.findall(r"\d+", base_name)[0] new_filename = f"cae_{int(number):03d}.md" write(os.path.join(indicateurs_dir, new_filename), new_md)
def test_parse_all_definitions(): """Test that all definition files are not breaking""" files = glob.glob(os.path.join("definitions/shared", "*.md")) for filename in files: md = load_md(filename) definitions = parse_definitions(md) assert definitions for definition in definitions: assert isinstance(definition["yaml"], dict)
def test_render_thematiques_as_typescript() -> None: """Test that parsed thématiques renders as TypeScript""" markdown = load_md( "../referentiels/markdown/thematiques_climat_pratic/") thematiques = build_thematiques(markdown) rendered = render_thematiques_as_typescript(thematiques) for id, name in thematiques.items(): assert id in rendered assert name in rendered
def _render_actions_as_typescript(files: List[str]) -> None: assert files actions = [] for file in files: md = load_md(file) action = build_action(md) actions.append(action) typescript = render_actions_as_typescript(actions) env = build_jinja_environment() to_json = env.get_template("tests/single_value_to_json.j2") for action in actions: nom_json = to_json.render(value=action["nom"]) assert escape_to_html(nom_json) in typescript
def test_build_action_with_orientation(): """Test that a specific orientation is parsed correctly""" md = load_md( "../referentiels/markdown/orientations_economie_circulaire/") orientation = build_action(md) assert orientation assert orientation["id"] == "1.1" assert ( orientation["nom"] == "Définir une stratégie globale de la politique Economie Circulaire et assurer un portage politique fort" ) assert len(orientation["description"]) > 10 assert len(orientation["actions"]) == 5 for action in orientation["actions"]: assert str(action["id"]).startswith(orientation["id"]) assert len(action["nom"]) >= 10
def mesures_nested_actions(mesures_dir=paths.mesures_markdown_dir, ) -> None: """ Regenerate (overwrite) markdown files using nested actions """ mesures_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(mesures_dir, "*.md")) count = 0 with typer.progressbar(mesures_files) as progress: for filename in progress: md = load_md(filename) # todo make this recursive. mesure = build_mesure(md) for action in mesure["actions"]: if "description" not in action.keys(): continue action["actions"] = [] description = str(action["description"]) stripped_description = "" lines = description.splitlines() for line in lines: if line.startswith("- "): index = len(action["actions"]) + 1 action["actions"].append({ "id": f"{action['id']}.{index}", "nom": line.lstrip("- "), }) elif action[ "actions"]: # the line does is not an item, add it to the current action description line = line.strip() if line: stripped_description += f"{line}\n" if action[ "actions"]: # we have consumed the description lines to create sub actions count += len(action["actions"]) action["description"] = stripped_description md = mesure_to_markdown(mesure) # temp_name = os.path.join("../referentiels/markdown/mesures_temp", os.path.basename(filename)) write(filename, md) typer.echo( f"All {len(mesures_files)} 'mesures' were regenerated extracting {count} 'tasks'." )
def indicateurs( indicateurs_markdown_dir: str = typer.Option( paths.indicateurs_markdown_dir, "--markdown", "-md"), client_output_dir: str = paths.shared_client_data_dir, typescript: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Convert 'indicateurs' markdown files to code. """ files = sorted_files(indicateurs_markdown_dir, "md") indicators = [] for filename in files: typer.echo(f"Processing {filename}...") md = load_md(filename) indicators.extend(indicateurs_builder(md)) if typescript: rendered = render_indicators_as_typescript(indicators) filename = os.path.join(client_output_dir, "indicateurs_referentiels.ts") write(filename, rendered) typer.echo(f"Rendered {len(files)} 'indicateurs' in {client_output_dir}.")
def test_build_indicators(): """Test that a specific collection of indicators is parsed correctly""" md = load_md("../referentiels/markdown/indicateurs/") indicators = indicateurs_builder(md) assert len(indicators) == 10
def get_thematiques( markdown_file="../referentiels/markdown/thematiques_climat_pratic/", ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Returns thématiques built from markdown file""" markdown = load_md(markdown_file) return build_thematiques(markdown)
def test_render_markdown_as_python(): md = load_md("definitions/shared/") output = render_markdown_as_python(md) assert output
def correspondance_table( orientations_dir=orientations_markdown_dir, correspondance_file: str = "../referentiels/sources/dteci_correspondance.json", output_dir: str = "../referentiels/data", ) -> None: """ Regenerate (overwrite) markdown files in a new format """ files = sorted_files(orientations_dir, "md") actions_economie_circulaire = [] for file in files: md = load_md(file) action = build_action(md) action["climat_pratic_id"] = "eci" actions_economie_circulaire.append(action) # relativize_ids(actions_economie_circulaire, 'economie_circulaire') economie_circulaire = referentiel_from_actions( actions_economie_circulaire, id="economie_circulaire", name="Economie circulaire", ) def actionById(id: str, actions: List[dict]) -> dict: for action in actions: if action["id"] == id: return action elif id.startswith(action["id"]): return actionById(id, action["actions"]) def parentId(action: dict) -> str: ns = action["id"].split(".") ns.pop() return ".".join(ns) with open(correspondance_file, encoding="utf-8") as file: axes = json.load(file) for axe in axes: for orientation in axe["orientations"]: for niveau in orientation["niveaux"]: id = niveau["id"] action = actionById(id, economie_circulaire["actions"]) print(id) if not action or "indicateur" not in niveau.keys(): continue indicateur = niveau["indicateur"] # handle oui non if "question" in indicateur.keys(): question = indicateur["question"] if action["actions"]: # ex 3.1.1 indicateur[ "raison"] = f"{len(action['actions'])} actions pour un seul niveau en oui non" continue question["oui"]["faite"] = [action["id"]] # handle many oui non elif "questions" in indicateur.keys(): questions = indicateur["questions"] if not action["actions"]: indicateur[ "raison"] = "Pas de sous actions pour plusieurs oui non" continue noms = [action["nom"] for action in action["actions"]] for question in questions.keys(): choice, score = process.extractOne(question, noms) chosen = [ action for action in action["actions"] if action["nom"] == choice ][0] questions[question]["oui"]["faite"] = [ chosen["id"] ] questions[question]["oui"]["raison"] = ( f'"{action["id"]} {option["nom"]}" ' f'ressemble à {score}% à "{choice}"') # handle fonction elif "fonction" in indicateur.keys(): indicateur[ "raison"] = "Pas de correspondance pour une fonction" # handle interval elif "interval" in indicateur.keys(): indicateur[ "raison"] = "Pas de correspondance pour des intervalles de valeurs" # handle intervalles elif "intervalles" in indicateur.keys(): indicateur[ "raison"] = "Pas de correspondance pour des intervalles de valeurs" # handle checkboxes elif "choix" in indicateur.keys(): choix = indicateur["choix"] if not action["actions"]: indicateur[ "raison"] = f"pas de sous actions à {action['id']} pour ce niveau à choix multiple" continue if len(choix) > len(action["actions"]): indicateur[ "raison"] = f"plus d'options ({len(choix)}) que d'actions ({len(action['actions'])})" continue noms = [action["nom"] for action in action["actions"]] for option in choix: choice, score = process.extractOne( option["nom"], noms) chosen = [ action for action in action["actions"] if action["nom"] == choice ][0] option["faite"] = [chosen["id"]] option[ "raison"] = f'"{action["id"]} {option["nom"]}" ressemble à {score}% à "{choice}"' # handle dropdown elif "liste" in indicateur.keys(): liste = indicateur["liste"] if not action["actions"]: indicateur[ "raison"] = f"pas de sous actions à {action['id']} pour ce niveau à liste" continue if len(liste) > len(action["actions"]): indicateur[ "raison"] = f"plus d'options ({len(liste)}) que d'actions ({len(action['actions'])})" continue noms = [action["nom"] for action in action["actions"]] for option in liste: choice, score = process.extractOne( option["nom"], noms) chosen = [ action for action in action["actions"] if action["nom"] == choice ][0] i = int(chosen["id"].split(".")[-1]) option["faite"] = [chosen["id"]] option["faite"] = [ f"{parentId(chosen)}.{n}" for n in range(1, i + 1) ] option[ "raison"] = f'"{action["id"]} {option["nom"]}" ressemble à {score}% à "{choice}"' print(option["faite"]) write( os.path.join(output_dir, "correspondance_table.json"), json.dumps(axes, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False), )