def getCityDirectEdgePairs(file): #db = MySQLdb.connect('', 'root', 'admin', 'pythondb', charset="gbk") print mod_config.dbhost, mod_config.dbuser, mod_config.dbpassword, mod_config.dbname, mod_config.dbcharset db = MySQLdb.connect(mod_config.dbhost, mod_config.dbuser, mod_config.dbpassword, mod_config.dbname, charset=mod_config.dbcharset) cursor = db.cursor() fs =, 'w+', encoding='utf-8') try: mysql = 'select departure,city from citynote' cursor.execute(mysql) results = cursor.fetchall() for row in results: departure = row[0] destination = row[1] pair = departure + "," + destination #print pair if pair in directEdgeSet: directEdgeMap[pair] += 1 else: directEdgeMap[pair] = 1 directEdgeSet.add(pair) sum = 0 for key, value in directEdgeMap.items(): pairs = key.strip('\r\n') items = string.split(pairs, ',') toponym1 = coords[items[0]] toponym2 = coords[items[1]] lat1 = toponym1['lat'] lng1 = toponym1['lng'] lat2 = toponym2['lat'] lng2 = toponym2['lng'] distance = geoutil.getPointDistance(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) weight = 0 if distance > 0: weight = value / distance print items[0], toponym1, items[1], toponym2, distance fs.write(key + "," + str(value) + "," + str(distance) + "," + str(weight) + "\r\n") # fs.write(key+","+str(value)+"\r\n") #print key,value sum += value fs.flush() fs.close() print len(directEdgeMap), sum except Exception, msg: print msg
def getSpotDirectEdgePairs(file): db = MySQLdb.connect( mod_config.dbhost, mod_config.dbuser, mod_config.dbpassword, mod_config.dbname, charset=mod_config.dbcharset ) #'', 'root', 'admin', 'pythondb', charset='utf8') cursor = db.cursor() fs =, 'w+', encoding='utf8') try: mysql = 'select departure,city,spot,url from note limit 0,' + str( MAXROW) cursor.execute(mysql) results = cursor.fetchall() sqlindex = 1 directCitySpotEdgeMapUrls = set() for row in results: departure = row[0] destination = row[1] spot = row[1] + row[2] url = row[3] print "sqlindex=", sqlindex, url, departure, destination, spot sqlindex += 1 pair1 = departure + "," + destination pair11 = departure + "," + destination + "," + url # departure city -> destination city # print pair1 if pair1 in directCitySpotEdgeMap.keys(): if pair11 not in directCitySpotEdgeMapUrls: directCitySpotEdgeMap[pair1] += 1 else: directCitySpotEdgeMap[pair1] = 1 directCitySpotEdgeMapUrls.add(pair11) # destination city -> destination spot pair21 = destination + "," + spot pair22 = spot + "," + destination # print pair2 if pair21 in directSpotEdgeMap.keys(): directSpotEdgeMap[pair21] += 1 directSpotEdgeMap[pair22] += 1 else: directSpotEdgeMap[pair21] = 1 directSpotEdgeMap[pair22] = 1 if url not in directSpot2SpotEdgeMap.keys(): directSpot2SpotEdgeMap[url] = {} if destination not in directSpot2SpotEdgeMap[url].keys(): directSpot2SpotEdgeMap[url][destination] = set() directSpot2SpotEdgeMap[url][destination].add(spot) else: if destination not in directSpot2SpotEdgeMap[url].keys(): directSpot2SpotEdgeMap[url][destination] = set() directSpot2SpotEdgeMap[url][destination].add(spot) else: directSpot2SpotEdgeMap[url][destination].add(spot) spotindex = 1 for key, value in directSpot2SpotEdgeMap.items(): spotSet = () spotKey = '' for (k, v) in value.items(): spotKey = k spotSet = v lstValue = list(spotSet) print "spotindex=", spotindex, key, spotKey spotindex += 1 for i in range(0, len(lstValue)): for j in range(i + 1, len(lstValue)): pair31 = lstValue[i] + "," + lstValue[j] pair32 = lstValue[j] + "," + lstValue[i] #print pair31, pair32 if pair31 in directSpot2SpotEdgeMapWithWeight.keys(): directSpot2SpotEdgeMapWithWeight[pair31] += 1 directSpot2SpotEdgeMapWithWeight[pair32] += 1 elif pair32 in directSpot2SpotEdgeMapWithWeight.keys(): directSpot2SpotEdgeMapWithWeight[pair31] += 1 directSpot2SpotEdgeMapWithWeight[pair32] += 1 else: directSpot2SpotEdgeMapWithWeight[pair31] = 1 directSpot2SpotEdgeMapWithWeight[pair32] = 1 dataindex = 1 sum = 0 for key, value in directCitySpotEdgeMap.items(): print 'dataindex=', dataindex, key, value dataindex += 1 # key2 = key.rfind(',') # key = key[0:key2] pairs = key.strip('\r\n') items = string.split(pairs, ',') toponym1 = coords[items[0]] toponym2 = coords[items[1]] lat1 = toponym1['lat'] lng1 = toponym1['lng'] lat2 = toponym2['lat'] lng2 = toponym2['lng'] distance = geoutil.getPointDistance(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) weight = 0 if distance > 0: weight = value / distance print items[0], toponym1, items[1], toponym2, distance fs.write(key + "," + str(value) + "," + str(distance) + "," + str(weight) + "\r\n") #print key #fs.write(key + "," + str(value) + "\r\n") # print key, value sum += value for key, value in directSpotEdgeMap.items(): print 'dataindex=', dataindex, key, value dataindex += 1 pairs = key.strip('\r\n') items = string.split(pairs, ',') toponym1 = coords.get(items[0]) toponym2 = coords.get(items[1]) if toponym1 is None: print items[0], 'is None' elif toponym2 is None: print items[1], 'is None' if toponym1 is not None and toponym2 is not None: lat1 = toponym1.get('lat') lng1 = toponym1.get('lng') lat2 = toponym2.get('lat') lng2 = toponym2.get('lng') print items[0], items[1] distance = geoutil.getPointDistance(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) weight = 0 if distance > 0: weight = value / distance print items[0], toponym1, items[1], toponym2, distance fs.write(key + "," + str(value) + "," + str(distance) + "," + str(weight) + "\r\n") # fs.write(key + "," + str(value) + "\r\n") # print key, value sum += value for key, value in directSpot2SpotEdgeMapWithWeight.items(): print 'dataindex=', dataindex, key, value dataindex += 1 pairs = key.strip('\r\n') items = string.split(pairs, ',') toponym1 = coords[items[0]] toponym2 = coords[items[1]] lat1 = toponym1['lat'] lng1 = toponym1['lng'] lat2 = toponym2['lat'] lng2 = toponym2['lng'] distance = geoutil.getPointDistance(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) weight = 0 if distance > 0: weight = value / distance print items[0], toponym1, items[1], toponym2, distance fs.write(key + "," + str(value) + "," + str(distance) + "," + str(weight) + "\r\n") # fs.write(key + "," + str(value) + "\r\n") # print key, value sum += value fs.flush() fs.close() print len(directCitySpotEdgeMap), len(directSpotEdgeMap), len( directSpot2SpotEdgeMapWithWeight ), len(directCitySpotEdgeMap) + len(directSpotEdgeMap) + len( directSpot2SpotEdgeMapWithWeight), sum except Exception, msg: print msg
def computeGyration(): db = MySQLdb.connect(mod_config.dbhost, mod_config.dbuser, mod_config.dbpassword, mod_config.dbname, charset=mod_config.dbcharset) cursor = db.cursor() mysql = 'select distinct(uid) from user where finish = 0 limit 0,50000' cursor.execute(mysql) users = cursor.fetchall() getCoords() selectUserTravelSQL = 'select fromcity,toccity from citytravel where userid = %s' updateUserSQL = 'update user set gyration = %s, visitcity = %s, finish = 1 where uid = "%s"' #updateUserValues = [] index = 0 for user in users: cursor.execute(selectUserTravelSQL, (user, )) travels = cursor.fetchall() travelCount = 0 gyrationSum = 0.0 for travel in travels: fromcity = str(travel[0]) toccity = str(travel[1]) fromcity = fromcity.strip() toccity = toccity.strip() if fromcity == toccity: continue #print fromcity,toccity if fromcity not in coords.keys() or toccity not in coords.keys(): continue toponym1 = coords[fromcity] toponym2 = coords[toccity] lat1 = toponym1['lat'] lng1 = toponym1['lng'] lat2 = toponym2['lat'] lng2 = toponym2['lng'] distance = geoutil.getPointDistance(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) travelCount += 1 gyrationSum += distance now = int(time.time()) timeArray = time.localtime(now) otherStyleTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timeArray) if travelCount == 0: #print index, 'user='******'travelCount = ', travelCount, ', gyrationSum=', gyrationSum index += 1 updateUserSQL = 'update user set finish = 1 where uid = "%s"' % ( str(user[0]), ) cursor.execute(updateUserSQL) db.commit() continue gyration = gyrationSum / travelCount if index % 10 == 0: print index, otherStyleTime, 'user='******'travelCount = ', travelCount, ', gyrationSum=', gyrationSum, 'gyration', gyration #updateUserValues.append((gyration, travelCount, str(user[0]))) updateUserSQL = 'update user set finish = 1,gyration = %s, visitcity = %s where uid = "%s"' % ( gyration, travelCount, str(user[0])) #print updateUserSQL #if index % 10 == 0: #cursor.executemany(updateUserSQL,updateUserValues) cursor.execute(updateUserSQL) db.commit() #updateUserValues = [] index += 1
def gravityModel2(count, distance, file): fs =, 'w+', encoding='utf8') fs.write("id;pi;pj;dij;fij" + "\r\n") db = MySQLdb.connect(mod_config.dbhost, mod_config.dbuser, mod_config.dbpassword, mod_config.dbname, charset=mod_config.dbcharset) cursor = db.cursor() queryUserCountSQL = 'select cname,inflow,outflow from city' cursor.execute(queryUserCountSQL) rows = cursor.fetchall() userCountMap = {} inflowMap = {} outflowMap = {} for row in rows: key = str(row[0]) userCountMap[key] = row[1] inflowMap[key] = row[1] outflowMap[key] = row[2] getCoords() flowMap = {} index = 1 index1 = 1 index2 = 1 for city1 in allCities: key1 = str(city1[0]) index2 = 1 flowMap = {} flowSQL = "select toccity,count(*) from citytravel where fromcity = '" + key1 + "' group by toccity" cursor.execute(flowSQL) rows = cursor.fetchall() for row in rows: key = str(row[0]) flowMap[key] = row[1] for city2 in allCities: key2 = str(city2[0]) if key1 == key2: continue #pi = userCountMap[key1] #pj = userCountMap[key2] pi = inflowMap[key1] pj = outflowMap[key2] if pi < count or pj < count: continue toponym1 = coords[key1] toponym2 = coords[key2] lat1 = toponym1['lat'] lng1 = toponym1['lng'] lat2 = toponym2['lat'] lng2 = toponym2['lng'] dij = geoutil.getPointDistance(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) # flowSQL = "select count(*) from citytravel where fromcity = '"+str(key1)+"' and toccity = '"+str(key2)+"'" # print flowSQL # cursor.execute(flowSQL) # rows = cursor.fetchall() # fij = rows[0][0] if key2 in flowMap.keys(): fij = flowMap[key2] if fij > 0: print index, key1, key2, index1, index2, 'pi=', pi, 'pj=', pj, 'dij=', dij, 'fij=', fij fs.write( str(index) + ";" + str(pi) + ";" + str(pj) + ";" + str(dij) + ";" + str(fij) + "\r\n") index2 += 1 index += 1 index1 += 1 fs.flush() fs.close()