realsense_streamer = RealSense.RealSenseLib.RemoteRawCamera(ip)
                img_mode = True

    hue_filters = list()
    hs_filters = list()

    if os.path.isfile('markers_v1.json'):
        print "Loading marker information from markers_v1.json"
        hs_filters = ct.load_hs_filters('markers_v1.json', COLOR_MARGIN_HS)
        print hs_filters
    print "Computing markers information from ideal hue distribution"
    colors = cg.get_hsv_equispaced_hues(NUM_COLORS)

    for color in colors:
        h,_,_ = color
        threshold = COLOR_MARGIN*(360.0/NUM_COLORS)

        h_min = 2*h - threshold/2
        if h_min < 0:
            h_min += 360
        h_min /= 2

        h_max = 2*h + threshold/2
        if h_max > 360:
            h_max -= 360
        h_max /= 2
                    realsense_streamer = RealSense.RealSenseLib.RemoteRawCamera(
                img_mode = True

    hue_filters = list()
    hs_filters = list()

    if os.path.isfile('markers_v1.json'):
        print "Loading marker information from markers_v1.json"
        hs_filters = ct.load_hs_filters('markers_v1.json', COLOR_MARGIN_HS)
        print hs_filters
    print "Computing markers information from ideal hue distribution"
    colors = cg.get_hsv_equispaced_hues(NUM_COLORS)

    for color in colors:
        h, _, _ = color
        threshold = COLOR_MARGIN * (360.0 / NUM_COLORS)

        h_min = 2 * h - threshold / 2
        if h_min < 0:
            h_min += 360
        h_min /= 2

        h_max = 2 * h + threshold / 2
        if h_max > 360:
            h_max -= 360
        h_max /= 2
    def __init__(self):
        self.image_pub = rospy.Publisher("/RGB_img",Image)

        cv2.namedWindow("Image window", 1)
        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        self.image_quality = "sd"
        if self.image_quality == "qhd":
            self.image_height = 540;
            self.image_width = 960;
        elif self.image_quality == "hd":
            self.image_height = 1080;
            self.image_width = 1920;
        elif self.image_quality == "sd":
            self.image_height = 424;
            self.image_width = 512;

        self.image_topic = "/kinect2/" + self.image_quality + "/image_color_rect"
        self.depth_topic = "/kinect2/" + self.image_quality + "/image_depth_rect"
        self.cloud_topic = "/kinect2/" + self.image_quality + "/points"

        self.image_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.image_topic,Image,self.callback_img)
        # self.depth_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.depth_topic,Image,self.callback_depth)
        self.cloud_sub = rospy.Subscriber(self.cloud_topic,PointCloud2,self.callback_cloud)

        self.previous_time = time.clock()
        self.current_time = time.clock()

        self.cv_image = np.zeros((self.image_height,self.image_width,3), np.uint8)
        self.depth_image = np.zeros((self.image_height,self.image_width,1), np.uint8)
        self.hue_filters = list()
        self.hs_filters = list()

        self.points_rgb = np.zeros((0, 4), dtype=np.float32)
        # the return value of this algorithm is a list of centroids for the detected blobs
        self.centroids_xyz = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=np.float32) = 0.0 = 0.0
        self.h = 0.0
        self.contour = None
        self.contour_group = [] = PointCloud2()
        self.cloud_xyz = None
        self.centroid_xyz = []
        self.command = None

        if os.path.isfile('markers_v1.json'):
            print "Loading marker information from markers_v1.json"
            hs_filters = ct.load_hs_filters('markers_v1.json', COLOR_MARGIN_HS)
            print hs_filters
        print "Computing markers information from ideal hue distribution"
        colors = cg.get_hsv_equispaced_hues(NUM_COLORS)
        for color in colors:
            h,_,_ = color
            threshold = COLOR_MARGIN*(360.0/NUM_COLORS)

            h_min = 2*h - threshold/2
            if h_min < 0:
                h_min += 360
            h_min /= 2

            h_max = 2*h + threshold/2
            if h_max > 360:
                h_max -= 360
            h_max /= 2

            self.hue_filters.append((int(round(h_min)), int(round(h_max)), int(round(h))))
        print self.hue_filters