def __init__(self, json_file, json_log_size, exchange): self._lent = '' self._daysRemaining = '' self.output = JsonOutput(json_file, json_log_size, exchange) self.compactLog = bool(Config.get('BOT', 'jsonlogcompact', False)) self.refreshStatus() self.persistStatus()
def __init__(self, file, logLimit, exchange=''): self.jsonOutputFile = file self.jsonOutput = {} self.clearStatusValues() self.jsonOutputLog = RingBuffer(logLimit) self.jsonOutput['exchange'] = exchange self.jsonOutput['label'] = Config.get("BOT", "label", "Lending Bot")
def __init__(self, cfg, weblog): super(Poloniex, self).__init__(cfg, weblog) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.req_per_period = 6 self.default_req_period = 1000 # milliseconds self.req_period = self.default_req_period self.req_time_log = RingBuffer(self.req_per_period) self.lock = threading.RLock() self.timeout = int(Config.get("BOT", "timeout", 30, 1, 180)) self.url_public = '' self.url_private = ''
def get_rate_list(self, cur, seconds): """ Query the database (cur) for rates that are within the supplied number of seconds and now. :param cur: The currency (database) to remove data from :param seconds: The number of seconds between the oldest order returned and now. :return: A pandas DataFrame object with named columns ('time', 'rate0', 'rate1',...) """ # Request more data from the DB than we need to allow for skipped seconds request_seconds = int(seconds * 1.1) full_list = Config.get_all_currencies() if isinstance(cur, sqlite.Connection): db_con = cur else: if cur not in full_list: raise ValueError( "{0} is not a valid currency, must be one of {1}".format( cur, full_list)) if cur not in self.currencies_to_analyse: return [] db_con = self.create_connection(cur) price_levels = ['rate0'] rates = self.get_rates_from_db(db_con, from_date=time.time() - request_seconds, price_levels=price_levels) if len(rates) == 0: return [] df = pd.DataFrame(rates) columns = ['time'] columns.extend(price_levels) try: df.columns = columns except Exception as ex: self.logger.error( "get_rate_list: cols: {0} rates:{1} db:{2}".format( columns, rates, db_con)) raise ex # convert unixtimes to datetimes so we can resample df.time = pd.to_datetime(df.time, unit='s') # If we don't have enough data return df, otherwise the resample will fill out all values with the same data. # Missing data tolerance allows for a percentage to be ignored and filled in by resampling. if len(df) < seconds * (self.data_tolerance / 100): return df # Resample into 1 second intervals, average if we get two in the same second and fill any empty spaces with the # previous value df = df.resample('1s', on='time').mean().ffill() return df
def create_connection(self, cur, db_path=None, db_type='sqlite3'): """ Create a connection to the sqlite DB. This will create a new file if one doesn't exist. We can use :memory: here for db_path if we don't want to store the data on disk :param cur: The currency (database) in the DB :param db_path: DB directory :return: Connection object or None """ if db_path is None: prefix = Config.get_exchange() db_path = os.path.join(self.db_dir, '{0}-{1}.db'.format(prefix, cur)) try: con = sqlite.connect(db_path) return con except Error as ex: self.logger.error(ex.message)
# pytest to work import os import sys import inspect currentdir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir) sys.path.insert(0, parentdir) from coinlendingbot.MarketAnalysis import MarketAnalysis # nopep8 from coinlendingbot.Configuration import get_all_currencies # nopep8 from coinlendingbot.Poloniex import Poloniex # nopep8 import coinlendingbot.Configuration as Config # nopep8 import coinlendingbot.Data as Data # nopep8 Config.init(open('poloniex_test.cfg'), Data) api = Poloniex(Config, None) Data.init(api, None) MA = MarketAnalysis(Config, api) def new_db(): db_con = MA.create_connection(None, ':memory:') MA.create_rate_table(db_con, 3) return db_con def random_rates(): return lists(floats(min_value=0.00001, max_value=100, allow_nan=False,
def main(config, logconfig, dryrun): logging.config.fileConfig(logconfig) logger = logging.getLogger('main') logger.debug('config: {}, logconfig: {}, dryrun: {}'.format( config, logconfig, dryrun)) Config.init(config) output_currency = Config.get('BOT', 'outputCurrency', 'BTC') end_date = Config.get('BOT', 'endDate') exchange = Config.get_exchange() json_output_enabled = Config.has_option( 'BOT', 'jsonfile') and Config.has_option('BOT', 'jsonlogsize') jsonfile = Config.get('BOT', 'jsonfile', '') # Configure web server web_server_enabled = Config.getboolean('BOT', 'startWebServer') if web_server_enabled:'Web server enabled.') if json_output_enabled is False: # User wants webserver enabled. Must have JSON enabled. Force logging with defaults. json_output_enabled = True jsonfile = Config.get('BOT', 'jsonfile', 'www/botweblog.json') WebServer.initialize_web_server(Config) # Configure logging to display on webpage weblog = Logger(jsonfile, Decimal(Config.get('BOT', 'jsonlogsize', 200)), exchange) welcome = 'Welcome to {} on {}'.format( Config.get("BOT", "label", "Lending Bot"), exchange) weblog.log(welcome) # initialize the remaining stuff api = ExchangeApiFactory.createApi(exchange, Config, weblog) MaxToLend.init(Config, weblog) Data.init(api, weblog) Config.init(config, Data) notify_conf = Config.get_notification_config() if Config.has_option('MarketAnalysis', 'analyseCurrencies'):'MarketAnalysis enabled.') from coinlendingbot.MarketAnalysis import MarketAnalysis # Analysis.init(Config, api, Data) analysis = MarketAnalysis(Config, api) else: analysis = None Lending.init(Config, api, weblog, Data, MaxToLend, dryrun, analysis, notify_conf) # load plugins PluginsManager.init(Config, api, weblog, notify_conf) try: while True: try:'New round.') Data.update_conversion_rates(output_currency, json_output_enabled) PluginsManager.before_lending() Lending.transfer_balances() Lending.cancel_all() Lending.lend_all() PluginsManager.after_lending() weblog.refreshStatus( Data.stringify_total_lent(*Data.get_total_lent()), Data.get_max_duration(end_date, "status")) weblog.persistStatus()'Round finished.') time.sleep(Lending.get_sleep_time()) except KeyboardInterrupt: # allow existing the main bot loop raise except Exception as ex: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() logger.debug(ex) logger.debug(repr(traceback.format_tb(exc_traceback))) weblog.log_error(ex.message) weblog.persistStatus() if 'Invalid API key' in ex.message: logger.critical( "!!! Troubleshooting !!! Are your API keys correct? No quotation. Just plain keys." ) exit(1) elif 'Nonce must be greater' in ex.message: logger.critical( "!!! Troubleshooting !!! Are you reusing the API key in multiple applications? " + "Use a unique key for every application.") exit(1) elif 'Permission denied' in ex.message: logger.critical( "!!! Troubleshooting !!! Are you using IP filter on the key?" ) exit(1) elif 'timed out' in ex.message: logger.warn("Timed out, will retry in " + str(Lending.get_sleep_time()) + "sec") elif isinstance(ex, BadStatusLine): logger.warn( "Caught BadStatusLine exception from Poloniex, ignoring." ) elif 'Error 429' in ex.message: additional_sleep = max(130.0 - Lending.get_sleep_time(), 0) sum_sleep = additional_sleep + Lending.get_sleep_time() msg = 'IP has been banned due to many requests. Sleeping for {} seconds'.format( sum_sleep) weblog.log_error(msg) logger.warn(msg) if Config.has_option('MarketAnalysis', 'analyseCurrencies'): if api.req_period <= api.default_req_period * 1.5: api.req_period += 3 logger.warn( "Caught ERR_RATE_LIMIT, sleeping capture and increasing request delay. Current" + " {0}ms".format(api.req_period)) weblog.log_error( 'Expect this 130s ban periodically when using MarketAnalysis, ' + 'it will fix itself') time.sleep(additional_sleep) # Ignore all 5xx errors (server error) as we can't do anything about it ( elif isinstance(ex, URLError): logger.error("Caught {0} from exchange, ignoring.".format( ex.message)) elif isinstance(ex, ApiError): logger.error( "Caught {0} reading from exchange API, ignoring.". format(ex.message)) else: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error( "v{0} Unhandled error, please open a Github issue so we can fix it!" .format(Data.get_bot_version())) if notify_conf['notify_caught_exception']: weblog.notify( "{0}\n-------\n{1}".format(ex, traceback.format_exc()), notify_conf) time.sleep(Lending.get_sleep_time()) except KeyboardInterrupt: if web_server_enabled: WebServer.stop_web_server() PluginsManager.on_bot_exit() weblog.log('bye')'bye')
# Hack to get relative imports - probably need to fix the dir structure instead but we need this at the minute for # pytest to work import os import sys import inspect currentdir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir) sys.path.insert(0, parentdir) from coinlendingbot.Bitfinex import Bitfinex # nopep8 import coinlendingbot.Configuration as Config # nopep8 import coinlendingbot.Data as Data # nopep8 Config.init(open('bitfinex_test.cfg'), Data) api = Bitfinex(Config, None) start_time = time.time() def multiple_api_queries(n): try: for i in range(n): print("Thread {}".format(i + 1)) thread1 = threading.Thread(target=call_get_open_loan_offers, args=[(i + 1)]) thread1.start() except Exception as e: assert False, 'Thread ' + str(i + 1) + ':' + e.message