def get_shape_calculated_values(self):
     shapeDict = ordDict()
     return shapeDict
def cartesian_prod_dicts_lists(the_dict):
    #takes a dictionary and produces a dictionary of the cartesian product of the input
    if not type(the_dict) is type(ordDict()):
        warnings.warn('An ordered dict was not used. Thus if this function is called again with the same dict it might not produce the same results.')

    from sklearn.utils.extmath import cartesian

    stim_list = []
    stim_list = tuple([ list(the_dict[ key_name ]) for key_name in the_dict ])

    #cartesian has the last column change the fastest, thus is like c-indexing
    stim_cart_array = cartesian(stim_list)

    cart_dict = ordDict()
    #load up the vectors assosciated with keys to cart_dict
    for key_name, key_num in zip(the_dict, range(len(the_dict))):
        cart_dict[key_name] = stim_cart_array[:, key_num]

    return cart_dict
def stim_trans_generator(shapes=None, blur=None, scale=None,
                         x=None, y=None, amp=None, rotation=None):
#takes descrptions of ranges for different transformations (start, stop, npoints)
#produces a cartesian dictionary of those.
    stim_trans_dict = ordDict()
    if not shapes is None:
        #stim_trans_dict['shapes'] = np.array(shapes, dtype=int)
        stim_trans_dict['shapes'] = np.array(shapes)

    if not blur is None :
        if isinstance(blur,tuple):
            stim_trans_dict['blur'] = np.linspace(*blur)
            stim_trans_dict['blur'] = blur
    if not scale is None:
        if isinstance(scale, tuple):
            stim_trans_dict[ 'scale' ] = np.linspace(*scale)
            stim_trans_dict[ 'scale' ] = scale
    if not x is None :
        if type(x) is tuple:
            stim_trans_dict['x'] = np.linspace(*x)
            stim_trans_dict['x'] = np.array(x)
    if not y is None :
        if type(y) is tuple:
            stim_trans_dict['y'] = np.linspace(*y)
            stim_trans_dict['y'] = np.array(y)
    if not rotation is None :
        if type(rotation) is tuple:
            stim_trans_dict['rotation'] = np.linspace(*y)
            stim_trans_dict['rotation'] = np.array(rotation)
    if not amp is None:
        stim_trans_dict['amp'] = np.linspace(*amp)
# get all dimensions, into a dict
    stim_trans_cart_dict = dm.cartesian_prod_dicts_lists(stim_trans_dict)
    #this is a hackish fix to cart from sklearn switching dtypes according to 1st element.
    stim_trans_cart_dict['shapes'] = stim_trans_cart_dict['shapes'].astype(int)
    return stim_trans_cart_dict, stim_trans_dict
# Data type: OrderedDictionary
# Key of dictionary is the category of visualized quantity
# (e.g. 'Blade summary), the value is a list of tuples,
# where the first element is a label of visualized q.
# (e.g. 'Energy consumption [J] (Samples)') and the second one
# is a unit of the quantity.
# Example:
#   y_label = ordDict((('Blade summary', [('Energy consumption [J] (Stats structure)', 'J')]),
#                     ('Job info - hdeem', [('Runtime of function [s]', 's')])))
#y_label = ordDict((('Blade summary', [('Average energy consumption [J]', 'J')]),
#                  ('Job info - hdeem', [('Average runtime of function [s]', 's')])))

y_label = ordDict((('COUNTERS - RAPL:', [
    ('AVG Energy summary [J]', 'J')
]), ('Job info - RAPL', [('AVG Runtime of function [s]', 's')])))

# Time and energy variable
# Data type: Dictionary/None
# When used, than reports will contain information about
# run-time change for energetically-optimal settings
# Example:
#   1) time_energy_vars = None
#   2) time_energy_vars = {'time': ('Job info - hdeem', 'Runtime of function [s]'),
#                          'energy': ('Blade summary', 'Energy consumption [J] (Samples)')}
#time_energy_vars = {'time': ('Job info - hdeem', 'Average runtime of function [s]'),
#                   'energy': ('Blade summary', 'Average energy consumption [J]')}
# Listing of visualized quantities/variables
# Data type: OrderedDictionary
# Key of dictionary is the category of visualized quantity
# (e.g. 'Blade summary), the value is a list of tuples,
# where the first element is a label of visualized q.
# (e.g. 'Energy consumption [J] (Samples)') and the second one
# is a unit of the quantity.
# Example:
#   y_label = ordDict((('Blade summary', [('Energy consumption [J] (Stats structure)', 'J')]),
#                     ('Job info - hdeem', [('Runtime of function [s]', 's')])))
y_label = ordDict((('Blade summary', [
    ('Average energy consumption [J]', 'J')
]), ('Job info - hdeem', [('Average runtime of function [s]', 's')])))

# Time and energy variable
# Data type: Dictionary/None
# When used, than reports will contain information about
# run-time change for energetically-optimal settings
# Example:
#   1) time_energy_vars = None
#   2) time_energy_vars = {'time': ('Job info - hdeem', 'Runtime of function [s]'),
#                          'energy': ('Blade summary', 'Energy consumption [J] (Samples)')}
time_energy_vars = {
    'time': ('Job info - hdeem', 'Average runtime of function [s]'),