    def get_recipients(self):
        The recipients of this mail
        # Try to load data from the target object
        fieldName = str(self.element.fieldName)
        obj = self.get_target_obj()

        attr = getattr(obj, fieldName)
        if hasattr(attr, "__call__"):
            recipients = attr()
            logger.debug("getting e-mail from %s method" % fieldName)
            recipients = attr
            logger.debug("getting e-mail from %s attribute" % fieldName)

        # now transform recipients in a iterator, if needed
        if type(recipients) == str or type(recipients) == six.text_type:
            recipients = [str(recipients)]
        if not recipients:
            return []
        return list(filter(bool, recipients))
    def __call__(self):
        Does send the mail
        mailhost = self.get_mailhost()
        source = self.get_from()
        recipients = self.get_recipients()

        obj = self.event.object

        interpolator = IStringInterpolator(obj)

        # No way to use self.context (where rule is fired) in interpolator
        # self.context in interpolator is the obj given
        # And having  two interpolators is strange, because they
        # both adapt fully. Unless you can somehow adapt it to
        # 'firing a rule' event, which isn't available to my knowledge.

        # Section title/urk
        subject = self.expand_markers(self.element.subject)
        message = self.expand_markers(self.element.message)
        # All other stringinterp
        subject = interpolator(self.element.subject).strip()
        message = interpolator(self.element.message).strip()

        email_charset = self.portal.getProperty('email_charset')

        for email_recipient in recipients:
            logger.debug('sending to: %s' % email_recipient)
            try:  # sending mail in Plone 4
                mailhost.send(message, mto=email_recipient, mfrom=source,
                              subject=subject, charset=email_charset)
            except:  # sending mail in Plone 3
                mailhost.secureSend(message, email_recipient, source,
                                    subject=subject, subtype='plain',
                                    charset=email_charset, debug=False,
        return True
    def __call__(self):
        Does send the mail
        mailhost = self.get_mailhost()
        source = self.get_from()
        recipients = self.get_recipients()
        subject = self.expand_markers(self.element.subject)
        message = self.expand_markers(self.element.message)

        email_charset = self.portal.getProperty('email_charset')

        for email_recipient in recipients:
            logger.debug('sending to: %s' % email_recipient)
            try:  # sending mail in Plone 4
                mailhost.send(message, mto=email_recipient, mfrom=source,
                              subject=subject, charset=email_charset)
            except:  # sending mail in Plone 3
                mailhost.secureSend(message, email_recipient, source,
                                    subject=subject, subtype='plain',
                                    charset=email_charset, debug=False,
        return True
    def get_recipients(self):
        The recipients of this mail
        # Try to load data from the target object
        fieldName = str(self.element.fieldName)
        obj = self.get_target_obj()

        # 1: object attribute
            # BBB don't have time to investigate difference between original __getattribute__
            # and this getattr... _getattribute__ remove the possibility to use objects chain
            attr = getattr(obj, fieldName)
            # 3: object method
            if hasattr(attr, '__call__'):
                recipients = attr()
                logger.debug('getting e-mail from %s method' % fieldName)
                recipients = attr
                logger.debug('getting e-mail from %s attribute' % fieldName)
        except AttributeError:
            # 2: try with AT field
            if IBaseContent.providedBy(obj):
                field = obj.getField(fieldName)
                if field:
                    recipients = field.get(obj)
                    recipients = False
                recipients = False
            if not recipients:
                recipients = obj.getProperty(fieldName, [])
                if recipients:
                    logger.debug('getting e-mail from %s CMF property' %
                logger.debug('getting e-mail from %s AT field' % fieldName)

        # now transform recipients in a iterator, if needed
        if type(recipients) == str or type(recipients) == unicode:
            recipients = [
        return filter(bool, recipients)
    def get_recipients(self):
        The recipients of this mail
        # Try to load data from the target object
        fieldName = str(self.element.fieldName)
        obj = self.get_target_obj()

        # 1: object attribute
            # BBB don't have time to investigate difference between original __getattribute__
            # and this getattr... _getattribute__ remove the possibility to use objects chain
            attr = getattr(obj, fieldName)
            # 3: object method
            if hasattr(attr, '__call__'):
                recipients = attr()
                logger.debug('getting e-mail from %s method' % fieldName)
                recipients = attr
                logger.debug('getting e-mail from %s attribute' % fieldName)
        except AttributeError:
            # 2: try with AT field
            if IBaseContent.providedBy(obj):
                field = obj.getField(fieldName)
                if field:
                    recipients = field.get(obj)
                    recipients = False
                recipients = False
            if not recipients:
                recipients = obj.getProperty(fieldName, [])
                if recipients:
                    logger.debug('getting e-mail from %s CMF property'
                                 % fieldName)
                logger.debug('getting e-mail from %s AT field' % fieldName)

        # now transform recipients in a iterator, if needed
        if type(recipients) == str or type(recipients) == unicode:
            recipients = [str(recipients), ]
        return filter(bool, recipients)