def __call__(self, value, instance, *args, **kwargs):
     # get text
     if not self.strict:
         text = value 
         ttool = getToolByName(instance, 'portal_transforms')
         text = ttool.convertToData('text/plain', value)
     # \xc2\xa0 seems used widely by TinyMCE...
     stripped = re.sub(r'(\s|\xc2\xa0)', '', text)
     if len(stripped)>=self.chars:
         return True
     kw['current'] = len(stripped)
     if self.errormsg and type(self.errormsg) == Message:
         #hack to support including values in i18n message, too. hopefully this works out
         #potentially it could unintentionally overwrite already present values
         #self.errormsg.mapping = kw
         if self.errormsg.mapping:
         return recursiveTranslate(self.errormsg, **kwargs)
     elif self.errormsg:
         # support strings as errormsg for backward compatibility
         return self.errormsg % kw
         msg = _('min_chars_error_msg',
                 default=u'Required min $chars chars, provided ${current}',
                 mapping={'chars': self.chars, 'current': len(stripped)})
         return recursiveTranslate(msg, **kwargs)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from Products.validation.validators.RegexValidator import RegexValidator

from collective.itvalidators import validatorsMessageFactory as _

baseValidators = [

                   title='CAP', description='',
                   errmsg=_(u'is not a valid CAP.')),

                   title='Codice fiscale', description='',
                   errmsg=_(u'is not a valid National Insurance Number.')),
    def __call__(self, value, instance, *args, **kwargs):
           'here': instance,
           'object': instance,
           'instance': instance,
           'value': value,
           'observed': self.observed,
           'warnValue': self.warnValue,
           'wantedValue': self.wantedValue,
           'kwargs': kwargs,
        form = kwargs['REQUEST'].form
        # *** Checking warnValue ***
        if type(self.warnValue)!=bool:
            # Warn value is a specific value
            if form.get(self.observed)!=self.warnValue:
                return True
            kw['warnValue'] = '"%s"' % self.warnValue
        else: # boolean values
            if self.warnValue:
                if not form.get(self.observed):
                    return True
                kw['warnValue'] = _(u'not empty')
                if form.get(self.observed):
                    return True
                kw['warnValue'] = _(u'empy')

        # *** Checking wantedValue ***
        if type(self.wantedValue)!=bool:
            if value==self.wantedValue:
                return True
            kw['wantedValue'] = '"%s"' % self.wantedValue
        elif self.wantedValue:
            if value and self.eval_DataGridTrueValue(value):
                return True
            kw['wantedValue'] = _(u"a value")
            if not value and not self.eval_DataGridTrueValue(value):
                return True
            kw['wantedValue'] = _(u"no value")

        # We are here only when validation fails
        kw['observed'] = instance.getField(self.observed).widget.label
        if self.errormsg and type(self.errormsg) == Message:
            #hack to support including values in i18n message, too. hopefully this works out
            #potentially it could unintentionally overwrite already present values
            #self.errormsg.mapping = kw
            if self.errormsg.mapping:
            return recursiveTranslate(self.errormsg, **kwargs)
        elif self.errormsg:
            # support strings as errormsg for backward compatibility
            return self.errormsg % kw
            msg = _('dependency_check_error_msg',
                    default=u'"$observed" field value is $warnValue. This requires that this field contains $wantedValue.',
                    mapping={'observed': kw['observed'], 'warnValue': kw['warnValue'],
                             'wantedValue': kw['wantedValue']})
            return recursiveTranslate(msg, **kwargs)