def read_config(config_file):
    """Read the given config file and return the parsed settings and channels"""
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    config.optionxform = str  # preserve case of the options
    settings = list(config.items('settings'))
    settings = Settings(settings)
    if not config.has_section('channels'):
        print_color('[WARNING] No channels specified in %s' % config_file.name, 'YELLOW')
        return settings, []
    lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in config_file.readlines() if not line.startswith('#') and line.split()]  # last part excludes empty lines
    channels = lines[lines.index('[channels]')+1:]
    if not channels:
        print_color('[WARNING] No channels specified in %s' % config_file.name, 'YELLOW')
        return settings, []
    delimiter = ' '
    pattern = re.compile(r'''((?:[^%s"']|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')+)''' % delimiter)  # split using delimiter outside of quotations [http://stackoverflow.com/a/2787064]
    chnl = []
    for channel in channels:
        option = pattern.split(channel.lstrip(';'))[1::2]
        if len(option) != 3:
            print_error('[ERROR] Wrong number of arguments for channel %s' % option[0])
            print('        This channel will be skipped')
        if option[1] is '0' or option[2] is '0':
            #print('Skip channel', format_channel(option[0], False))
            print('Skip channel', option[0])
        if not option[1].isdigit() or not option[2].isdigit():
            print_error('[ERROR] The amount of files and events to simulate have to be integers!')
            print('        Check your settings for channel %s' % option[0])
        chnl.append((option[0], int(option[1]), int(option[2])))
    return settings, chnl
def read_config(config_file):
    """Read the given config file and return the parsed settings and channels"""
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    config.optionxform = str  # preserve case of the options
    settings = list(config.items('settings'))
    settings = Settings(settings)
    if not config.has_section('channels'):
        print_color('[WARNING] No channels specified in %s' % config_file.name, 'YELLOW')
        return settings, []
    lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in config_file.readlines() if not line.startswith('#') and line.split()]  # last part excludes empty lines
    channels = lines[lines.index('[channels]')+1:]
    if not channels:
        print_color('[WARNING] No channels specified in %s' % config_file.name, 'YELLOW')
        return settings, []
    delimiter = ' '
    pattern = re.compile(r'''((?:[^%s"']|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')+)''' % delimiter)  # split using delimiter outside of quotations [http://stackoverflow.com/a/2787064]
    chnl = []
    for channel in channels:
        option = pattern.split(channel.lstrip(';'))[1::2]
        if len(option) != 3:
            print_error('[ERROR] Wrong number of arguments for channel %s' % option[0])
            print('        This channel will be skipped')
        if option[1] is '0' or option[2] is '0':
            #print('Skip channel', format_channel(option[0], False))
            print('Skip channel', option[0])
        if not option[1].isdigit() or not option[2].isdigit():
            print_error('[ERROR] The amount of files and events to simulate have to be integers!')
            print('        Check your settings for channel %s' % option[0])
        chnl.append((option[0], int(option[1]), int(option[2])))
    return settings, chnl
def search(keyword, repeat, style):
	global htmlParsedPage
	query = keyword

	if len(query):
		color.print_heading('*\t'*4+"The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia\t"

			htmlParsedPage = get_parsed_page(keyword)

			#parse to find the meaning
			soupPage = BeautifulSoup(htmlParsedPage)
			div = soupPage.findAll('div', attrs = {'id': 'MainTxt'})
			meaning = div[0].findAll('div', attrs = {'class':'ds-list'})
			if meaning == "":
				meaning = div[0].findAll('div', attrs = {'class' : 'ds-single'})

			for i in range(len(meaning)):
			color.print_error('Keyword not found in the Dictionary')


		speak(keyword, repeat, style)

		color.print_error('Empty Keyword!')
def check_file(path, verbose=False):
    """Check if a file exists"""
    path = os.path.expanduser(path)
    if not os.path.isfile(path):
        if verbose:
            print_error("[ERROR] The file '%s' does not exist!" % path)
        return None
        return path
 def do_mv(self, full_src, full_dst):
     os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(full_dst), exist_ok=True)
     if os.path.basename(full_src) == os.path.basename(self.log_path):
         print_warning('found {0}, skip it'.format(full_src))
         shutil.move(full_src, full_dst)
     except shutil.Error as ex:
def check_file(path, verbose=False):
    """Check if a file exists"""
    path = os.path.expanduser(path)
    if not os.path.isfile(path):
        if verbose:
            print_error("[ERROR] The file '%s' does not exist!" % path)
        return None
        return path
文件: demo.py 项目: meetbill/x-lib
def hello(str_info):
    str_info: string
    color.print_error("this is an error message!")
    color.print_warning("this is a warning message!")
    color.print_info("this ia a info message!")
    color.print_log('this is a log message!')
    color.print_debug('this is a debug message!')
    print str_info
def check_bin(path, file):
    """Check if a binary exists and is executable"""
    path = get_path(path, file)
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        print_error('[ERROR] The file "%s" does not exist!' % path)
        return False
    if not is_executable(path):
        print_error('[ERROR] The file "%s" is not executable!' % path)
        return False
    return path
def get_decay_string(channel, level=1):
    """Get a decay string for a certain channel, print error if proton is missing"""
    channel = channel.strip('"')
    if channel.startswith('p '):
        channel = channel[2:]
        print_error('[ERROR] proton missing in decay string: %s' % channel)
    channel = parse_pluto_string.get_decay_string(channel, level)

    return channel
def sanity_check_mcgun(settings):
    """Check if the given settings for Ant-mcgun seem okay"""
    theta_min, theta_max = settings.get('GUN_THETA').split()
        theta_min = float(theta_min)
    except ValueError:
        print_error('[ERROR] theta_min is not a float value!')
        return False
        theta_max = float(theta_max)
    except ValueError:
        print_error('[ERROR] theta_max is not a float value!')
        return False

    if theta_min > theta_max:
        print_error('[ERROR] theta_max is smaller than theta_min')
        return False

    if settings.get('GUN_OPENING'):
        except ValueError:
            print_error('[ERROR] provided opening angle is not a float value!')
            return False

    return True
def check_path(path, create=False, write=True):
    """Check if given path exists and is readable as well as writable if specified;
    if create is true and the path doesn't exist, the directories will be created if possible"""
    path = os.path.expanduser(path)
    exist = os.path.isdir(path)
    if not exist and create:
        print("Directory '%s' does not exist, it will be created now" % path)
        # try to create the directory; if it should exist for whatever reason,
        # ignore it, otherwise report the error
        except OSError as exception:
            if exception.errno == errno.EACCES:
                print_error("[ERROR] You don't have the permission to create directories in '%s'" % dirname(path))
                return False
            elif exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
        return True
    elif not exist:
        print_error("[ERROR] Directory '%s' does not exist" % path)
        return False
        if not is_readable(path):
            print_error("[ERROR] Directory '%s' is not readable" % path)
            return False
        if write and not is_writable(path):
            print_error("[ERROR] Directory '%s' is not writable" % path)
            return False
    return True
    def __init__(self, settings=None):
        self.__settings = {
            'OUTPUT_PATH': '.',
            'MCGEN_DATA': 'mcgen',
            'GEANT_DATA': 'geant',
            'MCGEN_PREFIX': 'mcgen',
            'GEANT_PREFIX': 'g4sim',
            'LOG_DATA': 'log',
            'A2_GEANT_PATH': '',
            'MCGEN_ONLY': False,
            'GEANT_ONLY': False,
            'QSUB_BIN': 'qsub',
            'QSUB_MAIL': 'a',
            'QSUB_EXTRA': '',
            'QUEUE': 'dflt',
            'WALLTIME': '12:00:00',
            'PRIORITY': 0,
            'GENERATOR': 'Ant-pluto',
            'GENERATOR_PATH': '',
            'Emin': 1420,
            'Emax': 1580,
            'COCKTAIL_SETUP': '',
            'COCKTAIL_BINNING': 0,
            'GUN_THETA': '0 180',
            'GUN_OPENING': '',
            'GeantFlags': '',
            'AddFlags': '',

        if settings and len(settings[0]) == 2:
            for setting in settings:
                if setting[0] not in self.__settings:
                    print_error('[ERROR] Setting "%s" not valid! Will be skipped.' % setting[0])
                if not setting[1] and self.__settings[setting[0]]:
                    print_color('[INFO] No value given for "{0}". Default value "{1}" will '
                                'be used'.format(setting[0], self.__settings[setting[0]]), 'BLUE')
                if setting[0] in ('PRIORITY', 'COCKTAIL_BINNING'):
                    if not setting[1].isdigit():
                        print_error('[ERROR] The given value for "%s" is not an integer, use '
                                    'default value %d instead.' % (setting[1], self.__settings[setting[1]]))
                    self.__settings[setting[0]] = int(setting[1])
                if setting[0] in ('Emin', 'Emax'):
                    if not isfloat(setting[1]):
                        print_error('[ERROR] The given energy "%s" is not a float! Use default '
                                    'value %.1f instead.' % (setting[1], self.__settings[setting[0]]))
                    self.__settings[setting[0]] = float(setting[1])
                self.__settings[setting[0]] = setting[1]
        elif settings and len(settings[0]) != 2:
            print_error('[ERROR] Given settings in the wrong format, '
                        'list with tuples (setting, value) expected.')
def test_process(cmd, time=None):
    """Try to run a process and check its return code
    if something went wrong, print command output
    if time is given, kill process after time expired"""
    # use shell=True, otherwise the command passed to Popen to execute,
    # including cmd.split(' ', 1), produces errors (probably due to reaction string)
    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,

# Python 3.3 needed for timeout, most recent version on blaster is 3.1
#    if time:
#        if time < 0:
#            print_error('given time is negative!')
#            return False
#        try:
#            outs, errs = proc.communicate(timeout=time)
#            if proc.returncode:
#                print_error('non-zero returncode for command: %s' % cmd)
#                print_color('error output:', 'YELLOW')
#                print(errs.decode('utf-8'))
#                print_color('standard output:', 'YELLOW')
#                print(outs.decode('utf-8'))
#                return False
#            else:
#                return True
#        except TimeoutExpired:
#            proc.kill()
#            outs, errs = proc.communicate()
#            print_error('[ERROR] given timeout expired, process killed')
#            print_color('error output:', 'YELLOW')
#            print(errs.decode('utf-8'))
#            print_color('standard output:', 'YELLOW')
#            print(outs.decode('utf-8'))
#            return False

    outs, errs = proc.communicate()
    if proc.returncode:
        print_error('[ERROR] non-zero returncode for command: %s' % cmd)
        print_color('error output:', 'YELLOW')
        print_color('standard output:', 'YELLOW')
        return False

    return True
def find_config(config_places=CONFIG, verbose=False):
    """Checks given locations for a sim_settings config file,
    return path of the config if found or None otherwise"""
    if isinstance(config_places, str):
        config_places = [config_places]
    elif not isinstance(config_places, list):
        if verbose:
            print_error('[ERROR] Expected argument to be a list or string!')
        return None
    config = None
    for conf in config_places:
        if verbose:
            print('Checking config file %s' % conf)
        config = check_file(conf, verbose)
        if config:
            if verbose:
                print('File found: %s' % config)

    return config
def find_config(config_places=CONFIG, verbose=False):
    """Checks given locations for a sim_settings config file,
    return path of the config if found or None otherwise"""
    if isinstance(config_places, str):
        config_places = [config_places]
    elif not isinstance(config_places, list):
        if verbose:
            print_error('[ERROR] Expected argument to be a list or string!')
        return None
    config = None
    for conf in config_places:
        if verbose:
            print('Checking config file %s' % conf)
        config = check_file(conf, verbose)
        if config:
            if verbose:
                print('File found: %s' % config)

    return config
    def _do(self, do_type):
        :param do_type: [undo | redo]
        all_do_types = ['undo', 'redo']
        other_do_type = all_do_types[0]

        actions = []
        first_action_id = None
        for action in reversed(self.log_dict[do_type]):
            if first_action_id is None:
                first_action_id = action['batch_id']
            elif first_action_id != action['batch_id']:


        for action in actions.copy():
            print_bold('try %s action: %s ' % (do_type, action['action']),
            for key, value in action['kwargs'].items():
                print_bold('{0}: {1}'.format(key, value), end='')

            reverse_action_func = getattr(
                self, '%s_%s' % (do_type, action['action']))
            except Exception as ex:
                print_warning('skipping it')

        self.log_dict[do_type] = self.log_dict[do_type][:-len(actions)]
def sanity_check_channels(generator, channels):
    """check if the provided channel string match the specified generator"""
    if 'Ant-cocktail' in generator:
        wrong = [c[0] for c in channels if not c[0].lower().startswith('"cocktail"')]
        if wrong:
            print_error("[ERROR] The following channels don't match the requirements for Ant-cocktail")
            print(*wrong, sep='\n')
            print('The correct syntax is: "Cocktail" <#files> <#events>')
            return False
    if 'Ant-mcgun' in generator:
        wrong = [c[0] for c in channels if not c[0].lower().startswith('"gun:')]
        if wrong:
            print_error("[ERROR] The following channels don't match the requirements for Ant-mcgun")
            print(*wrong, sep='\n')
            print('The correct syntax is: "Gun: <space-separated particles>" <#files> <#events>')
            return False
    # for Ant-pluto case just check that no definitions for Cocktail and Gun are present
    if 'Ant-pluto' in generator:
        wrong = [c[0] for c in channels if (c[0].lower().startswith('"gun') or
        if wrong:
            print_error("[ERROR] The following channels don't match the requirements for Ant-pluto")
            print(*wrong, sep='\n')
            print('The correct syntax is: "Pluto string" <#files> <#events>')
            return False

    return True
    def do_flatten_dir(self):
        for filepath in flatten(self._find_regular_files()):
            dirname, filename = os.path.split(filepath)
            print_normal('extract {0} from {1}'.format(filename, dirname))

        given_error = False
        for fn, fullpath_iter in self.fn_path_map.items():
            if len(fullpath_iter) > 1:
                if not given_error:
                    given_error = True
                    print_error('There are same name file conflicts:')

                print_italic(fn, ':')
                for filepath in fullpath_iter:
                if fn in self.top_dir_not_dir_fns:
                    print_error(os.path.join(self.dst, fn))

        if given_error:

        for empty_dir in list_dirs_of_dir(self.dst):
            print_normal('remove directory %s' % empty_dir)

        if not askyesno('continue?'):

        with Op('flattendir', self.dst) as op:
            for fn, fullpath_iter in self.fn_path_map.items():
                fullpath = fullpath_iter[0]
                op.mv(fullpath, '.')
def speak(keyword, repeat, style):
    global htmlParsedPage, browser

    pronouce_style = ['normal', 'us', 'uk', '']
    if repeat > 0 and len(keyword) and any(style in item
                                           for item in pronouce_style):
        if htmlParsedPage == '':
            htmlParsedPage = get_parsed_page(keyword)

        soupPage = BeautifulSoup(htmlParsedPage)
        htmlParsedPage = ''
        div = soupPage.findAll('div', attrs={'id': 'MainTxt'})

            if style.lower() == 'normal' or style.lower() == '':
                mean_sound = str(
                sound_url = 'http://img.tfd.com/hm/mp3/' + mean_sound + '.mp3'

            elif style.lower() == 'uk':
                sample = soupPage.findAll('td', attrs={'id': 'MainTitle'})
                mean_sound = str(
                sound_url = 'http://img2.tfd.com/pron/mp3/' + mean_sound + '.mp3'

            elif style.lower() == 'us':
                sample = soupPage.findAll('td', attrs={'id': 'MainTitle'})
                mean_sound = str(
                sound_url = 'http://img2.tfd.com/pron/mp3/' + mean_sound + '.mp3'

            sound_path = browser.retrieve(sound_url)
            pronounce.play(sound_path[0], repeat)
                'Pronouciation not found!\nTry with different style.')

    elif repeat:
        color.print_error('Empty Keyword or Unknown Style!')
def run_test_job(settings, simulation, generator, geant):
    """Run a job with one event locally and check if it works"""
    first_job = next(iter(simulation or []), None)
    if not first_job:
        print_error('[ERROR] Unable to retrieve information of first job to be submitted')
        return False

    decay_string, reaction, _, _, _ = first_job

    with tempdir() as tmp_path:
        mcgen_file = get_path(tmp_path, get_file_name(MCGEN_PREFIX, decay_string, 0))
        geant_file = get_path(tmp_path, get_file_name(GEANT_PREFIX, decay_string, 0))

        mcgen_cmd = create_mcgen_cmd(settings, generator, reaction, mcgen_file)
        geant_cmd = '%s %s %s' % (geant, mcgen_file, geant_file)

        if not test_process(mcgen_cmd):
            return False
        if not test_process(geant_cmd):
            return False

    return True
def search(keyword, repeat, style):
    global htmlParsedPage

    query = keyword

    if len(query):
        color.print_line('---' * 45)
            '*\t' * 4 +
            "The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia\t" + '\t' +
            '*\t' * 5)
        color.print_line('---' * 45)
        color.print_word(query.upper() + '\n')

            htmlParsedPage = get_parsed_page(keyword)

            #parse to find the meaning
            soupPage = BeautifulSoup(htmlParsedPage)
            div = soupPage.findAll('div', attrs={'id': 'MainTxt'})
            meaning = div[0].findAll('div', attrs={'class': 'ds-list'})
            if meaning == "":
                meaning = div[0].findAll('div', attrs={'class': 'ds-single'})

            for i in range(len(meaning)):
                color.print_meaning('\t' + parser.strip_tags(str(meaning[i])) +
            color.print_error('Keyword not found in the Dictionary')

        color.print_line('---' * 45)
        color.print_heading('\t' * 6 + '*****@*****.**')
        color.print_line('---' * 45)

        speak(keyword, repeat, style)

        color.print_error('Empty Keyword!')
def speak(keyword, repeat, style):
	global htmlParsedPage, browser

	pronouce_style = ['normal', 'us', 'uk', '']
	if repeat >0 and len(keyword) and any(style in item for item in pronouce_style):
		if htmlParsedPage == '':
			htmlParsedPage = get_parsed_page(keyword)

		soupPage = BeautifulSoup(htmlParsedPage)
		htmlParsedPage = ''
		div = soupPage.findAll('div', attrs = {'id': 'MainTxt'})	

			if style.lower() == 'normal' or style.lower() == '':
				mean_sound = str(parser.strip_tags(str(div[0].findAll('script')[0]))).split('"')[1]
				sound_url = 'http://img.tfd.com/hm/mp3/' + mean_sound +'.mp3'
			elif style.lower() == 'uk':
				sample = soupPage.findAll('td', attrs = {'id': 'MainTitle'})
				mean_sound = str(parser.strip_tags(str(sample[0])).split("'")[3])
				sound_url = 'http://img2.tfd.com/pron/mp3/' + mean_sound + '.mp3'

			elif style.lower() == 'us':
				sample = soupPage.findAll('td', attrs = {'id': 'MainTitle'})
				mean_sound = str(parser.strip_tags(str(sample[0])).split("'")[1])
				sound_url = 'http://img2.tfd.com/pron/mp3/' + mean_sound + '.mp3'

			sound_path = browser.retrieve(sound_url)
			pronounce.play(sound_path[0], repeat)
			color.print_error('Pronouciation not found!\nTry with different style.')

	elif repeat:
		color.print_error('Empty Keyword or Unknown Style!')	
def sanity_check_cocktail(settings):
    """Check if the given settings for Ant-cocktail seem okay"""
    setup = settings.get('COCKTAIL_SETUP')
    binning = int(settings.get('COCKTAIL_BINNING'))

    if setup and not setup.startswith('Setup_'):
        print_color("[WARNING] The specified detector setup doesn't start with 'Setup_'", 'YELLOW')

    if not setup and not binning:
        print_error('[ERROR] No Setup and no binning for the beam energy specified!')
        print_error('        Please make sure to provide one option')
        return False
    if setup and binning:
        print_error('[ERROR] You provided both a setup and energy binning for the Cocktail')
        print_error('        Please make sure to provide only one of these options')
        return False

    return True
    def __init__(self, settings=None):
        self.__settings = {
            'OUTPUT_PATH': '.',
            'PLUTO_DATA': 'pluto',
            'GEANT_DATA': 'geant',
            'LOG_DATA': 'log',
            'A2_GEANT_PATH': '/home/neiser/opt/a2geant',
            'QSUB_BIN': 'qsub',
            'QSUB_MAIL': 'a',
            'QUEUE': 'dflt',
            'WALLTIME': '12:00:00',
            'PRIORITY': 0,
            'Emin': 1420,
            'Emax': 1580

        if settings and len(settings[0]) == 2:
            for setting in settings:
                if setting[0] not in self.__settings:
                    print_error('[ERROR] Setting "%s" not valid! Will be skipped.' % setting[0])
                if not setting[1]:
                    print_color('[INFO] No value given for "{0}". Default value "{1}" will '
                                'be used'.format(setting[0], self.__settings[setting[0]]), 'BLUE')
                if setting[0] == 'PRIORITY':
                    if not setting[1].isdigit():
                        print_error('[ERROR] The given priority is not an integer, use '
                                    'default value %d instead.' % self.__settings[setting[1]])
                    self.__settings[setting[0]] = int(setting[1])
                if setting[0] in ('Emin', 'Emax'):
                    if not isfloat(setting[1]):
                        print_error('[ERROR] The given energy "%s" is not a float! Use default '
                                    'value %.1f instead.' % (setting[1], self.__settings[setting[0]]))
                    self.__settings[setting[0]] = float(setting[1])
                self.__settings[setting[0]] = setting[1]
        elif settings and len(settings[0]) != 2:
            print_error('[ERROR] Given settings in the wrong format, '
                        'list with tuples (setting, value) expected.')
def list_file_amount(settings, events=False):
    """List the simulated amount of files per channel;
    if events is True and PyROOT can be used, the total amount of events will be determined, too"""
    pluto_data = get_path(settings.get('OUTPUT_PATH'), settings.get('PLUTO_DATA'))
    geant_data = get_path(settings.get('OUTPUT_PATH'), settings.get('GEANT_DATA'))
    if not os.path.exists(pluto_data):
        sys.exit('Pluto path %s not found' % pluto_data)
    if not os.path.exists(geant_data):
        sys.exit('Geant path %s not found' % geant_data)
    pluto_files = [f for f in os.listdir(pluto_data) if f.startswith(PLUTO_PREFIX)]
    geant_files = [f for f in os.listdir(geant_data) if f.startswith(GEANT_PREFIX)]

    channels = []
    decay = re.compile(r'^%s_(\S+)_\d+\.root$' % PLUTO_PREFIX)
    for name in pluto_files:
        channel = decay.search(name).group(1) if decay.search(name) else ''
        if channel and channel not in channels:

    print('Amount of simulated %s per channel:' % ('events' if events else 'files'))
    for channel in channels:
        pluto_channel = [f for f in pluto_files if channel in f]
        geant_channel = [f for f in geant_files if channel in f]
        max_pluto = max_file_number(pluto_channel)
        max_geant = max_file_number(geant_channel)
        maximum = max(max_pluto, max_geant)
        if maximum > 0:
            if not events:
                print(' {0:<20s} -- {1:>4d} files'.format(format_channel(channel), maximum))
                    from ROOT import TFile, TTree
                except ImportError:
                    print_error('[ERROR] PyROOT is not available, the total amount of '
                                'simulated events cannot be determined.')
                sum = 0
                #from ROOT import TFile, TTree, TH1
                for name in pluto_channel:
                    filename = get_path(pluto_data, name)
                    current = TFile(filename)
                    if not current.IsOpen():
                        print_error("The file '%s' could not be opened" % filename)
                    elif not current.GetListOfKeys().GetSize():
                        print_error("Found no directory in file '%s'" % current.GetName())
                    name = current.GetListOfKeys().First().GetName()
                    tree = current.Get(name)
                    sum += tree.GetEntriesFast()
                print(' {0:<20s} -- {1:>4d} files,  total {2:>8s} events'.format(format_channel(channel), maximum, unit_prefix(sum)))
def check_file(path, file):
    """Check if a file in a certain path exists and is readable;
    if the file argument is omitted only path is checked, it's recommended to use
    check_path instead for this case"""
    path = os.path.expanduser(path)
    if file is None:
        if not os.path.isfile(path):
            print_error("[ERROR] The file '%s' does not exist!" % (path))
            return False
            if not is_readable(path):
                print_error("[ERROR] The file '%s' is not readable!" % (path))
                return False
            return True
    path = get_path(path, file)
    if not os.path.isfile(path):
        print_error("[ERROR] The file '%s' does not exist!" % path)
        return False
        if not is_readable(path):
            print_error("[ERROR] The file '%s' is not readable!" % (path))
            return False
        return True
def main():
    """Main function: process all information, prepare simulation process, submit jobs"""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Submit simulations on blaster, configuration '
                                     'is done via a config file "sim_settings" in ~ or . '
                                     'and/or a list of command line arguments')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', nargs=1, metavar='config_file',
                        dest='config',# required=True,
                        type=lambda x: is_valid_file(parser, x),
                        help='Optional: Specify a custom config file')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', nargs=1, metavar='output_directory',
                        type=lambda x: is_valid_dir(parser, x),
                        help='Optional: Custom output directory')
    parser.add_argument('-a', '--ant-pluto', nargs=1, type=str, metavar='Ant-pluto binary path',
                        help='Optional: If the Ant-pluto binary can\'t be found in your'
                        '$PATH variable, use this option to specify the path manually')
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', nargs='?', const=True,
                        help='List the amount of existing files per channel'
                        'in the output directory and exit; if "all" is specified'
                        'as an optional argument the amount of events will be listed')
    parser.add_argument('-e', '--example-config', nargs='?', const='example_settings',
                        help='Export an example of default settings and exit. '
                        'If no file is specified, the output will be written to "example_settings"')
    parser.add_argument('-w', '--walltime', type=int, nargs=1, metavar='walltime',
                        help='Walltime for jobs, time in hours')
    parser.add_argument('-q', '--queue', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='queue',
                        help='Queue which should be used for the jobs')
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
                        help='Force creation of directories if they do not exist'
                        'or overwrite existing files')
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
                        help='Print additional output')

    args = parser.parse_args()
    verbose = args.verbose
    force = args.force

    settings = None
    if args.example_config:
        print_color('[INFO] Write example settings to file "%s"' % args.example_config, 'BLUE')
        settings = Settings()
        if not settings.export(args.example_config, force):
            print_error('[ERROR] Creating example settings "%s" failed.' % args.example_config)

    config = None
    channels = []
    if args.config:
        config = args.config[0]
        if verbose:
            print('Use config file %s' % config)
        if verbose:
            print('Try to find a default config file')
        config = find_config(verbose=verbose)
        if not config:
            print_color('No config file found, use default values.', 'YELLOW')
            settings = Settings()
    if config:
        print_color('The config file "%s" will be used.' % config, 'BLUE')
        if verbose:
            print('Read config file %s' % config)
        with open(config, 'r') as conf:
            settings, channels = read_config(conf)

    if args.list:
        if verbose and args.list == 'all':
            print('Trying to determine the total amount of simulated events')
        if args.output:
            settings.set('OUTPUT_PATH', get_path(args.output[0]))
        list_file_amount(settings, args.list == 'all')

    if verbose:
        print('The following settings will be used:')
        if channels:
            print('The following channels have been found:')

    if args.output:
        if not check_path(args.output[0], force):
            sys.exit('The output directory %s cannot be used' % args.output[0])
        output = get_path(args.output[0])
        print_color('Setting custom output directory: %s' % output, 'GREEN')
        settings.set('OUTPUT_PATH', output)

    ant_pluto = ''
    if args.ant_pluto:
        ant_pluto = args.ant_pluto[0]
        print_color('Use custom Ant-pluto path %s' % ant_pluto, 'GREEN')

    if not check_directories(settings, ant_pluto, force, verbose):

    pluto, tid, geant = check_binaries(settings, ant_pluto, verbose)
    if not pluto or not tid or not geant:

    if not channels:
        print_color('[Warning] No channels specified in the config file', 'YELLOW')
        channels = simulation_dialogue()
        if not channels:
            sys.exit('No channels entered for simulation, exiting.')

    if args.walltime:
        print_color('Setting custom walltime to %d hours' % args.walltime[0], 'GREEN')
        settings.set('WALLTIME', args.walltime[0])
    if args.queue:
        print_color('Setting custom queue to %s' % args.queue[0], 'GREEN')
        settings.set('QUEUE', args.queue[0])

    if verbose:
        print('This are the updated settings:')

    if verbose:
        print('Determining the existing amount of files...')
    simulation = []
    for channel in channels:
        decay_string = get_decay_string(channel[0])
        max_number = check_simulation_files(settings, decay_string)
        simulation.append([decay_string, channel[0], channel[1], channel[2], max_number])

    print_color(str(len(simulation)) + ' channels configured. '
                'The following simulation will take place:', 'BLUE')
    total_files, total_events = 0, 0
    for channel, _, files, events, _ in simulation:
        total = files*events
        print("{0:<20s} {1:>4d} files per {2:>4s} events (total {3:>4s} events)"
              .format(format_channel(channel), files, unit_prefix(events), unit_prefix(total)))
        total_files += files
        total_events += total
    print(" Total %s events in %d files" % (unit_prefix(total_events), total_files))
    print(" Files will be stored in " + settings.get('OUTPUT_PATH'))

    # start the job submission
    print('Start submitting jobs, total', total_files)
    submit_jobs(settings, simulation, pluto, tid, geant, total_files)
    print_color('Done!', 'GREEN')
def list_file_amount(settings, events=False):
    """List the simulated amount of files per channel;
    if events is True and PyROOT can be used, the total amount of events will be determined, too"""
    mcgen_data = settings.get('MCGEN_DATA')
    geant_data = settings.get('GEANT_DATA')
    if not os.path.exists(mcgen_data):
        sys.exit('MC generated data path %s not found' % mcgen_data)
    if not os.path.exists(geant_data):
        sys.exit('Geant path %s not found' % geant_data)
    mcgen_files = [f for f in os.listdir(mcgen_data) if f.startswith(MCGEN_PREFIX)]
    geant_files = [f for f in os.listdir(geant_data) if f.startswith(GEANT_PREFIX)]

    # try to determine amount of Cocktail and Particle gun files
    cocktail_files = [f for f in mcgen_files if 'cocktail' in f.lower()]
    if cocktail_files:
        print('Cocktail: %d files' % len(cocktail_files))

    gun_files = [f for f in mcgen_files if 'gun' in f.lower()]
    if gun_files:
        print('Particle gun: %d files' % len(gun_files))

    # check if Pluto files are left
    pluto_files = set(mcgen_files) - set(cocktail_files) - set(gun_files)
    if not pluto_files:

    # if Pluto files left, gather channels and determine the amount per channel
    channels = []
    decay = re.compile(r'^%s_(\S+)_\d+\.root$' % MCGEN_PREFIX)
    for name in pluto_files:
        channel = decay.search(name).group(1) if decay.search(name) else ''
        if channel and channel not in channels:

    print('Amount of simulated %s per channel:' % ('events' if events else 'files'))
    for channel in channels:
        pluto_channel = [f for f in pluto_files if channel in f]
        geant_channel = [f for f in geant_files if channel in f]
        max_pluto = max_file_number(pluto_channel)
        max_geant = max_file_number(geant_channel)
        maximum = max(max_pluto, max_geant)
        if maximum > 0:
            if not events:
                print(' {0:<20s} -- {1:>4d} files'.format(format_channel(channel), maximum))
                    from ROOT import TFile, TTree
                except ImportError:
                    print_error('[ERROR] PyROOT is not available, the total amount of '
                                'simulated events cannot be determined.')
                sum_events = 0
                #from ROOT import TFile, TTree, TH1
                for name in pluto_channel:
                    filename = get_path(mcgen_data, name)
                    current = TFile(filename)
                    if not current.IsOpen():
                        print_error("The file '%s' could not be opened" % filename)
                    elif not current.GetListOfKeys().GetSize():
                        print_error("Found no directory in file '%s'" % current.GetName())
                    name = current.GetListOfKeys().First().GetName()
                    tree = current.Get(name)
                    sum_events += tree.GetEntriesFast()
                print(' {0:<20s} -- {1:>4d} files,  total {2:>8s} events'.format(format_channel(channel), maximum, unit_prefix(sum_events)))
def check_binaries(settings, ant_pluto='', verbose=False):
    """Check if the needed binaries exist, return the absolute paths to them"""
    pluto, tid, geant = None, None, None

    # first of all check if the specified qsub binary exists
    if not find_executable(settings.get('QSUB_BIN')):
        print_error('[ERROR] The binary %s could not be found!' % settings.get('QSUB_BIN'))

    if ant_pluto:
        if verbose:
            print('Searching for Ant-pluto and Ant-addTID in %s' % ant_pluto)
        pluto = check_bin(ant_pluto, 'Ant-pluto')
        if pluto and verbose:
            print('Found Ant-pluto')
        tid = check_bin(ant_pluto, 'Ant-addTID')
        if tid and verbose:
            print('Found Ant-addTID')
        if not pluto:
            print_error('[ERROR] Ant-pluto not found in %s!' % ant_pluto)
        if not tid:
            print_error('[ERROR] Ant-addTID not found in %s!' % ant_pluto)
        pluto = find_executable('Ant-pluto')
        if not pluto:
            print_error('[ERROR] Ant-pluto not found!')
            if verbose:
                print("Ant-pluto couldn't be found within your $PATH variable")
        tid = find_executable('Ant-addTID')
        if not tid:
            print_error('[ERROR] Ant-addTID not found!')
            if verbose:
                print("Ant-addTID couldn't be found within your $PATH variable")
            pluto = abspath(pluto)
            tid = abspath(tid)
            if verbose:
                print('Ant-pluto found:', pluto)
                print('Ant-addTID found:', tid)

    geant_path = settings.get('A2_GEANT_PATH')
    if verbose:
        print('Searching for the A2 binary in %s' % geant_path)
    if not check_bin(geant_path, 'A2'):
        print_error('[ERROR] A2 Geant executable not found!')
    elif verbose:
        print('A2 executable found in %s' % geant_path)
    geant = check_bin(geant_path, 'runGeant.sh')
    if not geant:
        print_error('[ERROR] The runGeant.sh script could not be found or used!')

    # check if Geant version is used which can read in Pluto files (without pluto2mkin converter)
    if os.path.exists(get_path(geant_path, 'pluto2mkin')):
        print_error('[ERROR] pluto2mkin converter found in %s' % geant_path)
        print("        It's highly recommended to use the PlutoGen branch of the a2geant repository.")

    # check target length in A2 Geant4 DetectorSetup.mac
    geant_macros = get_path(geant_path, 'macros')
    if not check_file(geant_macros, 'DetectorSetup.mac'):
        print("        No 'DetectorSetup.mac' macro found in the Geant macros directory.")
    target_length = ''
    with open(get_path(geant_macros, 'DetectorSetup.mac'), 'r') as mac:
        for line in mac:
            if '/A2/det/setTargetLength' in line:
                target_length = line.split()[1]
    if float(target_length) < 10.:
        print_color("[WARNING] The target length specified in the 'DetectorSetup.mac' macro", 'YELLOW')
        print_color('          in the Geant macros directory is smaller than the usual lH2 target', 'YELLOW')
        print_color('          size: %s cm. If you consider to use a smeared z vertex, make sure' % target_length, 'YELLOW')
        print_color('          the specified target length is correctly set.', 'YELLOW')

    return pluto, tid, geant
def check_binaries(settings, generator_path='', verbose=False):
    """Check if the needed binaries exist, return the absolute paths to them"""
    generator, geant = None, None

    # first of all check if the specified qsub binary exists
    if not find_executable(settings.get('QSUB_BIN')):
        print_error('[ERROR] The binary %s could not be found!' % settings.get('QSUB_BIN'))

    generator = settings.get('GENERATOR')
    generator_path = settings.get('GENERATOR_PATH')
    if generator_path:
        if verbose:
            print('Searching for MC generator in %s' % generator_path)
        generator = check_bin(generator_path, generator)
        if generator and verbose:
            print('Found %s' % settings.get('GENERATOR'))
        if not generator:
            print_error('[ERROR] %s not found in %s!' % (settings.get('GENERATOR'), generator_path))
        generator = find_executable(generator)
        if not generator:
            print_error('[ERROR] %s not found!' % settings.get('GENERATOR'))
            if verbose:
                print("%s couldn't be found within your $PATH variable" % settings.get('GENERATOR'))
            generator = abspath(generator)
            if verbose:
                print('%s found: %s', (settings.get('GENERATOR'), generator))

    geant_path = settings.get('A2_GEANT_PATH')
    if geant_path:
        if verbose:
            print('Searching for the A2 binary in %s' % geant_path)
        if not check_bin(geant_path, 'A2'):
            print_error('[ERROR] A2 Geant executable not found!')
        elif verbose:
            print('A2 executable found in %s' % geant_path)
        if check_file(geant_path, 'runA2Geant'):
            geant = check_bin(geant_path, 'runA2Geant')
            geant = check_bin(geant_path, 'runGeant.sh')
        if not geant:
            print_error('[ERROR] The runA2Geant or runGeant.sh script could not be found or used!')
        geant = find_executable('A2')
        # fallback solution if not in $PATH
        if not geant:
            print_color("[WARNING] The A2 Geant binary couldn't be found within your $PATH variable", 'YELLOW')
            print('          try to use fallback solution')
            fallback = '/home/neiser/opt/a2geant/build/bin'
            if check_file(fallback, 'A2'):
                geant = check_bin(fallback, 'A2')
        if not geant:
            print_error('[ERROR] A2 executable not found!')
            if verbose:
                print("The A2 Geant binary couldn't be found neither in your $PATH variable nor in the fallback solution")
            if verbose:
                print('A2 executable found:', geant)
            geant_path = dirname(abspath(geant))
            if check_file(geant_path, 'runA2Geant'):
                geant = check_bin(geant_path, 'runA2Geant')
                geant = check_bin(geant_path, 'runGeant.sh')
            if not geant:
                print_error('[ERROR] The runA2Geant or runGeant.sh script could not be found or used!')

    # check if Geant version is used which can read in Pluto files (without pluto2mkin converter)
    if os.path.exists(get_path(geant_path, 'pluto2mkin')):
        print_error('[ERROR] pluto2mkin converter found in %s' % geant_path)
        print("        It's highly recommended to use the Ant branch of the a2geant repository.")

    # check target length in A2 Geant4 DetectorSetup.mac
    geant_base = geant_path.replace('/build/bin', '')
    geant_macros = get_path(geant_base, 'macros')
    if not check_file(geant_macros, 'DetectorSetup.mac'):
        print("        No 'DetectorSetup.mac' macro found in the Geant macros directory.")
    target_length = ''
    with open(get_path(geant_macros, 'DetectorSetup.mac'), 'r') as mac:
        for line in mac:
            if '/A2/det/setTargetLength' in line:
                target_length = line.split()[1]
    if float(target_length) < 10.:
        print_color("[WARNING] The target length specified in the 'DetectorSetup.mac' macro", 'YELLOW')
        print_color('          in the Geant macros directory is smaller than the usual lH2 target', 'YELLOW')
        print_color('          size: %s cm. If you consider to use a smeared z vertex, make sure' % target_length, 'YELLOW')
        print_color('          the specified target length is correctly set.', 'YELLOW')

    return generator, geant
    def export(self, file_name, force=False):
        """Export the current settings to the given file"""
        file_name = os.path.expanduser(file_name)
        path = os.path.dirname(file_name)
        if not path:
            path = os.getcwd()
            file_name = os.path.join(path, file_name)
        if not os.path.exists(path) and not force:
            print_error('[ERROR] The path "%s" for exporting the settings does not exist!' % path)
            return False
        elif not os.path.exists(path):
            print_color('[INFO] The path "%s" does not exist, it will be created now.' % path, 'BLUE')
            except OSError as exception:
                if exception.errno == errno.EACCES:
                    print_error('[ERROR] You do not have the permission to create directories in "%s"'
                                % os.path.dirname(path))
                    return False
                elif exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
        if not os.access(path, os.W_OK):
            print_error('[ERROR] The given path "%s" os not writable!' % path)
            return False
        if os.path.isfile(file_name):
            if not force:
                print_error('[ERROR] The specified file "%s" already exists, aborting export.' % file_name)
                return False
                print_color('[INFO] The file "%s" already exists, it will be overwritten.' % file_name, 'BLUE')
        with open(file_name, 'w') as file:
            file.write('%s\n' % '[settings]')
            file.write('%s\n' % '# output path, current directory will be used if missing')
            file.write('%s = %s\n' % ('OUTPUT_PATH', self.__settings['OUTPUT_PATH']))
            file.write('%s\n' % '# directory relative to output path above to store Pluto files')
            file.write('%s = %s\n' % ('PLUTO_DATA', self.__settings['PLUTO_DATA']))
            file.write('%s\n' % '# relative path to output path above '
                       'where the Geant4 files should be stored')
            file.write('%s = %s\n' % ('GEANT_DATA', self.__settings['GEANT_DATA']))
            file.write('%s\n' % '# log directory relative to output path above, '
                       'log will be used if empty')
            file.write('%s = %s\n' % ('LOG_DATA', self.__settings['LOG_DATA']))
            file.write('%s = %s\n\n' % ('A2_GEANT_PATH', self.__settings['A2_GEANT_PATH']))
            file.write('%s\n' % '# some default settings for jobs')
            file.write('%s = %s\n' % ('QSUB_BIN', self.__settings['QSUB_BIN']))
            file.write('%s\n' % '# mail when job aborts (a), begins (b), ends (e), no mails (n)')
            file.write('%s = %s\n' % ('QSUB_MAIL', self.__settings['QSUB_MAIL']))
            file.write('%s = %s\n' % ('QUEUE', self.__settings['QUEUE']))
            file.write('%s = %s\n' % ('WALLTIME', self.__settings['WALLTIME']))
            file.write('%s = %s\n\n' % ('PRIORITY', self.__settings['PRIORITY']))
            file.write('%s\n' % '# simulation specific settings')
            file.write('%s\n' % '# minimum energy of the photon beam')
            file.write('%s: %s\n' % ('Emin', self.__settings['Emin']))
            file.write('%s\n' % '# maximum energy of the photon beam')
            file.write('%s: %s\n\n' % ('Emax', self.__settings['Emax']))
            file.write('%s\n' % '[channels]')
            file.write('%s\n' % '# channels which should be simulated, line has to start with ";", '
                       'given in the syntax used in Pluto (do not forget the recoil proton!), '
                       'the amount of files and the number of events per file')
            file.write('%s\n' % ';"p pi0 [g g]" 10 100000')

        return True
    color.print_dark_skyblue('dark skyblue')
    color.print_white('White Char')
    color.print_dark_gray('dark gray')

    color.print_normal('normal for normal words')
    color.print_italic('italic for comment and other like italic font usage')
    color.print_bold('bold use like bold font')
    color.print_ok('ok means that exec action succeed')
    color.print_warning('print_warning is too long')
    color.print_err('print_error is too long')

    with color.redirect_red():
        print('redirect red')

    with color.redirect_yellow():
        print('redirect yellow')

    with color.redirect_gray():
        print('redirect gray', end='')

    with color.redirect_gray():
        print('', end='\n')

    print_color(str(len(simulation)) + ' channels configured. '
                'The following simulation will take place:', 'BLUE')
    total_files, total_events = 0, 0
    for channel, _, files, events, _ in simulation:
        total = files*events
        print("{0:<20s} {1:>4d} files per {2:>4s} events (total {3:>4s} events)"
              .format(format_channel(channel), files, unit_prefix(events), unit_prefix(total)))
        total_files += files
        total_events += total
    print(" Total %s events in %d files" % (unit_prefix(total_events), total_files))
    print(" Files will be stored in " + settings.get('OUTPUT_PATH'))

    # start the job submission
    print('Start submitting jobs, total', total_files)
    submit_jobs(settings, simulation, pluto, tid, geant, total_files)
    print_color('Done!', 'GREEN')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print('\nCtrl+C detected, will abort simulation process')
    except Exception as e:
        print_error('An error occured during execution:')
        if '-v' or '--verbose' in sys.argv:
            raise e
def main():
    """Main function: process all information, prepare simulation process, submit jobs"""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Submit simulations on blaster, configuration '
                                     'is done via a config file "sim_settings" in ~ or . '
                                     'and/or a list of command line arguments')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', nargs=1, metavar='config_file',
                        dest='config',# required=True,
                        type=lambda x: is_valid_file(parser, x),
                        help='Optional: Specify a custom config file')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', nargs=1, metavar='output_directory',
                        type=lambda x: is_valid_dir(parser, x),
                        help='Optional: Custom output directory')
    parser.add_argument('-g', '--generator', nargs=1, type=str, metavar='MC generator binary',
                        help='Optional: If the generator binary is not specified in the config '
                        'or should be overwritten, use this option to specify the binary manually')
    parser.add_argument('-p', '--path-generator', nargs=1, type=str, metavar='MC generator binary path',
                        help='Optional: If the generator binary (e.g. Ant-pluto) can\'t be found '
                        'in your $PATH variable, use this option to specify the path manually')
    parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', nargs='?', const=True,
                        help='List the amount of existing files per channel '
                        'in the output directory and exit; if "all" is specified '
                        'as an optional argument the amount of events will be listed')
    parser.add_argument('-e', '--example-config', nargs='?', const='example_settings',
                        help='Export an example of default settings and exit. '
                        'If no file is specified, the output will be written to "example_settings"')
    parser.add_argument('-a', '--add-flags', nargs=1, type=str, metavar='"Additional flags"',
                        help='Optional: Define additional flags which will be passed to the '
                        'MC generator. Flags defined in the settings file will be overwritten. '
                        'All additional flags must be given as one quoted string!')
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--tag', nargs=1, type=str, metavar='Job Tag',
                        help='Optional: Specify a job tag, default is Sim')
    parser.add_argument('-w', '--walltime', type=int, nargs=1, metavar='walltime',
                        help='Walltime for jobs, time in hours')
    parser.add_argument('-q', '--queue', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='queue',
                        help='Queue which should be used for the jobs')
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
                        help='Force creation of directories if they do not exist '
                        'or overwrite existing files')
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
                        help='Print additional output')

    args = parser.parse_args()
    verbose = args.verbose
    force = args.force

    settings = None
    if args.example_config:
        print_color('[INFO] Write example settings to file "%s"' % args.example_config, 'BLUE')
        settings = Settings()
        if not settings.export(args.example_config, force):
            print_error('[ERROR] Creating example settings "%s" failed.' % args.example_config)

    config = None
    channels = []
    if args.config:
        config = args.config[0]
        if verbose:
            print('Use config file %s' % config)
        if verbose:
            print('Try to find a default config file')
        config = find_config(verbose=verbose)
        if not config:
            print_color('No config file found, use default values.', 'YELLOW')
            settings = Settings()
    if config:
        print_color('The config file "%s" will be used.' % config, 'BLUE')
        if verbose:
            print('Read config file %s' % config)
        with open(config, 'r') as conf:
            settings, channels = read_config(conf)

    if args.list:
        if verbose and args.list == 'all':
            print('Trying to determine the total amount of simulated events')
        if args.output:
            settings.set('OUTPUT_PATH', get_path(args.output[0]))
        list_file_amount(settings, args.list == 'all')

    if verbose:
        print('The following default settings were determined:')
        if channels:
            print('The following channels have been found:')

    if args.output:
        if not check_path(args.output[0], force):
            sys.exit('The output directory %s cannot be used' % args.output[0])
        output = get_path(args.output[0])
        print_color('Setting custom output directory: %s' % output, 'GREEN')
        settings.set('OUTPUT_PATH', output)

    if args.path_generator:
        path_generator = get_path(args.path_generator[0])
        print_color('Setting custom path for MC generator %s' % path_generator, 'GREEN')
        settings.set('GENERATOR_PATH', path_generator)

    if not check_directories(settings, force, verbose):
    settings.set('MCGEN_DATA', get_path(settings.get('OUTPUT_PATH'), settings.get('MCGEN_DATA')))
    settings.set('GEANT_DATA', get_path(settings.get('OUTPUT_PATH'), settings.get('GEANT_DATA')))
    settings.set('LOG_DATA', get_path(settings.get('OUTPUT_PATH'), settings.get('LOG_DATA')))

    if args.generator:
        generator = args.generator[0]
        print_color('Use custom MC generator %s' % generator, 'GREEN')
        settings.set('GENERATOR', generator)

    if args.add_flags:
        print_color('Set custom flags to pass to the MC generator: %s' % args.add_flags[0], 'GREEN')
        settings.set('AddFlags', args.add_flags[0])

    mc_generator, geant = check_binaries(settings, verbose)
    if not mc_generator or not geant:

    if not channels:
        print_color('[Warning] No channels specified in the config file', 'YELLOW')
        print_color('          Use -e to export example settings or -h for help', 'YELLOW')
        channels = simulation_dialogue()
        if not channels:
            sys.exit('No channels entered for simulation, exiting.')

    if args.walltime:
        print_color('Setting custom walltime to %d hours' % args.walltime[0], 'GREEN')
        settings.set('WALLTIME', args.walltime[0])
    if args.queue:
        print_color('Setting custom queue to %s' % args.queue[0], 'GREEN')
        settings.set('QUEUE', args.queue[0])

    tag = args.tag[0] if args.tag else 'Sim'
    if verbose:
        print('Use the tag "%s" for the submitted jobs' % tag)

    if verbose:
        print('These are the updated settings:')

    if 'Ant-cocktail' in mc_generator:
        if not sanity_check_cocktail(settings):
    if 'Ant-mcgun' in mc_generator:
        if not sanity_check_mcgun(settings):

    if not sanity_check_channels(mc_generator, channels):

    if verbose:
        print('Determining the existing amount of files...')
    simulation = []
    for channel in channels:
        decay_string = get_decay_string(channel[0])
        max_number = check_simulation_files(settings, decay_string)
        simulation.append([decay_string, channel[0], channel[1], channel[2], max_number])

    print_color(str(len(simulation)) + ' channels configured. '
                'The following simulation will take place:', 'BLUE')
    total_files, total_events = 0, 0
    for channel, _, files, events, _ in simulation:
        total = files*events
        chnl = channel
        if 'pluto' in mc_generator.lower():
            chnl = format_channel(channel)
        print("{0:<20s} {1:>4d} files per {2:>4s} events (total {3:>4s} events)"
              .format(chnl, files, unit_prefix(events), unit_prefix(total)))
        total_files += files
        total_events += total
    print(" Total %s events in %d files" % (unit_prefix(total_events), total_files))
    print(" Files will be stored in " + settings.get('OUTPUT_PATH'))

    # run a test job for the first command to be submitted and check the output
    print_color('Test provided commands', 'BLUE')
    print(' Running first test job locally . . .')
    if not run_test_job(settings, simulation, mc_generator, geant):
        print_error('[ERROR] Test job failed, aborting job submission')
    print_color('Test job successful', 'BLUE')

    # start the job submission
    print('Start submitting jobs, total', total_files)
    submit_jobs(settings, simulation, mc_generator, geant, tag, total_files, verbose)
    print_color('Done!', 'GREEN')
    def export(self, file_name, force=False):
        """Export the current settings to the given file"""
        file_name = os.path.expanduser(file_name)
        path = os.path.dirname(file_name)
        if not path:
            path = os.getcwd()
            file_name = os.path.join(path, file_name)
        if not os.path.exists(path) and not force:
                '[ERROR] The path "%s" for exporting the settings does not exist!'
                % path)
            return False
        elif not os.path.exists(path):
                '[INFO] The path "%s" does not exist, it will be created now.'
                % path, 'BLUE')
            except OSError as exception:
                if exception.errno == errno.EACCES:
                        '[ERROR] You do not have the permission to create directories in "%s"'
                        % os.path.dirname(path))
                    return False
                elif exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
        if not os.access(path, os.W_OK):
            print_error('[ERROR] The given path "%s" os not writable!' % path)
            return False
        if os.path.isfile(file_name):
            if not force:
                    '[ERROR] The specified file "%s" already exists, aborting export.'
                    % file_name)
                return False
                    '[INFO] The file "%s" already exists, it will be overwritten.'
                    % file_name, 'BLUE')
        with open(file_name, 'w') as file:
            file.write('%s\n' % '[settings]')
                '%s\n' %
                '# output path, current directory will be used if missing')
            file.write('%s = %s\n' %
                       ('OUTPUT_PATH', self.__settings['OUTPUT_PATH']))
                '%s\n' %
                '# directory relative to output path above to store MC generated files'
            file.write('%s = %s\n' %
                       ('MCGEN_DATA', self.__settings['MCGEN_DATA']))
            file.write('%s\n' % '# relative path to output path above '
                       'where the Geant4 files should be stored')
            file.write('%s = %s\n' %
                       ('GEANT_DATA', self.__settings['GEANT_DATA']))
            file.write('%s\n' %
                       '# log directory relative to output path above, '
                       'log will be used if empty')
            file.write('%s = %s\n' % ('LOG_DATA', self.__settings['LOG_DATA']))
                '%s\n' %
                '# path to the a2geant binaries, $PATH is used if empty')
            file.write('%s = %s\n' %
                       ('A2_GEANT_PATH', self.__settings['A2_GEANT_PATH']))
                '%s\n' %
                '# the A2 Geant binary which should be used, default "A2" if empty'
                '%s\n' %
                '# IMPORTANT: if you\'re using the new A2Geant4 version, set this parameter'
                '%s\n' %
                '# to "A2Geant4" and specify additional "GeantFlags" further down'
            file.write('%s = %s\n\n' %
                       ('GEANT_BINARY', self.__settings['GEANT_BINARY']))
            file.write('%s\n' % '# some default settings for jobs')
            file.write('%s = %s\n' % ('QSUB_BIN', self.__settings['QSUB_BIN']))
                '%s\n' %
                '# mail when job aborts (a), begins (b), ends (e), no mails (n)'
            file.write('%s = %s\n' %
                       ('QSUB_MAIL', self.__settings['QSUB_MAIL']))
            file.write('%s = %s\n' % ('QUEUE', self.__settings['QUEUE']))
            file.write('%s = %s\n' % ('WALLTIME', self.__settings['WALLTIME']))
            file.write('%s = %s\n' % ('PRIORITY', self.__settings['PRIORITY']))
            file.write('%s\n' % '# any additional flags needed for submission')
                '%s\n' %
                '# e.g. to restrict execution hosts to sl7:  -l nodes=1:sl7')
            file.write('%s = %s\n\n' %
                       ('QSUB_EXTRA', self.__settings['QSUB_EXTRA']))
            file.write('%s\n' % '# simulation specific settings')
            file.write('%s\n' %
                       '# the MC generator which should be used, i.e.')
            file.write('%s\n' % '# Ant-pluto, Ant-cocktail, or Ant-mcgun')
                '%s\n' %
                '# Note: If you specify a different MC generator, please')
                '%s\n' %
                '#       make sure that its output is readable by Geant!')
            file.write('%s\n' %
                       '#       Flags can be passed via AddFlags option.')
            file.write('%s = %s\n' %
                       ('GENERATOR', self.__settings['GENERATOR']))
                '%s\n' %
                '# leave the generator path blank to use the $PATH variable')
            file.write('%s = %s\n' %
                       ('GENERATOR_PATH', self.__settings['GENERATOR_PATH']))
            file.write('%s\n' % '# minimum energy of the photon beam')
            file.write('%s: %s\n' % ('Emin', self.__settings['Emin']))
            file.write('%s\n' % '# maximum energy of the photon beam')
            file.write('%s: %s\n' % ('Emax', self.__settings['Emax']))
            file.write('%s\n' % '# Ant-cocktail specific settings')
            file.write('%s\n' %
                       '# Define only ONE of the following two settings!')
                '%s\n' %
                '# Setup which should be used, e.g. "Setup_2014_07_EPT_Prod"')
            file.write('%s: %s\n' %
                       ('COCKTAIL_SETUP', self.__settings['COCKTAIL_SETUP']))
                '%s\n' %
                '# Binning for the beam energy, min and max energy as defined above'
                '%s: %s\n' %
                ('COCKTAIL_BINNING', self.__settings['COCKTAIL_BINNING']))
                '%s\n' %
                '# Ant-mcgun specific settings, min and max energy used as defined above'
                '%s\n' %
                '# covered theta range in degree in the format min_theta max_theta'
            file.write('%s: %s\n' %
                       ('GUN_THETA', self.__settings['GUN_THETA']))
            file.write('%s\n' % '# opening angle between particles in degree')
            file.write('%s: %s\n' %
                       ('GUN_OPENING', self.__settings['GUN_OPENING']))
                '%s\n' %
                '# additional flags passed to runGeant (which calls a2geant), '
                'for example regex to replace information in detector macro setup'
                '%s\n' %
                "# like 's~^(/A2/det/setTargetLength).*~$1 5 cm~' (using the Ant branch of a2geant4)"
                '%s\n' %
                '# in case you\'re using the new A2Geant4 additional flags like the macros you want to use go here'
            file.write('%s: %s\n\n' %
                       ('GeantFlags', self.__settings['GeantFlags']))
                '%s\n' %
                '# additional flags passed to the generator, for example --flatEbeam (cocktail, pluto) or --flatTheta (mcgun)'
            file.write('%s: %s\n\n' %
                       ('AddFlags', self.__settings['AddFlags']))
            file.write('%s\n' % '[channels]')
                '%s\n' %
                '# channels which should be simulated with Ant-pluto, line has to start with ";", '
                'given in the syntax used in Pluto (do not forget the recoil proton!), '
                'the amount of files and the number of events per file')
            file.write('%s\n' % '#;"p pi0 [g g]" 10 100000')
                '%s\n' %
                '# in case of Ant-cocktail, start the string with "Cocktail", '
                'followed by the amount of files and the number of events per file'
            file.write('%s\n' % '#;"Cocktail" 100 10000')
                '%s\n' %
                '# for the particle gun Ant-mcgun, start the string with "Gun: <particle_list>", '
                'particle list separated by spaces, followed by the amount of files '
                'and the number of events per file')
            file.write('%s\n' % '#;"Gun: g g" 100 10000')

        return True
for entry in range(len(hardware_ports)):
    # the find method will return the index of the lowest position the subtring was found
    # it will return a -1 if not found
    if hardware_ports[entry].find("Wi-Fi") > 0:
        # print_good("got one " + entry)
        found = True
        device_name = hardware_ports[entry + 1].split(":")[-1].strip()

if found:
    # print_good("Found a Wi-Fi hardware port!")
elif not found:
    print_error("No Wi-Fi interfaces found!")

print_status("Gathering any preferred wireless networks...")
preferred = sub.run(["networksetup","-listpreferredwirelessnetworks", device_name], stdout=sub.PIPE)
preferred = preferred.stdout.decode()

# remove a preferred wireless network