文件: scene.py 项目: makononov/PyRT
    def calculateShading(self, intersection, depth):
        point = intersection[1]
        shape = intersection[2]
        normal = shape.getNormalAtPoint(point)
        incident_vector = (point - self.camera.position).normalized()
        shapeColor = shape.getColorAtPoint(point)
        log.debug("Shading {0} {1}".format(shape, point))

        # ambient portion
        result = color.component_scale(shapeColor, [x/255 for x in self.ambient_light])

        specular_lights = []
        for light in self.lights:
            # shadow
            lightDir = (light.position - point).normalized()
            lightDist = (light.position - point).magnitude()
            shadowed = False
            for shape in self.shapes:
                    dist, point = shape.intersection(lightDir, point + (normal * 0.001))
                    if dist <= lightDist:
                        shadowed = True
                        log.debug("Shadowed by {0} at distance {1}".format(shape, dist))
                except TypeError:

            if not shadowed:
                # diffuse
                diffIntensity = min(max(lightDir * normal, 0), 1)
                diff = color.scale(light.color, diffIntensity)
                diff = color.component_scale(shapeColor, [x/255 for x in diff])
                log.debug("Diff: {0} (intensity {1})".format(diff, diffIntensity))
                result = color.add(result, diff)

                if diffIntensity > 0:

        # reflection
        if shape.material.reflection > 0:
            reflective_vector = incident_vector - (2 * (incident_vector * normal) * normal)
            reflective_component = self.fireRay(reflective_vector, point + (normal * 0.001), depth + 1)
            result = color.scale(result, 1 - shape.material.reflection)
            result = color.add(result, color.scale(reflective_component, shape.material.reflection))

        for light in specular_lights:
            # blinn-phong
            viewDir = -incident_vector
            halfDir = (lightDir + viewDir).normalized()
            specAngle = min(max(halfDir * normal, 0), 1)
            specIntensity = specAngle ** shape.material.hardness
            spec = color.scale(light.color, specIntensity)
            spec = color.scale(spec, shape.material.specular)
            result = color.add(result, spec)

        return result
文件: main.py 项目: makononov/PyRT
def initScene():
    global scene
    camera = Camera()
    camera.position = Vector(0, 1, 5)
    camera.point_at = Vector(0, 1, 0)
    scene = Scene(window.width, window.height, camera)
    log.info("Initialized scene with {0}x{1} image, {2}".format(window.width, window.height, camera))

    scene.ambient_light = color.scale(color.WHITE, 0.1)

    light = PointLight()
    light.position = Vector(5, 8, 8)
    log.info("Adding {0} to scene".format(light))

    light2 = PointLight()
    light2.position = Vector(-5, 8, 8)
    log.info("Adding {0} to scene".format(light2))

    plane = Plane()
    plane.material.color = color.scale(color.WHITE, 0.5)
    plane.material.hardness = 0
    plane.material.specular = 0.5
    plane.material.reflection = 0.1
    log.info("Adding {0} to scene".format(plane))

    sphere = Sphere()
    sphere.position = Vector(1, 2, -3)
    sphere.radius = 1
    sphere.material.color = color.RED
    sphere.material.specular = 0.5
    sphere.material.hardness = 50
    sphere.material.reflection = 0.5
    log.info("Adding {0} to scene".format(sphere))

    sphere2 = Sphere()
    sphere2.position = Vector(-1, 1, -1.5)
    sphere2.radius = 1
    sphere2.material.color = color.YELLOW
    sphere2.material.specular = 0.5
    sphere2.material.hardness = 50
    sphere2.material.reflection = 0.5
    log.info("Adding {0} to scene".format(sphere2))
 def add_light(c: Color, l: Light):
     # print('c=',c)
     ldis = l.pos - pos
     livec = ldis.normal()
     neatIsect = test_ray(Ray(start=pos, dir=livec), scene)
     isInShadow = False if not neatIsect else neatIsect <= ldis.magnitude()
     if isInShadow:
         return c
         illum = livec & norm
         lcolor = color.default_color if illum < 0 else color.scale(illum, l.color)
         specular = livec & rd.normal()
         scolor = color.default_color if specular < 0 else color.scale(specular**thing.surface.roughness, l.color)
         # print('[types] c:{} pos:{} lcolor:{} scolor:{}'.format(c,pos,lcolor, scolor))
         # inter1 = thing.surface.diffuse(pos) 
         # inter2 = thing.surface.specular(pos) 
         # print('[types] inter1:{} inter2:{}'.format(inter1, inter2))
         return color.plus(c, (color.times(thing.surface.diffuse(pos) ,lcolor) + color.times(thing.surface.specular(pos), scolor)) )
	def __call__(self, time, delta):
		frame=self.pattern(time, delta)
		#1. Calculate the total brightness
		total = 0.0
		for i in range(len(frame[0])):
			for j in range(len(frame[0][i])):
				for col in frame[0][i][j]:
					r, g, b = col
					total += r+g+b
		for i in range(len(frame[1])):
			for col in frame[1][i]:
				r, g, b = col
				total += r+g+b
		for col in frame[2]:
			r, g, b = col
			total += r+g+b

		if total > self.max:
			#scale everything back
			factor = self.max / total
			#print('scaling back ',factor)
			for i in range(len(frame[0])):
				for j in range(len(frame[0][i])):
					for k in range(len(frame[0][i][j])):
						frame[0][i][j][k] = color.scale(frame[0][i][j][k], factor)
			for i in range(len(frame[1])):
				for j in range(len(frame[1][i])):
					frame[1][i][j] = color.scale(frame[1][i][j], factor)
			for i in range(len(frame[2])):
				frame[2][i] = color.scale(frame[2][i], factor)	
		return frame
文件: scene.py 项目: makononov/PyRT
    def __init__(self, image_width = 0, image_height = 0, cam = None):
        self.shapes = []
        self.lights = []

        if cam is None:
            self.camera = Camera()
            self.camera = cam

        self.image_width = image_width
        self.image_height = image_height

        self.image_plane = ImagePlane()
        self.image_plane.setDims(self.camera.fov, self.camera.focal_length, image_width / image_height)
        self.image_plane.center = self.camera.position - (self.camera.normal() * self.camera.focal_length)
        self.image_plane.origin = self.image_plane.center - (self.camera.u() * (self.image_plane.width / 2)) - (self.camera.v() * (self.image_plane.height / 2))

        self.background_color = color.BLACK
        self.ambient_light = color.scale(color.WHITE, 0.2)
        log.info("Scene initialized")
def get_reflection_color(thing: Thing, pos:Vector, normal:Vector, rd:Vector, scene:Scene, depth: int) -> Color:
    return color.scale(thing.surface.reflect(pos), 
        trace_ray(Ray(start=pos, dir=rd), scene, depth + 1))
 def test_scale(self):
     c1 = Color(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
     result = scale(3.0, c1)
     for n in result:
         self.assertAlmostEqual(n, 0.3)