 def colorAt(self, objHit, hitPos, hitNormal):
     material = objHit.material
     objColor = material.colorAt(hitPos)
     toCamera = self.camera.subVector(hitPos)
     specularCoef = 80
     color = Color(0,0,0).multiplyVector(material.ambient)
     for light in self.lights:
         toTheLight = Ray(hitPos, light.pos.subVector(hitPos))
         # Diffuse shading (Lambert)
         mtrl1 = objColor.multiplyVector(material.diffuse)
         mtrl2 = mtrl1.multiplyVector(max(hitNormal.dotProduct(toTheLight.direction), 0))
         color = color.addVector(mtrl2)
         # Specular shading (Blinn-Phong)
         halfVector = (toTheLight.direction.addVector(toCamera)).normalizeVector()
         mtrl3 = light.color.multiplyVector(material.specular)
         mtrl4 = mtrl3.multiplyVector(max(hitNormal.dotProduct(halfVector), 0) ** specularCoef)
         color = color.addVector(mtrl4)
     return color
 def traceRay(self, ray, depth=0, maxDepth= 5):
     color = Color()
     # Find the nearest object hit by the ray in the scene
     distHit, objHit = self.findNearest(ray)
     if objHit is None:
         return color
     hitPos = ray.direction.multiplyVector(distHit).addVector(ray.origin)
     hitNormal = objHit.surfaceNormal(hitPos)
     color = color.addVector(self.colorAt(objHit, hitPos, hitNormal))
     if depth < maxDepth:
         #The value of 0.0001 is the minimum displace
         newRayPos = hitNormal.multiplyVector(0.0001).addVector(hitPos)
         """Then we implement the reflection formula
             R = V - 2(V . N) * N
             R is the normalized reflected ray,
             L is a direction unit vector of the ray to be reflected,
             N is the direction unit vector normal to the surface the ray stroke
         newRayDirection = ray.direction.subVector(hitNormal.multiplyVector(ray.direction.dotProduct(hitNormal) * 2))
         newRay = Ray(newRayPos, newRayDirection)
         #Attenuation phase
         color = color.addVector((self.traceRay(newRay, depth+1).multiplyVector(objHit.material.reflection)))
     return color