class PaintingWindow(yutani.Window): base_width = 600 base_height = 600 def __init__(self, decorator, path): super(PaintingWindow, self).__init__(self.base_width + decorator.width(), self.base_height + decorator.height(), title=app_name, icon="applications-painting", doublebuffer=True) self.move(100, 100) self.x = 100 self.y = 100 self.decorator = decorator self.picker = None self.last_color = (0, 0, 0) self.modifiers = None self.checkpattern = self.checkerboard(24) def about_window(action): AboutAppletWindow(self.decorator, f"About {app_name}", "/usr/share/icons/48/applications-painting.png", _description, "applications-painting") def help_browser(action): subprocess.Popen(["", "painting.trt"]) def close_picker(): self.last_color = self.picker.color self.picker = None def open_file(action): OpenFileDialog(self.decorator, "Open...", glob="*.png", callback=self.load_buffer, window=self) def new_surface(action): # TODO: prompt for size if self.buf: self.buf.destroy() self.new_buffer(*action) self.draw() def new_prompt(action): def input_callback(input_window): width = int( input_window.close() def second_callback(input_window): height = int( input_window.close() new_surface((width, height)) TextInputWindow(self.decorator, "Height?", "new", text="500", callback=second_callback, window=self) TextInputWindow(self.decorator, "Width?", "new", text="500", callback=input_callback, window=self) def save_file(action): self.modified = False path = '/tmp/painting.png' self.set_title(f'{os.path.basename(path)} - {app_name}', self.icon) self.surface.write_to_png(path) def select_color(action): if self.picker: return else: self.picker = ColorPickerWindow(self.decorator, close_picker) self.picker.draw() def clear_everything(action): self.draw_ctx.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE) self.draw_ctx.rectangle(0, 0, self.surface.get_width(), self.surface.get_height()) self.draw_ctx.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) self.draw_ctx.fill() self.draw_ctx.restore() menus = [ ("File", [ MenuEntrySubmenu("New...", [ MenuEntryAction("500×500", "new", new_surface, (500, 500)), MenuEntryAction("800×600", "new", new_surface, (800, 600)), MenuEntryAction("Custom...", "new", new_prompt, None), ], icon="new"), MenuEntryAction("Open", "open", open_file, None), MenuEntryAction("Save", "save", save_file, None), MenuEntryDivider(), MenuEntryAction("Exit", "exit", self.exit_app, None), ]), ("Tools", [ MenuEntryAction("Color", None, select_color, None), MenuEntryAction("Clear Everything", None, clear_everything, None), ]), ("Help", [ MenuEntryAction("Contents", "help", help_browser, None), MenuEntryDivider(), MenuEntryAction(f"About {app_name}", "star", about_window, None), ]), ] self.menubar = MenuBarWidget(self, menus) self.menus = {} self.hovered_menu = None if not path: self.new_buffer(500, 500) else: self.load_buffer(path) self.hilighted = None self.was_drawing = False self.line_width = 2.0 self.curs_x = None self.curs_y = None self.moving = False self.scale = 1.0 self.modified = False def actually_exit(self): menus = [x for x in self.menus.values()] for x in menus: x.definitely_close() self.close() sys.exit(0) def exit_app(self, action=None): if self.modified: DialogWindow( self.decorator, app_name, "You have unsaved changes.\nAre you sure you want to quit?", callback=self.actually_exit, window=self) else: self.actually_exit() def load_buffer(self, path): self.set_title(f'{os.path.basename(path)} - {app_name}', self.icon) s = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(path) self.init_buffer(s.get_width(), s.get_height()) self.draw_ctx.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE) self.draw_ctx.rectangle(0, 0, self.surface.get_width(), self.surface.get_height()) self.draw_ctx.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) self.draw_ctx.fill() self.draw_ctx.restore() self.draw_ctx.set_source_surface(s, 0, 0) self.draw_ctx.paint() def init_buffer(self, w, h): self.modified = False self.buf = yutani.GraphicsBuffer(w, h) self.surface = self.buf.get_cairo_surface() self.draw_ctx = cairo.Context(self.surface) self.offset_x = int( (self.width - self.decorator.width() - self.buf.width) / 2) self.offset_y = int((self.height - self.decorator.height() - self.buf.height - self.menubar.height) / 2) def new_buffer(self, w, h): self.init_buffer(w, h) self.set_title(f'Untitled - {app_name}', self.icon) self.draw_ctx.rectangle(0, 0, self.surface.get_width(), self.surface.get_height()) self.draw_ctx.set_source_rgb(1, 1, 1) self.draw_ctx.fill() def color(self): if self.picker: return self.picker.color else: return self.last_color def checkerboard(self, size): s = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, size, size) c = cairo.Context(s) c.set_source_rgb(128 / 255, 128 / 255, 128 / 255) c.paint() c.set_source_rgb(200 / 255, 200 / 255, 200 / 255) c.rectangle(size / 2, 0, size / 2, size / 2) c.rectangle(0, size / 2, size / 2, size / 2) c.fill() return s def draw(self, decor=True, menu=True, clips=None): surface = self.get_cairo_surface() WIDTH, HEIGHT = self.width - self.decorator.width( ), self.height - self.decorator.height() ctx = cairo.Context(surface) ctx.translate(self.decorator.left_width(), self.decorator.top_height()) if clips: for clip in clips: x, y, a, b = clip width = a - x height = b - y ctx.rectangle(x, y, width, height) ctx.clip() ctx.set_source_surface(self.checkpattern, 0, 0) ctx.get_source().set_filter(cairo.FILTER_NEAREST) ctx.get_source().set_extend(cairo.EXTEND_REPEAT) ctx.rectangle(0, self.menubar.height, WIDTH, HEIGHT - self.menubar.height) ctx.fill() ctx.restore() ctx.translate(0, self.menubar.height) ctx.rectangle(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT - self.menubar.height) ctx.clip() ctx.scale(self.scale, self.scale) ctx.set_source_surface(self.surface, self.offset_x / self.scale, self.offset_y / self.scale) ctx.get_source().set_filter(cairo.FILTER_FAST) ctx.paint() if not self.curs_x is None: if self.scale < 1.0: ctx.set_line_width(0.5 / self.scale) else: ctx.set_line_width(0.5) ctx.arc(self.curs_x / self.scale, self.curs_y / self.scale, self.line_width / 2, 0, 2 * math.pi) ctx.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) ctx.stroke() ctx.arc(self.curs_x / self.scale, self.curs_y / self.scale, self.line_width / 2 - 0.5, 0, 2 * math.pi) ctx.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.7) ctx.stroke() ctx.restore() ctx.restore() # For debugging clip regions. #if clips: # for clip in clips: # x,y,a,b = clip # width = a - x # height = b - y # ctx.rectangle(x,y,width,height) # ctx.set_source_rgba(1.0,0,0,0.4) # ctx.paint() if menu: self.menubar.draw(ctx, 0, 0, WIDTH) if decor: self.decorator.render(self) self.flip() def finish_resize(self, msg): """Accept a resize.""" if msg.width < 120 or msg.height < 120: self.resize_offer(max(msg.width, 120), max(msg.height, 120)) return self.resize_accept(msg.width, msg.height) self.reinit() self.offset_x = int( (self.width - self.decorator.width() - self.buf.width) / 2) self.offset_y = int((self.height - self.decorator.height() - self.buf.height - self.menubar.height) / 2) self.draw() self.resize_done() self.flip() def get_color(self, x, y): c = self.buf.get_value(x, y) a = (c >> 24) & 0xFF r = (c >> 16) & 0xFF g = (c >> 8) & 0xFF b = (c) & 0xFF return (r, g, b) def mouse_event(self, msg): if d.handle_event(msg) == yutani.Decor.EVENT_CLOSE: self.exit_app() x, y = msg.new_x - self.decorator.left_width( ), msg.new_y - self.decorator.top_height() w, h = self.width - self.decorator.width( ), self.height - self.decorator.height() if not self.was_drawing: if x >= 0 and x < w and y >= 0 and y < self.menubar.height: self.menubar.mouse_event(msg, x, y) return if x < 0 or x >= w or y < 0 or y >= h: return if x >= 0 and x < w and y >= self.menubar.height and y < h: if msg.buttons & yutani.MouseButton.BUTTON_RIGHT: if self.picker: _x, _y = x - self.offset_x, y - self.menubar.height - self.offset_y if _x >= 0 and _x < self.surface.get_width( ) and _y >= 0 and _y < self.surface.get_height(): self.picker.set_color(*self.get_color(_x, _y)) if not self.menus: pass # No context menu at the moment. #menu_entries = [ # MenuEntryAction("Up",None,self.go_up,None), #] #menu = MenuWindow(menu_entries,(self.x+msg.new_x,self.y+msg.new_y),root=self) return if y < 0: return decor = False regions = [] if not self.modifiers: if msg.buttons & yutani.MouseButton.SCROLL_UP: self.line_width *= 1.2 elif msg.buttons & yutani.MouseButton.SCROLL_DOWN: self.line_width /= 1.2 elif self.modifiers & yutani.Modifier.MOD_LEFT_CTRL: if msg.buttons & yutani.MouseButton.SCROLL_UP: self.scale += 0.1 regions.append((0, 0, w, h)) elif msg.buttons & yutani.MouseButton.SCROLL_DOWN: self.scale -= 0.1 if self.scale < 0.1: self.scale = 0.1 regions.append((0, 0, w, h)) if not (msg.buttons & yutani.MouseButton.BUTTON_LEFT): self.was_drawing = False if (msg.buttons & yutani.MouseButton.BUTTON_MIDDLE): if not self.moving: self.initial = msg.new_x, msg.new_y self.initial_off = self.offset_x, self.offset_y self.moving = True regions.append((self.offset_x, self.offset_y + self.menubar.height, self.offset_x + int(self.buf.width * self.scale), self.offset_y + self.menubar.height + int(self.buf.height * self.scale))) self.offset_x = self.initial_off[0] + msg.new_x - self.initial[0] self.offset_y = self.initial_off[1] + msg.new_y - self.initial[1] regions.append((self.offset_x, self.offset_y + self.menubar.height, self.offset_x + int(self.buf.width * self.scale), self.offset_y + self.menubar.height + int(self.buf.height * self.scale))) else: self.moving = False cur_x_new = msg.new_x - self.decorator.left_width() cur_y_new = msg.new_y - self.decorator.top_height() cur_x_old = msg.old_x - self.decorator.left_width() cur_y_old = msg.old_y - self.decorator.top_height() if (msg.command == yutani.MouseEvent.DRAG or msg.command == yutani.MouseEvent.DOWN ) and msg.buttons & yutani.MouseButton.BUTTON_LEFT: self.was_drawing = True self.draw_ctx.set_line_cap(cairo.LINE_CAP_ROUND) self.draw_ctx.set_line_join(cairo.LINE_JOIN_ROUND) self.draw_ctx.set_source_rgb(*self.color()) self.draw_ctx.set_line_width(self.line_width) x_1 = 0.5 + (cur_x_new - self.offset_x) / self.scale y_1 = 0.5 + (cur_y_new - self.offset_y - self.menubar.height) / self.scale if msg.command == yutani.MouseEvent.DOWN: x_0 = x_1 y_0 = y_1 regions.append(( int(cur_x_new - self.line_width * self.scale), int(cur_y_new - self.line_width * self.scale), int(cur_x_new + self.line_width * self.scale), int(cur_y_new + self.line_width * self.scale), )) else: x_0 = 0.5 + (cur_x_old - self.offset_x) / self.scale y_0 = 0.5 + (cur_y_old - self.offset_y - self.menubar.height) / self.scale regions.append(( int( min(cur_x_new, cur_x_old) - self.line_width * self.scale), int( min(cur_y_new, cur_y_old) - self.line_width * self.scale), int( max(cur_x_new, cur_x_old) + self.line_width * self.scale), int( max(cur_y_new, cur_y_old) + self.line_width * self.scale), )) self.draw_ctx.move_to(x_0, y_0) self.draw_ctx.line_to(x_1, y_1) self.draw_ctx.stroke() if not self.modified: self.modified = True self.set_title("*" + self.title, self.icon) decor = True else: regions.append(( int(cur_x_new - self.line_width * self.scale), int(cur_y_new - self.line_width * self.scale), int(cur_x_new + self.line_width * self.scale), int(cur_y_new + self.line_width * self.scale), )) if self.curs_x: regions.append(( int(self.curs_x - self.line_width * self.scale - 1.0), int(self.curs_y - self.line_width * self.scale + self.menubar.height - 1.0), int(self.curs_x + self.line_width * self.scale + 1.0), int(self.curs_y + self.line_width * self.scale + self.menubar.height + 1.0), )) self.curs_x = 0.5 + msg.new_x - self.decorator.left_width() self.curs_y = 0.5 + msg.new_y - self.decorator.top_height( ) - self.menubar.height self.draw(menu=False, decor=decor, clips=regions) def keyboard_event(self, msg): self.modifiers = msg.event.modifiers if msg.event.action != yutani.KeyAction.ACTION_DOWN: return # Ignore anything that isn't a key down. if msg.event.key == b"q": self.exit_app()
def select_color(action): if self.picker: return else: self.picker = ColorPickerWindow(self.decorator, close_picker) self.picker.draw()
class PaintingWindow(yutani.Window): base_width = 600 base_height = 600 def __init__(self, decorator, path): super(PaintingWindow, self).__init__(self.base_width + decorator.width(), self.base_height + decorator.height(), title=app_name, icon="applications-painting", doublebuffer=True) self.move(100,100) self.x = 100 self.y = 100 self.decorator = decorator self.picker = None self.last_color = (0,0,0) self.modifiers = None self.checkpattern = self.checkerboard(24) def about_window(action): AboutAppletWindow(self.decorator,f"About {app_name}","/usr/share/icons/48/applications-painting.png",_description,"applications-painting") def help_browser(action): subprocess.Popen(["","painting.trt"]) def close_picker(): self.last_color = self.picker.color self.picker = None def open_file(action): OpenFileDialog(self.decorator,"Open...",glob="*.png",callback=self.load_buffer,window=self) def new_surface(action): # TODO: prompt for size if self.buf: self.buf.destroy() self.new_buffer(*action) self.draw() def new_prompt(action): def input_callback(input_window): width = int( input_window.close() def second_callback(input_window): height = int( input_window.close() new_surface((width,height)) TextInputWindow(self.decorator,"Height?","new",text="500",callback=second_callback,window=self) TextInputWindow(self.decorator,"Width?","new",text="500",callback=input_callback,window=self) def save_file(action): self.modified = False path = '/tmp/painting.png' self.set_title(f'{os.path.basename(path)} - {app_name}',self.icon) self.surface.write_to_png(path) def select_color(action): if self.picker: return else: self.picker = ColorPickerWindow(self.decorator, close_picker) self.picker.draw() def clear_everything(action): self.draw_ctx.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE) self.draw_ctx.rectangle(0,0,self.surface.get_width(),self.surface.get_height()) self.draw_ctx.set_source_rgba(0,0,0,0) self.draw_ctx.fill() self.draw_ctx.restore() menus = [ ("File", [ MenuEntrySubmenu("New...",[ MenuEntryAction("500×500","new",new_surface,(500,500)), MenuEntryAction("800×600","new",new_surface,(800,600)), MenuEntryAction("Custom...","new",new_prompt,None), ],icon="new"), MenuEntryAction("Open","open",open_file,None), MenuEntryAction("Save","save",save_file,None), MenuEntryDivider(), MenuEntryAction("Exit","exit",self.exit_app,None), ]), ("Tools", [ MenuEntryAction("Color",None,select_color,None), MenuEntryAction("Clear Everything",None,clear_everything,None), ]), ("Help", [ MenuEntryAction("Contents","help",help_browser,None), MenuEntryDivider(), MenuEntryAction(f"About {app_name}","star",about_window,None), ]), ] self.menubar = MenuBarWidget(self,menus) self.menus = {} self.hovered_menu = None if not path: self.new_buffer(500,500) else: self.load_buffer(path) self.hilighted = None self.was_drawing = False self.line_width = 2.0 self.curs_x = None self.curs_y = None self.moving = False self.scale = 1.0 self.modified = False def actually_exit(self): menus = [x for x in self.menus.values()] for x in menus: x.definitely_close() self.close() sys.exit(0) def exit_app(self, action=None): if self.modified: DialogWindow(self.decorator,app_name,"You have unsaved changes.\nAre you sure you want to quit?",callback=self.actually_exit,window=self) else: self.actually_exit() def load_buffer(self,path): self.set_title(f'{os.path.basename(path)} - {app_name}',self.icon) s = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(path) self.init_buffer(s.get_width(),s.get_height()) self.draw_ctx.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE) self.draw_ctx.rectangle(0,0,self.surface.get_width(),self.surface.get_height()) self.draw_ctx.set_source_rgba(0,0,0,0) self.draw_ctx.fill() self.draw_ctx.restore() self.draw_ctx.set_source_surface(s,0,0) self.draw_ctx.paint() def init_buffer(self,w,h): self.modified = False self.buf = yutani.GraphicsBuffer(w,h) self.surface = self.buf.get_cairo_surface() self.draw_ctx = cairo.Context(self.surface) self.offset_x = int((self.width-self.decorator.width()-self.buf.width)/2) self.offset_y = int((self.height-self.decorator.height()-self.buf.height-self.menubar.height)/2) def new_buffer(self,w,h): self.init_buffer(w,h) self.set_title(f'Untitled - {app_name}', self.icon) self.draw_ctx.rectangle(0,0,self.surface.get_width(),self.surface.get_height()) self.draw_ctx.set_source_rgb(1,1,1) self.draw_ctx.fill() def color(self): if self.picker: return self.picker.color else: return self.last_color def checkerboard(self,size): s = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32,size,size) c = cairo.Context(s) c.set_source_rgb(128/255,128/255,128/255) c.paint() c.set_source_rgb(200/255,200/255,200/255) c.rectangle(size/2,0,size/2,size/2) c.rectangle(0,size/2,size/2,size/2) c.fill() return s def draw(self,decor=True,menu=True,clips=None): surface = self.get_cairo_surface() WIDTH, HEIGHT = self.width - self.decorator.width(), self.height - self.decorator.height() ctx = cairo.Context(surface) ctx.translate(self.decorator.left_width(), self.decorator.top_height()) if clips: for clip in clips: x,y,a,b = clip width = a - x height = b - y ctx.rectangle(x,y,width,height) ctx.clip() ctx.set_source_surface(self.checkpattern,0,0) ctx.get_source().set_filter(cairo.FILTER_NEAREST) ctx.get_source().set_extend(cairo.EXTEND_REPEAT) ctx.rectangle(0,self.menubar.height,WIDTH,HEIGHT-self.menubar.height) ctx.fill() ctx.restore() ctx.translate(0,self.menubar.height) ctx.rectangle(0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT-self.menubar.height) ctx.clip() ctx.scale(self.scale,self.scale) ctx.set_source_surface(self.surface,self.offset_x/self.scale,self.offset_y/self.scale) ctx.get_source().set_filter(cairo.FILTER_FAST) ctx.paint() if not self.curs_x is None: if self.scale < 1.0: ctx.set_line_width(0.5/self.scale) else: ctx.set_line_width(0.5) ctx.arc(self.curs_x/self.scale,self.curs_y/self.scale,self.line_width/2,0,2*math.pi) ctx.set_source_rgba(0,0,0,0.7) ctx.stroke() ctx.arc(self.curs_x/self.scale,self.curs_y/self.scale,self.line_width/2-0.5,0,2*math.pi) ctx.set_source_rgba(1,1,1,0.7) ctx.stroke() ctx.restore() ctx.restore() # For debugging clip regions. #if clips: # for clip in clips: # x,y,a,b = clip # width = a - x # height = b - y # ctx.rectangle(x,y,width,height) # ctx.set_source_rgba(1.0,0,0,0.4) # ctx.paint() if menu: self.menubar.draw(ctx,0,0,WIDTH) if decor: self.decorator.render(self) self.flip() def finish_resize(self, msg): """Accept a resize.""" if msg.width < 120 or msg.height < 120: self.resize_offer(max(msg.width,120),max(msg.height,120)) return self.resize_accept(msg.width, msg.height) self.reinit() self.offset_x = int((self.width-self.decorator.width()-self.buf.width)/2) self.offset_y = int((self.height-self.decorator.height()-self.buf.height-self.menubar.height)/2) self.draw() self.resize_done() self.flip() def get_color(self,x,y): c = self.buf.get_value(x,y) a = (c >> 24) & 0xFF r = (c >> 16) & 0xFF g = (c >> 8) & 0xFF b = (c) & 0xFF return (r,g,b) def mouse_event(self, msg): if d.handle_event(msg) == yutani.Decor.EVENT_CLOSE: self.exit_app() x,y = msg.new_x - self.decorator.left_width(), msg.new_y - self.decorator.top_height() w,h = self.width - self.decorator.width(), self.height - self.decorator.height() if not self.was_drawing: if x >= 0 and x < w and y >= 0 and y < self.menubar.height: self.menubar.mouse_event(msg, x, y) return if x < 0 or x >= w or y < 0 or y >= h: return if x >= 0 and x < w and y >= self.menubar.height and y < h: if msg.buttons & yutani.MouseButton.BUTTON_RIGHT: if self.picker: _x,_y = x-self.offset_x,y-self.menubar.height-self.offset_y if _x >= 0 and _x < self.surface.get_width() and _y >= 0 and _y < self.surface.get_height(): self.picker.set_color(*self.get_color(_x,_y)) if not self.menus: pass # No context menu at the moment. #menu_entries = [ # MenuEntryAction("Up",None,self.go_up,None), #] #menu = MenuWindow(menu_entries,(self.x+msg.new_x,self.y+msg.new_y),root=self) return if y < 0: return decor = False regions = [] if not self.modifiers: if msg.buttons & yutani.MouseButton.SCROLL_UP: self.line_width *= 1.2 elif msg.buttons & yutani.MouseButton.SCROLL_DOWN: self.line_width /= 1.2 elif self.modifiers & yutani.Modifier.MOD_LEFT_CTRL: if msg.buttons & yutani.MouseButton.SCROLL_UP: self.scale += 0.1 regions.append((0,0,w,h)) elif msg.buttons & yutani.MouseButton.SCROLL_DOWN: self.scale -= 0.1 if self.scale < 0.1: self.scale = 0.1 regions.append((0,0,w,h)) if not (msg.buttons & yutani.MouseButton.BUTTON_LEFT): self.was_drawing = False if (msg.buttons & yutani.MouseButton.BUTTON_MIDDLE): if not self.moving: self.initial = msg.new_x, msg.new_y self.initial_off = self.offset_x, self.offset_y self.moving = True regions.append( ( self.offset_x, self.offset_y+self.menubar.height, self.offset_x+int(self.buf.width*self.scale), self.offset_y+self.menubar.height+int(self.buf.height*self.scale) ) ) self.offset_x = self.initial_off[0] + msg.new_x - self.initial[0] self.offset_y = self.initial_off[1] + msg.new_y - self.initial[1] regions.append( ( self.offset_x, self.offset_y+self.menubar.height, self.offset_x+int(self.buf.width*self.scale), self.offset_y+self.menubar.height+int(self.buf.height*self.scale) ) ) else: self.moving = False cur_x_new = msg.new_x - self.decorator.left_width() cur_y_new = msg.new_y - self.decorator.top_height() cur_x_old = msg.old_x - self.decorator.left_width() cur_y_old = msg.old_y - self.decorator.top_height() if (msg.command == yutani.MouseEvent.DRAG or msg.command == yutani.MouseEvent.DOWN) and msg.buttons & yutani.MouseButton.BUTTON_LEFT: self.was_drawing = True self.draw_ctx.set_line_cap(cairo.LINE_CAP_ROUND) self.draw_ctx.set_line_join(cairo.LINE_JOIN_ROUND) self.draw_ctx.set_source_rgb(*self.color()) self.draw_ctx.set_line_width(self.line_width) x_1 = 0.5 + (cur_x_new - self.offset_x) / self.scale y_1 = 0.5 + (cur_y_new - self.offset_y - self.menubar.height) / self.scale if msg.command == yutani.MouseEvent.DOWN: x_0 = x_1 y_0 = y_1 regions.append( ( int(cur_x_new - self.line_width * self.scale), int(cur_y_new - self.line_width * self.scale), int(cur_x_new + self.line_width * self.scale), int(cur_y_new + self.line_width * self.scale), ) ) else: x_0 = 0.5 + (cur_x_old - self.offset_x) / self.scale y_0 = 0.5 + (cur_y_old - self.offset_y - self.menubar.height) / self.scale regions.append( ( int(min(cur_x_new,cur_x_old) - self.line_width * self.scale), int(min(cur_y_new,cur_y_old) - self.line_width * self.scale), int(max(cur_x_new,cur_x_old) + self.line_width * self.scale), int(max(cur_y_new,cur_y_old) + self.line_width * self.scale), ) ) self.draw_ctx.move_to(x_0,y_0) self.draw_ctx.line_to(x_1,y_1) self.draw_ctx.stroke() if not self.modified: self.modified = True self.set_title("*" + self.title, self.icon) decor = True else: regions.append( ( int(cur_x_new - self.line_width * self.scale), int(cur_y_new - self.line_width * self.scale), int(cur_x_new + self.line_width * self.scale), int(cur_y_new + self.line_width * self.scale), ) ) if self.curs_x: regions.append( ( int(self.curs_x - self.line_width * self.scale - 1.0), int(self.curs_y - self.line_width * self.scale + self.menubar.height - 1.0), int(self.curs_x + self.line_width * self.scale + 1.0), int(self.curs_y + self.line_width * self.scale + self.menubar.height + 1.0), ) ) self.curs_x = 0.5+msg.new_x - self.decorator.left_width() self.curs_y = 0.5+msg.new_y - self.decorator.top_height() - self.menubar.height self.draw(menu=False,decor=decor,clips=regions) def keyboard_event(self, msg): self.modifiers = msg.event.modifiers if msg.event.action != yutani.KeyAction.ACTION_DOWN: return # Ignore anything that isn't a key down. if msg.event.key == b"q": self.exit_app()