def xyzFromRGB(red, green=None, blue=None):
	if isinstance(red, basestring):
		# assume a hex string is passed
		if red[0] == "#":
			colorString = red[1:]
			colorString = red
		red = int(colorString[0:2], 16)
		green = int(colorString[2:4], 16)
		blue = int(colorString[4:], 16)

	# We need to convert the RGB value to Yxy.
	redScale = float(red) / 255.0
	greenScale = float(green) / 255.0
	blueScale = float(blue) / 255.0
		phosphor_red=colormodels.xyz_color(0.64843, 0.33086),
		phosphor_green=colormodels.xyz_color(0.4091, 0.518),
		phosphor_blue=colormodels.xyz_color(0.167, 0.04))
	xyz = colormodels.irgb_color(red, green, blue)
	xyz = colormodels.xyz_from_rgb(xyz)
	xyz = colormodels.xyz_normalize(xyz)
	return xyz
def get_normalized_spectral_line_colors_annotated (
    brightness = 1.0,
    num_purples = 0,
    dwl_angstroms = 10):
    '''Get an array of xyz colors covering the visible spectrum.
    Optionally add a number of 'purples', which are colors interpolated between the color
    of the lowest wavelength (violet) and the highest (red).
    A text string describing the color is supplied for each color.

    brightness - Desired maximum rgb component of each color.  Default 1.0.  (Maxiumum displayable brightness)
    num_purples - Number of colors to interpolate in the 'purple' range.  Default 0.  (No purples)
    dwl_angstroms - Wavelength separation, in angstroms (0.1 nm).  Default 10 A. (1 nm spacing)
    # get range of wavelengths, in angstroms, so that we can have finer resolution than 1 nm
    wl_angstrom_range = range (10*start_wl_nm, 10*(end_wl_nm + 1), dwl_angstroms)
    # get total point count
    num_spectral = len (wl_angstrom_range)
    num_points   = num_spectral + num_purples
    xyzs = numpy.empty ((num_points, 3))
    names = []
    # build list of normalized color x,y values proceeding along each wavelength
    i = 0
    for wl_A in wl_angstrom_range:
        wl_nm = wl_A * 0.1
        xyz = xyz_from_wavelength (wl_nm)
        colormodels.xyz_normalize (xyz)
        xyzs [i] = xyz
        name = '%.1f nm' % wl_nm
        names.append (name)
        i += 1
    # interpolate from end point to start point (filling in the purples)
    first_xyz = xyzs [0]
    last_xyz  = xyzs [num_spectral - 1]
    for ipurple in range (0, num_purples):
        t = float (ipurple) / float (num_purples - 1)
        omt = 1.0 - t
        xyz = t * first_xyz + omt * last_xyz
        colormodels.xyz_normalize (xyz)
        xyzs [i] = xyz
        name = '%03d purple' % math.floor (1000.0 * t + 0.5)
        names.append (name)
        i += 1
    # scale each color to have the max rgb component equal to the desired brightness
    for i in range (0, num_points):
        rgb = colormodels.brightest_rgb_from_xyz (xyzs [i], brightness)
        xyzs [i] = colormodels.xyz_from_rgb (rgb)
    # done
    return (xyzs, names)
 def check_xyz_rgb(self, xyz0, verbose):
     ''' Check that the xyz color, converted to rgb then back, remains the same. '''
     rgb0 = colormodels.rgb_from_xyz (xyz0)
     xyz1 = colormodels.xyz_from_rgb (rgb0)
     rgb1 = colormodels.rgb_from_xyz (xyz1)
     # Check errors.
     err_rgb = rgb1 - rgb0
     error_rgb = math.sqrt (numpy.dot (err_rgb, err_rgb))
     err_xyz = xyz1 - xyz0
     error_xyz = math.sqrt (numpy.dot (err_xyz, err_xyz))
     tolerance = 1.0e-10
     self.assertLess(error_xyz, tolerance)
     self.assertLess(error_rgb, tolerance)
     msg = 'xyz: %s    rgb: %s    xyz2: %s    rgb2: %s' % (
         str(xyz0), str(rgb0), str(xyz1), str(rgb1))
     if verbose:
         print (msg)
def get_normalized_spectral_line_colors(brightness=1.0,
    '''Get an array of xyz colors covering the visible spectrum.
    Optionally add a number of 'purples', which are colors interpolated between the color
    of the lowest wavelength (violet) and the highest (red).

    brightness - Desired maximum rgb component of each color.  Default 1.0.  (Maxiumum displayable brightness)
    num_purples - Number of colors to interpolate in the 'purple' range.  Default 0.  (No purples)
    dwl_angstroms - Wavelength separation, in angstroms (0.1 nm).  Default 10 A. (1 nm spacing)
    # get range of wavelengths, in angstroms, so that we can have finer resolution than 1 nm
    wl_angstrom_range = xrange(10 * start_wl_nm, 10 * (end_wl_nm + 1),
    # get total point count
    num_spectral = len(wl_angstrom_range)
    num_points = num_spectral + num_purples
    xyzs = numpy.empty((num_points, 3))
    # build list of normalized color x,y values proceeding along each wavelength
    i = 0
    for wl_A in wl_angstrom_range:
        wl_nm = wl_A * 0.1
        xyz = xyz_from_wavelength(wl_nm)
        xyzs[i] = xyz
        i += 1
    # interpolate from end point to start point (filling in the purples)
    first_xyz = xyzs[0]
    last_xyz = xyzs[num_spectral - 1]
    for ipurple in xrange(0, num_purples):
        t = float(ipurple) / float(num_purples - 1)
        omt = 1.0 - t
        xyz = t * first_xyz + omt * last_xyz
        xyzs[i] = xyz
        i += 1
    # scale each color to have the max rgb component equal to the desired brightness
    for i in xrange(0, num_points):
        rgb = colormodels.rgb_from_xyz(xyzs[i])
        max_rgb = max(rgb)
        if max_rgb != 0.0:
            scale = brightness / max_rgb
            rgb *= scale
        xyzs[i] = colormodels.xyz_from_rgb(rgb)
    # done
    return xyzs
 def check_xyz_rgb(self, xyz0, verbose):
     ''' Check that the xyz color, converted to rgb then back, remains the same. '''
     rgb0 = colormodels.rgb_from_xyz(xyz0)
     xyz1 = colormodels.xyz_from_rgb(rgb0)
     rgb1 = colormodels.rgb_from_xyz(xyz1)
     # Check errors.
     err_rgb = rgb1 - rgb0
     error_rgb = math.sqrt(numpy.dot(err_rgb, err_rgb))
     err_xyz = xyz1 - xyz0
     error_xyz = math.sqrt(numpy.dot(err_xyz, err_xyz))
     tolerance = 1.0e-10
     self.assertLess(error_xyz, tolerance)
     self.assertLess(error_rgb, tolerance)
     msg = 'xyz: %s    rgb: %s    xyz2: %s    rgb2: %s' % (
         str(xyz0), str(rgb0), str(xyz1), str(rgb1))
     if verbose:
 def test_A (xyz0, tolerance=1.0e-10, verbose=1):
     rgb0 = colormodels.rgb_from_xyz (xyz0)
     xyz1 = colormodels.xyz_from_rgb (rgb0)
     rgb1 = colormodels.rgb_from_xyz (xyz1)
     # check errors
     err_rgb = rgb1 - rgb0
     error_rgb = math.sqrt (numpy.dot (err_rgb, err_rgb))
     err_xyz = xyz1 - xyz0
     error_xyz = math.sqrt (numpy.dot (err_xyz, err_xyz))
     passed = (error_rgb <= tolerance) and (error_xyz <= tolerance)
     if passed:
         status = 'pass'
         status = 'FAILED'
     msg = 'test_xyz_rgb.test_A() : xyz0 = %s, rgb(xyz0) = %s, xyz(rgb(xyz0)) = %s, rgb(xyz(rgb(xyz0))) = %s, errors = (%g, %g), %s' % (
         str (xyz0), str (rgb0), str (xyz1), str (rgb1), error_rgb, error_xyz, status)
     if verbose >= 1:
         print msg
     if not passed:
         raise ValueError, msg
     return passed
 def test_A(xyz0, tolerance=1.0e-10, verbose=1):
     rgb0 = colormodels.rgb_from_xyz(xyz0)
     xyz1 = colormodels.xyz_from_rgb(rgb0)
     rgb1 = colormodels.rgb_from_xyz(xyz1)
     # check errors
     err_rgb = rgb1 - rgb0
     error_rgb = math.sqrt(numpy.dot(err_rgb, err_rgb))
     err_xyz = xyz1 - xyz0
     error_xyz = math.sqrt(numpy.dot(err_xyz, err_xyz))
     passed = (error_rgb <= tolerance) and (error_xyz <= tolerance)
     if passed:
         status = 'pass'
         status = 'FAILED'
     msg = 'test_xyz_rgb.test_A() : xyz0 = %s, rgb(xyz0) = %s, xyz(rgb(xyz0)) = %s, rgb(xyz(rgb(xyz0))) = %s, errors = (%g, %g), %s' % (
         str(xyz0), str(rgb0), str(xyz1), str(rgb1), error_rgb, error_xyz,
     if verbose >= 1:
     if not passed:
         raise ValueError(msg)
     return passed