def XYZ_to_RLAB(XYZ,
                D=RLAB_D_FACTOR['Hard Copy Images']):
    Computes the *RLAB* model color appearance correlates.

    XYZ : array_like
        *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values of test sample / stimulus in domain
        [0, 100].
    XYZ_n : array_like
        *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values of reference white in domain [0, 100].
    Y_n : numeric or array_like
        Absolute adapting luminance in :math:`cd/m^2`.
    sigma : numeric or array_like, optional
        Relative luminance of the surround, see
        :attr:`colour.RLAB_VIEWING_CONDITIONS` for reference.
    D : numeric or array_like, optional
        *Discounting-the-Illuminant* factor in domain [0, 1].

        *RLAB* colour appearance model specification.

    The input domain of that definition is non standard!

    -   Input *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values are in domain [0, 100].
    -   Input *CIE XYZ_n* tristimulus values are in domain [0, 100].

    -   :cite:`Fairchild1996a`
    -   :cite:`Fairchild2013w`

    >>> XYZ = np.array([19.01, 20.00, 21.78])
    >>> XYZ_n = np.array([109.85, 100, 35.58])
    >>> Y_n = 31.83
    >>> sigma = RLAB_VIEWING_CONDITIONS['Average']
    >>> D = RLAB_D_FACTOR['Hard Copy Images']
    >>> XYZ_to_RLAB(XYZ, XYZ_n, Y_n, sigma, D)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    RLAB_Specification(J=49.8347069..., C=54.8700585..., h=286.4860208..., \
s=1.1010410..., HC=None, a=15.5711021..., b=-52.6142956...)

    Y_n = np.asarray(Y_n)
    D = np.asarray(D)
    sigma = np.asarray(sigma)

    # Converting to cone responses.
    LMS_n = XYZ_to_rgb(XYZ_n)

    # Computing the :math:`A` matrix.
    LMS_l_E = (3 * LMS_n) / (LMS_n[0] + LMS_n[1] + LMS_n[2])
    LMS_p_L = ((1 + (Y_n[..., np.newaxis] ** (1 / 3)) + LMS_l_E) /
               (1 + (Y_n[..., np.newaxis] ** (1 / 3)) + (1 / LMS_l_E)))
    LMS_a_L = (LMS_p_L + D[..., np.newaxis] * (1 - LMS_p_L)) / LMS_n

    aR = row_as_diagonal(LMS_a_L)
    M = dot_matrix(dot_matrix(R_MATRIX, aR), XYZ_TO_HPE_MATRIX)
    XYZ_ref = dot_vector(M, XYZ)

    X_ref, Y_ref, Z_ref = tsplit(XYZ_ref)

    # Computing the correlate of *Lightness* :math:`L^R`.
    LR = 100 * (Y_ref ** sigma)

    # Computing opponent colour dimensions :math:`a^R` and :math:`b^R`.
    aR = 430 * ((X_ref ** sigma) - (Y_ref ** sigma))
    bR = 170 * ((Y_ref ** sigma) - (Z_ref ** sigma))

    # Computing the *hue* angle :math:`h^R`.
    hR = np.degrees(np.arctan2(bR, aR)) % 360
    # TODO: Implement hue composition computation.

    # Computing the correlate of *chroma* :math:`C^R`.
    CR = np.hypot(aR, bR)

    # Computing the correlate of *saturation* :math:`s^R`.
    sR = CR / LR

    return RLAB_Specification(LR, CR, hR, sR, None, aR, bR)
def XYZ_to_RLAB(XYZ,
                D=D_FACTOR_RLAB['Hard Copy Images']):
    Computes the *RLAB* model color appearance correlates.

    XYZ : array_like
        *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values of test sample / stimulus.
    XYZ_n : array_like
        *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values of reference white.
    Y_n : numeric or array_like
        Absolute adapting luminance in :math:`cd/m^2`.
    sigma : numeric or array_like, optional
        Relative luminance of the surround, see
        :attr:`colour.VIEWING_CONDITIONS_RLAB` for reference.
    D : numeric or array_like, optional
        *Discounting-the-Illuminant* factor normalised to domain [0, 1].

        *RLAB* colour appearance model specification.


    | **Domain**               | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** |
    | ``XYZ``                  | [0, 100]              | [0, 1]        |
    | ``XYZ_n``                | [0, 100]              | [0, 1]        |

    | **Range**                    | **Scale - Reference** \
| **Scale - 1** |
    | ``CAM_Specification_RLAB.h`` | [0, 360]              \
| [0, 1]        |

    :cite:`Fairchild1996a`, :cite:`Fairchild2013w`

    >>> XYZ = np.array([19.01, 20.00, 21.78])
    >>> XYZ_n = np.array([109.85, 100, 35.58])
    >>> Y_n = 31.83
    >>> sigma = VIEWING_CONDITIONS_RLAB['Average']
    >>> D = D_FACTOR_RLAB['Hard Copy Images']
    >>> XYZ_to_RLAB(XYZ, XYZ_n, Y_n, sigma, D)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    CAM_Specification_RLAB(J=49.8347069..., C=54.8700585..., \
h=286.4860208..., s=1.1010410..., HC=None, a=15.5711021..., b=-52.6142956...)

    XYZ = to_domain_100(XYZ)
    XYZ_n = to_domain_100(XYZ_n)
    Y_n = as_float_array(Y_n)
    D = as_float_array(D)
    sigma = as_float_array(sigma)

    # Converting to cone responses.
    LMS_n = XYZ_to_rgb(XYZ_n)

    # Computing the :math:`A` matrix.
    LMS_l_E = (3 * LMS_n) / (LMS_n[0] + LMS_n[1] + LMS_n[2])
    LMS_p_L = ((1 + spow(Y_n[..., np.newaxis], 1 / 3) + LMS_l_E) /
               (1 + spow(Y_n[..., np.newaxis], 1 / 3) + (1 / LMS_l_E)))
    LMS_a_L = (LMS_p_L + D[..., np.newaxis] * (1 - LMS_p_L)) / LMS_n

    aR = row_as_diagonal(LMS_a_L)
    M = matrix_dot(matrix_dot(MATRIX_R, aR), MATRIX_XYZ_TO_HPE)
    XYZ_ref = vector_dot(M, XYZ)

    X_ref, Y_ref, Z_ref = tsplit(XYZ_ref)

    # Computing the correlate of *Lightness* :math:`L^R`.
    LR = 100 * spow(Y_ref, sigma)

    # Computing opponent colour dimensions :math:`a^R` and :math:`b^R`.
    aR = 430 * (spow(X_ref, sigma) - spow(Y_ref, sigma))
    bR = 170 * (spow(Y_ref, sigma) - spow(Z_ref, sigma))

    # Computing the *hue* angle :math:`h^R`.
    hR = np.degrees(np.arctan2(bR, aR)) % 360
    # TODO: Implement hue composition computation.

    # Computing the correlate of *chroma* :math:`C^R`.
    CR = np.hypot(aR, bR)

    # Computing the correlate of *saturation* :math:`s^R`.
    sR = CR / LR

    return CAM_Specification_RLAB(LR, CR, from_range_degrees(hR), sR, None, aR,
def XYZ_to_RLAB(XYZ,
                D=RLAB_D_FACTOR.get('Hard Copy Images')):
    Computes the RLAB model color appearance correlates.

    XYZ : array_like, (3, n)
        *CIE XYZ* colourspace matrix of test sample / stimulus in domain
        [0, 100].
    XYZ_n : array_like, (3,)
        *CIE XYZ* colourspace matrix of reference white in domain [0, 100].
    Y_n : numeric
        Absolute adapting luminance in :math:`cd/m^2`.
    sigma : numeric, optional
        Relative luminance of the surround, see :attr:`RLAB_VIEWING_CONDITIONS`
        for reference.
    D : numeric, optional
        *Discounting-the-Illuminant* factor in domain [0, 1].

        *RLAB* colour appearance model specification.

    The input domain of that definition is non standard!

    -   Input *CIE XYZ* colourspace matrix is in domain [0, 100].
    -   Input *CIE XYZ_n* colourspace matrix is in domain [0, 100].

    >>> XYZ = np.array([19.01, 20, 21.78])
    >>> XYZ_n = np.array([109.85, 100, 35.58])
    >>> Y_n = 31.83
    >>> sigma = RLAB_VIEWING_CONDITIONS['Average']
    >>> D = RLAB_D_FACTOR['Hard Copy Images']
    >>> XYZ_to_RLAB(XYZ, XYZ_n, Y_n, sigma, D)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    RLAB_Specification(J=49.8347069..., C=54.8700585..., h=286.4860208..., s=1.1010410..., HC=None, a=15.5711021..., b=-52.6142956...)

    X, Y, Z = np.ravel(XYZ)

    # Converting to cone responses.
    LMS = XYZ_to_rgb(XYZ)
    LMS_n = XYZ_to_rgb(XYZ_n)

    # Computing the :math:`A` matrix.
    LMS_l_E = (3 * LMS_n) / (LMS_n[0] + LMS_n[1] + LMS_n[2])
    LMS_p_L = ((1 + (Y_n**(1 / 3)) + LMS_l_E) / (1 + (Y_n**(1 / 3)) +
                                                 (1 / LMS_l_E)))
    LMS_a_L = (LMS_p_L + D * (1 - LMS_p_L)) / LMS_n

    # Special handling here to allow *array_like* variable input.
    if len(np.shape(X)) == 0:
        # *numeric* case.
        # Implementation as per reference.
        aR = np.diag(LMS_a_L)
        XYZ_ref = R_MATRIX.dot(aR).dot(XYZ_TO_HPE_MATRIX).dot(XYZ)
        # *array_like* case.
        # Constructing huge multidimensional arrays might not be the best idea,
        # we handle each input dimension separately.

        # First figure out how many values we have to deal with.
        dimension = len(X)
        # Then create the output array that will be filled layer by layer.
        XYZ_ref = np.zeros((3, dimension))
        for layer in range(dimension):
            aR = np.diag(LMS_a_L[..., layer])
            XYZ_ref[..., layer] = (R_MATRIX.dot(aR).dot(XYZ_TO_HPE_MATRIX).dot(
                XYZ[..., layer]))

    X_ref, Y_ref, Z_ref = XYZ_ref

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Computing the correlate of *Lightness* :math:`L^R`.
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    LR = 100 * (Y_ref**sigma)

    # Computing opponent colour dimensions :math:`a^R` and :math:`b^R`.
    aR = 430 * ((X_ref**sigma) - (Y_ref**sigma))
    bR = 170 * ((Y_ref**sigma) - (Z_ref**sigma))

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Computing the *hue* angle :math:`h^R`.
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    hR = math.degrees(np.arctan2(bR, aR)) % 360
    # TODO: Implement hue composition computation.

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Computing the correlate of *chroma* :math:`C^R`.
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    CR = np.sqrt((aR**2) + (bR**2))

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Computing the correlate of *saturation* :math:`s^R`.
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    sR = CR / LR

    return RLAB_Specification(LR, CR, hR, sR, None, aR, bR)