print('Importing Comsol API.') from com.comsol.model.util import ModelUtil as client print('Comsol API imported.') print('Initializing stand-alone client.') t0 = now() client.initStandalone(False) client.loadPreferences() print(f'Client initialized after {now()-t0:.3f} seconds.') if 'skip_load' not in sys.argv[1:]: print('Loading Comsol model.') t0 = now() tag = client.uniquetag('model') model = client.load(tag, 'blank.mph') print(f'Loading model took {now()-t0:.3f} seconds.') # Possibly crash out of JVM. if 'force_exit' in sys.argv[1:]: print('Exiting JVM.') # Calling `.halt(0)` would be even more forceful. # Another thing I've tried to exit more gracefully, but to no avail: # from com import comsol # current_thread = # comsol.systemutils.SystemUtil.setMainThread(current_thread) # # This won't be reached if "force_exit" is passed.
print(f' {folder}') path ='LD_LIBRARY_PATH') or '' print('System library search path is:') for folder in path.split(os.pathsep): print(f' {folder}') print('Starting stand-alone Comsol client.') from com.comsol.model.util import ModelUtil as client client.initStandalone(False) client.loadPreferences() print('Testing if Comsol can load shared libraries.') from com.comsol.nativejni import FlNativeUtil FlNativeUtil.ensureLibIsLoaded() print('Loading Comsol model.') tag = client.uniquetag('model') model = client.load(tag, '../tests/capacitor.mph') print('Loading external image.') tags = [str(tag) for tag in model.func().tags()] names = [model.func(tag).label() for tag in tags] tag = tags[names.index('test_function')] model.func(tag).discardData() model.func(tag).set('filename', '../tests/gaussian.tif') model.func(tag).importData() print('Solving model.') for tag in