def sparql(): """ A POST or GET method to query the Open Annotations index with a SPARQL Query This method has READ access to the Annotations index. Required parameters: query: The SPARQL query to execute """ sparql_xml_results = "" try: if request.method == 'POST': q = request.form.get('query', None) else: q = request.args.get('query', None) query = QueryFactory.create(String(q)) # Start dataset READ transaction dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(app.config['STORE_LOCATION']) dataset.begin(ReadWrite.READ) try: qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, dataset) results = qexec.execSelect() try: sparql_xml_results = ResultSetFormatter.asXMLString(results) finally: qexec.close() finally: dataset.end() except AnnotationError, ex: return jsonify({'value' : ex.value, 'trace' : traceback.format_stack()})
def test_store_creation(self): from com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb import TDBFactory from import ByteArrayInputStream from java.lang import String db_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'OAC-testing.tdb') dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(db_path) # Make sure the store was created assert os.path.isdir(db_path) # Make InputStream triples rdf_text = '<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""><rdf:Description rdf:about="info:fedora/changeme:651"><rdf:type rdf:resource="oa:Annotation"></rdf:type><oa:hasBody xmlns:oa="" rdf:resource="info:fedora/changeme:650"></oa:hasBody><oa:modelVersion xmlns:oa="" rdf:resource=""></oa:modelVersion><oa:generated xmlns:oa="">2012-06-07T03:50:55.993000Z</oa:generated></rdf:Description><rdf:Description rdf:about="info:fedora/changeme:650"><rdf:type rdf:resource="oa:Body"></rdf:type><dc:format xmlns:dc="">text/xml</dc:format></rdf:Description></rdf:RDF>' rdfxml = String(rdf_text) input_stream = ByteArrayInputStream(rdfxml.getBytes()) model = dataset.getDefaultModel() model.begin(), None) model.commit() model.close() # Were all of the triples added? assert model.size() == 6 shutil.rmtree(db_path) # Was the store removed? assert not os.path.isdir(db_path)
def rebuild(): """ A GET method that will rebuild the internal TDB index with all of the Annotation objects in Fedora """ try: query = "prefix fm: <info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#> select ?s where {?s fm:hasModel <info:fedora/%s> }" \ % app.config.get('DEFUALT_ANNOTATION_CONTENT_MODEL') all_pids = (p.lstrip('info:fedora/') for p in Fedora.get_sparql_query_resuts(query)) result, mimetype = Annotation.serialize(all_pids, format='nt', check_object=False) dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(app.config['STORE_LOCATION']) # Remove all entries from the default model dataset.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) try: model = dataset.getDefaultModel() model.begin() model.removeAll() model.commit() model.close() dataset.commit() except Exception, exc: raise finally: dataset.end() TDB.sync(dataset) # Load the triples dataset.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) try: model = dataset.getDefaultModel() model.begin() n3_input_stream = ByteArrayInputStream(String(result).getBytes()), None, "N-TRIPLE") model.commit() model.close() dataset.commit() except Exception, exc: raise
def rebuild_one(): """ A POST method that will rebuild the internal TDB index with a specific PID from Fedora """ pid = request.form.get('pid', None) if pid is None: raise AnnotationError("Please pass a PID parameter to the rebuild POST request") print "calling 'rebuild_one' with PID: %s" % pid try: # Get PID from Fedora and serialize it result, mimetype = Annotation.serialize([pid], format='nt', check_object=True) # Don't do anything if this there are no serialization results # ie. was not an Annotation object dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(app.config['STORE_LOCATION']) # Remove all triples from TDB involving this PID using SPARQL # This was my first attempt, but the SPARQL query does not # seem to be working. Using the Jena API (below) also works. """ query = "DELETE { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { <info:fedora/%s> ?p ?o }" % pid update = UpdateFactory.create(String(query)) dataset.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) try: graph_store = GraphStoreFactory.create(dataset.getDefaultModel()) update_processor = UpdateExecutionFactory.create(update, graph_store) results = update_processor.execute() except Exception, exc: raise finally: dataset.end() TDB.sync(dataset) """ # Remove all triples from TDB involving this PID using Jena API # Start dataset WRITE transaction dataset.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) try: resource = ResourceFactory.createResource("info:fedora/%s" % pid) model = dataset.getDefaultModel() model.removeAll(resource, None, None) model.commit() model.close() dataset.commit() except Exception, exc: raise finally: dataset.end() TDB.sync(dataset) # Add new triples to TDB dataset.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) try: model = dataset.getDefaultModel() model.begin() n3_input_stream = ByteArrayInputStream(String(result).getBytes()), None, "N-TRIPLE") model.commit() model.close() dataset.commit() except Exception, exc: raise
def create(): """ A POST method that creates an Annotation (A-1) object based on a number of parameters. Required Parameters: source_uri: The URI for the whole target object dc_title: Dublin Core title associated with the annotation, i.e. "dublin core title goes here" body_inline Plain text string to store as the body OR body_content: Contents of the body (XML, text, json, etc.) AND body_mimetype: Mimetype of the body_content OR body_uri: URI pointing to the body of the annotation Optional Parameters: annotator: A string representing a user ID (0 or more) ie. 'Charly' generator: A string representing what generated the annotation ie. 'Web Client' oax_style_uri: A URI for a XSLT stylesheet used to render the whole target object. (0 or 1) oa_selector: A string with the selector value(0 or 1) oa_selector_type_uri: Required if an oa_selector is passed in ie. oa:Fragment fragment_type: URI describing the oa_selector type Optional and only used if an oa_selector is passed in. ie. '' body_content_model: A string representing the body's content model ie. 'tei-annotation' Will create 1 or 2 Fedora objects. One will represent the actual annotation (A-1) and one will be the body of text that annotates the Fedora object (B-1). >>> import urllib >>> import urllib2 >>> post_url = "http://localhost:5000/create" >>> params = { "source_uri" : "test:1#xpointer('/foo')", "body_content" : "<TEI><body>text body</body></TEI>", "body_mimetype" : "text/xml", "dc_title" : "Open Annotation Collaboration Annotation object (A-1)" } >>> encoded_data = urllib.urlencode( params ) >>> request = urllib2.Request( post_url, encoded_data ) >>> response = urllib2.urlopen( request ) >>> print { "errors": [], "body_pid": "changeme:180", "annotation_pid": "changeme:181" } """ try: annote = Annotation(source_uri = request.form.get('source_uri'), dc_title = request.form.get('dc_title'), annotated = datetime.utcnow(), body_inline = request.form.get('body_inline', None), body_content = request.form.get('body_content', None), body_mimetype = request.form.get('body_mimetype', None), body_uri = request.form.get('body_uri', None), body_content_model = request.form.get('body_content_model', None), annotator = request.form.get('annotator', None), generator = request.form.get('generator', None), oax_style_uri = request.form.get('oax_style_uri', None), oa_selector = request.form.get('oa_selector', None), oa_selector_type_uri = request.form.get('oa_selector_type_uri', None), fragment_type = request.form.get('fragment_type', None)) annote.create() annote.submit() if annote.validate(): # Start dataset transaction dataset = TDBFactory.createDataset(app.config['STORE_LOCATION']) dataset.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) try: model = dataset.getDefaultModel() model.begin() if annote.annotation_rdf is not None: anno_input_stream = ByteArrayInputStream(String(tostring(annote.annotation_rdf)).getBytes()), None) anno_input_stream.close() if annote.specific_target_rdf_element is not None: spectaget_input_stream = ByteArrayInputStream(String(tostring(annote.specific_target_rdf_element)).getBytes()), None) spectaget_input_stream.close() if annote.selector_rdf_element is not None: selector_input_stream = ByteArrayInputStream(String(tostring(annote.selector_rdf_element)).getBytes()), None) selector_input_stream.close() if annote.rels_ext_rdf_element is not None: relsext_input_stream = ByteArrayInputStream(String(tostring(annote.rels_ext_rdf_element)).getBytes()), None) relsext_input_stream.close() if annote.body_inline_rdf_element is not None: body_inline_input_stream = ByteArrayInputStream(String(tostring(annote.body_inline_rdf_element)).getBytes()), None) body_inline_input_stream.close() model.commit() model.close() dataset.commit() except Exception, exc: raise finally: dataset.end() TDB.sync(dataset)