    def __init__(self, maxSizeInSeconds = 30, pitch = A4, volume = 127, channels = 2): # SampleLength in milliseconds
       print "Max recording time:", maxSizeInSeconds, "secs"
       self.SampleSize = maxSizeInSeconds * 1000   # convert seconds into milliseconds
       self.MAX_LOOP_TIME  = self.__msToFrames__(self.SampleSize)
       self.LOOP_CHANNELS = channels
       # holds recorded audio
       self.sample = FloatSample(self.MAX_LOOP_TIME, self.LOOP_CHANNELS)  
       # create units
       self.lineIn = LineIn()                  # create input line (stereo)
       self.lineOut = LineOut()                # create output line (stereo)(mixes output to computer's audio (DAC) card)
       self.panning = 63                       # ranges from 0 (left) to 127 (right) - 63 is center
       self.panLeft = Pan()                    # Pan control for the left channel
       self.panRight = Pan()                   # Pan control for the right channel
       self.setPanning(self.panning)           # initialize panning to center (63)
       # create sample player (mono or stereo, as needed) and connect to lineOut mixer
       if self.LOOP_CHANNELS == 1:    # mono audio?
          # handle input
          self.writer = FixedRateMonoWriter()                     # captures incoming audio (mono)
          self.lineIn.output.connect(0, self.writer.input, 0)     # connect line input to the sample writer (recorder)        
          # handle output
          self.player = VariableRateMonoReader()                  # create mono sample player
          self.player.output.connect( 0, self.panLeft.input, 0)   # connect single channel to pan control 
          self.player.output.connect( 0, self.panRight.input, 0)
       elif self.LOOP_CHANNELS == 2:  # stereo audio?
          # handle input
          self.writer = FixedRateStereoWriter()                   # captures incoming audio
          self.lineIn.output.connect(0, self.writer.input, 0)     # connect line input to the sample writer (recorder)        
          self.lineIn.output.connect(0, self.writer.input, 1)
          # handle output
          self.player = VariableRateStereoReader()                # create stereo sample player
          self.player.output.connect( 0, self.panLeft.input, 0)   # connect both channels to pan control 
          self.player.output.connect( 1, self.panRight.input, 0)   
          raise TypeError( "Can only record mono (1) or stereo (2 channels)." )     
       # now that we have a player, set the default and current pitches
       self.defaultPitch = pitch                                 # default pitch of the live sample
       self.pitch = pitch                                        # playback pitch (may be different from default pitch)
       self.frequency = self.__convertPitchToFrequency__(pitch)  # and corresponding frequency
       # smooth out (linearly ramp) changes in player amplitude (without this, we get clicks)
       self.amplitudeSmoother = LinearRamp()
       self.amplitudeSmoother.output.connect( self.player.amplitude )   # connect to player's amplitude
       self.amplitudeSmoother.input.setup( 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 )              # set minimum, current, and maximum settings for control
       self.amplitudeSmoother.time.set( 0.0002 )                        # and how many seconds to take for smoothing amplitude changes
       self.volume = volume        # holds current volume (0-127)
       self.setVolume(self.volume) # sets the desired volume
       # connect panned sample to line output
       self.panLeft.output.connect (0, self.lineOut.input, 0)
       self.panRight.output.connect (1, self.lineOut.input, 1)
       # remember is sample is paused or not - needed for function isPaused()
       self.hasPaused = False
       # create time stamp variables
       self.beginRecordingTimeStamp = None    # holds timestamp of when we start recording into the sample
       self.endRecordingTimeStamp   = None    # holds timestamp of when we stop recording into the sample
       self.recordedSampleSize = None         # holds overall length of time of the sample rounded to nearest int
       self.recordingFlag = False             # boolean flag that is only true when the sample is being written to
       self.monitoringFlag = False            # boolean flag that is only true when monitor is turned on
       jSyn.addLive(self) # connect sample unit to the jSyn synthesizer
       # remember that this LiveSample has been created and is active (so that it can be stopped by JEM, if desired)
   def __init__(self, filename, pitch=A4, volume=127):
      # ensure the file exists (jSyn will NOT complain on its own)
      if not os.path.isfile(filename):
         raise ValueError("File '" + str(filename) + "' does not exist.")
      # file exists, so continue   
      self.filename = filename
      # remember is sample is paused or not - needed for function isPaused()
      self.hasPaused = False

      # load and create the audio sample
      SampleLoader.setJavaSoundPreferred( False )  # use internal jSyn sound processes
      datafile = File(self.filename)               # get sound file 
      self.sample = SampleLoader.loadFloatSample( datafile )  # load it as a a jSyn sample     
      self.channels = self.sample.getChannelsPerFrame()       # get number of channels in sample

      # create lineOut unit (it mixes output to computer's audio (DAC) card)
      self.lineOut = LineOut()    

      # create panning control (we simulate this using two pan controls, one for the left channel and
      # another for the right channel) - to pan we adjust their respective pan
      self.panLeft  = Pan()
      self.panRight = Pan()

      # NOTE: The two pan controls have only one of their outputs (as their names indicate)
      # connected to LineOut.  This way, we can set their pan value as we would normally, and not worry
      # about clipping (i.e., doubling the output amplitude).  Also, this works for both mono and
      # stereo samples.

      # create sample player (mono or stereo, as needed) and connect to lineOut mixer
      if self.channels == 1:    # mono audio?
         self.player = VariableRateMonoReader()                  # create mono sample player

         self.player.output.connect( 0, self.panLeft.input, 0)   # connect single channel to pan control 
         self.player.output.connect( 0, self.panRight.input, 0) 

      elif self.channels == 2:  # stereo audio?
         self.player = VariableRateStereoReader()                # create stereo sample player

         self.player.output.connect( 0, self.panLeft.input, 0)   # connect both channels to pan control 
         self.player.output.connect( 1, self.panRight.input, 0) 

         raise TypeError( "Can only play mono or stereo samples." )

      # now that we have a player, set the default and current pitches
      self.defaultPitch = pitch                                 # the default pitch of the audio sample
      self.pitch = pitch                                        # remember playback pitch (may be different from default pitch)   
      self.frequency = self.__convertPitchToFrequency__(pitch)  # and corresponding frequency

      # now, connect pan control to mixer
      self.panLeft.output.connect( 0, self.lineOut.input, 0 ) 
      self.panRight.output.connect( 1, self.lineOut.input, 1 ) 

      # now, that panning is set up, initialize it to center
      self.panning = 63                # ranges from 0 (left) to 127 (right) - 63 is center
      self.setPanning( self.panning )  # and initialize
      # smooth out (linearly ramp) changes in player amplitude (without this, we get clicks)
      self.amplitudeSmoother = LinearRamp()
      self.amplitudeSmoother.output.connect( self.player.amplitude )   # connect to player's amplitude
      self.amplitudeSmoother.input.setup( 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 )              # set minimum, current, and maximum settings for control
      self.amplitudeSmoother.time.set( 0.0002 )                        # and how many seconds to take for smoothing amplitude changes
      # play at original pitch
      self.player.rate.set( self.sample.getFrameRate() )  

      self.volume = volume           # holds current volume (0 - 127)
      self.setVolume( self.volume )  # set the desired volume      

      # NOTE:  Adding to global jSyn synthesizer
      jSyn.add(self)   # connect sample unit to the jSyn synthesizer
      # remember that this AudioSample has been created and is active (so that it can be stopped by JEM, if desired)