def metaclassCheck(modelPackage, validateOnly):
###get stereotype package
	if not isinstance(modelPackage, Profile):
		profilePackage = getProfilePackage(modelPackage)
		if not profilePackage:
			gl.log('****ERROR: The code is not being run on a Profile. Stopping Execution')
	else: profilePackage = modelPackage
	infraPack = filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, Package) and "_"==element.getName(), profilePackage.getOwnedElement())
	if len(infraPack)>0: infraPack = infraPack[0]
	else: return['No underscore Package']
	stereotypePackage = filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, Package) and "_Stereotypes" in element.getName(), infraPack.getOwnedElement())
	if len(stereotypePackage)==0:
		gl.log('****ERROR: There is no package named "_Stereotypes" that is a direct child of the Profile. Stopping Execution')
		return ['no stereotype Package']
	else: stereotypePackage = stereotypePackage[0]
####Collect stereotypes with >1 metaclasses
	for s in stereotypePackage.getOwnedElement():
		if isinstance(s, Stereotype):
			sMeta = StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(s)
			if len(sMeta)>1:
	if validateOnly!= True:
		gl.log('There is no codified fix for this problem.  Modeler must rectify')
	return sMMeta
def getMissing(A, B):
	missing =[]
	nameMatch = {}
	for a in A:
		aName = a.getName()
		if isinstance(a, Property):
			aName = propertyCheck(a)
		elif isinstance(a, Stereotype) and StereotypesHelper.getBaseClassesAsClasses(a)[0] == Property:
			aGens = filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, Generalization), a.get_directedRelationshipOfSource())
			if len(filter(lambda element: element.getGeneral() == StereotypesHelper.getStereotype(project, "ConstraintProperty"), aGens))!=0:
				if a.getName().find("constraint property")==-1: aName = a.getName() + " constraint property"
			elif len(filter(lambda element: element.getGeneral() == StereotypesHelper.getStereotype(project, "SharedProperty"), aGens))!=0:
				if a.getName().find("shared property")==-1: aName = a.getName() + " shared property"
			elif len(filter(lambda element: element.getGeneral() == StereotypesHelper.getStereotype(project, "DistributedProperty"), aGens))!=0:
				if a.getName().find("distributed property")==-1: aName = a.getName() + " distributed property"
			elif len(filter(lambda element: element.getGeneral() == StereotypesHelper.getStereotype(project, "FlowProperty"), aGens))!=0:
				if a.getName().find("flow property")==-1: aName = a.getName() + " flow property"
			elif len(filter(lambda element: element.getGeneral() == StereotypesHelper.getStereotype(project, "ValueProperty"), aGens))!=0:
				if a.getName().find("value property")==-1: aName = a.getName() + " value property"
			elif len(filter(lambda element: element.getGeneral() == StereotypesHelper.getStereotype(project, "ReferenceProperty"), aGens))!=0:
				if a.getName().find("reference property")==-1: aName = a.getName() + " reference property"
				if a.getName().find("part property")==-1: aName=a.getName() + " part property"
		elif isinstance(a, Stereotype) and StereotypesHelper.getBaseClassAsClasses(a)[0] == Port:
			if a.getName().find("port")==-1: aName = a.getName() + " port"
		bExist = 0
		for b in B:
			if aName == b.getName():
				bExist = 1
				if b not in StereotypesHelper.getAllAssignedStereotypes([a]):
		if bExist == 0:
	for n in nameMatch:
		###get generalizations of stereotype
		stereotype = nameMatch[n]
		nGeneral = filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, Generalization), stereotype.get_directedRelationshipOfSource())
		general = []
		for g in nGeneral:
		###keep only SysML generalizations
		gSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getProfileForStereotype(element) == StereotypesHelper.getProfile(project, "SysML"), general)
		if gSys and not StereotypesHelper.checkForAllDerivedStereotypes(n, gSys[0]): applyMismatch.append(n)
		###check if same
		if n.getName() != "_Unused Stereotypes":
			if not isinstance(n, StereotypesHelper.getClassOfMetaClass(StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(nameMatch[n])[0])): metaMismatch.append(n)  
	return [missing, applyMismatch, metaMismatch]
def stereotypesForElements(modelPackage, validateOnly, elementType, stereotypesIgnore, packagesIgnore):
	if not stereotypesIgnore:
	profilePackage = profilePackCheck(modelPackage)
	if not profilePackage: return ['no Profile Package', 'no Profile Package', 'no Profile Package', 'no Profile Package']
	infraPack = filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, Package) and "_"==element.getName(), profilePackage.getOwnedElement())
	if len(infraPack)>0: infraPack = infraPack[0]
	else: return['no underscore pacakage, no underscore pacakage,no underscore pacakage,no underscore pacakage']
	stereotypePackage=packageCheck(profilePackage, infraPack, validateOnly, "_Stereotypes")
	if not stereotypePackage: return ['no Stereotype Package', 'no Stereotype Package', 'no Stereotype Package', 'no Stereotype Package']
	baseClass = getElements(getEverything(modelPackage), profilePackage)
	baseClass = filter(lambda element: "_" not in element.getName(), baseClass)
	if not isinstance(modelPackage, Profile): baseClass.append(modelPackage)
###intialize counts
	sterCreate = 0
	nameChange = 0
	unapply = 0
	apply = 0
	if elementType != 'Misc':
		baseClass = filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, elementType), baseClass)
		for s in stereotypesIgnore: baseClass = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.hasStereotypeOrDerived(element, s) == False, baseClass)
		ignoredPackEls = []
		for i in packagesIgnore: baseClass = filter(lambda element: element not in getEverything(i), baseClass)
		result = getMissing(baseClass, filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, NamedElement),stereotypePackage.getOwnedElement()))
		bNoSter = result[0]
		bWrongSter = result[1]
		bWrongMeta = result[2]
		applySter = []
		for n in noApply:
			if n not in bWrongSter and n not in bWrongMeta and n in baseClass: applySter.append(n)
		if validateOnly!=True:
			('[FIXING]:' + str(elementType))
			successful = []
			bWS = []
			for b in bNoSter:
				bStillMissing = getMissing([b], filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, NamedElement), stereotypePackage.getOwnedElement()))
				bWS = bStillMissing[1]
				bWM = bStillMissing[2]
				if bStillMissing[0]:
					###check if any local stereotype is applied
					bLocalSter =  filter(lambda element: element.getOwner() == stereotypePackage, StereotypesHelper.getStereotypes(b))
					if len(bLocalSter)>0:
						for bL in bLocalSter:
							localSterApply = filter(lambda element:  bL in StereotypesHelper.getStereotypes(element), getElements(getEverything(profilePackage), profilePackage))
							if len(localSterApply)==1:
								###if local stereotype is applied to only this element in the base class then change the name of stereotype. Otherwise create new ster and unapply this one.
								gl.log('[FIX]:Stereotype name was changed to match applied element name: ' + b.getQualifiedName())
							elif filter(lambda element: propertyCheck(element) == bL.getName(), getElements(getEverything(profilePackage), profilePackage)):
								createStereotype(stereotypePackage, b, stereotypePackage)
								gl.log('[FIX]:Stereotype Created ' +b.getName())
								gl.log('\t\t Location = ' + b.getQualifiedName())	
								###get sysml extension, unapply stereotype and apply sysml extension
								bLgeneralizations = getGeneralizationTree(bL)
								bLSysGen = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getProfileForStereotype(element) == StereotypesHelper.getProfile(project, "SysML") or StereotypesHelper.getProfileForStereotype(element) == StereotypesHelper.getProfile(project, "additional_stereotypes"), bLgeneralizations)
								if bLSysGen:
									StereotypesHelper.addStereotype(b, bLSysGen[0])
								gl.log('[FIX]:Stereotype applied to multiple elements, none with matching name.  Unapplied stereotype:' + bL.getName())
								createStereotype(stereotypePackage, b, stereotypePackage)
								gl.log('[FIX]:Stereotype Created ' +b.getName())
								gl.log('\t\t Location = ' + b.getQualifiedName())
						createStereotype(stereotypePackage, b, stereotypePackage)
						gl.log('[FIX]:Stereotype Created ' +b.getName())
						gl.log('\t\t Location = ' + b.getQualifiedName())
			for b in bWS:
				if not isinstance(b, Interface) and StereotypesHelper.getBaseClassAsClasses(b)[0] == Port:
					if b.getName().find("part property")==0:
						bPort = filter(lambda element: element.getName() == b.getName() + " port", filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, NamedElement), stereotypePackage.getOwnedElement()))
						if len(bPort)!=0:
							bApplied = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.isElementStereotypedBy(element, b.getName())==True, baseClass)
							for f in bApplied:
								StereotypesHelper.removeStereotypes(f, [b])
								StereotypesHelper.addStereotype(f, bPort)
			###Apply applicable stereotypes
			for b in noApply:
				if b not in bWrongSter and b not in bWrongMeta and b not in bWS and b not in bWM and b in baseClass:
					if StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(noApply[b])[0].getName() != 'Element':
						StereotypesHelper.addStereotype(b, noApply[b])
						gl.log('[FIX]: Stereotype Applied ' + b.getName())
						gl.log('\t\t Location = '+b.getQualifiedName())
			if len(bWrongSter)>0: gl.log('[UNFIXABLE]: Inheritance Mismatch (see validation log for details)')
			for b in bWrongMeta:
					gl.log('[UNFIXABLE]: Metaclass Mismatch: '+ b.getQualifiedName())
#		if elementType == Classifier and validateOnly!=True: localGeneralizations(modelPackage, validateOnly, True)
###Messages Log
		if apply!=0 or sterCreate!=0 or nameChange !=0 or unapply!=0:
			gl.log('[FIX SUMMARY]:')
			gl.log(str(apply) + " existing stereotype(s) applied")
			gl.log(str(sterCreate) + " stereotypes created")
			gl.log(str(nameChange) + " stereotype names changed")
			gl.log(str(unapply) + " stereotypes unapplied")
		else: gl.log('No Fixes Needed')
		if len(bWrongSter)!=0 or bWrongMeta!=0: 
			gl.log('[UNFIXABLE SUMMARY]:')
			if len(bWrongSter)>0: gl.log(str(len(bWrongSter))+ " stereotype inheritance mismatch")
			if len(bWrongMeta)>0: gl.log(str(len(bWrongMeta))+ " stereotype metaclasses and element types not matching")
		else: gl.log('No modeler fixes needed')
		return [bNoSter, bWrongSter, bWrongMeta, applySter]
		baseClass = filter(lambda element: not isinstance(element, Class), baseClass)
		baseClass = filter(lambda element: not isinstance(element, Package), baseClass)
		baseClass = filter(lambda element: not isinstance(element, Property), baseClass)
		baseClass = filter(lambda element: not isinstance(element, Operation), baseClass)
		baseClass = filter(lambda element: not isinstance(element, Diagram), baseClass)
		baseClass = filter(lambda element: not isinstance(element, Dependency), baseClass)
		for s in stereotypesIgnore: baseClass = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.hasStereotypeOrDerived(element, s) == False, baseClass)
		ignoredPackEls = []
		for i in packagesIgnore: baseClass = filter(lambda element: element not in getEverything(i), baseClass)
		resultMisc = getMissing(baseClass, stereotypePackage.getOwnedElement())
		mNoSter = resultMisc[0]
		mWrongSter = resultMisc[1]
		mWrongMeta = resultMisc[2]
		applySter = []
		for n in noApply:
			if n not in mWrongSter and n not in mWrongMeta and n in baseClass: applySter.append(n)
		if validateOnly!=True:
			gl.log('[FIX]:' + str(elementType))
			successful = []
			for b in mNoSter:
				mStillMissing = getMissing([b], stereotypePackage.getOwnedElement())
				if mStillMissing[0]:
					createStereotype(stereotypePackage, b, stereotypePackage)
			    	gl.log('\t Stereotype Created ' +b.getName())
			    	gl.log('\t\t Location = ' + b.getQualifiedName())
			for b in noApply:
				if b not in mWrongSter and b not in mWrongMeta and n in baseClass:
					StereotypesHelper.addStereotype(b, noApply[b])
					gl.log('\t Stereotype Applied ' + b.getName())
					gl.log('\t\t Location = '+b.getQualifiedName())
			if len(mWrongSter)>0: gl.log('UNFIXABLE: Inheritance Mismatch (see validation log for details)')
			if len(mWrongMeta)>0: gl.log('UNFIXABLE: Metaclass Mismatch (see validation log for details)')
		return [mNoSter, mWrongSter, mWrongMeta, applySter]
def stereotypeGenCheck(modelPackage, validateOnly):
	profilePackage = profilePackCheck(modelPackage)
	if not profilePackage: return ['No Profile Package']
	infraPack = filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, Package) and "_"==element.getName(), profilePackage.getOwnedElement())
	if len(infraPack)>0: infraPack = infraPack[0]
	else: return['No underscore Package']
	stereotypePackage = packageCheck(profilePackage,  infraPack, validateOnly, "_Stereotypes")
	if not stereotypePackage: return['No Stereotype Package']	
	stereotypes =filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, Stereotype), stereotypePackage.getOwnedElement())
	badG = []
	noSys = []
	sBad = []

	for s in stereotypes:
		sGenerals = filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, Generalization), s.getOwnedElement())
		sGeneral =[]
		for sg in sGenerals:
		sSysML = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getProfileForStereotype(element) == StereotypesHelper.getProfile(project, "SysML"), sGeneral)
		sAdd = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getProfileForStereotype(element)==StereotypesHelper.getProfile(project, "additional_stereotypes"), sGeneral)
#		if StereotypesHelper.getProfileForStereotype(sGeneral) in ignoreProfile:
#			sSyMLInh = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getProfileForStereotype(element)==StereotypesHelper.getProfile(project, "SysML"), SR.getGeneralizationTree(sg))
###Collect stereotypes with no sysml generalization
		if len(sSysML)==0 and len(sAdd)==0: noSys.append(s)
###Collect stereotypes with generalizations to non sysml elements and not part of ignore profiles
		sBad = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getProfileForStereotype(element) != StereotypesHelper.getProfile(project, "SysML"), sGeneral)
		sBad = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getProfileForStereotype(element) != StereotypesHelper.getProfile(project, "additional_stereotypes"), sBad)
		sBad = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getProfileForStereotype(element) != profilePackage, sBad)
		sBad = filter(lambda element: element.getOwner() != stereotypePackage, sBad)
#		for i in ignoreProfile:
#			sBad = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getProfileForStereotype(element) != StereotypesHelper.getProfile(project, i.getName()), sBad)
		sBad = filter(lambda element: element not in stereotypes, sBad)
		for n in sBad:
			badG.append(filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, Generalization) and element.getGeneral() == n and element.getSpecific() == s, s.get_directedRelationshipOfSource()))
	badG = flatten(badG)			
	if validateOnly!=True:
		for b in badG:
			gl.log('[FIX]: removing generalization between '+ b.getGeneral().getName() + ' and '+ b.getSpecific().getName())
###refine stereotypes with no sysml generalization collection
	noSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Package") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), noSys)
	noSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Dependency") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), noSys)
	noSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project,"Connector") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), noSys)
	noSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Operation") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), noSys)
	noSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Diagram") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), noSys)
	noSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Port") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), noSys)
	noSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Activity") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), noSys)
	noSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "DataType") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), noSys)
	noSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "GeneralizationSet") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), noSys)
	noSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Association") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), noSys)
	noSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Reception") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), noSys)
	noSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Interaction") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), noSys)
	noSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Interface") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), noSys)
	noSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Enumeration") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), noSys)
	noSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Constraint") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), noSys)
	noSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Signal") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), noSys)
	noSys = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "SignalEvent") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), noSys)
	if validateOnly != True: gl.log('['+ str(len(noSys))+'] possible SysML specializations. No codified fix for stereotypes that can specialize SysML.  Modeler must do. ')
	return [sBad, noSys]
def createCustomizationsForStereotypes(modelPackage, validateOnly):
###Checks for: 
###stereotypes with no customizations (stereotypesNoCustomizations)
###customizations with no supertype (noType)
###customizations with multiple supertypes (multTypes)
###customizations with no target (noCustTargs)
###customizations with multiple targets (multCust)
###customization name/target name mismatch (stereotypesCustNameMisMatch)
###customization name/type name mismatch (elementCustNameMisMatch)
	newcust = 0
	bummer = 0
	bummerType =[]
###get packages
	if not isinstance(modelPackage, Profile):
	    profilePackage = VP.getProfilePackage(modelPackage)
	    if not profilePackage:
	        gl.log('***ERROR: The code is not being run on a Profile.  Stopping Execution***')
	    profilePackage = modelPackage
	infraPack = filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, Package) and "_"==element.getName(), profilePackage.getOwnedElement())
	if not infraPack:
		sterPack = filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, Package) and "_Stereotypes" in element.getName(), profilePackage.getOwnedElement())
		if sterPack: sterPack = sterPack[0]
		else: return['no stereotypes package']
	else: infraPack = infraPack[0]
	stereotypePackage = filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, Package) and "_Stereotypes" in element.getName(),infraPack.getOwnedElement())[0]
	customPackage = filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, Package) and element.getName() == "_Customizations", infraPack.getOwnedElement())[0]
	allElements = VP.getEverything(profilePackage)
	Customizations = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.hasStereotype(element, "Customization"), allElements)
	Stereotypes = filter(lambda element: isinstance(element, Stereotype) and element.getOwner() == stereotypePackage, allElements)
	Stereotypes = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Dependency") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), Stereotypes)
	Stereotypes = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Association") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), Stereotypes)
	Stereotypes = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Property") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), Stereotypes)
	Stereotypes = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Port") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), Stereotypes)
	els = VP.getElements(allElements, profilePackage)
	custSter = StereotypesHelper.getStereotype(project, "Customization")
	custTypeNames =[]
	multCust =[]
	for c in Customizations:	
		if "part property" in c.getName() or "port" in c.getName():
			custTarg = StereotypesHelper.getStereotypePropertyValue(c, custSter, "customizationTarget")
			if len(custTarg)>0:
				if len(custTarg)>1:multCust.append(c)
				custTargsName.append(StereotypesHelper.getStereotypePropertyValue(c, custSter, "customizationTarget")[0].getName())
				gl.log('[ERROR] No customization target = '  +c.getName())
			custType = StereotypesHelper.getStereotypePropertyValue(c, custSter, "superTypes")
			if len(custType)>0:
				if len(custType)>1:multTypes.append(c)
				custTypes.extend(StereotypesHelper.getStereotypePropertyValue(c, custSter, "superTypes"))
				custTypeNames.append(StereotypesHelper.getStereotypePropertyValue(c, custSter, "superTypes")[0].getName())
				gl.log('[ERROR] No customization type = ' + c. getName())	
	stereotypesNoCustomizations = filter(lambda element: element.getName() not in custTargsName, Stereotypes)
	stereotypesNoCustomizations = filter(lambda element: StereotypesHelper.getMetaClassByName(project, "Association") not in StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(element), stereotypesNoCustomizations)
	stereotypesCustNameMisMatch = filter(lambda element: element.getName() not in custNames, Stereotypes)
	stereotypesCustNameMisMatch = filter(lambda element: element not in stereotypesNoCustomizations, stereotypesCustNameMisMatch)
	elementCustNameMisMatch = filter(lambda element: element.getName() not in custNames, custTypes)
	if validateOnly!=True:
###stereotypes with no customizations->Fix: create customization, assign target, superType(if possible), and hide metatype
		for s in stereotypesNoCustomizations:
			if s.getName() not in custNames:
				gl.log('[FIX]: created customization: '+ s.getName())
				newCust = VP.createCustomization(s.getName(), customPackage)
######assign customization tags
				sMeta = StereotypesHelper.getBaseClasses(s)
				if len(sMeta)>1:
					gl.log('\t [FIX ERROR]: stereotype has multiple metaclasses.  No customization tags assigned. Modeler must rectify.')
					sMC = StereotypesHelper.getClassOfMetaClass(sMeta[0])
					sMCer = Classifier.isAssignableFrom(sMC)
					if sMCer == True:
						base = filter(lambda element: element.getName() == s.getName(), els)
						if len(base)>0: base = base[0]
							base = False
						VP.assignCustomizationTags(s, newCust, base)
						VP.assignCustomizationTags(s, newCust, False)
				gl.log('[FIX ERROR]: Unable to create customization for stereotype '+ s.getName() + '. Customization already exists with that name')
###stereotype-customization name mismatch->Fix: change name of customization to match name of stereotype if supertype name doesn't match as well. else keep flagged	
		for s in stereotypesCustNameMisMatch:
			sterCust = filter(lambda element: s in StereotypesHelper.getStereotypePropertyValue(element, custSter, "customizationTarget"), Customizations)
			cusType = StereotypesHelper.getStereotypePropertyValue(sterCust[0], custSter, "superTypes")
			if custType:
				if sterCust[0].getName() != custType[0].getName():
					gl.log('[FIX]:Changed name of customization to match name of customizationTarget: ' + sterCust[0].getName())
					gl.log('[FIX ERROR]: Unable to change name of customization to match name of customizationTarget since customization name matches superType name: ' + sterCust[0].getName())
###element-customization name mismatch->Fix: change name of customization to match name of element
		for e in elementCustNameMisMatch:
			eCust = filter(lambda element: e in StereotypesHelper.getStereotypePropertyValue(element, custSter, "superTypes"), Customizations)
			eTarg = StereotypesHelper.getStereotypePropertyValue(eCust[0], custSter, "customizationTarget")
			if eTarg:
				if eCust[0].getName() != eTarg[0].getName():
					gl.log('[FIX]: Changed name of customization to match name of superType: '+ eCust[0].getName())
					gl.log('[FIX ERROR]: Unable to change name of customization to match name of superType since customization name matches customization target name: ' + eCust[0].getName())
###multiple customization targets->Fix: if a target matches name of customization, delete all others. Else delete them all & flag customization
		for c in multCust:
			cTargs= StereotypesHelper.getStereotypePropertyValue(c, custSter, "customizationTarget")
			targetSlot = StereotypesHelper.getSlot(c, custSter, "customizationTarget", False, False)
			for t in filter(lambda element: element.getName() != c.getName(), cTargs): 
				StereotypesHelper.removeSlotValue(targetSlot, t)
				gl.log('[FIX]: Removing customizationTarget(s) with names not matching customization name: '+ c.getName())
			if len(StereotypesHelper.getStereotypePropertyValue(c, custSter, "customizationTarget"))==0: 
				gl.log('[FIX ERROR]: Customization now has no target: '+ c.getName())
###multiple customization types->Fix: if a type matches name of customization, delete all other. Else delete them all & flag customization
		for c in multTypes:
			cTypes = StereotypesHelper.getStereotypePropertyValue(c, custSter, "superTypes")
			typeSlot = StereotypesHelper.getSlot(c, custSter, "superTypes", False, False)
			for t in filter(lambda element: element.getName() != c.getName(), cTypes):
				StereotypesHelper.removeSlotValue(typeSlot, t)
				gl.log('[FIX]: Removing superType(s) with names not matching customization name: '+ c.getName())
			if len(StereotypesHelper.getStereotypePropertyValue(c, custSter, "superTypes"))==0: 
				gl.log('[FIX ERROR]: Customization now has no superType: '+ c.getName())
###no customization target->Fix: if a stereotype matches with same name and is not assigned to another customization, assign as target, else keep flagged
		for c in noCustTargs:
			custSters = filter(lambda element: element.getName() == c.getName(), Stereotypes)
			if custSters and c.getName() not in custTargsName: 
				StereotypesHelper.setStereotypePropertyValue(c, custSter, "customizationTarget", custSters[0])
				gl.log('[FIX]: Setting customization target for '+ c.getName() +" to " + custSters[0].getName())
			elif custSters and c.getName() in custTargsName: 
				gl.log('[FIX ERROR]: Another customization already has stereotype of same customization name as target. No target applied for '+ c.getName())
				gl.log('[FIX ERROR]: No stereotype exists with same name as customization.  No target applied for ' + c.getName()) 
###no customization type->Fix: if an element matches with same name and is not assigned to another customizaiton assign as type, else keep flagged
		for c in noType:
			custEl = filter(lambda element: element.getName() == c.getName(), els)
			if custEl and c.getName() not in custTypeNames: 
				StereotypesHelper.setStereotypePropertyValue(c, custSter, "superTypes", custEl[0])
				gl.log('[FIX]: Setting customization superType for '+c.getName() +" to "+ custEl[0].getName())
			elif custEl and c.getName() in custTypeNames: 
				gl.log('[FIX ERROR]: Another customization already has this element as its superType.  No superType applied for ' + c.getName())
				gl.log('[FIX ERROR]: No base element exists with same name as customization. Not superType applied for '+ c.getName())	
###Message Logs			
	if validateOnly != True:
		gl.log('Customizations created = ' + str(newcust))
		gl.log('Customization FIX ERRORS(Modeler must fix)(See Messages Log):')
		gl.log('\t No tags assigned.  Stereotype has multiple metaclasses = '+str(bummer))
		gl.log('\t Customization not created. Customization with same name already exists = '+str(len(multName)))
		gl.log('\t Customization name not changed. Name already matches Type, wont change to match Target = '+str(len(fixSterCustMis)))	
		gl.log('\t Customization name not changed. Name already matches Target, wont change to match Type = '+str(len(fixElCustMis)))
		gl.log('\t Customizations with no Target = '+str(len(fixNoCustTarg)))
		gl.log('\t Customizations with No Type = '+str(len(fixNoCustType)))
		gl.log('\t Customization Target not assigned. Another customization already exists with the given Target = '+str(len(fixNoTargsMult)))
		gl.log('\t Customization Target not assigned. No stereotype with matching name exists = '+str(len(fixNoTargs)))
		gl.log('\t Customization Type not assigned. Another customization already exists with the given Type = '+str(len(fixNoTypeMult)))
		gl.log('\t Customization Type not assigned.  No element with matching name exists = '+str(len(fixNoType)))
	return [stereotypesNoCustomizations, stereotypesCustNameMisMatch, multCust, noCustTargs, noType, multTypes, elementCustNameMisMatch]