def __init__(self, subdevice = c.COMEDI_SUBD_AI): self.device = c.comedi_open('/dev/comedi0') self.subdevice = c.comedi_find_subdevice_by_type(self.device, subdevice, 0) self.numChannels = c.comedi_get_n_channels(self.device, self.subdevice) self.numRanges = c.comedi_get_n_channels(self.device, self.subdevice) self.channelRange = c.comedi_get_range(self.device, self.subdevice, 0, 0) self.maxdata = c.comedi_get_maxdata(self.device, 0, 0)
def __init__(self, subdevice=c.COMEDI_SUBD_AI): self.device = c.comedi_open('/dev/comedi0') self.subdevice = c.comedi_find_subdevice_by_type( self.device, subdevice, 0) self.numChannels = c.comedi_get_n_channels(self.device, self.subdevice) self.numRanges = c.comedi_get_n_channels(self.device, self.subdevice) self.channelRange = c.comedi_get_range(self.device, self.subdevice, 0, 0) self.maxdata = c.comedi_get_maxdata(self.device, 0, 0)
def add_channel(self,channel): if not isinstance(channel,ComediChannel): raise ValueError("ComediDevice only has ComediChannel.") VisionEgg.Daq.Device.add_channel(self,channel) first_channel = channel.constant_parameters.first_channel num_channels = channel.constant_parameters.num_channels n_subdevs = comedi.comedi_get_n_subdevices( nchannels = 0 for subdevind in range(n_subdevs): subdevchans = comedi.comedi_get_n_channels(, subdevind) nchannels += subdevchans if first_channel + num_channels <= nchannels: subdevice = subdevind base_channel = first_channel - (nchannels - subdevchans) if base_channel < 0: raise RuntimeError("All channels are not in one port. " "You may need to try another first channel in the configuration file.") channel_io_dir = channel.constant_parameters.functionality.io_direction if comedi.comedi_find_subdevice_by_type(, channel_io_dir, subdevice) != subdevice: raise RuntimeError("The port is not capable of the functionality as you request.") for channel in range(base_channel+num_channels): comedi.comedi_dio_config(,subdevice,channel,channel_io_dir) channel.constant_parameters.functionality.device = channel.constant_parameters.functionality.subdevice = subdevice channel.constant_parameters.functionality.write_mask = 2**num_channels - 1 channel.constant_parameters.functionality.base_channel = base_channel return raise RuntimeError("Cannot allocate a port as you request.")
def get_dio_channels(path): device = c.comedi_open(path) n_subdevices = c.comedi_get_n_subdevices(device) dio_list = [] for n_subdevice in range(n_subdevices): if (c.comedi_get_subdevice_type( device, n_subdevice) == comedi_subdevice_type("dio")): n_channel = c.comedi_get_n_channels(device, n_subdevice) #dio_list.extend([DioSocket(path, n_subdevice, chan) # for chan in range(n_channel)]) return dio_list
def get_dio_channels(path): device = c.comedi_open(path) n_subdevices = c.comedi_get_n_subdevices(device) dio_list = [] for n_subdevice in range(n_subdevices): if (c.comedi_get_subdevice_type(device, n_subdevice) == comedi_subdevice_type("dio")): n_channel = c.comedi_get_n_channels(device, n_subdevice) #dio_list.extend([DioSocket(path, n_subdevice, chan) # for chan in range(n_channel)]) return dio_list
print "\tstart: %s" % (cmd_src(cmd.start_src, buf)) print "\tscan_begin: %s" % (cmd_src(cmd.scan_begin_src, buf)) print "\tconvert begin: %s" % (cmd_src(cmd.convert_src, buf)) print "\tscan_end: %s" % (cmd_src(cmd.scan_end_src, buf)) print "\tstop: %s" % (cmd_src(cmd.stop_src, buf)) probe_max_1chan(dev, s) print "-----subdevice characteristics-----" for i in range(n_subdevices): print "subdevice %d:" % (i) type = c.comedi_get_subdevice_type(dev, i) print "\ttype: %d (%s)" % (type, subdevice_types[type]) if (type == c.COMEDI_SUBD_UNUSED): continue n_chans = c.comedi_get_n_channels(dev, i) print "\tnumber of channels: %d" % (n_chans) if not (c.comedi_maxdata_is_chan_specific(dev, i)): print "\tmax data value: %d" % (c.comedi_get_maxdata(dev, i, 0)) else: print "max data value is channel specific" for j in range(n_chans): print "\tchan: %d: %d" % (j, c.comedi_get_maxdata(dev, i, j)) print "\tranges: " if not (c.comedi_range_is_chan_specific(dev, i)): n_ranges = c.comedi_get_n_ranges(dev, i, 0) print "\t\tall chans:" for j in range(n_ranges): rng = c.comedi_get_range(dev, i, 0, j) print "\t\t[%g,%g]" % (rng.min, rng.max) else:
import comedi as c dev = c.comedi_open('/dev/comedi0') print dev maxdata = c.comedi_get_maxdata(dev, 0, 0) print "Max Data: %d" % maxdata subdev = c.comedi_find_subdevice_by_type(dev, c.COMEDI_SUBD_AO, 0) print "Subdevice: %d" % subdev print "Locked? %d" % c.comedi_lock(dev, subdev) nChannels = c.comedi_get_n_channels(dev, subdev) print "Num Channels: %d" % nChannels crange = c.comedi_get_range(dev, 0, 0, 0) print "Range: %s" % str(crange) data = maxdata/2 # start with no speed c.comedi_data_write(dev, subdev, 0, 0, 0, data) while True: usrin = raw_input("Enter a char: ") if usrin is 'q': break elif usrin is 'o': data = data + 10 elif usrin is 'l':
import comedi as c dev = c.comedi_open('/dev/comedi0') print dev maxdata = c.comedi_get_maxdata(dev, 0, 0) print "Max Data: %d" % maxdata subdev = c.comedi_find_subdevice_by_type(dev, c.COMEDI_SUBD_AO, 0) print "Subdevice: %d" % subdev print "Locked? %d" % c.comedi_lock(dev, subdev) nChannels = c.comedi_get_n_channels(dev, subdev) print "Num Channels: %d" % nChannels crange = c.comedi_get_range(dev, 0, 0, 0) print "Range: %s" % str(crange) data = maxdata / 2 # start with no speed c.comedi_data_write(dev, subdev, 0, 0, 0, data) while True: usrin = raw_input("Enter a char: ") if usrin is 'q': break elif usrin is 'o': data = data + 10 elif usrin is 'l':
else: print("\tstart: %s" % (cmd_src(cmd.start_src,buf))) print("\tscan_begin: %s" % (cmd_src(cmd.scan_begin_src,buf))) print("\tconvert begin: %s" % (cmd_src(cmd.convert_src,buf))) print("\tscan_end: %s" % (cmd_src(cmd.scan_end_src,buf))) print("\tstop: %s" % (cmd_src(cmd.stop_src,buf))) probe_max_1chan(dev,s) print("-----subdevice characteristics-----") for i in range(n_subdevices): print("subdevice %d:" % (i)) type = c.comedi_get_subdevice_type(dev,i) print("\ttype: %d (%s)" % (type,subdevice_types[type])) if (type == c.COMEDI_SUBD_UNUSED): continue n_chans = c.comedi_get_n_channels(dev,i) print("\tnumber of channels: %d" % ( n_chans)) if not(c.comedi_maxdata_is_chan_specific(dev,i)): print("\tmax data value: %d" % (c.comedi_get_maxdata(dev,i,0))) else: print("max data value is channel specific") for j in range(n_chans): print("\tchan: %d: %d" % (j,c.comedi_get_maxdata(dev,i,j))) print("\tranges: ") if not(c.comedi_range_is_chan_specific(dev,i)): n_ranges = c.comedi_get_n_ranges(dev,i,0) print("\t\tall chans:") for j in range(n_ranges): rng = c.comedi_get_range(dev,i,0,j) print("\t\t[%g,%g]" % (rng.min, rng.max)) else:
import comedi import time com = comedi.comedi_open("/dev/comedi0") nchan = comedi.comedi_get_n_channels(com, 0) print "found comedi system with %d channels" % nchan for i in range(nchan): comedi.comedi_dio_config(com, 0, i, comedi.COMEDI_OUTPUT) for i in range(4): comedi.comedi_dio_bitfield2(com, 0, 1, 1, 0) time.sleep(1) comedi.comedi_dio_bitfield2(com, 0, 1, 0, 0) time.sleep(1)
import time channel = 0 comediDevice = c.comedi_open('/dev/comedi0') print comediDevice print "***** HANDLING INPUT DEVICE(S) *****" inputSubdev = c.comedi_find_subdevice_by_type(comediDevice, c.COMEDI_SUBD_AI, 0) print "input subdevice: %d" % inputSubdev inputMaxdata = c.comedi_get_maxdata(comediDevice, inputSubdev, channel) print "Input max Data: %d" % inputMaxdata nInputChannels = c.comedi_get_n_channels(comediDevice, inputSubdev) print "Num input Channels: %d" % nInputChannels nInputRanges = c.comedi_get_n_ranges(comediDevice, inputSubdev, channel) print "number Input Ranges: %d" % nInputRanges inputRange = c.comedi_get_range(comediDevice, inputSubdev, channel, 0) print "input range: : %s" % str(inputRange) print "Input locked? %d" % c.comedi_lock(comediDevice, inputSubdev) print "***** HANDLING OUTPUT DEVICE(S) *****" outputSubdev = c.comedi_find_subdevice_by_type(comediDevice, c.COMEDI_SUBD_AO, 0) print "output subdevice: %d" % outputSubdev