def test_is_command(self): handler = CommandHandler() valid = ["!valid", "!help", "!valid with args"] invalid = ["message", "message 2", "message!", "!", "message !three"] for s in valid: self.assertTrue(handler.is_command(s)) for s in invalid: self.assertFalse(handler.is_command(s))
class Chatroom: """ Chatroom manager for websocket based connections """ def __init__(self, chat_config_path): """ Create a new Chatroom Args: chat_config_path (str): path to chat config yaml """ # Dict[Websocket, User] self.connected = dict() self.command_handler = CommandHandler() self.config = ConfigManager(chat_config_path) self.name_generator = AdjAnimalNameGenerator( self.config["name_generator"]["adjective_path"], self.config["name_generator"]["animal_path"]) self.env = self.config["meta"]["enviornment"] @log(logger, logging.INFO) async def handle_connection(self, websocket, name=None): """ Registers a new websocket connection and notifies users Args: websocket (Websocket): new connection websocket """ name = name if name is not None else self.generate_name() user = User(websocket, name) self.connected[websocket] = user await self.send(Response(self.get_greeting(name), Origin.SERVER), websocket) await self.send_to_all( Response(self.get_connection_notification(name), Origin.SERVER), websocket) @log(logger, logging.INFO) async def handle_message(self, websocket, message): """ Handles incoming message: If it is a message, send to all users. If it is a command, process it Args: websocket (Websocket): websocket that sent message message (str): message sent """ user = self.connected[websocket] if self.command_handler.is_command(message): await self.command_handler.handle_command(message, user, self) return body = f"{}: {message}" all_response = Response(body, Origin.USER) sender_response = Response(body, Origin.SELF) await self.send_to_all(all_response, websocket) await self.send(sender_response, websocket) @log(logger, logging.INFO) async def handle_disconnect(self, websocket): """ handles disconnect of websocket and notifies all connections Args: websocket (Websocket): Connection that was closed """ user = self.connected.pop(websocket) await self.send_to_all( Response(self.get_disconnect_notification(, Origin.SERVER)) @log(logger, logging.INFO) async def send(self, response, websocket): """Send a response to a websocket Args: response (Response): The Response to send websocket (Websocket): The websocket to send the Response to """ if not isinstance(response, Response): log_message( f"Outgoing: {response} is not of type Response, preventing send", logging.CRITICAL) return if["origin"] == Origin.DEFAULT: log_message(f"Outgoing response has DEFAULT origin", logging.WARNING) await websocket.send(response.json()) @log(logger, logging.INFO) async def send_to_all(self, response, skip={}): """ Send a message to all connected clients, except those in skip Args: response (Response): Response to send to all connections skip (set, optional): Union[Websocket, Iterable[Websocket]] to skip. Defaults to {}. """ if not isinstance(skip, Iterable): skip = {skip} for websocket in self.connected: if websocket not in skip: await self.send(response, websocket) @log(logger, logging.CRITICAL) async def handle_shutdown(self): """ Notifies all clients of shutdown and closes their connections """ await self.send_to_all( Response(self.get_shutdown_notification(), Origin.SERVER)) for conn in self.connected.keys(): await conn.close() @log(logger, logging.INFO) async def change_name(self, websocket, new_name): """ Changes name of user connected with websocket to new_name Args: websocket (Websocket): connection to change name of new_name (str): new name for user """ old_name = self.connected[websocket].name # sanitize by removing all whitespace new_name = "".join(new_name.split()) self.connected[websocket].name = new_name await self.send_to_all( Response(self.get_name_change_notification(old_name, new_name), Origin.SERVER)) @log(logger, logging.INFO) async def private_message(self, message, from_websocket, to_websocket): outgoing = Response( self.get_outgoing_pm(message, self.connected[from_websocket].name), Origin.PRIVATE) receipt = Response( self.get_pm_receipt(message, self.connected[to_websocket].name), Origin.PRIVATE) await self.send(outgoing, to_websocket) await self.send(receipt, from_websocket) def generate_name(self): """ Generate an initial name for a new client Returns: str: Randomly generated name """ return self.name_generator.generate_name() def get_greeting(self, name): """ Generates greeting str for new connection Args: name (str): client name of new connection Returns: str: greeting for new connection """ return Template(self.config["greeting_temp"]).substitute(name=name) def get_connection_notification(self, name): """ Generates notification str for a new connection Args: name (str): name of new connection client Returns: str: notification for clients """ return Template(self.config["conn_notif_temp"]).substitute(name=name) def get_disconnect_notification(self, name): """ Generates disconnect notification str for disconnected client Args: name (str): name of disconnected client Returns: str: notification for clients """ return Template( self.config["disconn_notif_temp"]).substitute(name=name) def get_name_change_notification(self, old_name, new_name): """ Generates name change notification Args: old_name (str): old name, before change new_name (str): new name, after change Returns: str: notification for clients """ return Template(self.config["namechange_notif_temp"]).substitute( old=old_name, new=new_name) def get_shutdown_notification(self): """ Generates server shutdown notification Returns: str: notification for clients """ return self.config["shutdown_notif_temp"] def get_outgoing_pm(self, message, from_name): return Template(self.config["private_messate_from_temp"]).substitute( from_name=from_name, message=message) def get_pm_receipt(self, message, to_name): return Template(self.config["private_message_to_temp"]).substitute( to_name=to_name, message=message) def __repr__(self): return f"<Chatroom, connections: {len(self.connected)}>"