#!/usr/bin/env python3.7 from ai.COS import COS from ai.lib.Envi import Envi from ai.recipe import Recipe from ai.visualize import Visualize from command_line import cmd_options, check_recipe_exists from logger import init as initlog initlog('DEBUG') cmd_options.add_argument('mode', choices=('full', 'zone'), help='zone|full') args = cmd_options.parse_args() check_recipe_exists(args.recipe) recipe = Recipe(args.recipe) cos = COS(recipe) envi = Envi(recipe, cos) viz = Visualize(args.mode, recipe, envi) viz.run()
#!/usr/bin/env python3.7 import logger from ai.COS import COS from ai.assemble import Assemble from ai.lib.Envi import Envi from ai.recipe import Recipe from command_line import cmd_options, check_recipe_exists logger.init() cmd_options.add_argument('mode', choices=('full', 'zone', 'both'), help='Type of result') args = cmd_options.parse_args() check_recipe_exists(args.recipe) recipe = Recipe(args.recipe) cos = COS(recipe) envi = Envi(recipe, cos) Assemble(args.mode, recipe, envi).run()
#!/usr/bin/env python3.7 from ai.process import Process from ai.recipe import Recipe from command_line import cmd_options, check_recipe_exists from logger import init as initlog initlog('DEBUG') cmd_options.add_argument('mode', choices=('full', 'zone'), help='Type of result') cmd_options.add_argument('type', choices=('fit', 'fitpredict', 'predict'), help='Learning type') args = cmd_options.parse_args() check_recipe_exists(args.recipe) recipe = Recipe(args.recipe) processor = Process(args.mode, args.type, recipe) processor.run()
from ai.visualize import Visualize from command_line import cmd_options, check_recipe_exists from logger import init as initlog initlog('DEBUG') log = logging.getLogger('main') # cmd_options.add_argument('mode', # choices=('full', 'zone'), # help='Type of result') # cmd_options.add_argument('type', # choices=('fit', 'fitpredict', 'predict'), # help='Learning type') cmd_options.add_argument('--upload-filename', help='Type of result') args = cmd_options.parse_args() check_recipe_exists(args.recipe) recipe = Recipe(args.recipe) cos = COS(recipe) envi = Envi(recipe, cos) if Assemble('both', recipe, envi).run() != 0: log.error('Tensor assemble failed') exit(-1) log.info("Learning...") processor = Process('zone', 'fit', recipe) if processor.run() != 0: