    def __init__(self, hosts, tmp):
        """Create a dcp Command object."""
        super().__init__("/run/dcp/*", "dcp", hosts, tmp)

        # dcp options

        # IO buffer size in bytes (default 64MB)
        self.blocksize = FormattedParameter("--blocksize {}")
        # New versions use bufsize instead of blocksize
        self.bufsize = FormattedParameter("--bufsize {}")
        # work size per task in bytes (default 64MB)
        self.chunksize = FormattedParameter("--chunksize {}")
        # DAOS prefix for unified namespace path
        self.daos_prefix = FormattedParameter("--daos-prefix {}")
        # DAOS API in {DFS, DAOS} (default uses DFS for POSIX containers)
        self.daos_api = FormattedParameter("--daos-api {}")
        # read source list from file
        self.input_file = FormattedParameter("--input {}")
        # copy original files instead of links
        self.dereference = FormattedParameter("--dereference", False)
        # don't follow links in source
        self.no_dereference = FormattedParameter("--no-dereference", False)
        # preserve permissions, ownership, timestamps, extended attributes
        self.preserve = FormattedParameter("--preserve", False)
        # open files with O_DIRECT
        self.direct = FormattedParameter("--direct", False)
        # create sparse files when possible
        self.sparse = FormattedParameter("--sparse", False)
        # print progress every N seconds
        self.progress = FormattedParameter("--progress {}")
        # verbose output
        self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)
        # quiet output
        self.quiet = FormattedParameter("--quiet", False)
        # print help/usage
        self.print_usage = FormattedParameter("--help", False)
        # source path
        self.src_path = BasicParameter(None)
        # destination path
        self.dst_path = BasicParameter(None)
    def __init__(self, log_dir="/tmp"):
        """Initialize a TransportConfig object."""
                             "transport_config", log_dir)

        # Additional daos_agent transport credential parameters:
        #   - server_name: <str>, e.g. "daos_server"
        #       Name of server accodring to its certificate [daos_agent only]
        self.server_name = BasicParameter(None, None)
        self.cert = LogParameter(log_dir, None, "agent.crt")
        self.key = LogParameter(log_dir, None, "agent.key")
    def __init__(self, filename, common_yaml):
        """Initialize an DaosAgentYamlParameters object.

            filename (str): yaml configuration file name
            common_yaml (YamlParameters): [description]
        super().__init__("/run/agent_config/*", filename, None, common_yaml)

        # All log files should be placed in the same directory on each host to
        # enable easy log file archiving by launch.py
        log_dir = os.environ.get("DAOS_TEST_LOG_DIR", "/tmp")

        # daos_agent parameters:
        #   - runtime_dir: <str>, e.g. /var/run/daos_agent
        #       Use the given directory for creating unix domain sockets
        #   - log_file: <str>, e.g. /tmp/daos_agent.log
        #       Full path and name of the DAOS agent logfile.
        #   - control_log_mask: <str>, one of: error, info, debug
        #       Specifies the log level for agent logs.
        self.runtime_dir = BasicParameter(None, "/var/run/daos_agent")
        self.log_file = LogParameter(log_dir, None, "daos_agent.log")
        self.control_log_mask = BasicParameter(None, "debug")
    def __init__(self, namespace, command, path="", subprocess=False):
        """Create a CommandWithSubCommand object.

            namespace (str): yaml namespace (path to parameters)
            command (str): string of the command to be executed.
            path (str, optional): path to location of command binary file.
                Defaults to "".
            subprocess (bool, optional): whether the command is run as a
                subprocess. Defaults to False.
        super(CommandWithSubCommand, self).__init__(namespace, command, path)

        # Define the sub-command parameter whose value is used to assign the
        # sub-command's CommandWithParameters-based class.  Use the command to
        # create uniquely named yaml parameter names.
        # This parameter can be specified in the test yaml like so:
        #   <command>:
        #       <command>_sub_command: <sub_command>
        #       <sub_command>:
        #           <sub_command>_sub_command: <sub_command_sub_command>
        self.sub_command = BasicParameter(None,

        # Define the class to represent the active sub-command and it's specific
        # parameters.  Multiple sub-commands may be available, but only one can
        # be active at a given time.
        # The self.get_sub_command_class() method is called after obtaining the
        # main command's parameter values, in self.get_params(), to assign the
        # sub-command's class.  This is typically a class based upon the
        # CommandWithParameters class, but can be any object with a __str__()
        # method (including a simple str object).
        self.sub_command_class = None

        # Define an attribute to store the CmdResult from the last run() call.
        # A CmdResult object has the following properties:
        #   command         - command string
        #   exit_status     - exit_status of the command
        #   stdout          - the stdout
        #   stderr          - the stderr
        #   duration        - command execution time
        #   interrupted     - whether the command completed within timeout
        #   pid             - command's pid
        self.result = None
    def __init__(self, namespace, command):
        """Create a daos-deserialize Command object."""
        super().__init__(namespace, command)

        # daos-deserialize options

        # pool uuid for containers
        self.pool = FormattedParameter("--pool {}")
        # verbose output
        self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)
        # quiet output
        self.quiet = FormattedParameter("--quiet", False)
        # print help/usage
        self.print_usage = FormattedParameter("--help", False)
        # source path
        self.src_path = BasicParameter(None)
    def __init__(self, namespace, command):
        """Create a daos-serialize Command object."""
        super().__init__(namespace, command)

        # daos-serialize options

        # path to output serialized hdf5 files
        self.output_path = FormattedParameter("--output-path {}")
        # verbose output
        self.verbose = FormattedParameter("--verbose", False)
        # quiet output
        self.quiet = FormattedParameter("--quiet", False)
        # print help/usage
        self.print_usage = FormattedParameter("--help", False)
        # source path
        self.src_path = BasicParameter(None)
    def __init__(self, namespace, command, path="", timeout=10):
        """Create a SubProcessCommand object.

            namespace (str): yaml namespace (path to parameters)
            command (str): string of the command to be executed.
            path (str, optional): path to location of command binary file.
                Defaults to "".
            timeout (int, optional): number of seconds to wait for patterns to
                appear in the subprocess output. Defaults to 10 seconds.
        super(SubProcessCommand, self).__init__(namespace, command, path, True)

        # Attributes used to determine command success when run as a subprocess
        # See self.check_subprocess_status() for details.
        self.pattern = None
        self.pattern_count = 1
        self.pattern_timeout = BasicParameter(timeout, timeout)
    def __init__(self, path="", filename="testfile", env=None):
        """Create a ExecutableCommand object.

        Uses Avocado's utils.process module to run a command str provided.

            command (str): string of the command to be executed.
            path (str, optional): path to location of command binary file. Defaults to ""
        super().__init__("/run/gen_io_conf/*", "daos_gen_io_conf", path)
        self.verbose = True
        self.env = env
        self.ranks = FormattedParameter("-g {}")
        self.targets = FormattedParameter("-t {}")
        self.obj_num = FormattedParameter("-o {}")
        self.akeys = FormattedParameter("-a {}")
        self.dkeys = FormattedParameter("-d {}")
        self.record_size = FormattedParameter("-s {}")
        self.obj_class = FormattedParameter("-O {}")
        self.filename = BasicParameter(None, filename)
    def __init__(self, namespace, command):
        """Create a dbench Command object."""
        super().__init__(namespace, command)

        # dbench options
        self.timelimit = FormattedParameter("--timelimit {}")
        self.loadfile = FormattedParameter("--loadfile {}")
        self.directory = FormattedParameter("--directory {}")
        self.tcp_options = FormattedParameter("--tcp-options {}")
        self.target_rate = FormattedParameter("--target-rate {}")
        self.sync = FormattedParameter("--sync", False)
        self.fsync = FormattedParameter("--fsync", False)
        self.xattr = FormattedParameter("--xattr", False)
        self.no_resolve = FormattedParameter("--no-resolve", False)
        self.clients_per_process = FormattedParameter(
            "--clients-per-process {}")
        self.one_byte_write_fix = FormattedParameter("--one-byte-write-fix",
        self.stat_check = FormattedParameter("--stat-check", False)
        self.fake_io = FormattedParameter("--fake-io", False)
        self.skip_cleanup = FormattedParameter("--skip-cleanup", False)
        self.per_client_results = FormattedParameter("--per-client-results",
        self.num_of_procs = BasicParameter(None)
    def __init__(self, filename, common_yaml):
        """Initialize an DaosServerYamlParameters object.

            filename (str): yaml configuration file name
            common_yaml (YamlParameters): [description]
        super().__init__("/run/server_config/*", filename, None, common_yaml)

        # daos_server configuration file parameters
        #   - provider: <str>, e.g. ofi+verbs;ofi_rxm
        #       Force a specific provider to be used by all the servers.
        #   - hyperthreads: <bool>, e.g. True
        #       When Hyperthreading is enabled and supported on the system, this
        #       parameter defines whether the DAOS service thread should only be
        #       bound to different physical cores (False) or hyperthreads (True)
        #   - socket_dir: <str>, e.g. /var/run/daos_server
        #       DAOS Agent and DAOS Server both use unix domain sockets for
        #       communication with other system components. This setting is the
        #       base location to place the sockets in.
        #   - nr_hugepages: <int>, e.g. 4096
        #       Number of hugepages to allocate for use by NVMe SSDs
        #   - control_log_mask: <str>, e.g. DEBUG
        #       Force specific debug mask for daos_server (control plane).
        #   - control_log_file: <str>, e.g. /tmp/daos_control.log
        #       Force specific path for daos_server (control plane) logs.
        #   - user_name: <str>, e.g. daosuser
        #       Username used to lookup user uid/gid to drop privileges to if
        #       started as root. After control plane start-up and configuration,
        #       before starting data plane, process ownership will be dropped to
        #       those of supplied user.
        #   - group_name: <str>, e.g. daosgroup
        #       Group name used to lookup group gid to drop privileges to when
        #       user_name is root. If user is a member of group, this group gid
        #       is set for the running process. If group look up fails or user
        #       is not member, use uid return from user lookup.
        default_provider = os.environ.get("CRT_PHY_ADDR_STR", "ofi+sockets")

        # All log files should be placed in the same directory on each host to
        # enable easy log file archiving by launch.py
        log_dir = os.environ.get("DAOS_TEST_LOG_DIR", "/tmp")

        self.provider = BasicParameter(None, default_provider)
        self.hyperthreads = BasicParameter(None, False)
        self.socket_dir = BasicParameter(None, "/var/run/daos_server")
        self.nr_hugepages = BasicParameter(None, 4096)
        self.control_log_mask = BasicParameter(None, "DEBUG")
        self.control_log_file = LogParameter(log_dir, None, "daos_control.log")
        self.helper_log_file = LogParameter(log_dir, None, "daos_admin.log")
        self.telemetry_port = BasicParameter(None, 9191)
        default_enable_vmd_val = os.environ.get("DAOS_ENABLE_VMD", "False")
        default_enable_vmd = ast.literal_eval(default_enable_vmd_val)
        self.enable_vmd = BasicParameter(None, default_enable_vmd)

        # Used to drop privileges before starting data plane
        # (if started as root to perform hardware provisioning)
        self.user_name = BasicParameter(None)
        self.group_name = BasicParameter(None)

        # Defines the number of single engine config parameters to define in
        # the yaml file
        self.engines_per_host = BasicParameter(None)

        # Single engine config parameters. Default to one set of I/O Engine
        # parameters - for the config_file_gen.py tool. Calling get_params()
        # will update the list to match the number of I/O Engines requested by
        # the self.engines_per_host.value.
        self.engine_params = [self.PerEngineYamlParameters()]

        self.fault_path = BasicParameter(None)
        def __init__(self, index=None, provider=None):
            """Create a SingleServerConfig object.

                index (int, optional): index number for the namespace path used
                    when specifying multiple servers per host. Defaults to None.
            namespace = "/run/server_config/servers/*"
            if isinstance(index, int):
                namespace = "/run/server_config/servers/{}/*".format(index)
            if provider is not None:
                self._provider = provider
                self._provider = os.environ.get("CRT_PHY_ADDR_STR",

            # Use environment variables to get default parameters
            default_interface = os.environ.get("DAOS_TEST_FABRIC_IFACE",
            default_port = int(os.environ.get("OFI_PORT", 31416))
            default_share_addr = int(os.environ.get("CRT_CTX_SHARE_ADDR", 0))

            # All log files should be placed in the same directory on each host
            # to enable easy log file archiving by launch.py
            log_dir = os.environ.get("DAOS_TEST_LOG_DIR", "/tmp")

            # Parameters
            #   targets:                I/O service threads per engine
            #   first_core:             starting index for targets
            #   nr_xs_helpers:          I/O offload threads per engine
            #   fabric_iface:           map to OFI_INTERFACE=eth0
            #   fabric_iface_port:      map to OFI_PORT=31416
            #   log_mask:               map to D_LOG_MASK env
            #   log_file:               map to D_LOG_FILE env
            #   env_vars:               influences DAOS I/O Engine behavior
            #       Add to enable scalable endpoint:
            #           - CRT_CTX_SHARE_ADDR=1
            #           - CRT_CTX_NUM=8
            self.targets = BasicParameter(None, 8)
            self.first_core = BasicParameter(None, 0)
            self.nr_xs_helpers = BasicParameter(None, 4)
            self.fabric_iface = BasicParameter(None, default_interface)
            self.fabric_iface_port = BasicParameter(None, default_port)
            self.pinned_numa_node = BasicParameter(None)
            self.log_mask = BasicParameter(None, "INFO")
            self.log_file = LogParameter(log_dir, None, "daos_server.log")

            # Set default environment variables
            default_env_vars = [
            for name in self._provider.split(";"):
                if name in self.REQUIRED_ENV_VARS:
            self.env_vars = BasicParameter(None, default_env_vars)

            # global CRT_CTX_SHARE_ADDR shared with client
            self.crt_ctx_share_addr = BasicParameter(None, default_share_addr)

            # global CRT_TIMEOUT shared with client
            self.crt_timeout = BasicParameter(None, 30)

            # Storage definition parameters:
            # When scm_class is set to ram, tmpfs will be used to emulate SCM.
            #   scm_mount: /mnt/daos        - map to -s /mnt/daos
            #   scm_class: ram
            #   scm_size: 6                 - size in GB units
            # When scm_class is set to dcpm, scm_list is the list of device
            # paths for AppDirect pmem namespaces (currently only one per
            # server supported).
            #   scm_class: dcpm
            #   scm_list: [/dev/pmem0]
            # If using NVMe SSD (will write /mnt/daos/daos_nvme.conf and start
            # I/O service with -n <path>)
            #   bdev_class: nvme
            #   bdev_list: ["0000:81:00.0"] - generate regular nvme.conf
            # If emulating NVMe SSD with malloc devices
            #   bdev_class: malloc          - map to VOS_BDEV_CLASS=MALLOC
            #   bdev_size: 4                - malloc size of each device in GB.
            #   bdev_number: 1              - generate nvme.conf as follows:
            #       [Malloc]
            #       NumberOfLuns 1
            #       LunSizeInMB 4000
            # If emulating NVMe SSD over kernel block device
            #   bdev_class: kdev            - map to VOS_BDEV_CLASS=AIO
            #   bdev_list: [/dev/sdc]       - generate nvme.conf as follows:
            #       [AIO]
            #       AIO /dev/sdc AIO2
            # If emulating NVMe SSD with backend file
            #   bdev_class: file            - map to VOS_BDEV_CLASS=AIO
            #   bdev_size: 16               - file size in GB. Create file if
            #                                 it does not exist.
            #   bdev_list: [/tmp/daos-bdev] - generate nvme.conf as follows:
            #       [AIO]
            #       AIO /tmp/aiofile AIO1 4096
            self.scm_mount = BasicParameter(None, "/mnt/daos")
            self.scm_class = BasicParameter(None, "ram")
            self.scm_size = BasicParameter(None, 16)
            self.scm_list = BasicParameter(None)
            self.bdev_class = BasicParameter(None)
            self.bdev_list = BasicParameter(None)
            self.bdev_size = BasicParameter(None)
            self.bdev_number = BasicParameter(None)
 def __init__(self):
     """Initialize a RebuildTestParams object."""
     super(RebuildTestParams, self).__init__("/run/rebuild/*")
     self.object_class = BasicParameter(None)
     self.rank = BasicParameter(None)
    def __init__(self, pool, cb_handler=None, daos_command=None):
        """Create a TeestContainer object.

            pool (TestPool): the test pool in which to create the container
            cb_handler (CallbackHandler, optional): callback object to use with
                the API methods. Defaults to None.
        super(TestContainer, self).__init__("/run/container/*", cb_handler)
        self.pool = pool

        self.object_qty = BasicParameter(None)
        self.record_qty = BasicParameter(None)
        self.akey_size = BasicParameter(None)
        self.dkey_size = BasicParameter(None)
        self.data_size = BasicParameter(None)
        self.data_array_size = BasicParameter(0, 0)
        # Provider access to get input params values
        # for enabling different container properties
        self.input_params = DaosInputParams()

        # Optional daos command object to use with the USE_DAOS control method
        self.daos = daos_command

        # Optional daos command argument values to use with the USE_DAOS control
        # method when creating/destroying containers
        self.path = BasicParameter(None)
        self.type = BasicParameter(None)
        self.oclass = BasicParameter(None)
        self.chunk_size = BasicParameter(None)
        self.properties = BasicParameter(None)
        self.daos_timeout = BasicParameter(None)

        self.container = None
        self.uuid = None
        self.info = None
        self.opened = False
        self.written_data = []
        self.epoch = None
        def __init__(self, index=None):
            """Create a SingleServerConfig object.

                index (int, optional): index number for the namespace path used
                    when specifying multiple servers per host. Defaults to None.
            namespace = "/run/server_config/servers/*"
            if isinstance(index, int):
                namespace = "/run/server_config/servers/{}/*".format(index)

            # Use environment variables to get default parameters
            default_interface = os.environ.get("OFI_INTERFACE", "eth0")
            default_port = int(os.environ.get("OFI_PORT", 31416))

            # All log files should be placed in the same directory on each host
            # to enable easy log file archiving by launch.py
            log_dir = os.environ.get("DAOS_TEST_LOG_DIR", "/tmp")

            # Parameters
            #   targets:                count of VOS targets
            #   first_core:             starting index for targets
            #   nr_xs_helpers:          offload helpers per server
            #   fabric_iface:           map to OFI_INTERFACE=eth0
            #   fabric_iface_port:      map to OFI_PORT=31416
            #   log_mask:               map to D_LOG_MASK env
            #   log_file:               map to D_LOG_FILE env
            #   env_vars:               influences DAOS IO Server behaviour
            #       Add to enable scalable endpoint:
            #           - CRT_CREDIT_EP_CTX=0
            #           - CRT_CTX_SHARE_ADDR=1
            #           - CRT_CTX_NUM=8
            #       nvme options:
            #           - IO_STAT_PERIOD=10
            self.targets = BasicParameter(None, 8)
            self.first_core = BasicParameter(None, 0)
            self.nr_xs_helpers = BasicParameter(None, 16)
            self.fabric_iface = BasicParameter(None, default_interface)
            self.fabric_iface_port = BasicParameter(None, default_port)
            self.pinned_numa_node = BasicParameter(None)
            self.log_mask = BasicParameter(None, "DEBUG,RPC=ERR")
            self.log_file = LogParameter(log_dir, None, "daos_server.log")
            self.env_vars = BasicParameter(

            # Storage definition parameters:
            # When scm_class is set to ram, tmpfs will be used to emulate SCM.
            #   scm_mount: /mnt/daos        - map to -s /mnt/daos
            #   scm_class: ram
            #   scm_size: 6                 - size in GB units
            # When scm_class is set to dcpm, scm_list is the list of device
            # paths for AppDirect pmem namespaces (currently only one per
            # server supported).
            #   scm_class: dcpm
            #   scm_list: [/dev/pmem0]
            # If using NVMe SSD (will write /mnt/daos/daos_nvme.conf and start
            # I/O service with -n <path>)
            #   bdev_class: nvme
            #   bdev_list: ["0000:81:00.0"] - generate regular nvme.conf
            # If emulating NVMe SSD with malloc devices
            #   bdev_class: malloc          - map to VOS_BDEV_CLASS=MALLOC
            #   bdev_size: 4                - malloc size of each device in GB.
            #   bdev_number: 1              - generate nvme.conf as follows:
            #       [Malloc]
            #       NumberOfLuns 1
            #       LunSizeInMB 4000
            # If emulating NVMe SSD over kernel block device
            #   bdev_class: kdev            - map to VOS_BDEV_CLASS=AIO
            #   bdev_list: [/dev/sdc]       - generate nvme.conf as follows:
            #       [AIO]
            #       AIO /dev/sdc AIO2
            # If emulating NVMe SSD with backend file
            #   bdev_class: file            - map to VOS_BDEV_CLASS=AIO
            #   bdev_size: 16               - file size in GB. Create file if
            #                                 it does not exist.
            #   bdev_list: [/tmp/daos-bdev] - generate nvme.conf as follows:
            #       [AIO]
            #       AIO /tmp/aiofile AIO1 4096
            self.scm_mount = BasicParameter(None, "/mnt/daos")
            self.scm_class = BasicParameter(None, "ram")
            self.scm_size = BasicParameter(None, 16)
            self.scm_list = BasicParameter(None)
            self.bdev_class = BasicParameter(None)
            self.bdev_list = BasicParameter(None)
            self.bdev_size = BasicParameter(None)
            self.bdev_number = BasicParameter(None)