def create_vm(self, ip, preferred_hv_host=None, preferred_name=None):
        Creates a guest VM on the Physical Topology and returns the Guest
        object representing the VM as part of the virtual topology.
        :param ip: str IP Address to use for the VM (required)
        :param preferred_hv_host: str: Hypervisor to use, otherwise the least-loaded HV host is chosen.
        :param preferred_name: str: Name to use for the VM.  Otherwise one is generated.
        :return: Guest
        self.physical_topology_manager.LOG.debug("Creating VM on IP: " + str(ip))
        if preferred_hv_host is None:
            # Pick the HV with the fewest running VMs
            least_busy_hv = None
            for hv in self.physical_topology_manager.hypervisors.itervalues():
                if least_busy_hv is None or least_busy_hv > hv.get_vm_count():
                    least_busy_hv = hv
            if least_busy_hv is None:
                raise ObjectNotFoundException('No suitable hypervisor found to launch VM')
            start_hv = least_busy_hv
            if preferred_hv_host not in self.physical_topology_manager.hypervisors:
                raise ObjectNotFoundException('Requested host to start VM: ' + preferred_hv_host + ' not found')
            start_hv = self.physical_topology_manager.hypervisors[preferred_hv_host]

        if preferred_name is not None:
            vm_name = preferred_name
            vm_name = 'vm_' + str(VirtualTopologyManager.global_vm_id)
            VirtualTopologyManager.global_vm_id += 1

        self.physical_topology_manager.LOG.debug("Starting VM with name: " + vm_name + " and IP: " +
                                                 str(ip) + " on hypervisor: " +
        new_vm = start_hv.create_vm(vm_name)
        new_vm.create_interface('eth0', ip_list=[IP.make_ip(ip)])

        return Guest(new_vm)
 def do_extra_config_host_for_process_control(self, cfg_map):
     self.num_id = cfg_map['num_id']
     self.my_ip = cfg_map['my_ip']
     self.unique_id = uuid.UUID('urn:uuid:' + cfg_map['uuid'])
     self.zookeeper_ips = [IP.make_ip(s) for s in cfg_map['zookeeper_ips'].split(',')]