 def solution(self, head):
     :type head: ListNode
     :rtype: ListNode
     if head == None: return None
     listLen = 1
     curp = head
     while curp.next:
         listLen += 1
         curp = curp.next
     if listLen == 1: return head
         dummy = ListNode(0)
         dummy.next = head
         halfWindow = 1
         while halfWindow < listLen:
             hp = dummy
             for i in range((listLen - 1) / (halfWindow << 1) + 1):
                 cp = hp
                 for j in range(halfWindow << 1):
                     if i == (listLen - 1) / (halfWindow << 1) and i * (
                             halfWindow << 1) + j >= listLen:
                         if j <= halfWindow - 1:
                             mp = cp
                         tp = cp
                         cp = cp.next
                         if j == halfWindow - 1:
                             mp = cp
                     tp = cp
                 if mp == tp: break
                     while hp != mp and hp != tp:
                         if hp.next.val <= mp.next.val:
                             hp = hp.next
                             minp = mp.next
                             mp.next = minp.next
                             minp.next = hp.next
                             hp.next = minp
                             hp = hp.next
                     if hp == mp:
                         hp = tp
                     elif hp == tp:
                         hp = mp
             halfWindow <<= 1
     return dummy.next
 def solution(self, head):
     :type head: ListNode
     :rtype: ListNode
     if head == None: return None
     listLen = 1
     curp = head
     while curp.next:
         listLen += 1
         curp = curp.next
     if listLen == 1: return head
         dummy = ListNode(0)
         dummy.next = head
         halfWindow = 1
         while halfWindow < listLen:
             hp = dummy
             for i in range((listLen-1) / (halfWindow<<1) + 1):
                 cp = hp
                 for j in range(halfWindow<<1):
                     if i == (listLen-1) / (halfWindow<<1) and i*(halfWindow<<1)+j >= listLen:
                         if j <= halfWindow - 1:
                             mp = cp
                         tp = cp
                         cp = cp.next
                         if j == halfWindow - 1:
                             mp = cp
                 else: tp = cp
                 if mp == tp: break
                     while hp != mp and hp != tp:
                         if hp.next.val <= mp.next.val:
                             hp = hp.next
                             minp = mp.next
                             mp.next = minp.next
                             minp.next = hp.next
                             hp.next = minp
                             hp = hp.next
                     if hp == mp:
                         hp = tp
                     elif hp == tp:
                         hp = mp
             halfWindow <<= 1
     return dummy.next
 def solution(self, l1, l2):
     :type l1: ListNode
     :type l2: ListNode
     :rtype: ListNode
     head = ListNode(0)
     curp = head
     c3 = 0
     while l1 and l2:
         cursum = c3 + l1.val + l2.val
         if cursum >= 10:
             c3 = 1
             cursum -= 10
             c3 = 0
         curp.next = ListNode(cursum)
         curp = curp.next
         l1 = l1.next
         l2 = l2.next
     while l1:
         cursum = c3 + l1.val
         if cursum >= 10:
             c3 = 1
             cursum -= 10
             c3 = 0
         curp.next = ListNode(cursum)
         curp = curp.next
         l1 = l1.next
     while l2:
         cursum = c3 + l2.val
         if cursum >= 10:
             c3 = 1
             cursum -= 10
             c3 = 0
         curp.next = ListNode(cursum)
         curp = curp.next
         l2 = l2.next
     if c3 == 1:
         curp.next = ListNode(1)
     return head.next
 def solution(self, head):
     :type head: ListNode
     :rtype: ListNode
     if head == None: return None
     dummy = ListNode(head.val - 1)
     dummy.next = head
     last = dummy
     curr = head
     while curr != None and curr.next != None:
         if curr.val != curr.next.val:
             last = last.next
             curr = curr.next
             while curr.val == curr.next.val:
                 curr = curr.next
                 if curr.next == None:
             curr = curr.next
             last.next = curr
     return dummy.next
 def solution(self, head, m, n):
     :type head: ListNode
     :type m: int
     :type n: int
     :rtype: ListNode
     if m == n: return head
     dummy = ListNode(0)
     dummy.next = head
     p1 = dummy
     for i in range(m-1):
         p1 = p1.next
     pf = p1.next
     for j in range(n-m):
         t = p1.next
         p1.next = pf.next
         pf.next = pf.next.next
         p1.next.next = t
     return dummy.next
 def solution(self, head):
     :type head: ListNode
     :rtype: ListNode
     if head == None: return None
     dummy = ListNode(head.val-1)
     dummy.next = head
     last = dummy
     curr = head
     while curr != None and curr.next != None:
         if curr.val != curr.next.val:
             last = last.next
             curr = curr.next
             while curr.val == curr.next.val:
                 curr = curr.next
                 if curr.next == None:
             curr = curr.next
             last.next = curr
     return dummy.next
    from common.TreeNode import TreeNode, genTree # Valid Binary Search Tree
    from ValidateBST import IsValidBST
    ivb = IsValidBST()
    root = genTree([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [3, 1, 5, 0, 2, 4, 6])
    print ivb.solutions(root)
elif titleNum == 103:
    from BinaryTreeZigzagLevelOrderTraversal import ZigzagLevelOrder # Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
elif titleNum == 105:
    from ConstructBinaryTreeFromPreorderAndInorderTraversal import BuildTree # Hard, learn how to save memory during recursive calls
elif titleNum == 108:
    from SortedArrayToBST import SortedArrayToBST
elif titleNum == 109:
    from common.ListNode import ListNode
    from common.TreeNode import TreeNode
    from SortedListToBST import SortedListToBST # Convert sorted List to BST, Hard
    ln = ListNode(1)
    ln.next = ListNode(3)
    sltb = SortedListToBST()
    root = sltb.solution(ln)
elif titleNum == 113:
    from PathSumII import PathSumII # Path Sum II
elif titleNum == 120:
    from Triangle import MinimumTotal # Triangle, find the minimum path of sum
elif titleNum == 121:
    from BestTimeBuySellStock import MaxProfit # best time to buy and sell stock
elif titleNum == 127:
    from WordLadder import LadderLength # Word Ladder, Hard, Very, Smart/Fast way to find words with 1 bit flip
elif titleNum == 130:
    from SurroundedRegions import FlipSurroundedRegions # Surrounded Regions, Hard, BFS loop vs. DFS recursive
    fsr = FlipSurroundedRegions()