class NMspec:
    def __init__(self,infile,specout,decayout,omegaout,tunout,workdir, \
        need to finish list
        model - model to use for computing spectrum. Currently valid options are
        'generalNMSSM'->(nmhdecay called) and 'mSUGRA'->(nmspec called)
        # Either the file to use as input, or the name to given the input file
        # which will be created from the file 'template'.
        # (Need to use abspath since we have to change directory to run nmspec)
        self.infile = os.path.abspath(infile)
        # Names to give output files
        self.spectr = os.path.abspath(specout)
        self.decay = os.path.abspath(decayout)
        self.omega = os.path.abspath(omegaout)
        self.tuning = os.path.abspath(tunout)
        self.SLHAspectr = SpectrumFile(name=self.spectr, directory='')    #SpectrumFile has extra blueprints defined to deal with multi-index items
        self.SLHAomega = OmegaFile(name=self.omega, directory='')    #OmegaFile has extra blueprints defined to deal with the Channels block
	self.SLHAtuning = SpectrumFile(name=self.tuning, directory='')

        if template != None:
            self.template = template
            print "nmspec template SLHA input file: ", self.template
            self.SLHAtemplate = SLHAFile(name=self.template, directory='')       #File to modify to create infile
            self.SLHAtemplate.readdata()                                #Read data from the template file
        self.options = options
        # Add to self.options the appropriate switch for the selected model
        # note: I actually don't think this does anything. I think this switch
        # is just how the NMSSMTools run script decides which of nmspec,
        # nmhdecay, or nmgmsb to call. But let's set it anyway just in case.
        # Set which NMSSMTools code to run
        if model=='generalNMSSM':
            print 'Computing NMSSM spectrum using nmhdecay'
            self.runfunc = nmhdecay.spec
        elif model=='mSUGRA':
            print 'Computing NMSSM spectrum using nmspec'
            self.runfunc = nmspec.spec
        elif model=='GMSB':
            raise Exception("Sorry, model GMSB is not currently implemented! \
please set model='generalNMSSM' (for nmhdecay) or model='mSUGRA' (for nmspec)")
            raise Exception("model specification string does not match an \
implemented model. Please set model='generalNMSSM' (for nmhdecay) or \
model='mSUGRA' (for nmspec)")
        # Check that the config file specifying the location of nmspec exists.
        # It is not great that this is required, but I didn't have time or 
        # patience to make a fancy enough nmspec extension module that could
        # deal with this issue itself.
        cfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
        cfgfile = workdir+'/nmspecf2py.cfg'
        print 'Reading config file for nmspec wrapper: {0}'.format(cfgfile)
        except IOError as err:
            raise IOError('{0} - Cannot locate nmspecf2py config file: please \
create a file in nmspecf2py module work directory ("wrappers" if using pysusy3)\
 called "nmspecf2py.cfg", which has the contents:\n\
nmspecdir = <full path to directory containing nmspec>\n\
If using NMSSMTools_3.2.3 this path is "<parent>/NMSSMTools_3.2.3/main".\n\
Sorry that this is necessary; my nmspec extension module is not advanced enough\
 to figure this out for itself, and nmspec needs to access some files in the \
nmspec directories.'.format(err))
        self.nmspecdir = cfg.get('settings','nmspecdir')
        # END __init__
    def silence(self):
        """Kill the stdout of the current process. Lets us silence the
        output of the wrapped fortran code, which 
        sys.stdout = open('/dev/null'), for example, does not"""
        os.dup2(self.null_fds[0], 1)                                    # put /dev/null fds on 1 and 2
        os.dup2(self.null_fds[1], 2)
    def unsilence(self):
        """undoes the action of silence"""
        os.dup2(self.save[0], 1)                                        # restore file descriptors so I can print the results
        os.dup2(self.save[1], 2)
        # close the temporary fds
        #os.close(null_fds[0]) #don't think I want to do this, may as well keep using the same ones every loop
    def run(self):
        """Execute process
        For now just doing simple thing. See ISAJET wrapper if program isolation
        required (i.e. fork/multiprocessing)
        # nmspec is a bit stupid and doesn't work correctly if cwd is not the
        # directory the program is installed into (since it tried to access 
        # files containing info about experimental constraints)
        # So need to change directory and back here (WILL CAUSE MAYHEM IF NMSPEC
        with chdir(self.nmspecdir):
                self.runfunc(self.infile, self.spectr, self.decay, self.omega, self.tuning)
    def checkoutput(self):
        """Check if errors occurred during running"""
        # Check spectrum output file for error signals
            block = self.SLHAspectr.block('SPINFO')
            item = block[4]
            errormsg = item.value
            return 1, errormsg   # Yes errors occurred
        except KeyError as err:
            if err.message==4: pass        # No errors occurred
            else: raise
        if self.options['usemicromegas'] != 0:
            # Check darkmatter output file for error signals 
                block = self.SLHAomega.block('RDINFO')
                item = block[4]
                errormsg = item.value
                #print 'testing', errormsg
                return 2, errormsg   # Yes errors occurred (inc. "neutralino not LSP")
            except KeyError as err:
                if err.message==4: pass        # No errors occurred
                else: raise    
        # Read in the tuning file; no error checks to perform. 
        # temp! Many points passing the checks which seem messed up, need to see what is wrong with them...
        #print "#====================================================="   
        #print "#====================================================="   
        #print "SPINFO block:"
        #print "RDINFO block:"
        #print "------------------------------------------------------"
        #print "parameter values:"
        #print "M2    : {0}".format(self.SLHAspectr.block('EXTPAR')[2]).rstrip('\n')
        #print "lambda: {0}".format(self.SLHAspectr.block('EXTPAR')[61]).rstrip('\n')
        #print "kappa : {0}".format(self.SLHAspectr.block('EXTPAR')[62]).rstrip('\n')
        #print "TanB  : {0}".format(self.SLHAspectr.block('MINPAR')[3]).rstrip('\n')
        #print "------------------------------------------------------"
        #print "tuning file values:"
        #   self.SLHAtuning.block('TUNJACOB')[10]
        #   print "logJuds_a : {0}".format(self.SLHAtuning.block('TUNJACOB')[10]).rstrip('\n')
        #   print "logJuds_b : {0}".format(self.SLHAtuning.block('TUNJACOB')[11]).rstrip('\n')
        #   print "logJuds_c : {0}".format(self.SLHAtuning.block('TUNJACOB')[12]).rstrip('\n')
        #   print "logAJUDS  : {0}".format(self.SLHAtuning.block('TUNJACOB')[21]).rstrip('\n')
        #except TypeError:
        #   print "No TUNJACOB block!"
        #print "#====================================================="
        ## flush buffer to make sure this prints in the right place
        #Made it to the end of the checks! Therefore no errors occurred.
        return 0, ''
    def getspecobs(self,skiperrors=True):
        """Gather results of computations"""
        # self.SLHAspectr.readdata() # Now must run 'checkoutput' first
        return self.SLHAspectr.getobs(specdict)                            #extract observables from SLHA file using translation dictionary

    def gettunobs(self,skiperrors=True):
        """Gather results of computations"""
        #self.SLHAtuning.readdata()  # Doesn't get done in error checks, so do it here
        return self.SLHAtuning.getobs(tundict)                            #extract observables from SLHA file using translation dictionary

    def getomegaobs(self,skiperrors=True):
        """Gather results of computations"""
        if self.options['usemicromegas'] != 0:
            # extract observables from SLHA file using translation dictionary
            obsdict = self.SLHAomega.getobs(DMdict) 
            # Nothing was computed in this case
            obsdict = {}
        return obsdict 
    # Naming dictionary for observables read from decay file     
    entries = []
    higgses = [1,2,3]
    for h in higgses:
        # tuples are ("crushed" comment name, decaydict key)
        entries += [
                    ('#BR(H_%i->gluongluon)'%h, 'BR(H%i->gg)'%h),
                    ('#BR(H_%i->muonmuon)'%h,   'BR(H%i->mumu)'%h),
                    ('#BR(H_%i->tautau)'%h,     'BR(H%i->tautau)'%h),
                    ('#BR(H_%i->ssbar)'%h,      'BR(H%i->ssbar)'%h),
                    ('#BR(H_%i->ccbar)'%h,      'BR(H%i->ccbar)'%h),
                    ('#BR(H_%i->bbbar)'%h,      'BR(H%i->bbbar)'%h),
                    ('#BR(H_%i->ttbar)'%h,      'BR(H%i->ttbar)'%h),
                    ('#BR(H_%i->W+W-)'%h,       'BR(H%i->W+W-)'%h),
                    ('#BR(H_%i->ZZ)'%h,         'BR(H%i->ZZ)'%h),
                    ('#BR(H_%i->gammagamma)'%h, 'BR(H%i->aa)'%h),
                    ('#BR(H_%i->Zgamma)'%h,     'BR(H%i->Za)'%h),    
    decayentries = dict(entries)        
    def getdecayobs(self,skiperrors=True):
        """Reads the 'decay' output file of NMSSMTools
        This one has a weird (but SLHA compliant) format, so we cannot use the 
        standard pysusy block format reader. A custom one is used below.
        Only extracts Higgs decay information at this time."""
        decaydict = {}
        with open(self.decay,'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                words = line.split()
                # Check if we have reached a new section yet
                if words[:2]==['DECAY','25']:
                    decaydict['H1-width'] = float(words[2]); higgs=1; continue
                elif words[:2]==['DECAY','35']:
                    decaydict['H2-width'] = float(words[2]); higgs=2; continue
                elif words[:2]==['DECAY','45']:
                    decaydict['H3-width'] = float(words[2]); higgs=3; continue
                # Branching ratios (read based on "crushed" comment)
                crushedcomment = ''.join(words[4:])
                if crushedcomment in self.decayentries.keys():
                    decaydict[self.decayentries[crushedcomment]] \
                            = float(words[0])
        # Finished reading file!                                  
        return decaydict              
    def writeinput(self,paramvector):
        """Write the input SLHA file.
        Parameter names used in 'paramvector' dictionary must match
        paramvector - dictionary containing parameter names and values
        options - dictionary containing option names and values
        if self.template == None:
            raise ValueError('Error in ISAJET wrapper: Attempted to \
create input SLHA file without specifying a template!')
            for param,val in self.options.items()+paramvector.items():
                    blockname,indices = specdict[param]                 #get the block and index for this parameter
                except KeyError, err:
                    msg = '{0} : Parameter name supplied in paramvector \
(or options) does not match any entry of the SLHA mapping dictionary (param = {1}, \
paramvector = {2}'.format(err,param,paramvector)
                    raise KeyError(msg)
                if len(indices)==1: 
                    self.SLHAtemplate.block(blockname)[indices[0]].value = val   #set the new parameter value in the template SLHA file object
                #elif len(indices)==2:  WONT WORK! SEE self.getobs
                #    self.SLHAtemplate.block(blockname)[indices[0]][indices[1]].value = val
                    raise KeyError('No entry found in template nmspec SLHA \
input file for specified parameter! (param={0}, blockname={1}, indices={2})'.format(param,blockname,indices))
            self.SLHAtemplate.copyto(self.infile)                       #save the modified template values into 'infile' in SLHA format
class Isajet:
    def __init__(self,infile,outfile,template=None,silenceobjs=None):
        self.infile = infile                                            #Either the file to use as input, or the name to given the input file which will be created from the file 'template'.
        self.outfile = outfile
        self.SLHAout = SpectrumFile(name=self.outfile, directory='')    #SpectrumFile has extra blueprints defined to deal with multi-index items
        if template != None:
            self.template = template
            self.SLHAtemplate = SLHAFile(name=self.template, directory='')       #File to modify to create infile
            self.SLHAtemplate.readdata()                                #Read data from the template file
        #save info about stdout for use by silence functions
        ##self.null_fds = [os.open(os.devnull, os.O_RDWR) for x in xrange(2)] # open 2 fds
        ##self.save = os.dup(1), os.dup(2)                                # save the current file descriptors to a tuple
        #self.null_fds, self.save = silenceobjs
    def silence(self):
        """Kill the stdout of the current process. Lets us silence the
        output of the wrapped fortran code, which 
        sys.stdout = open('/dev/null'), for example, does not"""
        os.dup2(self.null_fds[0], 1)                                    # put /dev/null fds on 1 and 2
        os.dup2(self.null_fds[1], 2)
    def unsilence(self):
        """undoes the action of silence"""
        os.dup2(self.save[0], 1)                                        # restore file descriptors so I can print the results
        os.dup2(self.save[1], 2)
        # close the temporary fds
        #os.close(null_fds[0]) #don't think I want to do this, may as well keep using the same ones every loop
    def run(self):
        """Execute process
        Used to use multiprocessing module to spawn the new process, but
        it does weird things like 'import random', so now we'll just do
        the fork ourselves.
        sys.stdout.flush()                                              #os.fork() clones the io buffer for these files, so make sure they get dumped to disk before the fork or the output will get duplicated. 
        childpid = os.fork()                                            #spawn child process and get its pid (or 0 if this is the child process)
        if childpid == 0:
            #self.silence()                                              # Don't want default output clogging up our log files so dump it all to dev/null
            with Silence(): isajet.isasugraslha(self.infile, self.outfile)              #run isajet in the child process, in case a STOP statement is encountered in the fortran code
            os._exit(0)                                                 #exit the child process with error code 0 (even if isajet fails we'll still do this coz we can tell how things went from the output file)
            os.waitpid(childpid, 0)
        #self.unsilence()    #do the unsilencing out here, since the child process can be killed by isajet
        #print 'hello'
        """The fork seems to be slower than using Process, somehow? Check this.
        update: apparently the average time comes out the same so I guess it is fine
        sys.stderr.write('RUNNING ISAJET')
        p = Process(target=isajet.isasugraslha, args=(self.infile, self.outfile))
        sys.stderr.write('ISAJET PROCESS REJOINED')
    def getobs(self,skiperrors=True):
        """Gather results of computations"""
        return self.SLHAout.getobs(SLHAdict)                            #extract observables from SLHA file using translation dictionary
        self.SLHAout.readdata()                                         #read SLHA file (NOTE: THIS BY FAR DOMINATES THE CPU TIME FOR getobs. OPTIMISE THIS IF REQUIRED)
        self.obs = {}                                                   #reset output dictionary
        for key,(blockname,indices) in SLHAdict.items():                #cycle through SLHA translation dictionary
            item = self.SLHAout.block(blockname)
                for i in indices:
                   item = item[i]                                       #dig through nested lists of items 
            except TypeError:                                      
                if item: item = item[indices]                           #if no more item lists are found, assume we have only one index
                else: return None
            except AttributeError:
                print "Error extracting value from file {0}, block {1}, index {2}. Blueprint may \
    be missing, perhaps because file object is created from a class lacking this blueprint, for \
    example from 'SLHAFile' rather than 'SpectrumFile'.".format(self.SLHAout.name,blockname,indices)
            self.obs[key] = item.value
                if len(indices)==1: 
                    self.obs[key] = self.SLHAout.block(blockname)[indices[0]].value  #extract observables from SLHA file object
                elif len(indices)==2:
                    print self.SLHAout.block(blockname)
                    print dir(self.SLHAout.block(blockname))
                    print self.SLHAout.block(blockname)[1]
                    item = self.SLHAout.block(blockname)
                        for i in indices:
                            item = item[i]
                    except TypeError:
                        if item: item = item[index]
                    self.obs[key] = self.SLHAout.block(blockname,indices)
                    self.obs[key] = self.SLHAout.block(blockname)[indices[0],indices[1]].value
                    raise KeyError('Invalid indices found in isajet SLHA \
input file! (key={0}, blockname={1}, indices={2})'.format(key,blockname,indices))
            except (KeyError, TypeError):
                print 'Invalid indices found in isajet SLHA \
input file! (key={0}, blockname={1}, indices={2})'.format(key,blockname,indices)
        return self.obs
    def writeinput(self,paramvector):
        """Write the input SLHA file.
        Parameter names used in 'paramvector' dictionary must match
        if self.template == None:
            raise ValueError('Error in ISAJET wrapper: Attempted to \
create input SLHA file without specifying a template!')
            for param,val in paramvector.items():
                    blockname,indices = SLHAdict[param]                 #get the block and index for this parameter
                except KeyError, err:
                    msg = '{0} : Parameter name supplied in paramvector \
does not match any entry of the SLHA mapping dictionary (param = {1}, \
paramvector = {2}'.format(err,param,paramvector)
                    raise KeyError(msg)
                if len(indices)==1: 
                    self.SLHAtemplate.block(blockname)[indices[0]].value = val   #set the new parameter value in the template SLHA file object
                #elif len(indices)==2:  WONT WORK! SEE self.getobs
                #    self.SLHAtemplate.block(blockname)[indices[0]][indices[1]].value = val
                    raise KeyError('No entry found in template isajet SLHA \
input file for specified parameter! (param={0}, blockname={1}, indices={2})'.format(param,blockname,indices))
            self.SLHAtemplate.copyto(self.infile)                       #save the modified template values into 'infile' in SLHA format