def draw(self): """ Draw the shape, text, etc """ self.Figure() self.DrawActual(self.x, self.y) self.DrawTarget(self.x + 70, self.y) canv_utils.DrawRectangle(self.canv, (self.x, -self.y), (self.width, self.height)) canv_utils.DrawRectangle(self.canv, (self.x + 70, -self.y), (self.width, self.height))
def draw(self): """ Draw the shape, text, etc """ self.setTitle("--- Blood Pressure Graph ---") self.setXlabel("Time") self.setYLabel("Blood Pressure") canv_utils.DrawRectangle(self.canv, (0, 0), (self.width, self.height)) # canv_utils.DrawRectangle(self.canv, (self.pX, self.pY), (self.pWidth, self.pHeight), color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1), fill=1) from datetime import datetime start = datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0).timestamp() end = datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=23, minute=59, second=59, microsecond=999999).timestamp() data = generator.GenerateData(start, end) flowable = BPGraph(data, width=self.pWidth, height=self.pHeight) canv_utils.DrawCustomFlowable(self.canv, flowable, (self.pX, self.pY), (, self.ah))
def draw(self): """ Draw the shape, text, etc """ if self.dp.Title is not None: self.setTitle(self.dp.Title) if self.dp.xLabel is not None: self.setXlabel(self.dp.xLabel) if self.dp.yLabel is not None: self.setYLabel(self.dp.yLabel) if self.dp.Boundary: canv_utils.DrawRectangle(self.canv, (0, 0), (self.width, self.height)) flowable = DrawAxis(self, width=self.pWidth, height=self.pHeight) canv_utils.DrawCustomFlowable(self.canv, flowable, (self.pX, self.pY), (, self.ah)) for gd in self.dp.Plots: if gd['type'] in [ 'lineplot', 'fillbetween', 'fillabove', 'fillbelow' ]: flowable = LineGraph(self, gd, width=self.pWidth, height=self.pHeight) elif gd['type'] == 'range': flowable = RangePlot(self, gd, width=self.pWidth, height=self.pHeight) else: print("We Don't Support Graph of Type", gd['type']) continue canv_utils.DrawCustomFlowable(self.canv, flowable, (self.pX, self.pY), (, self.ah))
def Figure(self, grid=False): canv_utils.DrawRectangle(self.canv, (0, 0), (self.width, self.height)) self.canv.saveState() self.canv.setStrokeColor(Color(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3)) self.canv.setFontSize(9) self.DrawVGrid(grid) self.DrawHGrid(grid) self.canv.restoreState()
def draw(self): """ Draw the shape, text, etc """ self.setTitle("--- Blood Pressure Graph ---") self.setXlabel("Time") self.setYLabel("Blood Pressure") canv_utils.DrawRectangle(self.canv, (0, 0), (self.width, self.height)) # canv_utils.DrawRectangle(self.canv, (self.pX, self.pY), (self.pWidth, self.pHeight), color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1), fill=1) flowable = BPGraph(, width=self.pWidth, height=self.pHeight) canv_utils.DrawCustomFlowable(self.canv, flowable, (self.pX, self.pY), (, self.ah))
def DrawTarget(self, x, y): current = 0 font_size = 10 canv_utils.WriteText(self.canv, "Target", x=x + 35, y=y + 70, rot=-0, font_size=15) for i in range(len( height = self.height * ([i].target / self.Stats['target']['sum']) text_vloc = -(y - (self.height * self.TextPos[i])) center_of_graph = -(y - current) + (height / 2) # canv_utils.DrawLine(self.canv, (x - font_size - 18, text_vloc), (x, center_of_graph), color=self.Colors[i]) # canv_utils.WriteText(self.canv,[i].range, x=x - font_size - 20, y=text_vloc, # rot=-0, font_size=font_size) canv_utils.DrawLine(self.canv, (x + self.width, center_of_graph), (x + font_size + self.width + 18, text_vloc), color=self.Colors[i]) canv_utils.WriteLeftAlignedText(self.canv,[i].category, x=x + font_size + self.width + 20, y=text_vloc, rot=-0, font_size=font_size) canv_utils.DrawRectangle(self.canv, (x, -(y - current)), (self.width, height), fill=1, stroke=0, color=self.Colors[i]) current += height
def DrawActual(self, x, y, border=False): current = 0 font_size = 10 canv_utils.WriteText(self.canv, "Actual", x=x + 35, y=y + 70, rot=-0, font_size=15) for i in range(len( height = self.height * ([i].actual / 100) text_vloc = -(y - (self.height * self.TextPos[i])) center_of_graph = -(y - current) + (height / 2) canv_utils.DrawLine(self.canv, (x - font_size - 18, text_vloc), (x, center_of_graph), color=self.Colors[i]) canv_utils.WriteText(self.canv,[i].range, x=x - font_size - 20, y=text_vloc, rot=-0, font_size=font_size) # canv_utils.DrawLine(self.canv, (x + self.width, center_of_graph), # (x + font_size + self.width + 18, text_vloc), color=self.Colors[i]) # canv_utils.WriteLeftAlignedText(self.canv,[i].category, x=x + font_size + self.width + 20, # y=text_vloc, rot=-0, font_size=font_size) canv_utils.DrawRectangle(self.canv, (x, -(y - current)), (self.width, height), fill=1, stroke=0, color=self.Colors[i]) current += height
def draw(self): """ Draw the shape, text, etc """ self.Figure(grid=True) area = self.Stats['xAxis']['major_size'] padding = 0.07 center_space = 0.07 padding_size = padding * area center_size = center_space * area bar_size = (area - (padding_size * 2 + center_size)) / 2 self.canv.saveState() self.canv.setFontSize(8) self.canv.setFillColorRGB(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) for i in range(len( data_row =[i] actual = canv_utils.Point2Pixel(0, self.Stats['yAxis']['max'], 0, self.height, max(data_row.actual, 0.2)) target = canv_utils.Point2Pixel(0, self.Stats['yAxis']['max'], 0, self.height, max(, 0.2)) xy = (padding_size + area * i, 0) wh = (bar_size, actual) xy2 = (padding_size + center_size + bar_size + area * i, 0) wh2 = (bar_size, target) # print("XY: ", xy) # print("WH: ", wh) # print("bar_size: ", bar_size, "padding_size: ", padding_size, "center_size", center_size) # Actual Bar w_txt, h_txt = canv_utils.GetFontWidhHeight( f"A: {data_row.actual}%", self.canv._fontname, self.canv._fontsize) canv_utils.DrawRectangle(self.canv, xy, wh, fill=1, color=self.Colors[i], stroke=0) canv_utils.WriteText(self.canv, f"A: {data_row.actual}%", xy[0] + wh[0] / 2 + w_txt / 2, wh[1] / 2, rot=0) # Target Bar w_txt, h_txt = canv_utils.GetFontWidhHeight( f"T: {}%", self.canv._fontname, self.canv._fontsize) canv_utils.DrawRectangle(self.canv, xy2, wh2, fill=1, color=self.Colors[i], stroke=0) canv_utils.WriteText(self.canv, f"T: {}%", xy2[0] + wh2[0] / 2 + w_txt / 2, wh2[1] / 2, rot=0) self.canv.restoreState()
def draw(self): canv_utils.DrawRectangle(self.canv, (0, 0), (self.width, self.height)) self.DrawWeeks()