def __init__(self): self.op_params = opParams() self.params = None self.sleep_time = 0.75 self.live_tuning = self.op_params.get('op_edit_live_mode') self.username = self.op_params.get('username') self.type_colors = {int: COLORS.BASE(179), float: COLORS.BASE(179), bool: {False: COLORS.RED, True: COLORS.OKGREEN}, type(None): COLORS.BASE(177), str: COLORS.BASE(77)} self.last_choice = None self.run_init()
def change_parameter(self, choice): while True: chosen_key = list(self.params)[choice] param_info = self.op_params.param_info(chosen_key) old_value = self.params[chosen_key] if self.info2('Chosen parameter: {}{} (live!)'.format(chosen_key, COLORS.BASE(207)), sleep_time=0) else: self.info2('Chosen parameter: {}'.format(chosen_key), sleep_time=0) to_print = [] if param_info.has_description: to_print.append(COLORS.OKGREEN + '>> Description: {}'.format(param_info.description.replace('\n', '\n > ')) + COLORS.ENDC) if param_info.has_allowed_types: to_print.append(COLORS.RED + '>> Allowed types: {}'.format(', '.join([at.__name__ for at in param_info.allowed_types])) + COLORS.ENDC) if to_print: print('\n{}\n'.format('\n'.join(to_print))) if param_info.is_list: self.change_param_list(old_value, param_info, chosen_key) # TODO: need to merge the code in this function with the below to reduce redundant code return v_color = '' if type(old_value) in self.type_colors: v_color = self.type_colors[type(old_value)] if isinstance(old_value, bool): v_color = v_color[old_value]'Current value: {}{}{} (type: {})'.format(v_color, old_value, COLORS.INFO, type(old_value).__name__), sleep_time=0) while True: self.prompt('\nEnter your new value:') new_value = input('>> ').strip() if new_value == '':'Exiting this parameter...\n', 0.5) return new_value = self.str_eval(new_value) if not param_info.is_valid(new_value): self.error('The type of data you entered ({}) is not allowed with this parameter!'.format(type(new_value).__name__)) continue if # stay in live tuning interface self.op_params.put(chosen_key, new_value) self.success('Saved {} with value: {}! (type: {})'.format(chosen_key, new_value, type(new_value).__name__)) else: # else ask to save and break print('\nOld value: {} (type: {})'.format(old_value, type(old_value).__name__)) print('New value: {} (type: {})'.format(new_value, type(new_value).__name__)) self.prompt('\nDo you want to save this?') if self.input_with_options(['Y', 'n'], 'n')[0] == 0: self.op_params.put(chosen_key, new_value) self.success('Saved!') else:'Not saved!', sleep_time=0) return
def color_name(given_color_name): """Convert color name to RGB hex value.""" # COLORS map has no spaces in it, so make the color_name have no # spaces in it as well for matching purposes rgb_value = COLORS.get(given_color_name.replace(" ", "").lower()) if not rgb_value: raise vol.Invalid("Unknown color {0}".format(given_color_name)) return rgb_value
def run_loop(self): while True: if not self.live_tuning:'Here are your parameters:', end='\n', sleep_time=0) else:'Here are your live parameters:', sleep_time=0)'(changes take effect within {} seconds)'.format(self.op_params.read_frequency), end='\n', sleep_time=0) self.params = self.op_params.get(force_live=True) if self.live_tuning: # only display live tunable params self.params = {k: v for k, v in self.params.items() if self.op_params.fork_params[k].live} values_list = [] for k, v in self.params.items(): if len(str(v)) < 20: v_color = '' if type(v) in self.type_colors: v_color = self.type_colors[type(v)] if isinstance(v, bool): v_color = v_color[v] v = '{}{}{}'.format(v_color, v, COLORS.ENDC) else: v = '{} ... {}'.format(str(v)[:30], str(v)[-15:]) values_list.append(v) live = [COLORS.INFO + '(live!)' + COLORS.ENDC if self.op_params.fork_params[k].live else '' for k in self.params] to_print = [] blue_gradient = [33, 39, 45, 51, 87] for idx, param in enumerate(self.params): line = '{}. {}: {} {}'.format(idx + 1, param, values_list[idx], live[idx]) if idx == self.last_choice and self.last_choice is not None: line = COLORS.OKGREEN + line else: _color = blue_gradient[min(round(idx / len(self.params) * len(blue_gradient)), len(blue_gradient) - 1)] line = COLORS.BASE(_color) + line to_print.append(line) extras = {'l': ('Toggle live tuning', COLORS.WARNING), 'e': ('Exit opEdit', COLORS.PINK)} to_print += ['---'] + ['{}. {}'.format(ext_col + e, ext_txt + COLORS.ENDC) for e, (ext_txt, ext_col) in extras.items()] print('\n'.join(to_print)) self.prompt('\nChoose a parameter to edit (by index or name):') choice = input('>> ').strip().lower() parsed, choice = self.parse_choice(choice, len(to_print) - len(extras)) if parsed == 'continue': continue elif parsed == 'change': self.last_choice = choice self.change_parameter(choice) elif parsed == 'live': self.last_choice = None self.live_tuning = not self.live_tuning self.op_params.put('op_edit_live_mode', self.live_tuning) # for next opEdit startup elif parsed == 'exit': return
def str_color(msg, style, surround=False): if style == 'success': style = COLORS.SUCCESS elif style == 'fail': style = COLORS.FAIL elif style == 'prompt': style = COLORS.PROMPT elif style == 'info': style = COLORS.INFO elif style == 'cyan': style = COLORS.CYAN elif isinstance(style, int): style = COLORS.BASE(86) if surround: msg = '{}--------\n{}\n{}--------{}'.format(style, msg, COLORS.ENDC + style, COLORS.ENDC) else: msg = '{}{}{}'.format(style, msg, COLORS.ENDC) return msg
def run_loop(self): while True: if not self.live_tuning:'Here are your parameters:', end='\n', sleep_time=0) else:'Here are your live parameters:', sleep_time=0)'(changes take effect within {} seconds)'.format( self.op_params.read_frequency), end='\n', sleep_time=0) self.params = self.op_params.get(force_live=True) if self.live_tuning: # only display live tunable params self.params = { k: v for k, v in self.params.items() if self.op_params.param_info(k).live } self.params = OrderedDict( sorted(self.params.items(), key=self.sort_params)) values_list = [] for k, v in self.params.items(): if len(str(v)) < 30 or len(str(v)) <= len('{} ... {}'.format( str(v)[:30], str(v)[-15:])): v_color = '' if type(v) in self.type_colors: v_color = self.type_colors[type(v)] if isinstance(v, bool): v_color = v_color[v] v = '{}{}{}'.format(v_color, v, COLORS.ENDC) else: v = '{} ... {}'.format(str(v)[:30], str(v)[-15:]) values_list.append(v) live = [ COLORS.INFO + '(live!)' + COLORS.ENDC if self.op_params.param_info(k).live else '' for k in self.params ] to_print = [] blue_gradient = [33, 39, 45, 51, 87] last_key = '' last_info = None shown_dots = False for idx, param in enumerate(self.params): info = self.op_params.param_info(param) indent = self.get_sort_key(param).count(',') line = '' if not info.depends_on or param in last_info.children and \ self.op_params.get(last_key) and self.op_params.get(info.depends_on): line = '{}. {}: {} {}'.format(idx + 1, param, values_list[idx], live[idx]) line = indent * '.' + line elif not shown_dots and last_info and param in last_info.children: line = '...' shown_dots = True if line: if idx == self.last_choice and self.last_choice is not None: line = COLORS.OKGREEN + line else: _color = blue_gradient[min( round(idx / len(self.params) * len(blue_gradient)), len(blue_gradient) - 1)] line = COLORS.BASE(_color) + line if last_info and len(last_info.children) and indent == 0: line = '\n' + line shown_dots = False to_print.append(line) if indent == 0: last_key = param last_info = info extras = { 'a': ('Add new parameter', COLORS.OKGREEN), 'd': ('Delete parameter', COLORS.FAIL), 'l': ('Toggle live tuning', COLORS.WARNING), 'e': ('Exit opEdit', COLORS.PINK) } to_print += ['---'] + [ '{}. {}'.format(ext_col + e, ext_txt + COLORS.ENDC) for e, (ext_txt, ext_col) in extras.items() ] print('\n'.join(to_print)) self.prompt('\nChoose a parameter to edit (by index or name):') choice = input('>> ').strip().lower() parsed, choice = self.parse_choice(choice, len(self.params) + len(extras)) if parsed == 'continue': continue elif parsed == 'add': self.add_parameter() elif parsed == 'change': self.last_choice = choice self.change_parameter(choice) elif parsed == 'delete': self.delete_parameter() elif parsed == 'live': self.last_choice = None self.live_tuning = not self.live_tuning self.op_params.put('op_edit_live_mode', self.live_tuning) # for next opEdit startup elif parsed == 'exit': return
def change_parameter(self, choice): while True: chosen_key = list(self.params)[choice] param_info = self.op_params.fork_params[chosen_key] old_value = self.params[chosen_key] if not param_info.static: self.info2('Chosen parameter: {}{} (live!)'.format( chosen_key, COLORS.BASE(207)), sleep_time=0) else: self.info2('Chosen parameter: {}{} (static)'.format( chosen_key, COLORS.BASE(207)), sleep_time=0) to_print = [] if param_info.has_description: to_print.append(COLORS.OKGREEN + '>> Description: {}'.format( param_info.description.replace('\n', '\n > ')) + COLORS.ENDC) if param_info.static: to_print.append( COLORS.WARNING + '>> A reboot is required for changes to this parameter!' + COLORS.ENDC) if not param_info.static and not to_print.append( COLORS.WARNING + '>> Changes take effect within 10 seconds for this parameter!' + COLORS.ENDC) if param_info.has_allowed_types: to_print.append(COLORS.RED + '>> Allowed types: {}'.format( ', '.join([at.__name__ for at in param_info.allowed_types])) + COLORS.ENDC) to_print.append(COLORS.WARNING + '>> Default value: {}'.format( self.color_from_type(param_info.default_value)) + COLORS.ENDC) if to_print: print('\n{}\n'.format('\n'.join(to_print))) if param_info.is_list: self.change_param_list( old_value, param_info, chosen_key ) # TODO: need to merge the code in this function with the below to reduce redundant code return'Current value: {}{} (type: {})'.format( self.color_from_type(old_value), COLORS.INFO, type(old_value).__name__), sleep_time=0) while True: self.prompt('\nEnter your new value (enter to exit):') new_value = input('>> ').strip() if new_value == '':'Exiting this parameter...\n') return new_value = self.str_eval(new_value) if not param_info.is_valid(new_value): self.error( 'The type of data you entered ({}) is not allowed with this parameter!' .format(type(new_value).__name__)) continue if not param_info.static: # stay in live tuning interface self.op_params.put(chosen_key, new_value) self.success( 'Saved {} with value: {}{}! (type: {})'.format( chosen_key, self.color_from_type(new_value), COLORS.SUCCESS, type(new_value).__name__)) else: # else ask to save and break self.warning('\nOld value: {}{} (type: {})'.format( self.color_from_type(old_value), COLORS.WARNING, type(old_value).__name__)) self.success('New value: {}{} (type: {})'.format( self.color_from_type(new_value), COLORS.OKGREEN, type(new_value).__name__), sleep_time=0) self.prompt('\nDo you want to save this?') if self.input_with_options(['Y', 'N'], 'N')[0] == 0: self.op_params.put(chosen_key, new_value) self.success('Saved!') else:'Not saved!') return